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SECTION IU.K.Definitions

For the purposes of the international certification scheme for rough diamonds (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Certification Scheme’) the following definitions apply:

SECTION IIU.K.The Kimberley Process Certificate

Each Participant should ensure that:


a Kimberley Process Certificate (hereafter referred to as the Certificate) accompanies each shipment of rough diamonds on export;


its processes for issuing Certificates meet the minimum standards of the Kimberley Process as set out in Section IV;


Certificates meet the minimum requirements set out in Annex I. As long as these requirements are met, Participants may at their discretion establish additional characteristics for their own Certificates, for example their form, additional data or security elements;


it notifies all other Participants through the Chair of the features of its Certificate as specified in Annex I, for purposes of validation.

SECTION IIIU.K.Undertakings in respect of the international trade in rough diamonds

Each Participant should:


with regard to shipments of rough diamonds exported to a Participant, require that each such shipment is accompanied by a duly validated Certificate;


with regard to shipments of rough diamonds imported from a Participant:

  • require a duly validated Certificate;

  • ensure that confirmation of receipt is sent expeditiously to the relevant Exporting Authority. The confirmation should as a minimum refer to the Certificate number, the number of parcels, the carat weight and the details of the importer and exporter;

  • require that the original of the Certificate be readily accessible for a period of no less than three years;


ensure that no shipment of rough diamonds is imported from or exported to a non-Participant;


recognise that Participants through whose territory shipments transit are not required to meet the requirement of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, and of Section II (a) provided that the designated authorities of the Participant through whose territory a shipment passes, ensure that the shipment leaves its territory in an identical state as it entered its territory (i.e. unopened and not tampered with).

SECTION IVU.K.Internal controls

Undertakings by ParticipantsU.K.

Each Participant should:


establish a system of internal controls designed to eliminate the presence of conflict diamonds from shipments of rough diamonds imported into and exported from its territory;


designate an Importing and an Exporting Authority(ies);


ensure that rough diamonds are imported and exported in tamper resistant containers;


as required, amend or enact appropriate laws or regulations to implement and enforce the Certification Scheme and to maintain dissuasive and proportional penalties for transgressions;


collect and maintain relevant official production, import and export data, and collate and exchange such data in accordance with the provisions of Section V.


when establishing a system of internal controls, take into account, where appropriate, the further options and recommendations for internal controls as elaborated in Annex II.

Principles of Industry Self-RegulationU.K.

Participants understand that a voluntary system of industry self-regulation, as referred to in the Preamble of this Document, will provide for a system of warranties underpinned through verification by independent auditors of individual companies and supported by internal penalties set by industry, which will help to facilitate the full traceability of rough diamond transactions by government authorities.

SECTION VU.K.Cooperation and transparency

Participants should:


provide to each other through the Chair information identifying their designated authorities or bodies responsible for implementing the provisions of this Certification Scheme. Each Participant should provide to other Participants through the Chair information, preferably in electronic format, on its relevant laws, regulations, rules, procedures and practices, and update that information as required. This should include a synopsis in English of the essential content of this information;


compile and make available to all other Participants through the Chair statistical data in line with the principles set out in Annex III;


exchange on a regular basis experiences and other relevant information, including on self-assessment, in order to arrive at the best practice in given circumstances;


consider favourably requests from other Participants for assistance to improve the functioning of the Certification Scheme within their territories;


inform another Participant through the Chair if it considers that the laws, regulations, rules, procedures or practices of that other Participant do not ensure the absence of conflict diamonds in the exports of that other Participant;


cooperate with other Participants to attempt to resolve problems which may arise from unintentional circumstances and which could lead to non-fulfilment of the minimum requirements for the issuance or acceptance of the Certificates, and inform all other Participants of the essence of the problems encountered and of solutions found;


encourage, through their relevant authorities, closer cooperation between law enforcement agencies and between customs agencies of Participants.

SECTION VIU.K.Administrative matters


1.Participants and Observers are to meet in Plenary annually, and on other occasions as Participants may deem necessary, in order to discuss the effectiveness of the Certification Scheme.U.K.
2.Participants should adopt Rules of Procedure for such meetings at the first Plenary meeting.U.K.
3.Meetings are to be held in the country where the Chair is located, unless a Participant or an international organisation offers to host a meeting and this offer has been accepted. The host country should facilitate entry formalities for those attending such meetings.U.K.
4.At the end of each Plenary meeting, a Chair would be elected to preside over all Plenary meetings, ad hoc working groups and other subsidiary bodies, which might be formed until the conclusion of the next annual Plenary meeting.U.K.
5.Participants are to reach decisions by consensus. In the event that consensus proves to be impossible, the Chair is to conduct consultations.U.K.


