Council Regulation (EC) No 872/2004 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EC) No 872/2004 of 29 April 2004 concerning further restrictive measures in relation to Liberia (repealed)

[F1ANNEX I U.K. List of natural and legal persons, bodies or entities referred to in Article 2


Cyril Allen. Date of birth: 26.7.1952 . Other information: former Chairman, National Patriotic Party.


Viktor Anatoljevitch Bout ( alias (a) Butt, (b) Bont, (c) Butte, (d) Boutov, (e) Vitali Sergitov). Date of birth: (a) 13.1.1967 , (b) 13.1.1970 . Passport numbers: (a) 21N0532664, (b) 29N0006765, (c) 21N0557148, (d) 44N3570350. Other information: businessman, dealer and transporter of weapons and minerals.


Charles R. Bright. Date of birth: 29.8.1948 . Other information: former Minister of Finance.


M. Moussa Cisse ( alias Mamadee Kamara). Date of birth: (a) 24.12.1946 , (b) 14.12.1957 , (c) 26.6.1944 , (d) 26.7.1946 , (e) 24.12.1944 . Passports: (a) Liberian diplomatic passport: D/001548-99; (b) Liberian ordinary passport 0058070 (valid 10.1.2000 to 9.1.2005 ; name: Mamadee Kamara, date of birth: 26.7.1946 , place of birth: Gbarnga, Bound County); (c) Liberian diplomatic passport 001546 (valid 1.8.1999 to 30.8.2001 , date of birth: 24.12.1944 , place of birth: Ganta, Nimba County); (d) Liberian diplomatic passport D/000953-98. Other information: former Chief of Presidential Protocol. Chairman of Mohammad Group of companies.


Randolph Cooper (alias Randolf Cooper). Date of birth: 28.10.1950 . Other information: former Managing Director of Robertsfield International Airport.


Jenkins Dunbar. Date of birth: (a) 10.1.1947 , (b) 10.6.1947 . Other information: former Minister of Lands, Mines, Energy.


Martin George. Other information: Ambassador of Liberia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Myrtle Gibson. Date of birth: 3.11.1952 . Other information: former Senator, advisor to former Liberian President Charles Taylor.


Reginald B. Goodridge (Senior) ( alias Goodrich). Date of birth: 11.11.1952 . Other information: former Minister for Culture, Information, Tourism.


Baba Jobe. Date of birth: 1959. Nationality: Gambian. Other information: former Director of Gambia New Millenium Air Company. Former Member of Parliament of Gambia. In prison in Gambia.


Joseph Wong Kiia Tai. Other information: executive of the Oriental Timber Company.


Ali Kleilat. Date of birth: 10.7.1970 . Place of birth: Beirut. Nationality: Lebanese.


Gus Kouwenhoven ( alias (a) Kouvenhoven, (b) Kouenhoven, (c) Kouenhaven. Date of birth: 15.9.1942 . Other information: owner of Hotel Africa; President of the Oriental Timber Company.


Leonid Yukhimovich Minin ( alias (a) Blavstein, (b) Blyuvshtein, (c) Blyafshtein, (d) Bluvshtein, (e) Blyufshtein, (f) Vladamir Abramovich Kerler (g) Vladimir Abramovich Kerler, (h) Vladimir Abramovich Popilo-Veski (i) Vladimir Abramovich Popiloveski, (j) Vladimir Abramovich Popela, (k) Vladimir Abramovich Popelo, (l) Wulf Breslan, (m) Igor Osols). Date of birth: (a) 14.12.1947 , (b) 18.10.1946 . Place of birth: Odessa, USSR (now Ukraine). Nationality: Israeli. Forged German passports (name: Minin): (a) 5280007248D, (b) 18106739D. Israeli passports: (a) 6019832 (valid 6.11.1994 to 5.11.1999 ), (b) 9001689 (valid 23.1.1997 to 22.1.2002 ), (c) 90109052 (issued on 26.11.1997 ). Russian passport: KI0861177; Bolivian passport: 65118; Greek passport: no details. Other information: owner of Exotic Tropical Timber Enterprises.


Grace Beatrice Minor. Date of birth: 31.5.1942 . Other information: key advisor to former President Charles Taylor.


