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All catch limitations set out in this Annex shall be considered as quotas for the purposes of Article 9 of this Regulation, and shall, therefore, be subject to the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 2847/93, and in particular Articles 14 and 15 thereof.

Within each area, fish stocks are referred to following the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the species. The following table of correspondences of common names and Latin names is given for the purposes of this Regulation:

Common name Alpha-3 code Scientific name
AlbacoreALB Thunnus alalunga
AlfonsinosALF Beryx spp.
American plaicePLA Hippoglossoides platessoides
AnchovyANE Engraulis encrasicolus
AnglerfishANF Lophiidae
Antarctic icefishANI Champsocephalus gunnari
Antarctic toothfishTOP Dissostichus eleginoides
Atlantic catfishCAT Anarhichas lupus
Atlantic halibutHAL Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Atlantic salmonSAL Salmo salar
Basking sharkBSK Cetorhinus maximus
Bigeye tunaBET Thunnus obesus
Birdbeak dogfishDCA Deania calcea
Black scabbardfishBSF Aphanopus carbo
Blackfin icefishSSI Chaenocephalus aceratus
Blue lingBLI Molva dypterigia
Blue marlinBUM Makaira nigricans
Blue whitingWHB Micromesistius poutassou
Bluefin tunaBFT Thunnus thynnus
CodCOD Gadus morhua
Common soleSOL Solea solea
CrabPAI Paralomis spp.
DabDAB Limanda limanda
FlatfishFLX Pleuronectiformes
FlounderFLX Platichthys flesus
ForkbeardsFOX Phycis spp.
Greater silver smeltARU Argentina silus
Greenland halibutGHL Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
GrenadierGRV Macrourus spp.
Great lantern sharkETR Etmopterus princeps
Grey rockcodNOS Lepidonotothen squamifrons
HaddockHAD Melanogrammus aeglefinus
HakeHKE Merluccius merluccius
HerringHER Clupea harengus
Horse mackerelJAX Trachurus spp.
Humped rockcodNOG Gobionotothen gibberifrons
Kitefin sharkSCK Dalatias licha
KrillKRI Euphausia superba
Lantern fishLAC Lampanyctus achirus
Leafscale gulper sharkGUQ Centrophorus squamosus
Lemon soleLEM Microstomus kitt
LingLIN Molva molva
MackerelMAC Scomber scombrus
Marbled rockcodNOR Notothenia rossii
MegrimsLEZ Lepidorhombus spp.
Northern prawnPRA Pandalus borealis
Norway lobsterNEP Nephrops norvegicus
Norway poutNOP Trisopterus esmarki
Orange roughyORY Hoplostethus atlanticus
‘Penaeus’ shrimpsPEN Penaeus spp.
PlaicePLE Pleuronectes platessa
Polar codPOC Boreogadus saida
PollackPOL Pollachius pollachius
PorbeaglePOR Lamna nasus
Portuguese dogfishCYO Centroscymnus coelolepis
RedfishRED Sebastes spp.
Red SeabreamSBR Pagellus bogaraveo
Roughead grenadierRHG Macrourus berglax
Roundnose grenadierRNG Coryphaenoides rupestris
SaithePOK Pollachius virens
SandeelSAN Ammodytidae
Short fin squidSQI Illex illecebrosus
Skates and raysSRX-RAJ Rajidae
Smooth lantern sharkETP Etmopterus pusillus
Snow crabPCR Chionoecetes spp.
South Georgian icefishSGI Pseudochaenichthys georgianus
Spanish lingSLI Molva macrophthalmus
SpratSPR Sprattus sprattus
SpurdogDGS Squalus acanthias
SwordfishSWO Xiphias gladius
Tope sharkGAG Galeorhinus galeus
TurbotTUR Psetta maxima
TuskUSK Brosme brosme
Unicorn icefishLIC Channichthys rhinoceratus
Velvet bellyETX Etmopterus spinax
White hakeHKW Urophycis tenuis
White marlinWHM Tetrapturus alba
WhitingWHG Merlangius merlangus
Witch flounderWIT Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Yellowfin tunaYFT Thunnus albacares
Yellowtail flounderYEL Limanda ferruginea


All TACs in this area, except for plaice and cod in Sub-divisions 25-32, are adopted in the framework of IBSFC.

[F1Species Herring Clupea harengus Zone Subdivisions 30-31 HER/3D30.; HER/3D31.
Finland 72 625
Sweden 14 231
EC 86 856
TAC 86 856 Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.]
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneSub-divisions 22-24HER/3B23.; HER/3C22.; HER/3D24.
Denmark6 448
Germany25 380
Poland5 985
Sweden8 184
EC46 000
TAC46 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 30 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.


Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 1 450 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.


Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 1 480 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneSub-divisions 25-29 (except Gulf of Riga) and 32HER/3D25.; HER/3D26.; HER/3D27.; HER/3D28.; HER/3D29.; HER/3D32.
Denmark2 588
Estonia13 218
Finland25 801
Latvia3 262
Lithuania3 405a
Poland27 862b
Sweden39 350
EC116 172c
TAC130 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 576 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneGulf of RigaHER/03D.RG
Estonia16 972a
Latvia20 452
EC37 424a
TAC38 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 6 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.


Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 112 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.


Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 118 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneSub-divisions 25-32 (EC waters)COD/3D25.; COD/3D26.; COD/3D27.; COD/3D28.; COD/3D29.; COD/3D30.; COD/3D31.; COD/3D32.
Denmark8 959
Germany3 564
Latvia3 331
Lithuania2 189a
Poland10 203b
Sweden9 077
EC38 882c
TACN/AAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneSub-divisions 22-24 (EC waters)COD/3B23.; COD/3C22.; COD/3D24.
Denmark10 781
Germany5 271
Poland2 885
Sweden3 841
EC24 700
TAC24 700Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneIIIbcd (EC waters)PLE/3B23.; PLE/3C22.; PLE/3D24.; PLE/3D25.; PLE/3D26.; PLE/3D27.; PLE/3D28.; PLE/3D29.; PLE/3D30.; PLE/3D31.; PLE/3D32.
Denmark2 697
EC3 766
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 and of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Expressed by number of individual fish.

SpeciesAtlantic salmonSalmo salar ZoneIIIbcd (EC waters) excluding Sub-division 32SAL/3B23.; SAL/3C22.; SAL/3D24.; SAL/3D25.; SAL/3D26.; SAL/3D27.; SAL/3D28.; SAL/3D29.; SAL/3D30.; SAL/3D31.
Denmark93 512a
Germany10 404a
Estonia9 504a
Finland116 603a
Latvia59 478a
Lithuania6 992a
Poland28 368a
Sweden126 400a
EC451 260a
TAC460 000aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Expressed by number of individual fish.

SpeciesAtlantic salmonSalmo salar ZoneSub-division 32SAL/3D32.
Estonia1 581a
Finland13 838a
EC15 419a
TAC17 000aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Due to overfishing in 2003, the quota has been reduced by 3 924 tonnes in accordance with IBSFC decisions.

SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus ZoneIIIbcd (EC waters)SPR/3B23.; SPR/3C22.; SPR/3D24.; SPR/3D25.; SPR/3D26.; SPR/3D27.; SPR/3D28.; SPR/3D29.; SPR/3D30.; SPR/3D31.; SPR/3D32.
Denmark48 785
Germany30 907
Estonia56 650
Finland25 538
Latvia68 420
Lithuania24 750
Poland141 275a
Sweden94 311
EC490 636a
TAC550 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.


SpeciesSandeelAmmodytidae ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)SAN/04-N.
Denmark9 500
United Kingdom500
EC10 000
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

EC waters excluding waters within 6 miles of UK baselines at Shetland, Fair Isle and Foula.


Except Denmark and the United Kingdom.


To be taken in the North Sea.

SpeciesSandeelAmmodytidae ZoneIIaa, IIIa, IVaSAN/2A3A4.
Denmark618 767
United Kingdom13 525
All Member States23 668b
EC655 960
Norway5 000c
TAC660 960Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneI, II (Community waters and international waters)
The Netherlands25
United Kingdom50
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneIII, IV (Community waters and international waters)
Denmark1 180
The Netherlands55
United Kingdom21
EC1 331
SpeciesGreater silver smeltArgentina silus ZoneV, VI, VII (Community waters and international waters)
The Netherlands4 225
United Kingdom297
EC5 310
TAC5 310

Specified in Regulation (EC) No 2270/2004.


Of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Sub-areas Vb, VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in Sub-areas Vb, VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes.


Including ling. The quotas for Norway are ling 6 800 tonnes, and tusk 4 000 tonnes and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and may only be fished with long-lines in ICES Division Vb and Sub-areas VI and VII.

SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme ZoneEC waters of zones IIa, IV, Vb, VI, VIIUSK/2A47-C
ECNot relevanta
Norway4 000b c
TACNot relevant
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosme ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)USK/04-N.
The Netherlands1
United Kingdom5
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBasking sharkCetorhinus maximus ZoneEC waters of zones IV, VI and VIIBSK/467.

Landed as the entire catch or sorted from the remainder of the catch.


To be taken in Skagerrak.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus ZoneIIIaHER/03A.
Denmark40 104
Sweden41 950
EC82 696
Faroe Islands500b
TAC96 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Landed as the entire catch or sorted from the remainder of the catch. Member States must inform the Commission of their landings of herring distinguishing between ICES Divisions IVa and IVb zones HER/04A and HER/04 B


May be taken in EC waters. Catches taken within this quota are deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

[F2Species Herring a Clupea harengus Zone IV north of 53 o  30′ N HER/4AB
Denmark 95 211
Germany 57 215
France 20 548
The Netherlands 56 745
Sweden 5 443
United Kingdom 70 395
EC 305 557
Norway 60 000 b
TAC 535 000 Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions: U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified: U.K.

Norwegian waters south of 62 o N (HER/*04N-)
EC 60 000]

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe shall be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° NHER/04-N.
Sweden1 102a
EC1 102
TACNot relevant

By-catches of herring taken in fisheries for species other than herring and landed unsorted.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus ZoneIIIaHER/03A-BC
Denmark20 642
Sweden3 324
EC24 150
TAC24 150Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

By-catches of herring taken in fisheries for species other than herring and landed unsorted.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV, VIIdHER/2A47DX
Denmark47 865
The Netherlands248
United Kingdom909
EC50 000
TAC50 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Landed as the entire catch or sorted from the remainder of the catch.


Except Blackwater stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime region of the Thames estuary within a zone delimited by a line running due south from Landguard Point (51°56′ N, 1°19.1′ E) to latitude 51°33′ N and hence due west to a point on the coast of the United Kingdom.


Transfers of up to 50 % of this quota may be affected to ICES Division IVb. However, such transfers must be notified in advance to the Commission.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengus ZoneIVcb, VIIdHER/4CXB7D
Belgium9 684c
Denmark1 882c
Germany1 131c
France19 341c
The Netherlands34 704c
United Kingdom7 551c
EC74 293
TAC535 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Reference is to the herring stock in ICES Division VIa, north of 56°00′ N and in that part of VIa which is situated east of 07°00′ W and north of 55°00′ N, excluding the Clyde.


This quota may only be taken in Division VIa north of 56°30′ N.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVb, VIaNa (EC waters), VIbHER/5B6ANB
Germany3 291
Ireland4 447
The Netherlands3 291
United Kingdom17 788
EC29 440
Faroe Islands660b
TAC30 100Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Reference is to the herring stock in ICES Division VIa, south of 56°00′ N and west of 07°00′ W.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIaSa, VIIbcHER/6AS7BC
Ireland12 727
The Netherlands1 273
EC14 000
TAC14 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Clyde stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime area situated to the north-east of a line drawn between the Mull of Kintyre and Corsewall Point.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIa ClydeaHER/06ACL.
United Kingdom1 000
EC1 000
TAC1 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

ICES Division VIIa is reduced by the area added to the ICES area VIIghjk bounded:

  • to the north by latitude 52°30′ N

  • to the south by latitude 52°00′ N

  • to the west by the coast of Ireland

  • to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIaaHER/07A/MM
Ireland1 250
United Kingdom3 550
EC4 800
TAC4 800Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIe,fHER/7EF.
United Kingdom500
EC1 000
TAC1 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

ICES Division VIIg,h,j,k is increased by the area bounded:

  • to the north by latitude 52°30′ N,

  • to the south by latitude 52°00′ N,

  • to the west by the coast of Ireland,

  • to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengus ZoneVIIg,h,j,kaHER/7G-K.
Ireland11 236
The Netherlands802
United Kingdom16
EC13 000
TAC13 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus ZoneVIIIANE/08.
Spain27 000
France3 000
EC30 000
TAC30 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesAnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus ZoneIX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)ANE/9/3411
Spain3 826
Portugal4 174
EC8 000
TAC8 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneSkagerrakCOD/03AN.
Denmark3 119
The Netherlands20
EC3 773
TAC3 900Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneKattegatCOD/03AS.
EC1 000
TAC1 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

May be taken in EC waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneIIa (EC waters), IVCOD/2AC4.
Denmark4 635
Germany2 939
The Netherlands2 619
United Kingdom10 631
EC22 659
Norway4 641a
TAC27 300Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Norwegian waters(COD/*04N-)
EC19 694
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° NCOD/04-N.
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVCOD/561214
United Kingdom433
TAC721Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Vb (EC zone), VIa(COD/*5BC6A)
United Kingdom415
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIIaCOD/07A.
Ireland1 416
The Netherlands7
United Kingdom619
EC2 150
TAC2 150Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneVIIb-k, VIII, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)COD/7X7A34
France4 554
The Netherlands38
United Kingdom493
EC6 200
TAC6 200Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)LEZ/2AC4-C
The Netherlands22
United Kingdom1 677
EC1 740
TAC1 740Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVLEZ/561214
France1 277
United Kingdom903
EC2 880
TAC2 880Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVIILEZ/07.
Spain5 779
France7 013
Ireland3 189
United Kingdom2 762
EC19 263
TAC19 263Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVIIIabdeLEZ/8ABDE.
Spain1 238
EC2 237
TAC2 237Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesMegrimsLepidorhombus spp. ZoneVIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)LEZ/8C3411
Spain1 233
EC1 336
TAC1 336Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesDab and flounderLimanda limanda and Platichthys flesus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)D/F/2AC4-C
Denmark1 844
Germany2 766
The Netherlands11 151
United Kingdom1 550
EC18 000
TAC18 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)ANF/2AC4-C
The Netherlands276
United Kingdom8 392
EC10 314
TAC10 314Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)ANF/04-N.
Denmark1 381
The Netherlands20
United Kingdom323
EC1 800
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVANF/561214
France2 073
The Netherlands162
United Kingdom1 442
EC4 686
TAC4 686Analytical TAC where Article 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVIIANF/07.
Belgium2 318
France14 874
Ireland1 901
The Netherlands300
United Kingdom4 510
EC25 082
TAC25 082Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVIIIa,b,d,eANF/8ABDE.
France5 188
EC6 120
TAC6 120Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidae ZoneVIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)ANF/8C3411
Spain1 629
EC1 955
TAC1 955Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Excluding an estimated 239 tonnes of industrial by-catch.

SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneIIIa, IIIbcd (EC waters)HAD/3A/BCD
Denmark3 036
The Netherlands4
EC3 610a
TAC4 018Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply

Excluding an estimate of 578 tonnes of industrial by-catch.

SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IVHAD/2AC4.
Denmark3 742
Germany2 381
France4 150
The Netherlands408
United Kingdom39 832
EC51 321a
Norway14 679
TAC66 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Norwegian waters(HAD/*04N-)
EC38 175
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneNorwegian waters, south of 62° NHAD/04-N.
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVIb, XII, XIVHAD/6B1214
United Kingdom566
TAC702Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVb, VIa (EC waters)HAD/5BC6A.
United Kingdom6 127
EC7 600
TAC7 600Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVII, VIII, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)HAD/7/3411
France7 680
Ireland2 560
United Kingdom1 152
EC11 520
TAC11 520Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in division:U.K.

United Kingdom718
EC1 500
When reporting to the Commission the uptake of their quotas, Member States shall specify quantities taken in VIIa. Landings of haddock caught in Division VIIa shall be prohibited when the totality of such landings exceeds 1 500 tonnes.

Excluding an estimated 750 tonnes of industrial by-catch.

SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneIIIaWHG/03A.
The Netherlands2
TAC1 500Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Excluding an estimated 5 400 tonnes of industrial by-catch.


May be taken in EC waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IVWHG/2AC4.
Denmark2 618
France3 935
The Netherlands1 513
United Kingdom10 444
EC19 800a
Norway2 800b
TAC28 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified.U.K.

Norwegian waters(WHG/*04N-)
EC17 073
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVWHG/561214
United Kingdom917
EC1 600
TAC1 600Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIIaWHG/07A.
The Netherlands0
United Kingdom199
TAC514Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIIb-kWHG/7X7A.
France12 960
Ireland6 006
The Netherlands105
United Kingdom2 318
EC21 600
TAC21 600Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneVIIIWHG/08.
Spain1 440
France2 160
EC3 600
TAC3 600Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangus ZoneIX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)WHG/9/3411
TAC816Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesWhiting and PollackMerlangius merlangus and Pollachius pollachius ZoneNorwegian waters, south of 62° NW/P/04-N.
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Within an overall TAC of 42 600 tonnes for the northern stock of hake.

SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneIIIa, IIIbcd (EC waters)HKE/3A/BCD
Denmark1 183
EC1 284
TAC1 284aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Within an overall TAC of 42 600 tonnes for the northern stock of hake.

SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)HKE/2AC4-C
The Netherlands50
United Kingdom269
EC1 496
TAC1 496aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Within an overall TAC of 42 600 tonnes for the northern stock of hake.

SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, VII, XII, XIVHKE/571214
Spain7 042
France10 873
Ireland1 318
The Netherlands142
United Kingdom4 293
EC23 888
TAC23 888aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Spain1 137
France1 137
The Netherlands14
United Kingdom639
EC3 096

Within an overall TAC of 42 600 tonnes for the northern stock of hake.

SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVIIIa,b,d,eHKE/8ABDE.
Spain4 902
France11 009
The Netherlands14
EC15 932
TAC15 932aAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Vb (EC waters), VI, VII, XII, XIV (HKE/*57-14)
Spain1 420
France2 557
The Netherlands4
EC3 982
SpeciesHakeMerluccius merluccius ZoneVIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)HKE/8C3411
Spain3 819
Portugal1 782
EC5 968
TAC5 968Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Within a total quota of 120 000 tonnes in EC waters.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)WHB/2AC4-C
Denmark118 475
The Netherlands359
United Kingdom2 613
EC122 024
Norway40 000a
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)WHB/04-N.
Denmark18 050
United Kingdom950
EC19 000
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which up to 75 % may be taken in areas VIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters).


May be fished in EC waters in areas II, IVa, VIa north of 56°30′N, VIb, VII west of 12°W.


Of which up to pm tonnes may consist of argentine (Argentina spp.).


Catches of blue whiting may include unavoidable catches of argentine (Argentina spp.)


May be fished in EC waters in areas VIa north of 56°30′ N, VIb, VII west of 12° W.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneV, VI, VII, XII and XIVWHB/571214
Denmark9 803
Germany37 947
Spain63 244a
France52 809
Ireland75 893
The Netherlands119 216
Portugal4 743a
United Kingdom110 678
EC474 333
Norway120 000b c
Faroe Islands45 000d e
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Norway40 000
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneVIIIa,b,d,eWHB/8ABDE.
Spain24 404
France18 936
Portugal3 661
United Kingdom17 672
EC64 673
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Any part of the abovementioned quotas may be fished in ICES Division Vb (EC waters), sub-areas VI, VII, XII and XIV (WHB/*5B-14).U.K.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneVIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)WHB/8C3411
Spain107 382
Portugal26 845
EC134 227
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesLemon sole and witchMicrostomus kitt and Glyptocephalus cynoglossus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)L/W/2AC4-C
The Netherlands807
United Kingdom3 970
EC6 500
TAC6 500Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Specified in Regulation (EC) No 2270/2004.

SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterigia ZoneIIa, IV, Vb, VI, VII (Community waters)BLI/2A47-C
ECNot relevanta
TACNot relevant

To be fished by trawl, by-catches of roundnose grenadier and black scabbard fish to be counted against this quota.

SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterigia ZoneEC waters of zones VIa (north of 56°30′ N), VIbBLI/6AN6B.
Faroe Islands900a
TACNot relevant

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneI, II (Community waters and international waters)
United Kingdom10

May not be fished in Division 3 IIIb,c,d.]

[F3Species Ling Molva molva Zone III (Community waters and international waters)
Belgium 10 a
Denmark 76
Germany 10
Sweden 30
United Kingdom 10 a
EC 136
SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneIV (Community waters and international waters)
The Netherlands8
United Kingdom3 052
EC3 966
SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneV (Community waters and international waters)
United Kingdom9
SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneVI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV (Community waters and international waters)
Spain4 124
France4 397
Ireland1 102
United Kingdom5 063
EC14 966

Specified in Regulation (EC) No 2270/2004.


Of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Sub-areas VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in Sub-areas VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes.


Including tusk. The quotas for Norway are ling 6 000 tonnes, and tusk 4 000 tonnes and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and may only be fished with longlines in ICES Division Vb and Sub-areas VI and VII.


Including blue ling and tusk. Only to be taken by long lines in VIa (north of 56°30′ N) and VIb.


Of which an incidental catch of other species of 20 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Sub-area VI. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in Sub-area VI shall not exceed 75 tonnes.

SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneEC waters of zones IIa, IV, Vb, VI, VIILIN/2A47-C
ECNot relevanta
Norway6 800b c
Faroe Islands800d e
TACNot relevant
SpeciesLingMolva molva ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)LIN/04-N.
The Netherlands1
United Kingdom79
EC1 000
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneIIIa (EC waters), IIIbcd (EC waters)NEP/3A/BCD
Denmark3 454
Sweden1 236
EC4 700
TAC4 700Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)NEP/2AC4-C
Belgium1 117
Denmark1 117
The Netherlands575
United Kingdom18 492
EC21 350
TAC21 350Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)NEP/04-N.
United Kingdom53
EC1 000
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVb (EC waters), VINEP/5BC6.
United Kingdom12 399
EC12 700
TAC12 700Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVIINEP/07.
Spain1 173
France4 753
Ireland7 207
United Kingdom6 411
EC19 544
TAC19 544Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVIIIa,b,d,eNEP/8ABDE.
France2 914
EC3 100
TAC3 100Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneVIIIcNEP/08C.
TAC162Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicus ZoneIX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)NEP/9/3411
TAC540Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneIIIaPRA/03A.
Denmark3 717
Sweden2 002
EC5 719
TAC10 710Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
[F3Species Northern prawn Pandalus borealis Zone IIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters) PRA/2AC4-C
Denmark 3 700
The Netherlands 35
Sweden 149
United Kingdom 1 096
EC 4 980
TAC 4 980 Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.]

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe shall be counted against the quotas for these species.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneNorwegian waters, south of 62°NPRA/04-N.
EC1 051
TACNot relevant

Fishing for shrimps Penaeus subtilis and Penaeus brasiliensis is prohibited in waters less than 30 m deep.

Species‘Penaeus’ shrimpsPenaeus spp. ZoneFrench GuyanaPEN/FGU.
France4 000a
EC4 000a
Trinidad and Tobago60a
TAC4 108aPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneSkagerrakPLE/03AN.
Denmark5 917
The Netherlands1 138
EC7 448
TAC7 600Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneKattegatPLE/03AS.
Denmark1 691
EC1 900
TAC1 900Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneIIa (EC waters), IVPLE/2AC4.
Belgium3 530
Denmark11 474
Germany3 310
The Netherlands22 066
United Kingdom16 328
EC57 370
Norway1 630
TAC59 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Norwegian waters(PLE/*04N-)
EC30 000
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVPLE/561214
United Kingdom597
TAC982Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIaPLE/07A.
Ireland1 051
The Netherlands13
United Kingdom485
EC1 608
TAC1 608Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIb,cPLE/7BC.
TAC160Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIId,ePLE/7DE.
France2 810
United Kingdom1 498
EC5 151
TAC5 151Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIf,gPLE/7FG.
United Kingdom69
TAC476Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIIh,j,kPLE/7HJK.
The Netherlands117
United Kingdom58
TAC466Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessa ZoneVIII, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)PLE/8/3411
TAC448Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVPOL/561214
United Kingdom206
TAC563Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVIIPOL/07.
France12 177
Ireland1 298
United Kingdom2 964
EC17 000
TAC17 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVIIIa,b,d,ePOL/8ABDE.
France1 394
EC1 680
TAC1 680Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneVIIIcPOL/08C.
TAC328Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesPollackPollachius pollachius ZoneIX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)POL/9/3411
TAC288Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

May only be taken in IV (EC waters) and Skagerrak. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneIIa (EC waters), IIIa, IIIbcd (EC waters), IVPOK/2A34.
Denmark6 013
Germany15 184
France35 733
The Netherlands152
United Kingdom11 641
EC69 600
Norway75 400a
TAC145 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

Norwegian waters(POK/*04N-)
EC69 600
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneNorwegian waters south of 62°NPOK/04-N.
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVPOK/561214
France9 774
United Kingdom3 792
EC15 044
TAC15 044Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneVII, VIII, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)POK/7X1034
France3 137
Ireland1 568
United Kingdom855
EC5 574
TAC5 574Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesTurbot and brillPsetta maxima and Scopthalmus rhombus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)T/B/2AC4-C
The Netherlands2 527
United Kingdom703
EC4 550
TAC4 550Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesSkates and raysRajidae ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)SRX/2AC4-C
The Netherlands462
United Kingdom2 083
EC3 220
TAC3 220Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Fishing in VI is restricted to long lines.


To be taken in EC waters of II and VI.]

[F1Species Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone IIa (Community waters), IV, VI (Community waters and international waters)
Denmark 10
Germany 18
Estonia 10
Spain 10
France 168
Ireland 10
Lithuania 10
Poland 10
United Kingdom 661
EC 1 052
Norway 145 a b
TAC Not relevant

Including a fishery by this Member State of 1 865 tonnes of mackerel in ICES Division IIIa and in EC waters of ICES Division IVab (MAC/*3A4AB).


Including 315 tonnes to be taken in Norwegian waters of ICES Sub-area IV (MAC/*04N-).


When fishing in Norwegian waters, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe shall be counted against the quotas for these species.


To be deducted from Norway’s share of the TAC (access quota). This quota may be fished in division IVa only, except for 3 000 tonnes that may be fished in division IIIa.


TAC agreed by the EC, Norway and Faroe Islands for the northern area.

SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IIIa, IIIb,c,d (EC waters), IVMAC/2A34.
Denmark11 866
The Netherlands470
Sweden3 526a b c
United Kingdom435
EC17 067b
Norway28 676d
TAC420 000eAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified:U.K.

IIIaMAC/*03A.IIIa, IVb,cMAC/*3A4BCIVbMAC/*04B.IVcMAC/*04C.IIa (non-EC waters), VI, from 1 January to 31 March 2005MAC/*2A6.
Denmark4 1304 020
The Netherlands470
United Kingdom435
Norway3 000

May be fished only in IIa, VIa (north of 56 o  30′ N), IVa, VIId, e, f, h.


Of which 1 002 tonnes may be fished in ICES Division IVa north of 59° N (EC zone) from 1 January to 15 February and from 1 October to 31 December. A quantity of 2 763 tonnes of the Faroe Islands' own quota may be fished in ICES Division VIa (north of 56° 30′ N) throughout the year and/or in ICES Divisions VIIe, f, h, and/or ICES Division IVa.


TAC agreed by the EC, Norway and Faroe Islands for the northern area.

[F2Species Mackerel Scomber scombrus Zone IIa (non-EC waters), Vb (EC waters and international waters), VI, VII, VIIIa, b, d, e, XII, XIV MAC/2CX14-
Germany 13 845
Spain 20
Estonia 115
France 9 231
Ireland 46 149
Latvia 85
Lithuania 85
The Netherlands 20 190
Poland 844
United Kingdom 126 913
EC 217 477
Norway 8 500 a
Faroe Islands 3 322 b
TAC 420 000 c Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions: U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified, and only during the periods 1 January to 15 February and 1 October to 31 December. U.K.


 North of 59° N (EC zone) from 1 January to 15 February and from 1 October to 31 December.]

IVa (EC waters) MAC/*04A-C
Germany 4 175
Spain 0
France 2 784
Ireland 13 918
The Netherlands 6 089
United Kingdom 38 274
EC 65 240
Norway 8 500
Faroe Islands 1 002 a

The quantities subject to exchange with other Member States may be taken, up to a limit of 25 % of the quota of the donor Member State, in ICES area VIIIa,b,d (MAC/*8ABD.).

SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus ZoneVIIIc, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)MAC/8C3411
Spain20 500a
Portugal4 237a
EC24 873
TAC24 873Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions:U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified.U.K.

