xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"

ANNEX IU.K.List of persons, groups and entities referred to in Article 2

Legal persons, groups and entitiesU.K.

Textual Amendments

Natural persons(functions in brackets are those under the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan)U.K.

Editorial Information

Textual Amendments

[F209ANNEX IA U.K. Natural person referred to in Article 2(3a)

Usama Muhammed Awad Bin Laden ( alias (a) Usama Bin Muhammed Bin Awad, Osama Bin Laden, (b) Ben Laden Osama, (c) Ben Laden Ossama, (d) Ben Laden Usama, (e) Bin Laden Osama Mohamed Awdh, (f) Bin Laden Usamah Bin Muhammad, (g) Shaykh Usama Bin Ladin, (h) Usamah Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin, (i) Usama bin Laden, (j) Usama bin Ladin, (k) Osama bin Ladin, (l) Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin, (m) Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin, (n) Abu Abdallah Abd Al Hakim, (o) Al Qaqa). Title: (a) Shaykh, (b) Hajj. Date of birth: (a) 30.7.1957 (b) 28.7.1957 , (c) 10.3.1957 , (d) 1.1.1957 , (e) 1956, (f) 1957. Place of birth: (a) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (b) Yemen. Nationality: Saudi citizenship withdrawn, Afghan nationality given by the Taliban regime. Other information: Confirmed to have died in Pakistan in May 2011. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 25.1.2001 .]

ANNEX IIU.K.List of competent authorities referred to in Article 5


Ministère des finances


Avenue des Arts 30

B-1040 Bruxelles

Fax (32-2) 233 75 18

Ministère des affaires économiques

Administration des relations économiques

Service Licences

60, rue Général Léman

B-1040 Bruxelles

Fax (32-2) 230 83 22

Tel. (32-2) 206 58 11


Concerning technical assistance and import-export restrictions:

Междуведомствен съвет по въпросите на военнопромишления комплекс и мобилизационната готовност на страната

бул. Дондуков № 1

1594 София

тел. (359-2) 987 9145

факс (359-2) 988 0379

Interdepartmental Council on the Military-Industrial Complex and the Mobilisation Preparedness of the Country

1 Dondukov Blvd.

1594 Sofia

Tel.: (359-2) 987 9145

Fax: (359-2) 988 0379

Concerning freezing of funds:

Министерство на финансите

ул. Г.С. Раковски № 102

София 1000

Тел: (359-2) 985 91

Факс: (359-2) 988 1207

Е-mail: feedback@minfin.bg

Ministry of Finance

102 G.S. Rakovsky street

Sofia 1000

Tel.: (359-2) 985 91

Fax: (359-2) 988 1207

E-mail: feedback@minfin.bg]


Ministerstvo financí

Finanční analytický útvar

P.O. BOX 675

Jindřišská 14

111 21 Praha 1

Tel.: +420 2 57044501

Fax.: +420 2 57044502]


Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen

Dahlerups Pakhus

Langelinie Alle 17

DK-2100 København Ø

Tel. (45) 35 46 60 00

Fax (45) 35 46 60 01



Eesti Välisministeerium

Islandi väljak 1

15049 Tallinn

Tel: +372 6 317 100

Fax: +372 6 317 199

Freezing of funds:


Sakala 4

15030 Tallinn

Tel: +372 66 80 500

Fax: +372 66 80 501]


Ministry of National Economy

General Directorate of Economic Policy

5-7 Nikis Street

GR-101 80 Athens

Tel. (30-10) 333 27 81-2

Fax (30-10) 333 28 10, 333 27 93

Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας

Γενική Διεύθυνση Οικονομικής Πολιτικής

Νίκης 5-7

GR-101 80 Αθήνα

Tηλ. (30-10) 333 27 81-2

Φάξ.: (00-30-10) 333 28 10/333 27 93


Dirección General de Comercio Inversiones

Subdirección General de Inversiones Exteriores

Ministerio de Economía

Paseo de la Castellana, 162

E-28046 Madrid

Tel. (34) 913 49 39 83

Fax (34) 913 49 35 62

Dirección General del Tesoro y Política Financiera

Subdirección General de Inspección y Control de Movimientos de Capitales

Ministerio de Economía

Paseo del Prado, 6

E-28014 Madrid

Tel. (34) 912 09 95 11

Fax (34) 912 09 96 56


Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie

Direction du Trésor

Service des affaires européennes et internationales

Sous-direction E

139, rue du Bercy

F-75572 Paris Cedex 12

Tel. (33-1) 44 87 17 17

Fax (33-1) 53 18 36 15


Concerning technical assistance and export restrictions:

Ministarstvo gospodarstva

Uprava za trgovinu i unutarnje tržište

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 16106304

Fax +385 16109150

Concerning freezing of funds and economic resources:

Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416]


Central Bank of Ireland

Financial Markets Department

PO Box 559

Dame Street

Dublin 2


Tel. (353-1) 671 66 66

Department of Foreign Affairs

Bilateral Economic Relations Division

76-78 Harcourt Street

Dublin 2


Tel. (353-1) 408 24 92


Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze

Comitato di sicurezza finanziaria

Via XX Settembre 97

I-00187 Roma

Email: csf@tesoro.it

Tel. (39 06) 4 761 39 21

Fax (39 06) 4 761 39 32


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Presidential Palace Avenue

1447 Nicosia

Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών

Λεωφόρος Προεδρικού Μεγάρου

1447 Λευκωσία

Tel: +357 22 300600

Fax: +357 22 661881

Unit for Combating Money Laundering

1 Apellis Street

1403 Nicosia

Μονάδα Καταπολέμησης Αδικημάτων Συγκάλυψης (ΜΟΚΑΣ)

