Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (repealed)


A.Transmissible spongiform encephalopathiesU.K.

Official controls carried out in relation to TSEs are to take account of the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 and other relevant Community legislation.


The post-mortem inspection procedures described in Chapters I and IV are the minimum requirements for the examination for cysticercosis in bovine animals over six weeks old and swine. In addition, specific serological tests may be used. In the case of bovines over six weeks old, incision of the masseters at post-mortem inspection is not compulsory when a specific serological test is used. The same applies when bovine animals over six weeks old have been raised on a holding officially certified to be free of cysticercosis.


Meat infected with cysticercus is to be declared unfit for human consumption. However, when the animal is not generally infected with cysticercus, the parts not infected may be declared fit for human consumption after having undergone a cold treatment.


Carcases of swine (domestic, farmed game and wild game), solipeds and other species susceptible to trichinosis are to be examined for trichinosis in accordance with applicable Community legislation, unless that legislation provides otherwise.


Meat from animals infected with trichinae is to be declared unfit for human consumption.


Where appropriate, solipeds are to be examined for glanders. Examination for glanders in solipeds is to include a careful examination of mucous membranes from the trachea, larynx, nasal cavities and sinuses and their ramifications, after splitting the head in the median plane and excising the nasal septum.


Meat from horses in which glanders has been diagnosed are to be declared unfit for human consumption.


When animals have reacted positively or inconclusively to tuberculin, or there are other grounds for suspecting infection, they are to be slaughtered separately from other animals, taking precautions to avoid the risk of contamination of other carcases, the slaughter line and staff present in the slaughterhouse.


All meat from animals in which post-mortem inspection has revealed localised tuberculous lesions in a number of organs or a number of areas of the carcase is to be declared unfit for human consumption. However, when a tuberculous lesion has been found in the lymph nodes of only one organ or part of the carcase, only the affected organ or part of the carcase and the associated lymph nodes need be declared unfit for human consumption.


When animals have reacted positively or inconclusively to a brucellosis test, or there are other grounds for suspecting infection, they are to be slaughtered separately from other animals, taking precautions to avoid the risk of contamination of other carcases, the slaughter line and staff present in the slaughterhouse.


Meat from animals in which post-mortem inspection has revealed lesions indicating acute infection with brucellosis is to be declared unfit for human consumption. In the case of animals reacting positively or inconclusively to a brucellosis test, the udder, genital tract and blood must be declared unfit for human consumption even if no such lesion is found.