Sanjivan Ruprah ( alias Samir Nasr). Date of birth: 9.8.1966 . Passport numbers: (a) D-001829-00, (b) D-002081-00. Other information: businessman, former Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Maritime Affairs.


Mohamed Ahmad Salame ( alias (a) Mohamed Ahmad Salami, (b) Ameri Al Jawad, (c) Jawad Al Ameri, (d) Moustapha Salami, (e) Moustapha A. Salami). Date of birth: (a) 22.9.1961 , (b) 18.10.1963 . Place of birth: Abengourou, Côte d’Ivoire. Nationality: Lebanese. Passports: (a) ordinary Lebanese passport: 1622263 (valid 24.4.2001 to 23.4.2006 ), (b) Togolese diplomatic passport: 004296/00409/00 (valid 21.8.2002 to 23.8.2007 ), (c) Liberian diplomatic passport: 000275 (valid 11.1.1998 to 10.1.2000 ), (d) Liberian diplomatic passport: 002414 (valid 20.6.2001 to 19.6.2003 , name: Ameri Al Jawad, date of birth: 18.10.1963 , place of birth: Ganta, Nimba County), (e) Ivorian passport, (f) Liberian diplomatic passport: D/001217. Other information: owner of Mohamed and Company Logging Company.


Emmanuel (II) Shaw. Date of birth: (a) 26.7.1956 , (b) 26.7.1946 . Other information: director of Lonestar Airways. Associated with Lone Star Communications Cooperation.


Edwin M., Jr. Snowe. Nationality: Liberian. Passport number: OR/0056672-01. Other information: Managing Director of the Liberian Petroleum and Refining Corporation (LPRC).


Agnes Reeves Taylor ( alias Agnes Reeves-Taylor). Date of birth: 27.9.1965 . Nationality: Liberian. Other information: former wife of former President Charles Taylor. Former Permanent Representative of Liberia to the International Maritime Organisation. Former senior member of the Liberian Government.


Charles Chuckie Taylor (Junior). Other information: son of former President Charles Taylor.


Charles Ghankay Taylor ( alias Charles MacArthur Taylor). Date of birth: (a) 1.9.1947 , (b) 28.1.1948 . Other information: former President of Liberia.


Jewell Howard Taylor ( alias Howard Taylor). Date of birth: 17.1.1963 . Liberian diplomatic passport: D/003835-04 (valid 4.6.2004 to 3.6.2006 ). Other information: wife of former President Charles Taylor.


Tupee Enid Taylor. Date of birth: (a) 17.12.1960 , (b) 17.12.1962 . Liberian diplomatic passport: D/002216. Other information: former wife of former President Charles Taylor.


Benoni Urey. Date of birth: 22.6.1957 . Passports: (a) Liberian diplomatic passport: D-00148399, (b) Commissioner of Maritime Passport: D/002356. Other information: former Commissioner of Maritime Affairs of Liberia.


Benjamin D. Yeaten. ( alias Benjamin D. Yeaton). Date of birth: (a) 28.2.1969 , (b) 29.2.1969 . Place of birth: Tiaplay, Nimba County. Liberian diplomatic passport D00123299 (valid 10.2.1999 to 9.2.2001 , date of birth: 29.2.1969 ). Other information: former Director, Special Security Services. Former head of the Special Security Unit in Liberia.]

ANNEX IIU.K.List of competent authorities referred to in Articles 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10


Service Public Fédéral des Finances

Administration de la Trésorerie

30 Avenue des Arts

B-1040 Bruxelles

Fax 00 32 2 233 74 65



Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Licenční správa

Na Františku 32

110 15 Praha 1

Tel. (420-2) 24 06 27 20

Fax (420-2) 24 22 18 11

Ministerstvo financí

Finanční analytický útvar

PO Box 675

Jindřišská 14

111 21 Praha 1

Tel. (420-2) 57 04 45 01

Fax (420-2) 57 04 45 02]


Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen

Dahlerups Pakhus

Langelinie Allé 17

DK — 2100 København Ø

Tel. (45) 35 46 60 00

Fax (45) 35 46 60 01


Concerning freezing of funds:U.K.

