Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97
1.All long journeys
1.1.The means of transport shall be equipped with a roof of light-colour and be properly insulated.
Floor and Bedding
1.2.Animals shall be provided with appropriate bedding or equivalent material which guarantees their comfort appropriate to the species, the number of animals being transported, the journey time, and the weather. This material has to ensure adequate absorption of urine and faeces.
1.3.The means of transport shall carry a sufficient quantity of appropriate feedingstuff for the feeding requirements of the animals in question during the journey concerned. The feedingstuffs shall be protected from the weather and from contaminants such as dust, fuel, exhaust gases and animal urine and dung.
1.4.Where specific feeding equipment is used for the feeding of animals, that equipment shall be transported in the means of transport.
1.5.Where feeding equipment as referred to in paragraph 1.4. is used, it shall be so designed that, if necessary, it is attached to the means of transport to prevent its being overturned. When the means of transport is moving and when the equipment is not in use, it shall be stored separate from the animals.
1.6.Equidae shall be transported in individual stalls except mares travelling with their foals.
1.7.The means of transport must be fitted with partitions so that separate compartments may be created, while providing all the animals with free access to water.
1.8.The partitions shall be constructed in such a way that they can be placed in different positions so that the size of compartment can be adapted to specific requirements, and to the type, size and number of animals.
Minimum criteria for certain species
1.9.Except if accompanied by their mother, long journeys are only permitted for domestic Equidae and domestic animals of bovine and porcine species if:
domestic Equidae are older than four months, with the exception of registered Equidae,
calves are older than fourteen days,
pigs are heavier than 10 kgs.
Unbroken horses shall not be transported on long journeys.
2.Water supply for transport by road, rail or sea containers
2.1.The means of transport and sea containers shall be equipped with a water supply that makes it possible for the attendant to provide water instantly whenever it is necessary during the journey, so that each animal has access to water.
2.2.The watering devices shall be in good working order and be appropriately designed and positioned for the categories of animals to be watered on board the vehicle.
2.3.The water tanks' total capacity for each means of transport shall be at least equal to 1,5 % of its maximum payload. Water tanks must be designed so that they can be drained and cleaned after each journey and must be fitted with a system allowing their water level to be checked. They must be connected to drinking devices within the compartments and maintained in good working order.
2.4.A derogation from point 2.3. may apply to sea containers exclusively used on vessels that supply water to them from the vessel's own water tanks.
3.Ventilation for means of transport by road and temperature monitoring
3.1.Ventilation systems on means of transport by road shall be designed, constructed and maintained in such way that, at any time during the journey, whether the means of transport is stationary or moving, they are capable of maintaining a range of temperatures from 5 oC to 30 oC within the means of transport, for all animals, with a +/- 5 oC tolerance, depending on the outside temperature.
3.2.The ventilation system must be capable of ensuring even distribution throughout with a minimum airflow of nominal capacity of 60 m3/h/KN of payload. It must be capable of operating for at least 4 hours, independently of the vehicle engine.
3.3.Means of transport by road must be fitted with a temperature monitoring system as well as with a means of recording such data. Sensors must be located in the parts of the lorry which, depending on its design characteristics, are most likely to experience the worst climatic conditions. Temperature recordings obtained in such manner shall be dated and made available to the competent authority upon request.
3.4.Means of transport by road must be fitted with a warning system in order to alert the driver when the temperature in the compartments where animals are located reaches the maximum or the minimum limit.
3.5.The Commission shall elaborate before 31 July 2005 a report on the basis of an opinion of the European Food Safety Authority, accompanied by appropriate draft measures with a view to establishing a range of maximum and minimum temperatures for the transported animals, to be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 31(2), taking into account the prevailing temperatures within certain regions of the Community having particular climatic conditions.
4.Navigation System
4.1.Means of transport by road must be equipped as from 1 January 2007 for means of transport by road for the first time in service and as from 1 January 2009 onwards for all means of transport, with the appropriate Navigation System allowing for recording and providing information equivalent to those mentioned in the journey log as referred to in Annex II, Section 4, and information concerning opening/closing of the loading flap.
4.2.The Commission shall submit to the Council, by 1 January 2008, the results of study of navigation systems and the application of such technology for the purpose of this Regulation.
4.3.The Commission shall submit to the Council, not later than 1 January 2010, a report on the implementation of the Navigation System referred to in paragraph 4.2, accompanied by any proposals it would deem appropriate, aimed in particular at defining specifications of the Navigation System to be used for all means of transport. The Council shall act on such proposals by qualified majority.
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