Spain1 722
[F2Species Common sole Solea solea Zone IIIa, IIIb, c, d (EC waters) SOL/3A/BCD
Denmark 755
Germany 44
The Netherlands 73
Sweden 28
EC 900
TAC 900 Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.]
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneII, IV (EC waters)SOL/24.
Belgium1 527
Germany1 221
The Netherlands13 784
United Kingdom785
EC18 320
TAC18 600Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVb (EC waters), VI, XII, XIVSOL/561214
United Kingdom14
TAC68Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIaSOL/07A.
The Netherlands150
United Kingdom213
TAC960Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIb,cSOL/7BC.
TAC65Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIf,gSOL/7FG.
United Kingdom281
EC1 000
TAC1 000Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIh,j,kSOL/7HJK.
The Netherlands87
United Kingdom108
TAC650Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIIa,bSOL/8AB.
France3 796
The Netherlands284
EC4 140
TAC4 140Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesSoleSolea spp. ZoneVIIIc,d,e, IX, X, CECAF 34.1.1 (EC waters)SOX/8CDE34
EC1 216
TAC1 216Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus ZoneIIIaSPR/03A.
Denmark33 504
Sweden12 676
EC46 250
TAC50 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Including sandeel.


May only be fished in sub-area IV (EC waters).


The quota includes a maximum by-catch of 1 200 tonnes of herring. Any by-catch of blue whiting shall be counted against the blue whiting quota established for fishing areas VIa, VIb and VII.

SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)SPR/2AC4-C
Belgium2 877
Denmark227 669
Germany2 877
France2 877
The Netherlands2 877
Sweden1 330a
United Kingdom9 493
EC250 000
Norway1 000b
Faroe Islands6 000c
TAC257 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesSpratSprattus sprattus ZoneVIIdeSPR/7DE.
Denmark2 496
The Netherlands538
United Kingdom4 032
EC7 680
TAC7 680Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Including catches taken with long lines of tope shark and velvet belly, bird beak dogfish, leafscale gulper shark, greater lantern shark, smooth lantern shark and Portuguese dogfish. This quota may only be taken in ICES sub-areas IV, VI and VII.

SpeciesSpurdog/dogfishSqualus acanthias ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)DGS/2AC4-C
The Netherlands30
United Kingdom919
EC1 136
TAC1 236Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

May only be fished in sub-area IV (EC waters).


Within a total quota of 6 500 tonnes for ICES Sub-Areas IV, VIa (north of 56°30′N) and VII e,f,h.

SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneIIa (EC waters), IV (EC waters)JAX/2AC4-C
Denmark27 547
Germany2 077
Ireland1 599
The Netherlands4 469
United Kingdom4 066
EC40 616
Norway1 600a
Faroe Islands1 823b
TAC42 727Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

This quota may only be fished in ICES areas IV, VIa (north of 56 o  30′ N) and VIIe, f, h.


Within a total quota of 6 500 tonnes for ICES Sub-areas IV, VIa (north of 56 o  30′ N) and VIIe, f, h.]

[F2Species Horse mackerel Trachurus spp. Zone Vb (EC waters and international waters), VI, VII, VIIIa, b, d, e, XII, XIV JAX/578/14
Denmark 12 088
Germany 9 662
Spain 13 195
France 6 384
Ireland 31 454
The Netherlands 46 096
Portugal 1 277
United Kingdom 13 067
EC 133 223
Faroe Islands 4 955 a b
TAC 137 000 Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which no more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 14 cm, notwithstanding Article 19 of Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98. For the purposes of the control of this quantity, the weight of the landings shall be affected by a coefficient of 1.2.

SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneVIIIc, IXJAX/8C9.
Spain29 587a
Portugal25 036a
EC55 000
TAC55 000Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Waters adjacent to the Azores under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Portugal.

SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneX, CECAFaJAX/X34PRT
Portugal3 200
EC3 200
TAC3 200Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Waters adjacent to Madeira under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Portugal.

SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneCECAF (EC waters)aJAX/341PRT
Portugal1 600
EC1 600
TAC1 600Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Waters adjacent to the Canary Islands under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Spain.

SpeciesHorse mackerelTrachurus spp. ZoneCECAF (EC waters)aJAX/341SPN
Spain1 600
EC1 600
TAC1 600Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

This quota may be fished in ICES Division VIa, North of 56°30′N.

SpeciesNorway poutTrisopterus esmarki ZoneIIa (EC waters), IIIa, IV (EC waters)NOP/2A3A4.
The Netherlands0
Norway1 000a
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

Including inextricably mixed horse mackerel.


Only as by-catches.

SpeciesNorway poutTrisopterus esmarki ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)NOP/04-N.
Denmark4 750a b
United Kingdom250a b
EC5 000a b
TACNot relevantAnalytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe to be counted against the quotas for these species.


Of which no more than 400 tonnes of horse mackerel.

SpeciesIndustrial fish ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)I/F/04-N.
Sweden800a b
TACNot relevant

Taken with long lines only, including rat tails, Mora mora and greater fork beard.]

[F3Species Combined quota Zone EC waters of zones Vb, VI, VII R/G/5B67-C
EC Not relevant
Norway 600 a
TAC Not relevant

Quota allocated by Norway to Sweden of ‘other species’ at a traditional level.

SpeciesOther species ZoneIV (Norwegian waters)OTH/04-N.
Denmark3 500
The Netherlands280
SwedenNot relevanta
United Kingdom2 625
EC7 000
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Limited to IIa and IV. Includes fisheries not specifically mentioned.


Limited to by-catches of whitefish in IV and VIa.]

[F3Species Other species Zone EC waters of zones IIa, IV, VIa north of 56° 30' N OTH/2A46AN
EC Not relevant
Norway 4 720 a
Faroe Islands 400 b
TAC Not relevant


[F3Species Snow crab Chionoecetes spp. Zone NAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters) PCR/N01GRN
Ireland 125
Spain 875
EC 1 000
TAC Not relevant Precautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply,]

Of which 315 tonnes are allocated to Norway.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesRoundnose grenadierCoryphaenoides rupestris ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters)RNG/N01GRN
Germany1 035b
EC1 035a b
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which 285 tonnes are allocated to Norway.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesRoundnose grenadierCoryphaenoides rupestris ZoneV, XIV (Greenland waters)RNG/514GRN
United Kingdom0b
EC285a b
TACNot relevantPrecautionary TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

May be fished in EC waters.

[F4Species Herring Clupea harengus Zone I, II (EC waters and international waters) HER/1/2
Belgium 31
Denmark 30 677
Germany 5 373
Spain 101
France 1 324
Ireland 7 942
Netherlands 10 979
Poland 1 553
Portugal 101
Finland 475
Sweden 11 368
United Kingdom 19 613
EC 89 537
Faroe Islands 7 548 a
TAC 890 000 Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Special conditions: U.K.

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the zones specified: U.K.

II, Vb north of 62° N (Faroese waters) (HER/*25B-F)
Belgium 3
Denmark 2 580
Germany 452
Spain 9
France 111
Ireland 668
Netherlands 924
Poland 131
Portugal 9
Finland 40
Sweden 956
United Kingdom 1 650]
SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)COD/1N2AB.
Germany2 356
Spain2 628
France2 163
Portugal2 628
United Kingdom9 140
EC19 499
TAC471 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (incl.V, XIV (Greenland waters))COD/N01514
United Kingdom0a
TAC0Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Except Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.


The allocation of the share of the cod stock available to the Community in the zone Spitzbergen and Bear Island is entirely without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the 1920 Treaty of Paris.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneI, II bCOD/1/2B.
Germany3 116
Spain8 056
France1 330
Poland1 460
Portugal1 701
United Kingdom1 995
All Member States100a
EC17 757b
TAC471 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesCod and haddockGadus morhua and Melanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneVb (Faroese waters)C/H/05B-F.
United Kingdom430
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which 200 tonnes to be fished only with long lines, are allocated to Norway.


If by-catches of Atlantic halibut in trawl cod and redfish fisheries imply over-runs of this quota, the Greenland authorities will provide solutions to the effect that Community cod and redfish fisheries can nevertheless continue until the respective quotas have been exhausted.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossus ZoneV, XIV (Greenland waters)HAL/514GRN
EC1 000a b c
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which 200 tonnes, to be fished only with long lines, are allocated to Norway.


If by-catches of Atlantic halibut in trawl cod and redfish fisheries imply over-runs of this quota, the Greenland authorities will provide solutions to the effect that Community cod and redfish fisheries can nevertheless continue until the respective quotas have been exhausted.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossus ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters)HAL/N01GRN
EC200a b c
TACNot relevant
SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosus ZoneIIbCAP/02B.

Of which 45 930 tonnes are allocated to Iceland.


To be fished before 30 April 2005 .]

[F3Species Capelin Mallotus villosus Zone V, XIV (Greenland waters) CAP/514GRN
All Member States 0
EC 50 050 a b
TAC Not relevant
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)HAD/1N2AB.
United Kingdom1 485
EC2 260
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneI, II (international waters)WHB/1/2INT
EC70 000
TACNot relevant
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)WHB/1/2-N.
EC1 000
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassou ZoneVb (Faroese waters)WHB/05B-F.
Denmark7 040
The Netherlands672
United Kingdom7 040
EC16 000
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

By-catches up to 1 080 tonnes of roundnose grenadier and black scabbard fish to be counted against this quota.

SpeciesLing and Blue LingMolva molva and Molva dypterigia ZoneVb (Faroese waters)B/L/05B-F.
France2 106a
United Kingdom184a
EC3 240a
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which 2 750 tonnes are allocated to Norway and 1 150 tonnes to Faroe Islands.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneV, XIV (Greenland waters)PRA/514GRN
EC5 675a b
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters)PRA/N01GRN
Denmark2 000a
France2 000a
EC4 000a
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)POK/1N2AB.
Germany2 880
United Kingdom257
EC3 600
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneI, II (International waters)POK/1/2INT
TACNot relevant
SpeciesSaithePollachius virens ZoneVb (Faroese waters)POK/05B-F.
France1 510
The Netherlands50
United Kingdom580
EC2 500
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)GHL/1N2AB.
United Kingdom50
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides ZoneI, II (International waters)GHL/1/2INT
TACNot relevant

Of which 800 tonnes are allocated to Norway and 75 tonnes are allocated to the Faroe Islands.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides ZoneV, XIV (Greenland waters)GHL/514GRN
Germany5 154b
United Kingdom271b
EC6 300a b
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Of which 800 tonnes are allocated to Norway and 150 tonnes are allocated to the Faroe Islands.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters)GHL/N01GRN
EC1 500a b
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

May also be fished in sub-area IV (Norwegian waters) and in Division IIa (non-EC waters)(MAC/*4N-2A).

SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus ZoneIIa (Norwegian waters)MAC/02A-N.
Denmark8 500a
EC8 500a
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

May be fished in IVa (EC waters)(MAC/*04A-C).

SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrus ZoneVb (Faroese waters)MAC/05B-F.
Denmark2 763a
EC2 763
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

EC waters and international waters.


May be taken in the NAFO Regulatory Area Sub-area 2, Divisions IF and 3K but shall be counted against the quota for V, XII, XIV within a total quota of 25 000 tonnes (RED/*N1F3K).

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneV, XII, XIVa bRED/51214.
Germany6 986b
Spain1 227b
Lithuania3 625b
The Netherlands3b
Portugal1 466b
United Kingdom17b
EC15 513b
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)RED/1N2AB.
United Kingdom150a
EC1 500a
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

May be fished by pelagic trawl. Catches from the bottom trawl fishery and the pelagic trawl fishery shall be reported separately. May be fished East or West.


3 500 tonnes to be fished with pelagic trawl are allocated to Norway.


500 tonnes are allocated to the Faroe Islands. Catches from the bottom trawl and pelagic trawl fisheries shall be reported separately.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

[F3Species Redfish Sebastes spp. Zone V, XIV (Greenland waters) RED/514GRN
Germany 11 794 d
France 60 d
United Kingdom 84 d
EC 15 938 a b c d
TAC Not relevant Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Including unavoidable by-catches (cod not allowed).


To be fished between July and December.]

Species Redfish Sebastes spp. Zone Va (Icelandic waters) RED/05A-IS
Belgium 100 a b
Germany 1 690 a b
France 50 a b
United Kingdom 1 160 a b
EC 3 000 a b
TAC Not relevant
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneVb (Faroese waters)RED/05B-F.
Germany3 679
United Kingdom43
EC4 000
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Refers to the combined by-catch of cod, catfish, skate, ling and tusk. The by-catch quantities of cod shall not exceed 100 tonnes. May be fished in the East or in West.


Provisional quota, pending the conclusions of fisheries consultations with Denmark (on behalf of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) for 2005.

SpeciesBy-catches ZoneNAFO 0, 1 (Greenland waters)XBC/N01GRN
EC2 000a b
TACNot relevant

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesOther speciesa ZoneI, II (Norwegian waters)OTH/1N2AB.
United Kingdom240a
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Excluding fish species of no commercial value.

SpeciesOther speciesa ZoneVb (Faroese waters)OTH/05B-F.
United Kingdom180
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesFlatfish ZoneVb (Faroese waters)FLX/05B-F.
United Kingdom408
TACNot relevantArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.


All TACs and associate conditions are adopted in the framework of NAFO.


There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneNAFO 2J3KLCOD/N2J3KL

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneNAFO 3NOCOD/N3NO.

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesCodGadus morhua ZoneNAFO 3MCOD/N3M.

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus ZoneNAFO 2J3KLWIT/N2J3KL

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus ZoneNAFO 3NOWIT/N3NO.

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides ZoneNAFO 3MPLA/N3M.

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides ZoneNAFO 3LNOPLA/N3LNO.

No specified Community share, an amount of 29 467 tonnes is available to Canada and the EC Member States except Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.


To be fished between 1 July and 31 December.

SpeciesShort fin squidIllex illecebrosus ZoneNAFO sub-zones 3 and 4SQI/N34.
ECNot relevanta b
TAC34 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Despite having access to a shared quota of 76 tonnes for the Community, it is decided to set this amount to 0. There will be no directed fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catches within the rules set out in Article 28.


Catches taken by vessels under this quota shall be reported to the Flag Member State and forwarded to the Executive Secretary of NAFO via the Commission at 48 hour intervals.

SpeciesYellowtail flounderLimanda ferruginea ZoneNAFO 3LNOYEL/N3LNO.
EC0a b
TAC15 000

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosus ZoneNAFO 3NOCAP/N3NO.

Not including the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W

To be fished from 1 January to 31 March, 1 July to 14 September and 1 December to 31 December.


All Member States except Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneNAFO 3LaPRA/N3L.
EC144b c
TAC13 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Vessels may also fish this stock in Division 3L in the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W

When conducting a fishery for shrimp in this box, vessels shall, whether or not crossing the line separating NAFO Divisions 3L and 3M, report in accordance with point 1.3 of the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No 189/92 of 27 January 1992 adopting provisions for the application of control measures adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (OJ L 21, 30.1.1992, p. 4. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1048/97 (OJ L 154, 12.6.1997, p. 1)).