Deutsche Bundesbank

Servicezentrum Finanzsanktionen


D — 80281 München

Tel. (49-89) 2889 3800

Fax (49-89) 350163 3800

Concerning goods:U.K.

Bundesamt für Wirtschafts- und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)

Frankfurter Strasse, 29-35


Tel. (49-61) 969 08-0

Fax (49-61) 969 08-800



Sakala 4

15030 Tallinn

Tel. (372-6) 68 05 00

Fax (372-6) 68 05 01]


A.Freezing of AssetsU.K.

Ministry of Economy and Finance

General Directory of Economic Policy

Address: 5 Nikis Str., 101 80

Athens.- Greece

Tel.: + 30 210 3332786

Fax: + 30 210 3332810


Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών

Γενική Δ/νση Οικονομικής Πολιτικής

Δ/νση: Νίκης 5, ΑΘΗΝΑ 101 80

Τηλ.: + 30 210 3332786

Φαξ: + 30 210 3332810

B.Import- Export restrictionsU.K.

Ministry of Economy and Finance

General Directorate for Policy Planning and Management

Address Kornaroy Str., 105 63 Athens

Tel.: + 30 210 3286401-3

Fax.: + 30 210 3286404


Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών

Γενική Δ/νση Σχεδιασμού και Διαχείρισης Πολιτικής

Δ/νση: Κορνάρου 1, Τ.Κ. 105 63

Αθήνα — Ελλάς

Τηλ.: + 30 210 3286401-3

Φαξ: + 30 210 3286404


Dirección General del Tesoro y Política Financiera

Subdirección General de Inspección y Control de Movimientos de Capitales

Ministerio de Economía

Paseo del Prado, 6

E — 28014 Madrid

Tel. (00-34) 912 09 95 11

Fax (00-34) 912 09 96 56


Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie

Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects

Cellule embargo — Bureau E2

Tél.: (33) 1 44 74 48 93

Télécopie: (33) 1 44 74 48 97

Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie

Direction du Trésor

Service des affaires européennes et internationales

Sous-direction E

139, rue du Bercy

75572 Paris Cedex 12

Tel.: (33) 1 44 87 72 85

Télécopie: (33) 1 53 18 96 37

Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Direction de la coopération européenne

Sous-direction des relations extérieures de la Communauté

Tél.: (33) 1 43 17 44 52

Télécopie: (33) 1 43 17 56 95

Direction générale des affaires politiques et de sécurité

Service de la Politique Etrangère et de Sécurité Commune

Tél.: (33) 1 43 17 45 16

Télécopie: (33) 1 43 17 45 84


Central Bank of Ireland

Financial Markets Department

PO Box 559

Dame Street

Dublin 2

Tel. (353-1) 671 66 66

Department of Foreign Affairs

Bilateral Economic Relations Division

80 St. Stephen's Green

Dublin 2

Tel: (353-1) 408 2153

Fax: (353-1) 408 2003


Ministero degli Affari Esteri

Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 — 00194 Roma

D.G.A.S. — Ufficio II

Tel. (39) 06 3691 7334

Fax. (39) 06 3691 5446

Ministero degli Affari Esteri

Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 — 00194 Roma

D.G.A.O. — Ufficio II

Tel. (39) 06 3691 3820

Fax. (39) 06 3691 5161


Tel. (39) 06 3691 3605

Fax. (39) 06 3691 8815

Ministero dell'Economia e delle finanze

Dipartimento del Tesoro

Comitato di Sicurezza Finanziaria

Via XX Settembre, 97 — 00187 Roma

Tel. (39) 06 4761 3942

Fax. (39) 06 4761 3032

Ministero della attivita'produttive

Direzione Generale Politica Commerciale

Viale Boston, 35 — 00144 Roma

Tel. (39) 06 59931

Fax. (39) 06 5964 7531

Firma e funzione: Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, Direttore Generale per l'Integraxione Europea


Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών

Λεωφ. Προεδρικού Μεγάρου

1447 Λευκωσία

Tel. (357-22) 30 06 00

Fax (357-22) 66 18 81

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Presidential Palace Avenue

1447 Nicosia

Tel. (357-22) 30 06 00

Fax (357-22) 66 18 81


Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija

Brīvības iela 36

Rīga LV-1395

Tel. (371) 701 62 01

Fax (371) 782 81 21

Noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas dienests

Kalpaka bulvārī 6

Rīga LV-1081

Tel. (371) 704 44 31

Fax (371) 704 45 49


[F3Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Security Policy Department