6.For the effective administration of the Certification Scheme, administrative support will be necessary. The modalities and functions of that support should be discussed at the first Plenary meeting, following endorsement by the UN General Assembly.U.K.
7.Administrative support could include the following functions:U.K.

to serve as a channel of communication, information sharing and consultation between the Participants with regard to matters provided for in this Document;


to maintain and make available for the use of all Participants a collection of those laws, regulations, rules, procedures, practices and statistics notified pursuant to Section V;


to prepare documents and provide administrative support for Plenary and working group meetings;


to undertake such additional responsibilities as the Plenary meetings, or any working group delegated by Plenary meetings, may instruct.


8.Participation in the Certification Scheme is open on a global, non-discriminatory basis to all Applicants willing and able to fulfill the requirements of that Scheme.U.K.

9.Any applicant wishing to participate in the Certification Scheme should signify its interest by notifying the Chair through diplomatic channels. This notification should include the information set forth in paragraph (a) of Section V and be circulated to all Participants within one month.U.K.

10.Participants intend to invite representatives of civil society, the diamond industry, non-participating governments and international organisations to participate in Plenary meetings as Observers.U.K.


11.Participants are to prepare, and make available to other Participants, in advance of annual Plenary meetings of the Kimberley Process, information as stipulated in paragraph (a) of Section V outlining how the requirements of the Certification Scheme are being implemented within their respective jurisdictions.U.K.

12.The agenda of annual Plenary meetings is to include an item where information as stipulated in paragraph (a) of Section V is reviewed and Participants can provide further details of their respective systems at the request of the Plenary.U.K.

13.Where further clarification is needed, Participants at Plenary meetings, upon recommendation by the Chair, can identify and decide on additional verification measures to be undertaken. Such measures are to be implemented in accordance with applicable national and international law. These could include, but need not be limited to measures such as:U.K.


requesting additional information and clarification from Participants;


review missions by other Participants or their representatives where there are credible indications of significant non-compliance with the Certification Scheme.

14.Review missions are to be conducted in an analytical, expert and impartial manner with the consent of the Participant concerned. The size, composition, terms of reference and time-frame of these missions should be based on the circumstances and be established by the Chair with the consent of the Participant concerned and in consultation with all Participants.U.K.

15.A report on the results of compliance verification measures is to be forwarded to the Chair and to the Participant concerned within three weeks of completion of the mission. Any comments from that Participant as well as the report, are to be posted on the restricted access section of an official Certification Scheme website no later than three weeks after the submission of the report to the Participant concerned. Participants and Observers should make every effort to observe strict confidentiality regarding the issue and the discussions relating to any compliance matter.U.K.


16.In the event that an issue regarding compliance by a Participant or any other issue regarding the implementation of the Certification Scheme arises, any concerned Participant may so inform the Chair, who is to inform all Participants without delay about the said concern and enter into dialogue on how to address it. Participants and Observers should make every effort to observe strict confidentiality regarding the issue and the discussions relating to any compliance matter.U.K.


17.This document may be modified by consensus of the Participants.U.K.
18.Modifications may be proposed by any Participant. Such proposals should be sent in writing to the Chair, at least ninety days before the next Plenary meeting, unless otherwise agreed.U.K.
19.The Chair is to circulate any proposed modification expeditiously to all Participants and Observers and place it on the agenda of the next annual Plenary meeting.U.K.


20.Participants intend that the Certification Scheme should be subject to periodic review, to allow Participants to conduct a thorough analysis of all elements contained in the scheme. The review should also include consideration of the continuing requirement for such a scheme, in view of the perception of the Participants, and of international organisations, in particular the United Nations, of the continued threat posed at that time by conflict diamonds. The first such review should take place no later than three years after the effective starting date of the Certification Scheme. The review meeting should normally coincide with the annual Plenary meeting, unless otherwise agreed.U.K.


21.The Certification Scheme should be established at the Ministerial Meeting on the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for Rough Diamonds in Interlaken on 5 November 2002.U.K.


A.Minimum requirements for CertificatesU.K.

A Certificate is to meet the following minimum requirements:

B.Optional Certificate ElementsU.K.

A Certificate may include the following optional features:

C.Optional ProceduresU.K.

Rough diamonds may be shipped in transparent security bags.

The unique Certificate number may be replicated on the container.


General RecommendationsU.K.

1.Participants may appoint an official coordinator(s) to deal with the implementation of the Certification Scheme.U.K.
2.Participants may consider the utility of complementing and/or enhancing the collection and publication of the statistics identified in Annex III based on the contents of Kimberley Process Certificates.U.K.
3.Participants are encouraged to maintain the information and data required by Section V on a computerised database.U.K.
4.Participants are encouraged to transmit and receive electronic messages in order to support the Certification Scheme.U.K.
5.Participants that produce diamonds and that have rebel groups suspected of mining diamonds within their territories are encouraged to identify the areas of rebel diamond mining activity and provide this information to all other Participants. This information should be updated on a regular basis.U.K.
6.Participants are encouraged to make known the names of individuals or companies convicted of activities relevant to the purposes of the Certification Scheme to all other Participants through the Chair.U.K.
7.Participants are encouraged to ensure that all cash purchases of rough diamonds are routed through official banking channels, supported by verifiable documentation.U.K.
8.Participants that produce diamonds should analyse their diamond production under the following headings:U.K.