Moreover, fishing for shrimp shall be prohibited from 1 June to 31 December 2005 in the area bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W

Not relevant. Fishery managed by limitations in fishing effort. The Member States concerned shall issue special fishing permits for their fishing vessels engaging in this fishery, and shall notify those permits to the Commission prior to the commencement of the vessel's activity, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1627/94. By way of derogation from Article 8 of that Regulation, permits will only become valid if the Commission has not objected within five working days following the notification.

The maximum number of vessels and fishing time allowed shall be:

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsMaximum number of fishing days
Estonia81 667

Each Member State shall, within 25 days following the calendar month in which the catches are made, report monthly to the Commission the fishing days spent in Division 3M and in the area defined in footnote (1) above.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealis ZoneNAFO 3MaPRA/N3M.
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides ZoneNAFO 3LMNOGHL/N3LMNO
Spain5 208
Portugal2 197
EC8 254
TAC14 079Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSkatesRajidae ZoneNAFO 3LNOSRX/N3LNO.
Spain6 561
Portugal1 274
EC8 500
TAC13 500Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

There will be no direct fishing on this species, which will be caught only as by-catch within the rules set out in Article 28.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneNAFO 3LNRED/N3LN.

This quota is subject to compliance with the TAC of 5 000 tonnes established for this stock. Upon exhaustion of the TAC, the directed fishery for this stock shall be stopped irrespective of the level of catches.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneNAFO 3MRED/N3M.
Estonia1 571a
Latvia1 571a
Lithuania1 571a
Portugal2 354a
EC7 813a
TAC5 000aArticles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp. ZoneNAFO 3ORED/N3O.
Spain1 771
Portugal5 229
EC7 000
TAC20 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
[F3Species White hake Urophycis tenuis Zone NAFO 3NO HKW/N3NO
Spain 2 165
Portugal 2 835
EC 5 000
TAC 8 500 Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.]


TACS in this area are adopted in the framework of international fisheries organisations on tuna fisheries, such as ICCAT and IATTC.


Cyprus and Malta may fish under the ICCAT ‘Others’ quota in accordance with the ICCAT Compliance Tables adopted at 2003 ICCAT Annual Meeting.


Except Cyprus, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Malta and Portugal, and only as by-catch.

SpeciesBluefin tunaThunnus thynnus ZoneAtlantic Ocean, east of longitude 45° W, and MediterraneanBFT/AE045W
Cyprus a
Spain6 276,7
France6 192,7
Italy4 888
Malta a
All Member States60b
EC18 331
TAC32 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

Except Spain and Portugal, and only as by-catch.

SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladius ZoneAtlantic Ocean, north of latitude 5° NSWO/AN05N
Spain6 541,5
Portugal1 010,4
All Member States148,5a
EC7 700,4
TAC14 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladius ZoneAtlantic Ocean, south of latitude 5° NSWO/AS05N
Spain6 595,6
EC6 966,7
TAC15 956Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.

It is prohibited to use any gill net, bottom set gill net, trammel net and entangling net.


The number of Community fishing vessels fishing for Northern Albacore as a target species is fixed to pm vessels in accordance with Article 10 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001.


The distribution between the Member States of the maximum number of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State authorised to fish for Northern Albacore as a target species in accordance with Article 10 (4) of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001:

Member StateMaximum number of vessels
United Kingdom12
EC1 253
SpeciesNorthern AlbacoreGermo alalunga ZoneAtlantic Ocean, north of latitude 5° NALB/AN05N
Ireland5 723,3a c
Spain31 383a c
France8 217a c
United Kingdom600,7a c
Portugal4 129,5a c
EC50 053,5a b
TAC34 500Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesSouthern AlbacoreGermo alalunga ZoneAtlantic Ocean, south of latitude 5° NALB/AS05N
EC1 914,7
TAC30 915Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBigeye TunaThunnus obesus ZoneAtlantic OceanBET/ATLANT
Spain21 526,4
France9 438
Portugal13 511
EC44 475,4
TAC90 000Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply.
SpeciesBlue marlinMakaira nigricans ZoneAtlantic OceanBUM/ATLANT
TACNot relevant
SpeciesWhite marlinTetrapturus alba ZoneAtlantic OceanWHM/ATLANT
TACNot relevant


These TACs, adopted by CCAMLR, are not allocated to the members of CCAMLR and hence the Community share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the Secretariat of CCAMLR, who will communicate when fishing must cease due to TAC exhaustion.


TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesBlackfin icefishChaenocephalus aceratus ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticSSI/F483.
TAC2 200a

TAC to cover by-catches in the fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the corresponding fisheries shall be closed.

SpeciesUnicorn icefishChannichthys rhinoceratus ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticLIC/F5852.

This TAC is applicable for the period 15 November 2004 to 14 November 2005. Fishing for this stock during the period 1 March to 31 May 2005 shall be limited to 894 tonnes.

SpeciesAntarctic icefishChampsocephalus gunnari ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticANI/F483.
TAC3 574a

This TAC shall be applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.


For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is defined as that portion of FAO statistical division 58.5.2 that lies within the area enclosed by a line:


starting at the point where the meridian of longitude 72°15′E intersects the Australia–France Maritime Delimitation Agreement Boundary then south along the meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 53°25′S;


then east along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 74°E;


then northeasterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the parallel of latitude 52°40′S and the meridian of longitude 76°E;


then north along the meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 52°S;


then northwesterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the parallel of latitude 51°S with the meridian of longitude 74°30′E; and


then southwesterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.

SpeciesAntarctic icefishChampsocephalus gunnari ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticbANI/F5852.
TAC1 864a

This TAC shall be applicable for long-line fishery in the period 1 May to 31 August 2005 and for pot fishery 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.


Including 152 tonnes of skates and rays and 152 tonnes of Macrorus spp. as by-catch.

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the sub-areas specified:

Management Area A:

48°W to 43°30′W –

52°30′S to 56°S



Management Area B:

43°30′W to 40°W –

52°30′S to 56°S



Management Area C:

40°W to 33°30′W –

52°30′S to 56°S


2 135
SpeciesAntarctic toothfishDissostichus eleginoides ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticTOP/F483.
TAC3 050a b

To be fished only with long-lines.


This TAC shall be applicable during a fishing season defined as that applied in Sub-area 48.3, or until the catch limit for Dissostichus eleginoides in Sub-area 48.4 is reached, or until the catch limit for Dissostichus eleginoides in Sub-area 48.3, as specified above, is reached, whichever is sooner.

SpeciesAntarctic toothfishDissostichus eleginoides ZoneFAO 48.4 AntarcticTOP/F484.
TAC28a b

This TAC shall be applicable for the trawl fishery in the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005 and for the long-line fishery in the period 1 May to 31 August 2005.


This TAC is applicable for West of 79°20′E only. Fishing east of this meridian within this zone is prohibited (see Annex XV).

SpeciesAntarctic toothfishDissostichus eleginoides ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticTOP/F5852.
TAC2 787a b

This TAC shall be applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the sub-areas specified:

Sub-area 48.1 (KRI/*F481.)1 008 000
Sub-area 48.2 (KRI/*F482.)1 104 000
Sub-area 48.3 (KRI/*F483.)1 056 000
Sub-area 48.4 (KRI/*F484.)832 000
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba ZoneFAO 48KRI/F48.
TAC4 000 000a

This TAC shall be applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the areas specified

Division 58.4.1 West of 115° E (KRI/*F-41W)277 000
Division 58.4.1 East of 115° E (KRI/*F-41E)163 000
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba ZoneFAO 58.4.1 AntarcticKRI/F5841.
TAC440 000a

This TAC shall be applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.

SpeciesKrillEuphausia superba ZoneFAO 58.4.2 AntarcticKRI/F5842.
TAC450 000a

TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesHumped rockcodGobionotothen gibberifrons ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticNOG/F483.
TAC1 470a

TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesGrey rockcodLepidonotothen squamifrons ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticNOS/F483.

TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesGrey rockcodLepidonotothen squamifrons ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticNOS/F5852.

TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesMarbled rockcodNotothenia rossii ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticNOR/F483.

This TAC shall be applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.

SpeciesCrabParalomis spp. ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticPAI/F483.
TAC1 600a

TAC to cover by-catches in any directed fishery. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the directed fishery shall be closed.

SpeciesSouth Georgia icefishPseudochaenichthus georgianus ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticSGI/F483.

TAC to cover by-catches in the fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the corresponding fisheries shall be closed.

SpeciesGrenadierMacrourus spp. ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticGRV/F5852.

TAC to cover by-catches in the fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the corresponding fisheries shall be closed.

SpeciesOther species ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticOTH/F5852.

TAC to cover by-catches in the fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari. Wherever this by-catch TAC is exhausted, the corresponding fisheries shall be closed.


For the purposes of this TAC, skates and rays to be counted as one single species.

SpeciesSkates and raysRajae ZoneFAO 58.5.2 AntarcticSRX/F5852.
TAC120a b

This TAC is applicable for the period 1 December 2004 to 30 November 2005.

SpeciesSquidMartialia hyadesi ZoneFAO 48.3 AntarcticSQS/F483.
TAC2 500a



It shall be prohibited to land catches which are unsorted.


Member States shall ensure that an adequate sampling programme is in place which allow an efficient monitoring of the landings by species when landings are unsorted. The Member States shall not later than 1 March 2005 provide the Commission with a detailed description of the sampling programmes and a list of ports and landing sites where the sampling systems are in operation.


By way of derogation from point 1), it shall be permitted to land catches which are unsorted in ports and landing sites where a sampling programme referred to in point 2 is in operation.



Section 1U.K.Cod fishery

1.Conditions for certain gears authorised for cod fishery in the Baltic SeaU.K.

1.1.Towed netsU.K.
1.1.1.Without exit windowsU.K.

Towed nets without an exit window shall be prohibited.

1.1.2.With exit windowsU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions of special selectivity devices in Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 88/98, the provisions in Appendix 1 to this Annex shall apply.

1.1.3.One net ruleU.K.

When a towed net with exit windows is used, no other type of gear shall be kept on board.


By way of derogation from the provisions of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 88/98, the minimum mesh size for gillnets shall be 110 mm.

The nets shall not exceed a maximum length of 12 km for vessels with an overall length of up to and including 12 m.

The nets shall not exceed a maximum length of 24 km for vessels with an overall length of more than 12 m.

The soaking time of the nets shall not exceed 48 hours counting from the time the nets are first put in the water to the time when the nets are fully recovered on board the fishing vessel.

2.By-catch of cod in the Baltic SeaU.K.

2.1.By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 3(4) of Regulation (EC) No 88/98, no undersized cod may be kept on board, except in the case set out in point 2.2.U.K.
2.2.However, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 3(5) of Regulation (EC) No 88/98, the by-catch of cod taken when fishing for herring and sprat with mesh sizes of 32 mm or smaller shall not exceed 3 % by weight. Of this by-catch, no more than 5 % of undersized cod shall be kept on board.U.K.
2.3.By-catches of cod may not exceed 10 % when fishing for other species than herring and sprat with trawls and Danish seines other than those referred to in point 1.1.2.U.K.

3.Minimum size for cod in the Baltic SeaU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 88/98, the minimum size for cod shall be 38 cm.

4.Summer ban for Baltic codU.K.

Fishing for cod shall be prohibited in Sub-divisions 22-24 from 1 March 2005 to 30 April 2005 inclusive, and in Sub-divisions 25-32 from 1 May 2005 to 15 September 2005 inclusive.

5.Restrictions for fishing for cod in the Baltic SeaU.K.

It shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity within the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

Area 1:

Area 2:

Area 3:

6.Interim and additional conditions for monitoring, inspection and surveillance in the context of recovery of cod stocks in the Baltic SeaU.K.

6.1.General provisionsU.K.
6.1.1.The monitoring inspection and surveillance programme for cod stocks in the Baltic Sea shall consist of the following elements:U.K.

Special conditions for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea.

National control action programmes to be drawn up by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden.

Additional measures for monitoring, control and inspection.

Joint surveillance and exchange of inspectors.

6.1.2.The National control action programme for cod stocks may be revised, at the initiative of the Commission or following a request by a Member State.U.K.
6.2.Special Conditions for fishing for cod in the Baltic SeaU.K.
6.2.1.All vessels of overall length equal to or greater than 8 metres carrying on board or using any gear authorised for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea shall hold a special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea.U.K.
6.2.2.Each Member State shall establish a list of vessels holding a special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea.U.K.
6.2.3.The master of a fishing vessel, or his representative, to which a Member State has issued a special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea shall comply with the conditions in Appendix 2.U.K.
6.3.National Control Action programmesU.K.
6.3.1.Each Member State concerned shall define a national control action programme for the Baltic Sea.U.K.
6.3.2.The Commission shall convene at least once in 2005 a meeting of the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture to evaluate the compliance with and results of the national control action programme for cod stocks in the Baltic Sea.U.K.
6.4.Monitoring, inspection and surveillance to be adopted by Member StatesU.K.
6.4.1.Each Member State concerned shall transmit to the Commission within 30 days of the date of entry into force of this Regulation a list of designated ports and the national control programme referred to in point 6.3.1. and an implementation schedule. The Commission shall transmit this information to all the relevant Member States.U.K.
6.4.2.Notwithstanding Article 6(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, the masters of Community fishing vessels holding a special fishing permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea in accordance with point 6.2.1 shall keep a logbook of their operations in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.
6.4.3.By way of derogation from Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83, the permitted margin of tolerance in estimates of the quantities, in kilograms, of fish subject to a TAC that are retained on board shall be 8 %.U.K.
6.4.4.For cod landed in a designated port, representative samples, amounting to at least 20 % of the landings, shall be weighed in the presence of controllers authorised by the Member States before they are offered for first sale and sold. To this end, the Member States shall submit to the Commission, within one month of the date of entry into force of this Regulation, details of the sampling regime to be employed.U.K.
6.4.5.Notwithstanding Article 19a 1a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, Articles 19e, 19f, 19g, 19h and 19i of that Regulation shall apply to Community fishing vessels holding a special fishing permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea in accordance with point 6.2.1.U.K.
6.4.6.In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 2244/2003 Member States shall ensure that the VMS data received pursuant to Article 8, Article 10(1) and Article 11(1) of that Regulation of vessels holding a special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea are used:U.K.

to record each entry into, and exit from port in a computer readable form;


to record each entry into, and exit from areas closed for cod fishing in the Baltic Sea.

6.4.7.Member States may implement alternative control measures to ensure compliance with reporting obligations referred in point 6.4.5 which are as effective and transparent as these reporting obligations. Such alternative measures shall be notified to the Commission before being implemented.U.K.
6.4.8.By way of derogation from Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, quantities greater than 50 kg of cod which are transported to a place other than that of landing or import shall be accompanied by a copy of one of the declarations provided for in Article 8(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 pertaining to the quantities of these species transported. The exemption provided for in Article 13(4)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 shall not apply.U.K.
6.4.9.By way of derogation from Article 34(c)(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, the specific monitoring programme for cod in the Baltic Sea may last more than two years from their date of entry into force.U.K.
6.5.Joint Surveillance and Exchange of inspectorsU.K.
6.5.1.The Member States concerned shall undertake joint inspection and surveillance activities and shall establish to that effect joint operational procedures applicable to their surveillance crafts.U.K.
6.5.2.A meeting of the competent national inspection authorities shall be convened by the Presidency within 30 days of the date of entry into force of this Regulation to coordinate the joint inspection and surveillance programme.U.K.
6.5.3.The Member States concerned shall ensure that inspectors from other Member States concerned are invited to participate at least in their joint inspections activities.U.K.
6.5.4.Inspectors from the Commission may participate in these exchanges and may participate in joint inspections.U.K.

Section 2U.K.Gulf of Riga

7.Specific provisions for the Gulf of RigaU.K.

7.1.Special fishing permitU.K.
7.1.1.In order to exercise fishing activities in the Gulf of Riga vessels shall hold a special fishing permit issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94.U.K.
7.1.2.Member States shall ensure that vessels to which a special fishing permit referred to in paragraph 1 has been issued are included in a list containing their name and internal registration number to be provided to the Commission by each Member State.U.K.

Vessels included in the list shall satisfy the following conditions:


the total engine power (kW) of the vessels within the lists must not exceed that observed for each Member State in the years 2000-2001 in the Gulf of Riga;


the engine power of a vessel must not exceed 221 kilowatts (kW) at any time.

7.2.Replacement of vessels or enginesU.K.
7.2.1.Any individual vessel on the list referred to in point 7.1.2 may be replaced by another vessel or vessels, provided that:U.K.

such replacement will not lead to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 7.1.2 (a) in the Member State concerned, and


the engine power of any replacement vessel does not exceed 221 kW at any time.

7.2.2.An engine of any individual vessel included in the list referred to in point 7.1.2 may be replaced, provided that:U.K.

the replacement of an engine does not lead to the vessel’s engine power exceeding 221 kW at any time, and


the power of the replacement engine is not such that replacement will lead to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 7.1.2 (a) for the Member State concerned.


8.Technical conservation measures in the Skagerrak and in the KattegatU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions set out in Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 850/98, the provisions in Appendix 3 to this Annex shall apply.


[F29. Landing and weighing procedures for herring, mackerel and horse mackerel U.K.

9.1. Scope U.K.

9.1.1. The following procedures shall apply to landings in the European Community by Community and third country vessels of quantities per landing exceeding 10 tonnes of herring, mackerel, and horse mackerel, or a combination thereof, taken in: U.K.

for herring, ICES Sub-areas I, II, IV, VI and VII and Divisions IIIa and Vb;


for mackerel and horse mackerel, in ICES Sub-areas III, IV, VI and VII and Division IIa.

9.2. Designated ports U.K.

9.2.1. Landings referred to in point 9.1 are only permitted in designated ports. U.K.
9.2.2. Each Member State concerned shall transmit to the Commission changes in the list, transmitted in 2004, of designated ports in which landings of herring, mackerel and horse mackerel may take place and, changes in inspection and surveillance procedures for those ports including the terms and conditions for recording and reporting the quantities of any of the species and stocks referred to in point 9.1.1 within each landing. Those changes shall be transmitted at least 15 days before they enter into force. The Commission shall transmit this information as well as ports designated by third countries to all Member States concerned. U.K.

9.3. Entry to port U.K.

9.3.1. The master of a fishing vessel referred to in point 9.1.1 or his agent shall inform the competent authorities of the Member State in which the landing is to be made, at least four hours in advance of entry to port of landing of the Member State concerned of the following: U.K.

the port he intends to enter, the name of the vessel and its registration number;


the estimated time of arrival at that port;


the quantities in kilograms live weight by species retained on board;


the management area in accordance with Annex I to this Regulation where the catch was taken.

9.4. Discharge U.K.

9.4.1. The competent authorities of the Member State concerned shall require that the discharge does not commence until authorised to do so. U.K.

9.5. Logbook U.K.

9.5.1. By way of derogation from the provisions of point 4.2 of Annex IV to Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83, the master of a fishing vessel shall submit, immediately upon arrival to port, the relevant page or pages of the logbook as demanded by the competent authority at the port of landing. U.K.

The quantities retained on board, notified prior to landing as referred to in point 9.3.1(c), shall be equal to the quantities recorded in the logbook after its completion.

By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 5(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83 the permitted margin of tolerance in estimates recorded into the logbook of the quantities in kilograms of fish retained on board of vessels shall be 8 %.

9.6. Weighing of fresh fish U.K.

9.6.1. All buyers purchasing fresh fish shall ensure that all quantities received are weighed on systems approved by the competent authorities. The weighing shall be carried out prior to the fish being sorted, processed, held in storage and transported from the port of landing or resold. The figure resulting from the weighing shall be used for the completion of landing declarations and sales notes. U.K.
9.6.2. When determining the weight any deduction for water shall not exceed 2 %. U.K.

9.7. Weighing of fresh fish after transport U.K.

9.7.1. By way of derogation from point 9.6.1, Member States may permit fresh fish to be weighed after transport from the port of landing provided that the fish is transported to a destination on the territory of the Member State no more than 60 kilometres from the port of landing and that: U.K.

the tanker in which the fish is transported is accompanied by an inspector from the place of landing to the place where the fish is weighed; or


approval is given by the competent authorities at the place of landing to transport the fish subject to the following provisions:


immediately prior to the tanker leaving the port of landing, the buyer or his agent shall provide to the competent authorities a written declaration giving the species of the fish and name of the vessel from which it is to be discharged, the unique identity number of the tanker and details of the destination where the fish will be weighed as well as the estimated time of arrival of the tanker at the destination,


a copy of the declaration provided for in (i) shall be kept by the driver during the transport of the fish and handed over to the receiver of the fish at the destination.

9.8. Invoice U.K.

9.8.1. In addition to the obligations set out in Article 9(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 2847/93 the processor or buyer of the quantities of fresh fish landed shall submit to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned a copy of the invoice or a document replacing it, as referred to in Article 22(3) of the Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes — Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment (1) . U.K.
9.8.2. Any such invoice or document shall include the information required by Article 9(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2847/93 as well as the name and registration number of the vessel from which the fish has been landed. This invoice or document shall be submitted on demand or within 12 hours of the completion on the weighing. U.K.

9.9. Weighing of frozen fish U.K.

9.9.1. All buyers or holders of frozen fish shall ensure that the quantities landed are weighed prior to the fish being processed, held in storage, transported from the port of landing or resold. Any tare weight equal to the weight of boxes, plastic or other containers in which the fish to be weighed is packed may be deducted from the weight of any quantities landed. U.K.
9.9.2. Alternatively, the weight of frozen fish packed in boxes may be determined by multiplying the average weight of a representative sample based on weighing the contents removed from the box and without plastic packaging whether or not after the thawing of any ice on the surface of the fish. Member States shall notify to the Commission for approval any changes in their sampling methodology approved by the Commission during 2004. Changes shall be approved by the Commission. The figure resulting from the weighing shall be used for the completion of landing declarations and sales notes. U.K.

9.10. Weighing facilities U.K.

9.10.1. In cases where publicly operated weighing facilities are used the party weighing the fish shall issue to the buyer a weighing slip indicating the date and time of the weighing and the identity number of the tanker. A copy of the weighing slip shall be attached to the invoice submitted to the competent authorities as provided for in point 9.8. U.K.
9.10.2. In cases where privately operated weighing facilities are used the system shall be approved, calibrated and sealed by the competent authorities and be subject to the following provisions: U.K.

the party weighing the fish shall keep a paginated weighing logbook indicating:


the name and registration number of the vessel from which the fish has been landed,


the identity number of the tankers in cases where fish has been transported from the port of landing before weighing,


the species of fish,


the weight of each landing,


the date and time of the beginning and end of the weighing;


where the weighing is carried out on a conveyor belt system a visible counter shall be fitted that records the cumulative total of the weight. Such cumulative total shall be recorded in the paginated logbook referred to in point (a);


the weighing logbook and the copies of written declarations provided for in point 9.7.1(b)(ii) shall be kept for three years.

9.11. Access by competent authorities U.K.

The competent authorities shall have full access at all times to the weighing system, the weighing logbooks, written declarations and all premises where the fish is processed and kept.

9.12. Cross-checks U.K.

9.12.1. The competent authorities shall carry out administrative cross-checks on all landings between the following: U.K.

quantities by species indicated in the prior notice of landing, referred to in point 9.3.1 and the quantities recorded in the vessel's logbook;


quantities by species recorded in the vessel's logbook and the landing declaration or invoice or equivalent document referred to in point 9.8;


quantities by species recorded on the landing declaration and invoice or equivalent document referred to in point 9.8.

9.13. Full inspection U.K.

9.13.1. The competent authorities of a Member State shall ensure that at least 15 % of the quantities of fish landed and at least 10 % of the landings of fish are subject to full inspections which shall include at least the following: U.K.

monitoring of the weighing of the catch from the vessel, by species. In the case of vessels pumping catch ashore the weighing of the entire discharge from the vessels selected for inspection shall be monitored. In the case of freezer trawlers, all boxes shall be counted. A representative sample of boxes/pallets shall be weighed in order to arrive at an average weight for the boxes/pallets. Sampling of boxes shall also be undertaken according to an approved methodology in order to arrive at an average net weight for the fish (without packing, ice);


in addition to the cross-checks referred to in point 9.12 cross-verification between the following:


quantities by species recorded in the weighing logbook and the quantities by species recorded in the invoice or equivalent document referred to in point 9.8,


the written declarations received by the competent authorities pursuant to point 9.7.1(b)(i) and the written declarations held by the receiver of the fish pursuant to point 9.7.1(b)(ii),


identity numbers of tankers that appear in the written declarations provided for in point 9.7.1(b)(i) and the weighing logbooks;


if the discharge is interrupted, permission shall be required before the discharge can recommence;


verification that the vessel is empty of all fish, once the discharge has been completed.

9.13.2. All inspection activities covered by point 9 shall be documented. Such documentation shall be kept for 3 years.] U.K.

10.Fishing for herring in area IIa (EC waters)U.K.

It shall be prohibited to land or retain on board herring caught in Division IIa (EC waters) in the periods 1 January to 28 February and 16 May to 31 December.

11.Conditions for landing of herring for industrial purposesU.K.

Conditions for landing of herring for industrial purposesBy way of derogation from the provisions of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1434/98 the following provisions shall apply:

Herring caught when fishing outside ICES Sub-areas III and IV with nets of minimum mesh size less than 32 mm may not be retained on board or landed unless such catches consist of a mixture of herring and other species, are not sorted and the herring does not exceed 10 % by weight of the total combined weight of herring and other species.

12.Restrictions on fishing for CodU.K.


West of Scotland: Until 31 December 2005, it shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity within the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rumb lines the following positions:

  • 59°05′N, 06°45′W

  • 59°30′N, 06°00′W

  • 59°40′N, 05°00′W

  • 60°00′N, 04°00′W

  • 59°30′N, 04°00′W

  • 59°05′N, 06°45′W.


Celtic Sea: Until 31 March 2005, it shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity within that part of ICES Division VII included in the following ICES rectangles: 30E4, 31E4, 32E3. This prohibition shall not apply to Beam trawlers in the month of March.


By way of derogation from (a) and from (b), it shall be permitted to conduct fishing activities using pots and creels within the specified areas and time periods, provided that:


no fishing gear other than pots and creels are carried on board, and


no fish other than shellfish and crustacea are retained on board;


By way of derogation from point (a) and from point (b), it shall be permitted to conduct fishing activities within the areas referred to in those points using nets of mesh size less than 55 mm, provided that:


no net of mesh size greater than or equal to 55 mm is carried on board, and


no fish other than herring, mackerel, pilchard/sardines, sardinelles, horse mackerel, sprat, blue whiting and argentines are retained on board.

13.Closure of an area for sandeel fisheriesU.K.

It shall be prohibited to land or retain on board sandeels caught within the geographical area bounded by the east coast of England and Scotland, and enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions:

However, a limited fishery shall be allowed in order to monitor the sandeel stock in the area and the effects of the closure.

14.Rockall Haddock boxU.K.

All fishing, except with longlines, shall be prohibited in the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions:

Point NoLatitudeLongitude

15.Technical conservation measures in the Irish SeaU.K.

The technical conservation measures referred to in Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 254/2002 of 12 February 2002 establishing measures to be applicable in 2002 for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea (ICES division VIIa)(2) shall temporarily apply in 2005.


16.Trawling ban in waters around the Azores, the Canary Islands and MadeiraU.K.

Vessels shall be prohibited from using any bottom trawl or similar towed nets operating in contact with the bottom of the sea in waters under the sovereignty or the jurisdiction of Member States within the areas bounded by a line joining the following coordinates:



  • Latitude 36°00′N, longitude 23°00′W

  • Latitude 42°00′N, longitude 23°00′W

  • Latitude 42°00′N, longitude 34°00′W

  • Latitude 36°00′N, longitude 34°00′W

  • Latitude 36°00′N, longitude 23°00′W


Canary Islands and Madeira

  • Latitude 27°00′N, longitude 19°00′W

  • Latitude 26°00′N, longitude 15°00′W

  • Latitude 29°00′N, longitude 13°00′W

  • Latitude 36°00′N, longitude 13°00′W

  • Latitude 36°00′N, longitude 19°00′W

  • Latitude 27°00′N, longitude 19°00′W


17.Technical conservation measures in the MediterraneanU.K.

The fisheries currently operating under the derogations, provided for in Article 3(1) and (1a) and Article 6(1) and (1a) of Regulation (EC) No 1626/94, may temporarily continue their activity in 2005.


18.Purse seines in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Regulatory Area of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC))U.K.

The fishing by purse-seine vessels for Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) and Skipjack Tunas (Katsuwonus pelamis) shall be prohibited from either, 1 August to 11 September 2005, or, 20 November to 31 December 2005 in the area defined by the following limits:

The Member States concerned shall notify the Commission of the selected period of closure before 1 July 2005. All the purse seine vessels of the Member States concerned must stop purse-seine fishing in the defined area during the period selected.

As of the date of entry into force of this Regulation purse seiners fishing for tuna in the Regulatory Area of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission shall retain on board and then land all bigeye, skipjack and yellowfin tuna caught, except fish considered unfit for human consumption for reasons other than size. A single exception shall be the final set of a trip, when there may be insufficient well space remaining to accommodate all the tuna caught in that set.