J. Tumo-Vaizganto 2

LT-01511 Vilnius

Tel. +370 5 236 25 16

Fax +370 5 231 30 90] ]


Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

Direction des Relations internationales

6, rue de la Congrégation


Tel. (352) 478 23 46

Fax (352) 22 20 48

Ministère des Finances

3, rue de la Congrégation

L — 1352 Luxembourg

Tel. (352) 478 27 12

Fax (352) 47 52 41


Articles 3 and 4 U.K.

Hungarian National Police

Országos Rendőrfőkapitányság

1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4–6.


Tel./Fax (36-1) 443 55 54

Article 7 U.K.

Ministry of Finance (as regards funds only)


1051 Budapest, József nádor tér 2–4.


Postafiók: 1369 Pf.: 481

Tel. (36-1) 318 20 66, (36-1) 327 21 00

Fax (36-1) 318 25 70, (36-1) 327 27 49


Bord ta' Sorveljanza dwar is-Sanzjonijiet

Direttorat ta' l-Affarijiet Multilaterali

Ministeru ta' l-Affarijiet Barranin

Palazzo Parisio

Triq il-Merkanti

Valletta CMR 02

Tel. (356-21) 24 28 53

Fax (356-21) 25 15 20]


[F3Ministerie van Financiën

Directie Financiële Markten/Afdeling Integriteit

Postbus 20201

2500 EE Den Haag

The Netherlands

Tel. (31-70) 342 89 97

Fax (31-70) 342 79 84]


Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Otto Wagner Platz 3

A-1090 Wien

Tel. (01-4042043 1) 404 20-0

Fax (43 1) 404 20 — 73 99


Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

Departament Prawno – Traktatowy

Al. J. CH. Szucha 23

PL-00-580 Warszawa

Tel. (48-22) 523 93 48

Fax (48-22) 523 91 29]


Ministério das Finanças

Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Europeus e Relações Internacionais

Avenida Infante D. Henrique, n.o 1, C 2.o

P — 1100 Lisboa

Tel. (351) 218 82 32 40/47

Fax (351) 218 82 32 49


Bank of Slovenia

Slovenska 35

1505 Ljubljana

Tel. (386-1) 471 90 00

Fax (386-1) 251 55 16

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

Prešernova 25

1000 Ljubljana

Tel. (386-1) 478 20 00

Fax (386-1) 478 23 47


For financial and technical assistance related to military activities: U.K.

Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky

Sekcia obchodných vzťahov a ochrany spotrebiteľa

Mierová 19

827 15 Bratislava

Tel. (421-2) 48 54 21 16

Fax (421-2) 48 54 31 16

For funds and economic resources: U.K.

Ministerstvo financií Slovenskej republiky

Štefanovičova 5

817 82 Bratislava

Tel. (421-2) 59 58 22 01

Fax (421-2) 52 49 35 31]



PL/PB 176

00161 Helsinki/Helsingfors

Tel. (358) 9 16 05 59 00

Fax (358) 9 16 05 57 07


[F3Articles 3, 4 and 5: U.K.


SE-103 51 Stockholm

Tel. (46-8) 786 90 00

Fax (46-8) 411 27 89

Articles 7 and 8: U.K.


Box 6750

SE-113 85 Stockholm

Tel. (46-8) 787 80 00

Fax (46-8) 24 13 35]


HM Treasury

Financial Systems and International Standards

1, Horse Guards Road

London SW1A 2HQ

United Kingdom

Tel. (44-207) 270 5977

Fax (44-207) 270 5430

Bank of England

Financial Sanctions Unit

Threadneedle Street

London EC2R 8AH

United Kingdom

Tel. (44-207) 601 4607

Fax (44 207) 601 4309


Commission of the European Communities

Directorate-General for External Relations

Directorate CFSP

Unit A.2.: Legal and institutional matters for external relations – Sanctions

CHAR 12/163

B-1049 Brussels

Tel. (32-2) 295 81 48, (32-2) 296 25 56

Fax (32-2) 296 75 63]