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Article 7U.K.Assistance on request

1.Where a competent body of a Member State undertakes control activities on its territory, it may appeal for information from the Commission or a competent body of any other Member State liable to be affected directly or indirectly.

The Commission shall be notified whenever the product which is the subject of the controls referred to in the first subparagraph originates in a third country, and if the marketing of this product may be of specific interest to other Member States.

The body appealed to shall provide all such information as may enable the applicant body to carry out its duties.

2.Where reasoned application is made by the applicant body, the body appealed to shall perform special supervision or checks with a view to achieving the aims pursued, or shall take the necessary steps to ensure that such supervision or checks are performed.

3.The body appealed to shall act as though on its own behalf.

4.In agreement with the body appealed to, the applicant body may designate officials:

The copies referred to in the first indent may be made only with the agreement of the body appealed to.

The officials of the body appealed to shall remain in charge of the control operations at all times.

The officials of the applicant body shall:

5.The requests referred to in this Article shall be forwarded to the body appealed to in the Member State in question via the liaison body of that Member State. The same procedure shall apply to:

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph and in the interests of quicker and more effective cooperation between them, Member States may permit a competent body to:

Article 8U.K.Unsolicited assistance

Where a competent body of a Member State has grounds for suspicion or becomes aware that:

that competent body shall, via the liaison body under which it comes, notify the liaison body of the Member State concerned and the Commission without delay.

Article 9U.K.Common provisions

1.The information referred to in Article 7(1) and Article 8 shall be accompanied and supplemented as soon as possible by relevant documents and other evidence and a reference to any administrative measures or legal proceedings, and shall specifically cover:

2.The liaison bodies involved in a case for which the assistance procedure is initiated shall inform each other without delay of:

3.Travel costs incurred when implementing Article 7(2) and (4) shall be borne by: