Commission Regulation (EC) No 14/2004 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EC) No 14/2004 of 30 December 2003 establishing the supply balances and Community aid for the supply of certain essential products for human consumption, for processing and as agricultural inputs and for the supply of live animals and eggs to the outermost regions under Council Regulations (EC) No 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001 and (EC) No 1454/2001 (repealed)


Part 1Cattle farming

Number of animals and aid for supplying animals from the Community per calendar year


Eligibility for exemption from import duties and payment of the aid shall be subject to:

  • a written declaration by the importer or applicant at the time the bovine animals arrive in Madeira, that they are intended for fattening there for a period of 60 days from the actual date of their arrival and will be consumed there afterwards,

  • a written undertaking by the importer or applicant, made at the time the bovine animals arrive, to inform the competent authorities within one month of the date of their arrival of the holding or holdings where the animals are to be fattened,

  • proof to be furnished by the importer or applicant that, except in cases of force majeure, each animal has been fattened on the holding or holdings indicated in accordance with the second indent, that it has not been slaughtered before the end of the period provided for in the first indent, or that it has been slaughtered for health reasons or died as a result of illness or accident.

DescriptionCN codeQuantityAid(EUR/animal)
Live bovine animals:
— breeding cattle
0102 10 10 to 0102 10 90160608
— cattle for fatteninga
0102 901 000128

Part 2Poultry

Number of animals and aid for supplying animals from the Community per calendar year

DescriptionCN codeQuantity(number of animals or units)Aid(EUR/animal or unit)
Breeding stock:
Chicks for multiplication and reproduction


ex 0105 1100,12
— Eggs for hatching intended for the production of chicks for multiplication or reproductiona
ex 0407 00 1900,06

In accordance with the definition in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2782/75 (OJ L 282, 1.11.1975, p. 100).

DescriptionCN codeQuantity(number of animals or units)Aid(EUR/animal or unit)
Breeding stock:
— chicksa
ex 0105 1120 0000,12
— eggs for hatchinga
ex 0407 00 191 000 0000,06

Part 3Pig farming


Entry under this split subheading is subject to the relevant Community provisions.

DescriptionCN codeQuantityAid(EUR/animal)
Pure-bred breeding swinea0103 10 00

— male animals


— female animals


Entry under this split subheading is subject to the relevant Community provisions.

DescriptionCN codeQuantityAid(EUR/animal)
Pure-bred breeding swinea

— male animals

0103 10 0035460

— female animals

0103 10 00400360

Part 4Sheep and goat farming

Number of animals and aid for supplying animals from the Community per calendar year


The animals in this group are 100 % interchangeable.


The animals in this group are 100 % interchangeable.

DescriptionCN codeOutermost regionQuantity(number of animals)Aid(EUR/animal)
Breeding sheep and goats:
— male animalsa
0104 10 10 and 0104 20 105230
— female animalsb
0104 10 10 and 0104 20 1045110

Number of animals and aid for supplying animals from the Community per calendar year


The animals in this group are 100 % interchangeable.


The animals in this group are 100 % interchangeable.

DescriptionCN codeOutermost regionQuantity(number of animals)Aid(EUR/animal)
Breeding sheep and goats:
— male animala
0104 10 10 and 0104 20 1040230
— female animalsb
0104 10 10 and 0104 20 10259110