Recommendations for Control over Diamond MinesU.K.

9.Participants are encouraged to ensure that all diamond mines are licensed and to allow only those mines so licensed to mine diamonds.U.K.
10.Participants are encouraged to ensure that prospecting and mining companies maintain effective security standards to ensure that conflict diamonds do not contaminate legitimate production.U.K.

Recommendations for Participants with Small-scale Diamond MiningU.K.

11.All artisanal and informal diamond miners should be licensed and only those persons so licensed should be allowed to mine diamonds.U.K.
12.Licensing records should contain the following minimum information: name, address, nationality and/or residence status and the area of authorised diamond mining activity.U.K.

Recommendations for Rough Diamond Buyers, Sellers and ExportersU.K.

13.All diamond buyers, sellers, exporters, agents and courier companies involved in carrying rough diamonds should be registered and licensed by each Participant's relevant authorities.U.K.
14.Licensing records should contain the following minimum information: name, address and nationality and/or residence status.U.K.
15.All rough diamond buyers, sellers and exporters should be required by law to keep for a period of five years daily buying, selling or exporting records listing the names of buying or selling clients, their license number and the amount and value of diamonds sold, exported or purchased.U.K.
16.The information in paragraph 14 above should be entered into a computerised database, to facilitate the presentation of detailed information relating to the activities of individual rough diamond buyers and sellers.U.K.

Recommendations for Export ProcessesU.K.

17.A exporter should submit a rough diamond shipment to the relevant Exporting Authority.U.K.
18.The Exporting Authority is encouraged, prior to validating a Certificate, to require an exporter to provide a declaration that the rough diamonds being exported are not conflict diamonds.U.K.
19.Rough diamonds should be sealed in a tamper proof container together with the Certificate or a duly authenticated copy. The Exporting Authority should then transmit a detailed e-mail message to the relevant Importing Authority containing information on the carat weight, value, country of origin or provenance, importer and the serial number of the Certificate.U.K.
20.The Exporting Authority should record all details of rough diamond shipments on a computerised database.U.K.

Recommendations for Import ProcessesU.K.

21.The Importing Authority should receive an e-mail message either before or upon arrival of a rough diamond shipment. The message should contain details such as the carat weight, value, country of origin or provenance, exporter and the serial number of the Certificate.U.K.
22.The Importing Authority should inspect the shipment of rough diamonds to verify that the seals and the container have not been tampered with and that the export was performed in accordance with the Certification Scheme.U.K.
23.The Importing Authority should open and inspect the contents of the shipment to verify the details declared on the Certificate.U.K.
24.Where applicable and when requested, the Importing Authority should send the return slip or import confirmation coupon to the relevant Exporting Authority.U.K.
25.The Importing Authority should record all details of rough diamond shipments on a computerised database.U.K.

Recommendations on Shipments to and from Free Trade ZonesU.K.

26.Shipments of rough diamonds to and from free trade zones should be processed by the designated authorities.U.K.


Recognising that reliable and comparable data on the production and the international trade in rough diamonds are an essential tool for the effective implementation of the Certification Scheme, and particularly for identifying any irregularities or anomalies which could indicate that conflict diamonds are entering the legitimate trade, Participants strongly support the following principles, taking into account the need to protect commercially sensitive information:


to keep and publish within two months of the reference period and in a standardised format, quarterly aggregate statistics on rough diamond exports and imports, as well as the numbers of certificates validated for export, and of imported shipments accompanied by Certificates;


to keep and publish statistics on exports and imports, by origin and provenance wherever possible; by carat weight and value; and under the relevant Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) classifications 7102 10; 7102 21; 7102 31;


to keep and publish on a semi-annual basis and within two months of the reference period statistics on rough diamond production by carat weight and by value. In the event that a Participant is unable to publish these statistics it should notify the Chair immediately;


to collect and publish these statistics by relying in the first instance on existing national processes and methodologies;


to make these statistics available to an intergovernmental body or to another appropriate mechanism identified by the Participants for (1) compilation and publication on a quarterly basis in respect of exports and imports, and (2) on a semi-annual basis in respect of production. These statistics are to be made available for analysis by interested parties and by the Participants, individually or collectively, according to such terms of reference as may be established by the Participants;


to consider statistical information pertaining to the international trade in and production of rough diamonds at annual Plenary meetings, with a view to addressing related issues, and to supporting effective implementation of the Certification Scheme.