Purse seine vessels shall promptly release unharmed, to the extent practicable, all sea turtles, sharks, billfishes, rays, dorado, and other non-target species. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of any such animals.

The following specific measures to encircled or entangled sea turtles shall apply:


whenever a sea turtle is sighted in the net, all reasonable efforts shall be made to rescue the turtle before it becomes entangled in the net, including, if necessary, the deployment of a speedboat,


if a turtle is entangled in the net, net roll should stop as soon as the turtle comes out of the water and should not start again until the turtle has been disentangled and released,


if a turtle is brought on board a vessel, all appropriate methods to assist in the recovery of the turtle should be made before returning it to the water,


tuna-fishing vessels shall be prohibited from disposing of salt bags or any other type of plastic rubbish at sea,


the release, when practicable, of sea turtles entangled in Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and other fishing gear is encouraged,


the recovery of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) which are not being used in the fishery is also encouraged.


19.Minimum size for bluefin tuna in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean SeaU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Article 6 and Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001, the minimum size for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea shall be 10 kg or 80 cm.

By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001, no tolerance limit shall be granted for bluefin tuna fished in the East Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea.

20.Minimum size for bigeye tunaU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 6 and Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001, the minimum size of bigeye tuna is abolished.

21.Restrictions on the use of certain types of vessels and gearsU.K.


In order to protect the bigeye stock, in particular juvenile fish, fishing by purse seiners and baitboats shall be prohibited during the period and in the area specified in point (a) and (b) below;


The area is the following:

Southern limit


parallel 0° South latitude

Northern limit


parallel 5° North latitude

Western limit


meridian 20° West longitude

Eastern limit


meridian 10° West longitude


The period covered by the prohibition shall be from 1 November to 30 November of each year.


By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001, Community fishing vessels shall be authorised to fish without restriction on the use of certain types of vessels and gears in the area referred to in Article 3(2) and during the period specified in Article 3(1).

22.Measures concerning sport and recreational fishing activities in the Mediterranean SeaU.K.


Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to forbid the use, within the framework of sport and recreational fishing of towed nets, encircling nets, seine sliding, dredger, gillnets, trammel nets and longline to fish for tuna and tuna-like species, notably bluefin tuna, in the Mediterranean Sea.


Each Member State shall ensure that catches of tuna and tuna-like species carried out in the Mediterranean Sea as a result from sport and recreational fishing are not marketed.

23.Sampling plan for bluefin TunaU.K.

By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Article 5a of Regulation (EC) No 973/2001, each Member State shall establish a sampling programme for the estimation of the numbers-at-size of the bluefin tuna caught; this requires notably that size sampling at cages must be done on one sample (= 100 specimen) for every 100 tonnes of live fish. Size sample will be collected during harvesting(3) at the farm, in accordance with the ICCAT methodology for reporting Task II. The sampling should be conducted during any harvesting, covering all cages. Data must be transmitted to ICCAT by 31 July for the sampling conducted the previous year.

24.Interim measures for the protection of vulnerable deep-water habitatsU.K.

It shall be prohibited to conduct bottom trawling and fishing with static gear, including bottom gill-nets and long-lines, within the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

The Hecate Seamounts:

The Faraday Seamounts:

Part of the Reykjanes Ridge:

The Altair Seamounts:

The Antialtair Seamounts:


By way of derogation from Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002, the following shall apply in 2005:

Member States shall ensure that fishing activities which lead to catches and retention on board of more than 10 tonnes each calendar year of deep-sea species and of Greenland halibut by vessels flying their flag and registered in their territory shall be subject to a deep-sea fishing permit.

It shall however be prohibited to catch and retain on board, tranship or to land any aggregate quantity of the deep sea species and of Greenland halibut in excess of 100 kg in each sea trip, unless the vessel in question holds a deep-sea permit.

[F5PART I U.K. NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC Vessels engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries

Vessels that have been placed by the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) on the list of vessels that have been confirmed as having engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries (IUU vessels) are listed in Appendix 5. The following measures shall apply to these vessels:


IUU vessels that enter ports are not authorised to land or tranship therein and shall be inspected by the competent authorities. Such inspections shall include the vessel's documents, log books, fishing gear, catch onboard and any other matter relating to the vessel's activities in the Regulatory Area of NEAFC. Information on the result of the inspections shall immediately be transmitted to the Commission;


fishing vessels, support vessels, refuel vessels, mother-ships and cargo vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall not in any way assist IUU vessels or participate in any transhipment or joint fishing operations with vessels on that list;


IUU vessels shall not be supplied in ports with provisions, fuel or other services;


IUU vessels shall not be authorised to fish in Community waters and be prohibited to be chartered;


imports of fish coming from IUU vessels shall be prohibited;


Member States shall refuse the granting of their flag to IUU vessels and encourage importers, transporters and other sectors concerned to refrain from negotiating and from transhipping of fish caught by such vessels.

The Commission shall amend the list to be in accordance with the NEAFC list as soon as NEAFC adopts a new list.]


The minimum size for octopus (Octopus vulgaris) in the maritime waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries and situated in the CECAF region shall be 450g (gutted). Octopus under the minimum size of 450g (gutted) shall not be retained on board or be transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, displayed or offered for sale, but shall be returned immediately to the sea.]

Appendix 1 to Annex III

Specifications of top window codend ‘BACOMA’U.K.

Specification of 110 mm, measured as inner diameter opening, square mesh window in a codend with a 105 mm or larger mesh size in trawls, Danish seines or similar towed nets.

The window shall be a rectangular section of netting in the codend. There shall be only one window. The window shall not be obstructed in any way by either internal or external attachments.

Size of the codend, extension piece and the rear end of the trawlU.K.

The codend shall be constructed of two panels of equal size, joined together by selvedges one on each side.

The carrying on board of a net having more than 100 open diamond meshes in any circumference of the codend, excluding the joining or the selvedges shall be prohibited.

The number of open diamond meshes, excluding those in the selvedges, at any point on any circumference of any extension or lengthening piece shall not be less or more than the maximum number of meshes on the circumference of the front end of the codend stricto sensu and the rear end of the tapered section of the trawl excluding meshes in the selvedges (Figure 1).

Location of the windowU.K.

The window shall be inserted into the top panel of the codend. The window shall terminate not more than 4 meshes from the codline, inclusive of the hand braided row of meshes through which the codline is passed (Figure 2).

Size of the windowU.K.

The width of the window, expressed in number of mesh bars, shall be equal to the number of open diamond meshes in the top panel divided by two. If necessary, it may be allowed to maintain at the most 20 % of the number of open diamond meshes in the top panel divided evenly on the both sides of the window panel (Figure 3).

Length of the window shall be at least 3,5 metres.

The netting of the windowU.K.

The meshes shall have a minimum mesh opening of 110 millimetres. The meshes shall be square meshes i.e. all four sides of the window netting shall be cut all bars. The netting shall be mounted such that the bars run parallel and perpendicular to the length of the codend. The netting shall be knotless braided single twine or a netting with similar proven selective properties. The diameter of the single yarn shall be at least 4,9 millimetres.

Other specificationU.K.

The mounting specifications are defined in Figures 4a, 4b and 4c. The length of the lifting strap shall not be less than 4 m.

Figure 1U.K.

Trawl gear can be divided into three different sections according to shape and function.

The trawl body is always a tapered section often between 10 and 40 m long. The extension piece is an untapered section normally manufactured of either one or two pieces of 49,5 mesh long nets giving a stretched length between 6 or 12 m. The codend is also an untapered section often made of double twine in order to have a better resistance against heavy wearing. The codend length is often 49,5 meshes i.e. circa 6 metres although shorter codends (2-4) exists in smaller vessels. The part below the lifting strap is called a lifting bag.

Figure 2U.K.

The distance of the window panel from the codline shall be 4 meshes. There are 3,5 diamond meshes in the upper panel and one 0,5 mesh deep hand-braided ‘codline’ row.

Figure 3U.K.

Twenty percent of diamond meshes in the upper panel along a perpendicular row running from one selvedge to another may be maintained. For example (as in figure 3) if the upper panel were 30 open meshes wide, 20 % of that would be 6 meshes. Then three open meshes are divided on both sides of the window panel. Consequently the width of the window panel then becomes 12 mesh bars (30 – 6 = 24 diamond meshes divided by two is 12 mesh bars).

Figure 4aLower panelU.K.

Showing the construction of lower panel made of 49,5 meshes deep netting

Figure 4bUpper panelU.K.(without diamond meshes between selvedge and square mesh panel)U.K.

The construction of upper panel, size and position of the window panel in case when the escape panel runs from selvedge to selvedge

Figure 4cUpper panelU.K.(with diamond meshes between selvedge and square mesh panel)U.K.

The construction of upper panel in case 20 % of diamond meshes in the upper panel are maintained and equally divided on both sides of the window

Appendix 2 to Annex IIISpecial Conditions for fishing for Cod in the Baltic Sea


Only vessels holding a special fishing permit are authorised to land cod from the Baltic Sea.


The competent authorities of a Member State in which a landing requiring pre-notification is to be made may require that the discharge of catch retained on board does not commence until authorised by those authorities.


The master of a fishing vessel, or his representative, to which a Member State has issued a special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea shall comply with the following conditions:


a copy of the special permit for fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea shall be kept on board the fishing vessel;


before leaving or entering the Baltic Sea area, notify the authorities of the flag Member State of the date, time and place of exit or entry, and not commence any new fishing trip until all catches have been landed;


not trans-ship any fish at sea;


not transit within the areas closed for cod fishing unless the fishing gear on board is securely lashed and stowed;


when retaining more than 300 kg of cod on board, inform the relevant authorities at least two hours in advance of any entry to a port or landing location of a Member State of the name of the port or landing location, the estimated time of arrival at that port or landing location, and the quantities in kilogrammes live weight of cod;


make landings of cod exclusively at designated ports when retaining more than 750 kg of cod live weight on board;


notwithstanding Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, submit the relevant logbook sheet(s) to the national authorities prior to the commencement of the discharge of the catches retained on board.

Appendix 3 to Annex IIITowed Gears: Skagerrak and KattegatMesh size ranges, target species and required catch percentages applicable to the use of a single mesh size range


Only within four miles from the baselines.


Outside four miles from the baselines.


From 1 March to 31 October in Skagerrak and from 1 March to 31 July in Kattegat.


From 1 November to the last day of February in Skagerrak and from 1 August to the last day of February in Kattegat.


When applying this mesh size range the codend and the extension piece shall be constructed of square meshed netting with a sorting grid.


The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 10 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, mackerel, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe, Norway lobster and lobster.


The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 50 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, herring, mackerel, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe, Norway lobster and lobster.


The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 60 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe and lobster.

SpeciesMesh size range (millimetres)
< 1616-3132-6935-6970-89e≥ 90
Minimum percentage of target species
50 %f50 %f20 %f50 %f20 %f20 %g30 %hnone
Sandeel (Ammodytidae)cxxxxxxxx
Sandeel (Ammodytidae)dxxxxxx
Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii)xxxxxx
Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)xxxxxx
Greater weever (Trachinus draco)axxxxxx
Molluscs (except Sepia)axxxxxx
Garfish (Belone belone)axxxxxx
Gray gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus)axxxxxx
Argentine (Argentina spp.)xxxxx
Sprat (Sprattus sprattus)xxxxxx
Eel (Anguilla, anguilla)xxxxxx
Common shrimp/Baltic shrimp (Crangon spp., Palaemon adspersus)bxxxxxx
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)xxx
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)xxx
Herring (Clupea harengus)xxx
Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)xxx
Common shrimp/Baltic shrimp (Crangon spp. Palaemon adspersus)axxx
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)xx
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)xx
All other marine organismsx

Appendix 4 to Annex IIIShrimp trawl toggle chains: NAFO area

Toggle chains are chains, ropes, or a combination of both, which attach the footrope to the fishing line or bolchline at varying intervals. The terms ‘fishing line’ and ‘bolchline’ are interchangeable. Some vessels use one line only; others use both a fishing line and a bolchline as shown in the sketch. The toggle chain length shall be measured from the center of the chain or wire running through the footrope (center of footrope) to the underside of the fishing line.

The attached sketch shows how to measure the toggle chain length.

[F5Appendix 5 to Annex III

List of vessels that have been confirmed by NEAFC as having engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries

Vessel’s name Flag State
LISA Commonwealth of Dominica
OKHOTINO Commonwealth of Dominica
OLCHAN Commonwealth of Dominica
OSTROE Commonwealth of Dominica
OSTROVETS Commonwealth of Dominica
OYRA Commonwealth of Dominica
OZHERELYE Commonwealth of Dominica]


General provisionsU.K.

1.The conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to Community fishing vessels of length overall equal to or greater than 10 metres.U.K.

2.For the purposes of this Annex, the following geographical area shall apply:U.K.

For vessels notified to the Commission as being equipped with vessel monitoring systems in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) No 2244/2003, the following definition for the area West of Scotland shall apply:

3.For the purposes of this Annex, a day present within the area and absent from port shall be:U.K.


the 24-hour period between 00:00 hours of a calendar day and 24:00 hours of the same calendar day or any part of such a period during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port, or


any continuous period of 24 hours as recorded in the EC logbook during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port or any part of any such time period.

A Member State which wishes to employ the definition of a day present within the area and absent from port laid down under point (b) shall notify the Commission before 1 February 2005 of the means of monitoring the activities of a vessel to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in point (b).

4.For the purpose of this Annex, the following groupings of fishing gears shall apply:U.K.


demersal trawls, seines or similar towed gears of mesh size equal to or greater than 100 mm except beam trawls for all areas except Kattegat and Skagerrak where this mesh size shall be equal to or greater than 90mm;


beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm;


static demersal nets including gill nets, trammel nets and tangle nets;


demersal longlines;


demersal trawls, seines or similar towed gears of mesh size between 70 mm and 99 mm except beam trawls with mesh size between 80 mm and 99 mm for all areas except Kattegat and Skagerrak where this mesh size shall be between 70 mm and 89 mm;


demersal trawls, seines or similar towed gears of mesh size between 16 mm and 31 mm except beam trawls.

Fishing effortU.K.

5.Each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any of the fishing gears referred to in point 4, fishing vessels flying its flag and registered in the Community shall be present within the area and absent from port for no more than the number of days set out in point 6.U.K.



The maximum number of days in any calendar month for which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port having carried on board any one of the fishing gears referred to in point 4 is shown in Table I.

A day spent absent from port and present within the area defined in point 2 of this Annex shall also count against the total number of days allowable for the area defined in point 2 of Annex IVc for a vessel operating with the same gear categories.

Where a vessel crosses between two areas on a fishing trip the day shall be counted against the area in which the largest proportion of time was spent during that day.

