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Article 14 U.K. Official controls on feed and food of animal origin

1. This Regulation shall not affect the requirements for veterinary checks on feed and food of animal origin provided for in Directive 97/78/EC. However, the competent authority designated in accordance with Directive 97/78/EC shall, in addition, carry out official controls to verify compliance with aspects of feed or food law that that Directive does not cover, as appropriate, including those aspects referred to in Title VI, Chapter II of this Regulation.

2. The general rules of Articles 18 to 25 of this Regulation shall also apply to official controls on all feed and food, including feed and food of animal origin.

3. Satisfactory results of checks on goods that are:

(a) placed under one of the customs procedures referred to in points (b) to (f) of Article 4(16) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92;


(b) to be handled in free zones or free warehouses, as defined in Article 4(15)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92,

shall neither affect the duty of feed and food business operators to ensure that feed and food comply with feed and food law from the moment of release for free circulation nor prevent further official controls on the feed or food concerned from being carried out.

Article 15 U.K. Official controls on feed and food of non-animal origin

1. The competent authority shall carry out regular official controls on feed and food of non-animal origin not included in the scope of Directive 97/78/EC, imported into the territories referred to in Annex I. It shall organise these controls on the basis of the multi-annual national control plan drawn up in accordance with Articles 41 to 43 and in the light of potential risks. The controls shall cover all aspects of feed and food law.

2. These controls shall be carried out at an appropriate place, including the point of entry of the goods into one of the territories referred to in Annex I, the point of release for free circulation, warehouses, the premises of the importing feed and food business operator, or other points of the feed and food chain.

3. These controls may also be carried out on goods that are:

(a) placed under one of the customs procedures referred to in points (b) to (f) of Article 4(16) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92;


(b) to enter free zones or free warehouses, as defined in Article 4(15)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.

4. Satisfactory results of checks referred to in paragraph 3 shall neither affect the duty of feed and food business operators to ensure that feed and food comply with feed and food law from the moment of release for free circulation nor prevent further official controls on the feed or food concerned from being carried out.

5. A list of feed and food of non-animal origin that is, on the basis of known or emerging risk, to be subject to an increased level of official controls at the point of entry into territories referred to in Annex I shall be drawn up and updated, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 62(3). The frequency and nature of these controls shall be laid down in accordance with the same procedure. At the same time, the fees related to such controls may be established in accordance with the same procedure.

Article 16 U.K. Types of checks on feed and food of non-animal origin

1. The official controls referred to in Article 15(1) shall include at least a systematic documentary check, a random identity check and, as appropriate, a physical check.

2. Physical checks shall be carried out at a frequency depending on:

(a) the risks associated with different types of feed and food;

(b) the history of compliance with the requirements for the product concerned of the third country and establishment of origin and of the feed or food business operators importing and exporting the product;

(c) the controls that the feed or food business operator importing the product has carried out;

(d) the guarantees that the competent authority of the third country of origin has given.

3. The Member States shall ensure that physical checks are carried out under appropriate conditions and at a place with access to appropriate control facilities allowing investigations to be conducted properly, a number of samples adapted to the risk management to be taken, and the feed and food to be handled hygienically. Samples must be handled in such a way as to guarantee both their legal and analytical validity. Member States shall ensure that the equipment and methodology are adequate for measuring the limit values laid down under Community or national legislation.

Article 17 U.K. Points of entry and prior notification

1. Member States shall, for the organisation of the official controls referred to in Article 15(5):

Member States may apply the same rules for other feed of non-animal origin.

2. Member States shall inform the Commission and other Member States of any measures that they take in accordance with paragraph 1.

They shall design those measures in such a way as to avoid unnecessary disruption of trade.

Article 18 U.K. Action in case of suspicion

In case of suspicion of non-compliance or if there is doubt as to the identity or the actual destination of the consignment, or as to the correspondence between the consignment and the certified guarantees, the competent authority shall carry out official controls in order to confirm or to eliminate the suspicion or doubt. The competent authority shall place the consignment concerned under official detention until it obtains the results of such official controls.

Article 19 U.K. Action following official controls on feed and food from third countries

1. The competent authority shall place under official detention feed or food from third countries that does not comply with feed or food law and, having heard the feed or food business operators responsible for the consignment, it shall take the following measures in respect of such feed or food:

(a) order that such feed or food be destroyed, subjected to a special treatment in accordance with Article 20 or re-dispatched outside the Community in accordance with Article 21; other appropriate measures such as the use of feed or food for purposes other than those for which they were originally intended may also be taken;

(b) if the feed or food has already been placed on the market, monitor or, if necessary, order its recall or withdrawal before taking one of the measures referred to above;

(c) verify that feed and food does not give rise to any adverse effects on human or animal health, either directly or through the environment, during or pending the implementation of any of the measures referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

2. If, however:

(a) the official controls provided for in Articles 14 and 15 indicate that a consignment is injurious to human or animal health or unsafe, the competent authority shall place the consignment in question under official detention pending its destruction or any other appropriate measure necessary to protect human and animal health;

(b) feed or food of non-animal origin for which an increased level of controls has been laid down in accordance with Article 15(5) is not presented for official controls, or is not presented in accordance with any specific requirements established in accordance with Article 17, the competent authority shall order that it be recalled and placed under official detention without delay and that it be then either destroyed or re-dispatched in accordance with Article 21.

3. When it does not permit the introduction of feed or food, the competent authority shall notify the Commission and other Member States of its findings and of the identification of the products concerned in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 50(3) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and shall notify its decisions to the customs services, together with information as regards the final destination of the consignment.

