1. Feed processing and storage facilities, equipment, containers, crates, vehicles and...
2. The lay-out, design, construction and size of the facilities and...
3. Facilities and equipment to be used for mixing and/or manufacturing...
4. Facilities must have adequate natural and/or artificial lighting.
5. Drainage facilities must be adequate for the purpose intended; they...
6. Water used in feed manufacture shall be of suitable quality...
8. Windows and other openings must, where necessary, be proofed against...
9. Where necessary, ceilings and overhead fixtures must be designed, constructed...
10. Establishments carrying out one or more of the following activities...
1. A qualified person responsible for production must be designated.
2. Feed business operators must ensure that the different stages of...
3. Technical or organisational measures must be taken to avoid or...
4. The presence of prohibited feed undesirable substances and other contaminants...
5. Waste and materials not suitable as feed should be isolated...
6. Feed business operators shall take adequate measures to ensure effective...
7. Fat blending establishments placing products intended for feed on the...
8. The labelling of the products shall clearly indicate whether they...
9. The labelling of feed materials according to Article 16 of...
1. Feed business operators placing on the market fats, oils or...
2. To supplement the feed business operator's HACCP system, the analyses...
3. If it can be demonstrated that a homogenous consignment is...
4. Where a feed business operator has documentary proof that a...
5. Any batch of products analysed in accordance with point 2...
6. If all incoming batches of products referred to in point...
7. Where a feed business operator mandates a laboratory to perform...
8. The dioxin testing requirements shall be reviewed by 16 March...
1. Processed feeds shall be separated from unprocessed feed materials and...
2. Feeds shall be stored and transported in suitable containers. They...
4. Containers and equipment used for the transport, storage, conveying, handling...
5. Any spoilage shall be minimised and kept under control to...
6. Where appropriate, temperatures shall be kept as low as possible...
7. Containers which are to serve for storage or transport of...