Table I — Maximum days present within the area and absent from port by fishing gear
Area defined in point 2:Grouping of fishing gears referred to in point:
Kattegat, North Sea and Skagerrak, Eastern Channel, West of Scotland and Irish Sea91313162119

However the maximum number of days in any calendar month for which a vessel may be present within any of the following sub-areas and absent from port having carried on board the fishing gear referred to in point 4(a) shall be:


West of Scotland: 8;


Irish Sea: 10.


A Member State may aggregate the days present within the area and absent from port in Table I within management periods of up to eleven calendar months.


An additional number of days on which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port when carrying on board any of the gears referred to in point 4 may be allocated to Member States by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place since1 January 2002 in accordance with Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999 of 17 December 1999 laying down the detailed rules and arrangements regarding Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector(4). The additional number of days allocated to vessels in a given gear category will be directly proportional to the fishing effort expended in 2001 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using the gear in question compared to the comparable level of effort expended by all vessels using that gear during 2001. Any part of a day resulting from this calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day.

Member States wishing to benefit from such allocations shall submit a request to the Commission with reports containing the details of the permanent cessations of fishing activities in question.

On the basis of such a request the Commission may amend the number of days defined in point (a) for that Member State in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

The additional number of days allocated by the Commission to a Member State in 2004 in accordance with point 6(c) of Annex V of Regulation (EC) No 2287/2003 remain allocated in 2005.


Derogations from the number of days present within the area and absent from port shown in Table I may be allocated to vessels by Member States under the conditions shown in Table II.

Member States wishing to apply that higher allocation of days shall notify the Commission with details of the vessels that will benefit and with details of their track records at least two weeks before the higher allocation of days are to be granted.

[F3Table II — Derogations from days present within the area and absent from port in Table I and associated conditions

As verified by the EC logbook — average annual landing in live weight.


The vessel may be present within the area for the number of days in the month concerned.


Vessels subject to this derogation shall comply with the conditions laid down in Appendix 1 to this Annex.]

Area Gear defined in point 4 2002 vessel track record a Days
Area defined in point 2 4(a), 4(e) Less than 5 % of each of cod, sole and plaice No days restriction b
Area defined in point 2 4(a), 4(b) Less than 5 % cod 100 to < 120 mm up to 13 ≥ 120 mm up to 14
Kattegatt and North Sea 4(c) gear of mesh size equal to or greater than 220 mm Less than 5 % cod and more than 5 % of turbot and lumpfish Up to 15 days
Kattegatt and Skagerrak 4(a) gear with 120 mm square mesh window c n/a 12 days
Eastern Channel 4(c) trammel nets of mesh size equal to or less than 110 mm Vessels absent from port for no more than 24 hours 19 days

If that higher allocation of days is given to a vessel, as a result of its low percentage track record of catch of certain species, that vessel shall not at any time retain more than the percentage of those species on board as shown in Table II nor shall they tranship any fish at sea [X1to another vessel.] When either of these conditions are not met by a vessel, that vessel shall with immediate effect no longer be entitled to the additional days.


One additional day on which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port when carrying on board fishing gears referred to in point 4(a) of mesh size greater than 120 mm may be allocated to a Member State by the Commission, on the basis of a request from that Member State, on the condition that the Member State concerned has developed a system of automatic suspensions of fishing licences in respect of infringements. During a management period when a vessel is making use of this provision, that vessel may not at any time carry on board any fishing gear of mesh size less than or equal to 120 mm.


In recognition of the area closure in the Irish Sea for the protection of spawning fish and the assumed reduction in fishing mortality on cod, an additional one day will be granted for vessels in groupings of fishing gears 4(a) and 4(b) which spend more than half their allocated days in a given management period fishing in the Irish Sea.

7.Before the first day of each management period the master of a vessel or his representative shall notify to the authorities of the flag Member State which gear or gears he intends to use during the forthcoming management period. Until such notification is provided the vessel shall not be entitled to fish within the areas defined in point 2 with any of the gears referred to in point 4.U.K.

Where the master of a vessel or his representative notifies the use of two of the groupings of fishing gears defined under point 4, the total number of days available during the forthcoming management period shall be no more than half the sum of the days to which the vessel is eligible for each gear, rounded down to the nearest whole day. It shall not be permitted to deploy either of the gears concerned for more days than the number of days laid down for that gear in Table I or in the third subparagraph of point 6(a) for the sub-area concerned.

The option to use two gears shall only be available if the following additional monitoring arrangements are met:

8.A vessel which is present within any of the areas defined in point 2 and carrying on board any one of the fishing gears referred to in point 4 may not simultaneously carry on board any of the other gears referred to in point 4.U.K.



In any given management period a vessel that has used the number of days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible shall remain in port or out of any area referred to in point 2 for the remainder of the management period unless using only unregulated gear as described in point 7.


In any given management period a vessel may undertake non-fishing related activities, without that time being counted against its days allocated under point 6, provided that the vessel first notifies its flag Member State of its intention to do so, the nature of its activity and that it surrenders its fishing licence for that time. Such vessels shall not carry any fishing gear or fish on board during that time.



A Member State may permit any of its fishing vessels to transfer days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible to another of its vessels for the same management period and within the same area provided that the product of the days received by a vessel multiplied by its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the Community fishing fleet register.


The total number of days present within the area and absent from port transferred under point (a) multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel shall not be higher than the donor vessel's average annual days track record in that area as verified by the EC logbook in the years 2001, 2002 and 2003, multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. When a donor vessel uses the alternative area definition of the West of Scotland as defined in point 2 its track record calculation will be based on this alternative area definition.


The transfer of days as described in sub-point (a) shall only be permitted between vessels operating within the same gear grouping and area categories referred to in point 6(a) and during the same management period. A Member State may allow a transfer of days when a licensed donor vessel has temporarily ceased its activity without public aid.


No transfer of days from vessels benefiting from the allocation referred to in points 6(d) and 7 is permitted.


On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide reports on the transfers that have taken place.

11.A vessel with no track record of fishing in one of the areas defined in point 2 shall be allowed to transit across these areas provided that it has first notified its authorities of its intention to do so. While that vessel is within any of the areas defined in point 2 any fishing gears carried on board must be lashed and stowed in accordance with conditions laid down in Article 20(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.

12.A Member State shall not permit fishing with a gear defined in point 4 in any area defined in point 2 by any of its vessels which have no record of such fishing activity in the years 2001, 2002, 2003 or 2004 in that area unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the area in question.U.K.

However, a vessel with a track record of using a gear defined in point 4 may be authorised to use a different gear defined in point 4, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the first gear.

13.A Member State shall not count against the days allocated to any of its vessels under this Annex either any days when the vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it was assisting another vessel in need of emergency aid or any days when a vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it is transporting an injured crew member for emergency medical aid. The Member State shall provide justification to the Commission within one month of any decisions taken on this basis with associated evidence of the emergency from the competent authorities.U.K.

Reporting obligationsU.K.

14.Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days absent from port and present within the areas as set out in this Annex, shall communicate, for each calendar year within one month of the expiry of that calendar year, to the Commission the information about effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the areas concerned by this Annex as laid out in Table IV.U.K.

15.Member States shall communicate the data referred in point 14 to the Commission in Spread Sheet format by sending it to the appropriate mailbox address which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission.U.K.

Table IV — Reporting format
CountryCFRExternal markingArea fishedLength of management periodGear type/types notifiedDays eligible using this gear/gearsDays spent with gear type 1Days spent with gear type 2Transfers of days
Table V — Data format
Name of zoneMax. number of characters/digitsDefinition and comments
(1) Country3

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered for fishing under Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

Always the reporting country.

(2) CFR12

(Community Fleet Register Number).

Unique identification number of a fishing vessel.

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters additional zeros must be inserted on the left hand side.

(3) External marking14Under Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87
(4) Area1 [X1Indicate if the vessel has been fishing in the Area referred to in point 2 of this Annex]
(5) Length of management period2 [X1Indication from 1-11 of the length of each management period allocated to the vessel concerned. Separate management periods in which the same gear grouping or combination of gear groupings have been notified, in accordance with point 7 of this Annex, may be aggregated.]
(6) Gear type/types notified2 [X1Indication from 4(a) through to 4(f) of the gear types notified in accordance with point 4 of this Annex.]
(7) Days eligible using this gear/gears3Number of days for which this vessel is eligible under this Annex for the choice of gears and length of management period notified.
(8) Days spent with gear type 13Number of days for which the vessel actually spent absent from port and present within the area according to this Annex using gear type 1.
(9) Days spent with gear type 23Number of days for which the vessel actually spent absent from port and present within the area according to this Annex using gear type 2, if applicable.
(10) Transfers of days3For days transferred indicate ‘– number of days transferred’ and for days received indicate ‘+ number of days transferred’

Appendix 1 to Annex IVa


Any vessel using this gear type shall hold a special fishing permit in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94.


A copy of the special permits referred to in point 1 shall be kept on board the fishing vessel.


When holding the special fishing permit the vessel shall only keep on board and use a towed net with an exit window as specified point 4. The gear shall be approved by the national inspectors before commencing fishing.


The window shall be inserted in the untapered section with a minimum of 80 open meshes in the circumference. [F3The window shall be inserted into the top panel.] There shall be no more than two open diamond meshes between the posterior row of meshes in the side of the window and the adjacent selvedge. The window shall terminate no more than 6 metres from the cod-line. The joining rate shall be two diamond meshes to one square mesh.


[X1The window shall be at least three metres in length.] The meshes shall have a minimum opening of 120 mm. The meshes shall be square meshes i.e. all four sides of the window netting will be cut all bars. The netting shall be mounted such that the bars run parallel and perpendicular to the length of the cod-end.


The netting of square-meshed panel shall be knotless single twine. The window shall be inserted in such a way that the meshes remain fully open at all times when fishing. The window shall not be obstructed in any way by either internal or external attachments.


General provisionsU.K.

1.The conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to Community fishing vessels of length overall equal to or greater than 10 metres.U.K.

2.For the purposes of this Annex, the following geographical area shall apply:U.K.

3.For the purposes of this Annex, a day present within the area and absent from port shall be:U.K.


the 24-hour period between 00:00 hours of a calendar day and 24:00 hours of the same calendar day or any part of such a period during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port, or


any continuous period of 24 hours as recorded in the EC logbook during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port or any part of any such time period.

A Member State which wishes to employ the definition of a day present within the area and absent from port laid down under point (b) shall notify the Commission before 1 February 2005 of the means of monitoring the activities of a vessel to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in point (b).

4.For the purpose of this Annex, the following groupings of fishing gears shall apply:U.K.


Bottom trawl of mesh size > 55 mm;


Bottom long-lines;


Gill-nets of mesh size > 60 mm;


Gill-nets of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm;


Trawl of mesh size between 31 mm and 54 mm.

Fishing effortU.K.

5.Each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any of the fishing gears referred to in point 4, fishing vessels flying its flag and registered in the Community shall be present within the area and absent from port for no more than the number of days specified in point 6.U.K.



The maximum number of days in any calendar month for which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port having carried on board any one of the fishing gears referred to in point 4 is shown in Table I.

Table I — Maximum days present within the area and absent from port by fishing gear
Area defined in point:Grouping of fishing gears referred to in point:
2Iberian Peninsula, Atlantic coast (ICES Divisions VIIIc and IXa)

A Member State may aggregate the days present within the area and absent from port in Table I within management periods of up to eleven calendar months.


An additional number of days on which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port when carrying on board any of the gears referred to in point 4 may be allocated to Member States by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place since 1 January 2004 in accordance with Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999. Any vessels that can be shown to have been definitively withdrawn from the area specified in point 2 may also be considered. The additional number of days allocated to vessels in a given gear category will be directly proportional to the fishing effort expended in 2003 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using the gear in question compared to the comparable level of effort expended by all vessels using that gear during 2003. Any part of a day resulting from this calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day.

Member States wishing to benefit from such allocations shall submit a request to the Commission with reports containing the details of permanent cessations of fishing activities in question.

On the basis of such a request the Commission may amend the number of days defined in point (a) for that Member State in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.


Derogations from the number of days present within the area and absent from port shown in Table I may be allocated to vessels by Member States under the conditions shown in Table II.

Member States wishing to apply this higher allocation of days shall notify the Commission with details of the vessels that will benefit and with details of their track records at least two weeks before the higher allocation of days are to be granted.

Table II — Derogations from days present within the area and absent from port in Table I and associated conditions

As verified by the EC logbook — average annual landing in live weight.


The vessel may be present within the area for the number of days in the month concerned.

Area Defined in point 2Gear defined in point 42001, 2002 and 2003 vessel track recordaDays
24(a) to 4(f)Less than 5 tonnes of hake in all yearsno days restrictionb

If this higher allocation of days is given to a vessel, as a result of its low hake track record, that vessel's landing shall not in 2005 exceed 5 tonnes live weight of hake nor shall they tranship any fish at sea to another vessels. When either of these conditions are not met by a vessel, that vessel shall with immediate effect no longer be entitled to the additional days.

7.Before the first day of each management period the master of a vessel or his representative shall notify to the authorities of the flag Member State which gear or gears he intends to use during the forthcoming management period. Until such notification is provided the vessel will not be entitled to fish within the area defined in point 2 with any of the gears referred to in point 4.U.K.

A vessel wishing to combine the use of one or more of the fishing gears referred to in point 4 (regulated gears) with any other fishing gears not referred to in point 4 (unregulated gears) will not be restricted in their use of the unregulated gear. Such vessels must pre-notify when the regulated gear is to be used. When no such notification has been given no gear referred to in point 4 may be carried on board. Such vessels must be authorised and equipped to undertake the alternative fishing activity.



In any given management period a vessel that has used the number of days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible shall remain in port or out of the area referred to in point 2 for the remainder of the management period unless using unregulated gear as described in point 7.


In any given management period a vessel may undertake non-fishing related activities, without that time being counted against its days allocated under point 6, provided that the vessel first notifies its flag Member State of its intention to do so, the nature of its activity and that it surrenders its fishing licence for this time. Such vessels shall not carry any fishing gear or fish on board during that time.



A Member State may permit any of its fishing vessels to transfer days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible to another of its vessels for the same management period and within the area provided that the product of the days received by a vessel multiplied by its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the Community fishing fleet register.


The total number of days present within the area and absent from port transferred under sub-point (a) multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel shall not be higher than the donor vessel's average annual days track record in the area as verified by the EC logbook in the years 2001, 2002 and 2003, multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel.


The transfer of days as described in sub-point (a) shall only be permitted between vessels operating within the same gear grouping referred to in point 6(a) and during the same management period.


No transfer of days from vessels benefiting from the allocation referred to in points 6(d) is permitted.


