[Article 143c U.K. Complementary national direct payments and direct payments
1. For the purposes of this Article: ‘ CAP-like national scheme ’ shall mean any national direct payment scheme applicable prior to the date of accession of the new Member States under which the support was granted to farmers in respect of production covered by one of the direct payments.
2. The new Member States shall have the possibility, subject to authorisation by the Commission, of complementing any direct payments up to:
(a) with regard to all direct payments, 55 % of the level of direct payments in the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004 in 2004, 60 % in 2005 and 65 % in 2006 and from 2007 up to 30 percentage points above the applicable level referred to in Article 143a in the relevant year. However, the Czech Republic may complement direct payments in the potato starch sector up to 100 % of the level applicable in the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004 .
(b) (i)
with regard to direct payments other than the single payment scheme, the total level of direct support the farmer would have been entitled to receive, on a product by product basis, in the new Member State in the calendar year 2003 under a CAP-like national scheme increased by 10 percentage points. However for Lithuania the reference year shall be the calendar year 2002 and for Slovenia the increase shall be 10 percentage points in 2004, 15 percentage points in 2005, 20 percentage points in 2006 and 25 percentage points from 2007.
with regard to the single payment scheme the total amount of complementary national direct aid which may be granted by a new Member State in respect of a given year shall be limited by a specific financial envelope. This envelope shall be equal to the difference between:
the total amount of CAP-like national direct support that would be available in the relevant new Member State in respect of the calendar year 2003 or, in the case of Lithuania, of the calendar year 2002, each time increased by 10 percentage points. However, for Slovenia the increase shall be 10 percentage points in 2004, 15 percentage points in 2005, 20 percentage points in 2006 and 25 percentage points from 2007,
the national ceiling of that new Member State listed in Annex VIIIa adjusted, where appropriate, in accordance with Articles 64(2) and 70(2).
For the purpose of calculating the total amount referred to in the first indent above, the national direct payments and/or its components corresponding to the Community direct payments and/or its components which were taken into account for calculating the effective ceiling of the new Member State concerned in accordance with Article 64(2), 70(2) and 71c shall be included.
For each direct payment concerned a new Member State may choose to apply either option (a) or (b) above.
The total direct support the farmer may be granted in the new Member States after accession under the relevant direct payment including all complementary national direct payments shall not exceed the level of direct support the farmer would be entitled to receive under the corresponding direct payment then applicable to the Member States in the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004 .
3. Cyprus may complement direct aid paid to a farmer under any direct payments listed in Annex I up to the total level of support the farmer would have been entitled to receive in Cyprus in 2001.
The Cypriot authorities shall ensure that the total direct support the farmer is granted after accession in Cyprus under the relevant direct payment including all complementary national direct payments in no case exceeds the level of direct support the farmer would be entitled to receive under that direct payment in the relevant year in the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004 .
The total amounts of complementary national aid to be granted shall be those indicated in Annex XII.
The complementary national aid to be granted shall be subject to any adjustments which may be rendered necessary by developments in the common agricultural policy.
The paragraphs 2 and 5 shall not apply to Cyprus.
4. If a new Member State decides to apply the single area payment scheme, that new Member State may grant complementary national direct aid under the conditions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 8.
5. In respect of the year 2004, the total amount per (sub)sector of complementary national aid granted in that year when applying the single area payment scheme shall be limited by a specific financial envelope per (sub)sector. This envelope shall be equal to the difference between:
the total amount of support per (sub)sector resulting from the application of the points (a) or (b) of paragraph 2, as appropriate, and
the total amount of direct support that would be available in the relevant new Member State for the same (sub)sector in the year concerned under the single area payment scheme.
In respect of any year as from 2005 the requirement to operate the above limitation by means of applying (sub)sector specific financial envelopes shall not apply. However, the new Member States shall retain the right to apply (sub)sector specific financial envelopes, provided that such a (sub)sector specific financial envelope may only relate to
the direct payments combined to the single payment scheme, and/or
one or more of the direct payments that are excluded or may be excluded from the single payment scheme in accordance with Article 70(2) or may be subject to partial implementation as referred to in Article 64(2).
6. The new Member State may decide on the basis of objective criteria and after authorisation by the Commission, on the amounts of complementary national aid to be granted.
7. The authorisation by the Commission shall:
where point (b) of paragraph 2 applies, specify the relevant CAPlike national direct payment schemes,
define the level up to which the complementary national aid may be paid, the rate of the complementary national aid and, where appropriate, the conditions for the granting thereof,
be granted subject to any adjustments which may be rendered necessary by developments in the common agricultural policy.
8. No complementary national payments or aid shall be granted for agricultural activities in respect of which direct payments are not foreseen in the Community as constituted on 30 April 2004 .
9. Cyprus may, in addition to the complementary national direct payments, grant transitional and degressive national aid until the end of 2010. This State aid shall be granted in a form similar to Community aid, such as decoupled payments.
Taking into account the nature and amount of national support granted in 2001, Cyprus may grant State aid to the (sub)sectors listed in Annex XIII and up to the amounts specified in that Annex.
The State aid to be granted shall be subject to any adjustments which may be rendered necessary by developments in the common agricultural policy. Should such adjustments prove necessary, the amount of the aid or the conditions for the granting thereof shall be amended on the basis of a decision by the Commission.
Cyprus shall submit an annual report to the Commission on the implementation of the State aid measures, indicating the aid forms and amounts per (sub)sector.
10. Latvia may, in addition to the complementary national direct payments, grant transitional and degressive national aid until the end of 2008. This State aid shall be granted in a form similar to Community aid, such as decoupled payments.
Latvia may grant State aid to the (sub)sectors listed in Annex XIV up to the amounts specified in that Annex.
The State aid to be granted shall be subject to any adjustments which may be rendered necessary by developments in the common agricultural policy. Should such adjustments prove necessary, the amount of the aid or the conditions for the granting thereof shall be amended on the basis of a decision by the Commission.
Latvia shall submit an annual report to the Commission on the implementation of the State aid measures, indicating the aid forms and amounts per (sub)sector.]