Οδός Απελλή Αρ.1

1403 Λευκωσία

Tel: +357 22 889 100

Fax: +357 22 665 080

E-mail: mokas@cytanet.com.cy


[F214Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu Ministrija

K.Valdemāra iela 3

Rīga LV-1395, Latvija

Tel: (+371) 67 016 201

Fax: (+371) 67 828 121


Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas dienests

Raiņa bulvāris 15

Rīga LV-1050, Latvija

Tel: (+371) 67 044 430

Fax: (+371) 67 324 497



[F215Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Security Policy Department

J.Tumo-Vaizganto 2

LT-01511 Vilnius

Tel: (370-5) 236 25 16

Fax: (370-5) 231 30 90] ]


Ministère des affaires étrangères, du commerce extérieur, de la coopération, de l'action humanitaire et de la défense

Direction des relations économiques internationales

BP 1602

L-1016 Luxembourg

Tel. (352) 478-1 ou 478-2350

Fax (352) 22 20 48

Ministère des finances

3, rue de la Congrégation

L-1352 Luxembourg

Tel. (352) 478-2712

Fax (352) 47 52 41


Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium

Engedélyezési és Közigazgatási Hivatal

1024 Budapest

Margit körút 85

Tel: (36-1) 336 7300

Fax: (36-1) 336 7302


Bord ta' Sorveljanza dwar is-Sanzjonijiet

Direttorat ta' l-Affarijiet Multilaterali

Ministeru ta' l-Affarijiet Barranin

Palazzo Parisio

Triq il-Merkanti

Valletta CMR 02

Tel: +356 21 24 28 53

Fax: +356 21 25 15 20]


[F215Ministerie van Financiën

Directie Financiële Markten/Afdeling Integriteit

Postbus 20201

2500 EE Den Haag

The Netherlands

Tel: (31-70) 342 89 97

Fax: (31-70) 342 79 84]


Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Otto-Wagner-Platz 3

A-1090 Wien

Tel. (43-1) 404 20-0

Fax (43-1) 404 20-73 99

Bundesministerium für Inneres — Bundeskriminalamt

Josef Holaubek Platz 1

A-1090 Wien

Tel. (43-1) 313 45-0

Fax (43-1) 313 45-85 290


Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

Departament Prawno - Traktatowy

Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23

PL-00-580 Warszawa

Tel: +48 22 523 93 48

Fax: +48 22 523 91 29]


Ministério das Finanças

Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Europeus Relações Internacionais

Avenida Infante D. Henrique, n.o 1, C 2.o

P-1100 Lisboa

Tel. (351-1) 882 32 40/47

Fax (351-1) 882 32 49

Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros

Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Multilaterias/Direcção dos Serviços das Organizações Políticas Internacionais

Largo do Rilvas

P-1350-179 Lisboa

Tel. (351-21) 394 60 72

Fax (351-21) 394 60 73


Ministerul Afacerilor Externe

Aleea Alexandru, nr. 31

Sector 1, București

Tel.: (40) 21 319 2183

Fax: (40) 21 319 2226

e-mail: cabinet@mae.ro

Ministerul Finanțelor Publice

Strada Apolodor nr. 17,

Sector 5, București

Tel.: (40) 21 319 9743

Fax: (40) 21 312 1630

e-mail: cabinet.ministru@mfinante.ro

Ministerul Transporturilor, Construcțiilor și Turismului

Bulevardul Dinicu Golescu nr. 38

Sector 1, Bucuresti

Tel.: (40) 21 319 6161

Fax: (40) 21 312 0772

e-mail: cabmin@mt.ro

Ministerul Economiei și Comerțului

Calea Victoriei, nr. 152

Sector 1, București

Tel.: +40 21 231 0262

Fax: +402 1 312 0513]


[F143Article 2a U.K.

Ministrstvo za finance

Župančičeva 3

1502 Ljubljana

Tel.: +386 1 369 5200

Fax: + 386 1 369 6659

E-mail: gp.mf@gov.si

Article 2b U.K.

Banka Slovenije

Slovenska 35

1505 Ljubljana


Tel.: + 386 1 471 90 00

Fax: + 386 1 251 55 16

E-mail: info@bsi.si:

Article 5 U.K.

Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

Prešernova cesta 25

1001 Ljubljana

Tel.: + 386 1 478 2000

Fax: + 386 1 478 2340

E-mail: gp.mzz@gov.si]


Ministerstvo financií

Štefanovičova 5

817 82 Bratislava

Tel: +421 2 5958 2201

Fax: +421 2 5249 3531

Ministerstvo hospodárstva

Mierová 19

827 15 Bratislava

Tel: +421 2 4854 1421

Fax: +421 2 4342 3949]



PL 176

FIN-00161 Helsinki

Tel. (358-9) 16 05 59 00

Fax (358-9) 16 05 57 07


[F215Article 2a U.K.


S-103 51 Stockholm

Tel: (46-8) 786 90 00

Fax: (46-8) 411 27 89

Article 4 U.K.


Box 12256

S-102 26 Stockholm

Tel: (46-8) 401 90 00

Fax (46-8) 401 99 00

Article 5 U.K.


Box 6750

S-113 85 Stockholm

Tel: (46-8) 787 80 00

Fax: (46-8) 24 13 35]



European Commission

Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)

Office EEAS 02/309

B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussel (Belgium)

E-mail: relex-sanctions@ec.europa.eu]