4. Decisions on consignments shall be subject to the right of appeal referred to in Article 54(3).

Article 20 U.K. Special treatment

1. The special treatment referred to in Article 19 may include:

(a) treatment or processing to bring the feed or food into line with the requirements of Community law, or with the requirements of a third country of re-dispatch, including decontamination, where appropriate, but excluding dilution;

(b) processing in any other suitable manner for purposes other than animal or human consumption.

[F12. The competent authority shall ensure that special treatment takes place in establishments under its control, or under the control of another Member State, and in accordance with conditions laid down by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 62(4). In the absence of such conditions, the special treatment shall take place in accordance with national rules.]

Article 21 U.K. Re-dispatch of consignments

1. The competent authority shall allow re-dispatch of consignments only if:

(a) the destination has been agreed with the feed or food business operator responsible for the consignment; and

(b) the feed and food business operator has first informed the competent authority of the third country of origin or third country of destination, if different, of the reasons and circumstances preventing the placing on the market of the feed or food concerned within the Community;


(c) when the third country of destination is not the third country of origin, the competent authority of the third country of destination has notified the competent authority of its preparedness to accept the consignment.

2. Without prejudice to the national rules applicable with respect to the time limits for applying for a supplementary expert opinion, and where the results of official controls do not preclude it, re-dispatch shall, as a general rule, take place no more than 60 days after the day on which the competent authority decided on the destination of the consignment, unless legal action has been undertaken. If, after the expiry of the 60-day period, re-dispatch does not take place, the consignment shall be destroyed, unless a delay is justified.

3. Pending re-dispatch of consignments or confirmation of the reasons for rejection, the competent authority shall place consignments under official detention.

4. The competent authority shall notify the Commission and other Member States in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 50(3) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and shall notify its decisions to the customs services. Competent authorities shall cooperate in accordance with Title IV to take any further measures necessary to ensure that it is not possible to reintroduce the rejected consignments into the Community.

Article 22 U.K. Costs

The feed or food business operator responsible for the consignment or its representative shall be liable for the costs incurred by competent authorities for the activities referred to in Articles 18, 19, 20 and 21.

Article 23 U.K. Approval of pre-export checks by third countries

1. Specific pre-export checks that a third country carries out on feed and food immediately prior to export to the Community with a view to verifying that the exported products satisfy Community requirements may be approved in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 62(3). The approval may apply only to feed and food originating in the third country concerned and may be granted for one or more products.

2. Where such approval has been granted, the frequency of import controls for feed or food may be reduced as a consequence. However, Member States shall carry out official controls on feed and food imported in accordance with the approval referred to in paragraph 1 so as to ensure that the pre-export checks carried out in the third country remain effective.

3. The approval referred to in paragraph 1 may only be granted to a third country if:

(a) a Community audit has shown that feed or food exported to the Community meets Community requirements, or equivalent requirements;

(b) the controls carried out in the third country prior to dispatch are considered sufficiently effective and efficient as to replace or reduce the documentary, identity and physical checks laid down in Community law.

4. The approval referred to in paragraph 1 shall specify the competent authority of the third country under the responsibility of which the pre-export checks are performed and, if appropriate, any control body to which that competent authority may delegate certain tasks. Such delegation may be approved only if it meets the criteria of Article 5 or equivalent conditions.

5. The competent authority and any control body specified in the approval shall be responsible for contacts with the Community.

6. The competent authority or control body of the third country shall ensure the official certification of each consignment checked prior to its entry into one of the territories referred to in Annex I. The approval referred to in paragraph 1 shall specify a model for such certificates.

7. Without prejudice to Article 50(3) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, when official controls on imports subject to the procedure referred to in paragraph 2 reveal significant non-compliance, Member States shall immediately notify the Commission and other Member States and the operators concerned in accordance with the procedure provided for in Title IV of this Regulation; Member States shall increase the number of consignments checked and, where necessary to allow a proper analytical examination of the situation, keep an appropriate number of samples under appropriate storage conditions.

8. If it is found that, in a significant number of consignments, the goods do not correspond to the information in the certificates that the competent authority or control body of the third country has issued, the reduced frequency referred to in paragraph 2 shall no longer apply.

Article 24 U.K. Competent authorities and customs services

1. For the organisation of the official controls referred to in this Chapter, the competent authorities and the customs services shall cooperate closely.

2. With regard to consignments of feed and food of animal origin and of feed and food referred to in Article 15(5), customs services shall not allow their entry or handling in free zones or free warehouses without the agreement of the competent authority.

3. Where samples are taken, the competent authority shall inform the customs services and the operators concerned and indicate whether or not the goods can be released before the results of the analysis of the samples are available, provided the traceability of the consignment is ensured.

4. In the case of release for free circulation, competent authorities and customs services shall work together in accordance with the requirements laid down in Articles 2 to 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 339/93.

Article 25 U.K. Implementing measures

1. Measures necessary to ensure the uniform implementation of official controls on the introduction of feed and food shall be laid down in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 62(3).

2. In particular, detailed rules may be laid down for:

(a) feed and food imported or placed under one of the customs procedures referred to in Article 4(16)(b) to (f) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 or that are to be handled in free zones or free warehouses, as defined in Article 4(15)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92;

(b) food for the supply of the crew and passengers of international means of transport;

(c) feed and food ordered remotely (for example, by mail, by telephone or via the internet) and delivered to the consumer;

(d) feed intended for pets or horses and food carried by passengers and crew of international means of transport;

(e) specific conditions or exemptions concerning certain territories referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, so as to take account of the natural constraints specific to those territories;

(f) the purpose of ensuring the consistency of decisions by competent authorities concerning feed and food from third countries within the framework of Article 19;

(g) consignments of Community origin that are returned from a third country;

(h) documents that must accompany consignments when samples have been taken.]