On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide reports on the transfers that have taken place.

10.A vessel with no track record of fishing in the area defined in point 2 is allowed to transit across the area provided that it has no fishing permit to operate in the area or that it has first notified its authorities of its intention to do so. While that vessel is within the area defined in point 2 any fishing gears carried on board must be lashed and stowed in accordance with conditions laid down in Article 20(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.

11.A Member State shall not permit fishing with a gear defined in point 4 in the area defined in point 2 by any of its vessels which have no record of such fishing activity in the years 2002, 2003 or 2004 in that area unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the regulated area.U.K.

However, a vessel with a track record of using a gear defined in point 4 may be authorised to use a different gear defined in point 4, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the first gear.

12.A Member State shall not count against the days allocated to any of its vessels under this Annex either any days when the vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it was assisting another vessel in need of emergency aid or any days when a vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it is transporting an injured crew member for emergency medical aid. The Member State shall provide justification to the Commission within one month of any decisions taken on this basis with associated evidence of the emergency from the competent authorities.U.K.

However, a vessel with a track record of using a gear defined in point 4 may be authorised to use a different gear defined in point 4, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the first gear.

Monitoring, inspection and surveillanceU.K.

13.Notwithstanding Article 19a of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, Articles 19b, 19c, 19d, 19e and 19k of that Regulation shall apply to vessels carrying on board the fishing gears defined in point 4 and operating in the area defined in point 2. Vessels equipped with vessel monitoring systems in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) No 2244/2003 or those operating under the definition of a day as defined in point 3(a) shall be excluded from these hailing requirements.U.K.

14.Member States may implement alternative control measures to ensure compliance with the obligations referred in point 13 of this Annex which are as effective and transparent as these reporting obligations. Such alternative measures shall be notified to the Commission before being implemented.U.K.

15.The master of a Community fishing vessel or his representative wishing to tranship any quantity retained on board or to land in a port or landing location of a third country shall inform the competent authorities of the flag Member State at least 24 hours prior to transhipping or to landing in a third country the information referred to in Article 19b of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.

16.By way of derogation from Article 5(2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83, the permitted margin of tolerance, when estimating quantities, in kilograms retained on board of vessels referred to in point 14 shall be 8 % of the logbook figure. In the event that no conversion factors are laid down in Community legislation, the conversion factors adopted by the Member states whose flag the vessel is flying shall apply.U.K.

17.The competent authorities of a Member State shall ensure that any quantity of Southern hake exceeding 300 kg and/or 150 kg of Norway lobster caught in the area referred in point 2 shall be weighed using auction room scales before sale.U.K.

18.When quantities of hake greater than 50 kg are stowed on board a vessel, it shall be prohibited to retain on board a fishing vessel in any container any quantity of Southern hake or Norway lobster mixed with any other species of marine organism. The masters of Community fishing vessels shall give inspectors of Member States such assistance as will enable the quantities declared in the logbook and the catches of Southern hake and Norway lobster retained on board to be cross-checked.U.K.

19.The competent authorities of a Member State may require that any quantity of Southern hake exceeding 300 kg or Norway lobster exceeding 150 kg caught in the area specified in point 2 and first landed in that Member State is weighed in the presence of controllers before being transported from the port of first landing.U.K.

20.By way of derogation from Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, quantities greater than 50 kg of any species in fisheries referred to in Article 12 of this Regulation which are transported to a place other than that of landing or import shall be accompanied by a copy of one of the declarations provided for in Article 8(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 pertaining to the quantities of these species transported. The exemption provided for in Article 13(4)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 shall not apply.U.K.

[X121. By way of derogation from Article 34c(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, the specific monitoring programme for Southern hake or Norway lobster in fisheries referred to in this Annex may last more than two years from its date of entry into force.] U.K.

Reporting obligationsU.K.

22.Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days absent from port and present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall communicate, for each calendar year within one month of the expiry of that calendar year, to the Commission the information about effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area concerned by this Annex as laid out in Table IV.U.K.

23.Member States shall communicate the data referred in point 22 to the Commission in spreadsheet format by sending it to the appropriate mailbox address which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission.U.K.

Table IV — Reporting format
CountryCFRExternal markingArea fishedLength of management periodGear type/types notifiedDays eligible using this gearDays spent with this gear typeTransfers of days
Table V — Data format
Name of zoneMax. number of characters/digitsDefinition and comments
(1) Country3

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered for fishing under Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

Always the reporting country.

(2) CFR12

(Community Fleet Register Number).

Unique identification number of a fishing vessel.

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters additional zeros must be inserted on the left hand side.

(3) External marking14Under Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87
(4) Area1Indicate if the vessel has been fishing in Area 2(a) or 2(b) of this Annex
(5) Length of management period2Indication from 1-12 of the length of each management period allocated to the vessel concerned. Separate management periods in which the same gear grouping or combination of gear groupings have been notified, in accordance with point 7 of this Annex, may be aggregated.
(6) Gear type/types notified2Indication from 4(a) through to 4(g) of the gear types notified in accordance with point 4 of this Annex.
(7) Days eligible using this gear3Number of days for which the vessel is eligible under this Annex for the choice of gears and length of management period notified.
(8) Days spent with this gear type3Number of days for which the vessel actually spent absent from port and present within the area according to this Annex.
(9) Transfers of days3For days transferred indicate ‘– number of days transferred’ and for days received indicate ‘+ number of days transferred’


General provisionsU.K.

1.The conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to Community fishing vessels of length overall equal to or greater than 10 metres.U.K.

2.For the purposes of this Annex, the following geographical area shall apply:U.K.

Western Channel (ICES Division VIIe).

3.For the purposes of this Annex, a day present within the area and absent from port shall be:U.K.


the 24-hour period between 00:00 hours of a calendar day and 24:00 hours of the same calendar day or any part of such a period during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port, or


any continuous period of 24 hours as recorded in the EC logbook during which a vessel is present within the area defined in point 2 and absent from port or any part of any such time period.

A Member State which wishes to employ the definition of a day present within the area and absent from port laid down under point (b) shall notify the Commission before 1 February 2005 of the means of monitoring the activities of a vessel to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in point (b).

4.For the purpose of this Annex, the following groupings of fishing gears shall apply:U.K.


beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm;


static demersal nets including gill nets, trammel nets and tangle nets.

Fishing effortU.K.

5.Each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any of the fishing gears referred to in point 4, fishing vessels flying its flag and registered in the Community shall be present within the area and absent from port for no more than the number of days set out in point 6.U.K.



[F3The maximum number of days in any calendar month for which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port having carried on board any one of the fishing gears referred to in point 4 is shown in Table I.

Where a vessel crosses between two areas on a fishing trip the day shall be counted against the area in which the largest proportion of time was spent during that day.

The number of days in which a vessel is present within the global area constituted by the areas defined in point 2 of this Annex and in point 2 of Annex IVa shall not exceed the number shown in Table I of this Annex. However the number of days in which the vessel is present in the areas defined in point 2 of Annex IVa shall comply with the maximum number fixed in accordance with Annex IVa.

Table I — Maximum days present within the area and absent from port by fishing gear
Area defined in point 2: Grouping of fishing gears referred to in point:
4a 4b
2. Western Channel (ICES Division VIIe)
20 20]

A Member State may aggregate the days present within the area and absent from port in Table I within management periods of up to eleven calendar months.


An additional number of days on which a vessel may be present within the area and absent from port when carrying on board any of the gears referred to in point 4 may be allocated to Member States by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place since 1 January 2004 in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999. The additional number of days allocated to vessels in a given gear category will be directly proportional to the fishing effort expended in 2003 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using the gear in question compared to the comparable level of effort expended by all vessels using that gear during 2003. Any part of a day resulting from this calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day.

[X1Member States wishing to benefit from such allocations shall submit a request to the Commission with reports containing the details of the permanent cessations of fishing activities in question.]

On the basis of such a request the Commission may amend the number of days defined in point (a) for that Member State in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

7.Before the first day of each management period the master of a vessel or his representative shall notify to the authorities of the flag Member State which gear or gears he intends to use during the forthcoming management period. Until such notification is provided the vessel shall not be entitled to fish within the area defined in point 2 with any of the gears referred to in point 4.U.K.



In any given management period a vessel that has used the number of days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible shall remain in port or out of the area referred to in point 2 for the remainder of the management period unless using a different grouping of fishing gear (unregulated gear) than the ones described in point 4.]


In any given management period a vessel may undertake non-fishing related activities, without that time being counted against its days allocated under point 6, provided that the vessel first notifies its flag Member State of its intention to do so, the nature of its activity and that it surrenders its fishing licence for that time. Such vessels shall not carry any fishing gear or fish on board during that time.



A Member State may permit any of its fishing vessels to transfer days present within the area and absent from port for which it is eligible to another of its vessels for the same management period and within the area provided that the product of the days received by a vessel multiplied by its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the Community fishing fleet register.


The total number of days present within the area and absent from port transferred under point (a) multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel shall not be higher than the donor vessel's average annual days track record in the area as verified by the EC logbook in the years 2001, 2002 and 2003, multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel.


The transfer of days as described in sub-point (a) shall only be permitted between vessels operating within the same gear grouping referred to in point 6(a) and during the same management period.


On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide reports on the transfers that have taken place.

10.A vessel with no track record of fishing in the area defined in point 2 shall be allowed to transit across the area provided that it has first notified its authorities of its intention to do so. While that vessel is within the area defined in point 2 any fishing gears carried on board must be lashed and stowed in accordance with conditions laid down in Article 20(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.

11.A Member State shall not permit fishing with a gear defined in point 4 in the area defined in point 2 by any of its vessels which have no record of such fishing activity in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 in that area unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the regulated area.U.K.

However, a vessel with a track record of using a gear defined in point 4 may be authorised to use a different gear defined in point 4, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the first gear.

12.A Member State shall not count against the days allocated to any of its vessels under this Annex either any days when the vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it was assisting another vessel in need of emergency aid or any days when a vessel has been absent from port but unable to fish because it is transporting an injured crew member for emergency medical aid. The Member State shall provide justification to the Commission within one month of any decisions taken on this basis with associated evidence of the emergency from the competent authorities.U.K.

Monitoring, inspection and surveillanceU.K.

13.Notwithstanding Article 19a of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, Articles 19b, 19c, 19d, 19e and 19k of that Regulation shall apply to vessels carrying on board the fishing gears defined in point 4 and operating in the area defined in point 2. Vessels equipped with vessel monitoring systems in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) No 2244/2003 or those operating under the definition of a day as defined in point 3(a) shall be excluded from these hailing requirements.U.K.

[X114. Member States may implement alternative control measures to ensure compliance with the obligations referred to in point 13 of this Annex which are as effective and transparent as these reporting obligations. Such alternative measures shall be notified to the Commission before being implemented.] U.K.

15.The master of a Community fishing vessel or his representative wishing to tranship any quantity retained on board or to land in a port or landing location of a third country shall inform the competent authorities of the flag Member State at least 24 hours prior to transhipping or to landing in a third country the information referred to in Article 19b of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.U.K.

16.By way of derogation from Article 5(2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83, the permitted margin of tolerance, when estimating quantities, in kilograms retained on board of vessels referred to in point 13 shall be 8 % of the logbook figure. In the event that no conversion factors are laid down in Community legislation, the conversion factors adopted by the Member states whose flag the vessel is flying shall apply.U.K.

17.When quantities of sole greater than 50 kg are stowed on board a vessel, it shall be prohibited to retain on board a fishing vessel in any container any quantity of [X1sole mixed with any other species of marine organism. The masters of Community fishing vessels shall give inspectors of Member States such assistance as will enable the quantities declared in the logbook and the catches of sole retained on board to be cross checked.U.K.

18.The competent authorities of a Member State shall ensure that any quantity of sole exceeding 300 kg caught in the areas defined in point 2 shall be weighed using auction room scales before sale.U.K.

19.The competent authorities of a Member State may require that any quantity of sole] exceeding 300 kg caught in the area specified in point 2 and first landed in that Member State is weighed in the presence of controllers before being transported from the port of first landing.U.K.

20.By way of derogation from Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, quantities greater than 50 kg of any species in fisheries referred to in Article 12 of this Regulation which are transported to a place other than that of landing or import shall be accompanied by a copy of one of the declarations provided for in Article 8(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 pertaining to the quantities of these species transported. The exemption provided for in Article 13(4)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 shall not apply.U.K.

[X121. By way of derogation from Article 34c(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, the specific monitoring programme for sole in fisheries referred to in this Annex may last more than two years from its date of entry into force.] U.K.

Reporting obligationsU.K.

[X122. Member States, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days absent from port and present within the area as set out in this Annex, shall communicate to the Commission, for each calendar year within one month of the expiry of that calendar year, the information about effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area concerned by this Annex as laid out in Table IV.] U.K.

23.Member States shall communicate the data referred in point 22 to the Commission in Spread Sheet format by sending it to the appropriate mailbox address which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission.U.K.

Table IV — Reporting format
CountryCFRExternal markingArea fishedLength of management periodGear type/types notifiedDays eligible using this gearDays spent with this gear typeTransfers of days
Table V — Data format
Name of zoneMax. number of characters/digitsDefinition and comments
(1) Country3

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered for fishing under Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

Always the reporting country.

(2) CFR12

(Community Fleet Register Number).

Unique identification number of a fishing vessel.

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters additional zeros must be inserted on the left hand side.

(3) External marking14Under Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1381/87
(4) Area1Indicate if the vessel has been fishing in Area 2(a) or 2(b) of this Annex
(5) Length of management period2Indication from 1-12 of the length of each management period allocated to the vessel concerned. Separate management periods in which the same gear grouping or combination of gear groupings have been notified, in accordance with point 7 of this Annex, may be aggregated.
(6) Gear type/types notified2Indication from 4(a) through to 4 (g) of the gear types notified in accordance with point 4 of this Annex.
(7) Days eligible using this gear3Number of days for which this vessel is eligible under this Annex for the choice of gears and length of management period notified.
(8) Days spent with this gear type3Number of days for which the vessel actually spent absent from port and present within the area according to this Annex.
(9) Transfers of days3For days transferred indicate ‘– number of days transferred’ and for days received indicate ‘+ number of days transferred’


1.From 1 January to 31 December 2005, the conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to Community fishing vessels fishing in the North Sea and the Skagerrak with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gears with a mesh size of less than 16 mm.U.K.

2.For the purposes of this Annex a day absent from port shall be:U.K.


the 24-hour period between 00:00 hours of a calendar day and 24:00 hours of the same calendar day or any part of such a period, or


any continuous period of 24 hours as recorded in the EC logbook between the date and time of departure and the date and time of arrival or any part of any such time period.

3.Each Member State concerned shall, not later than 1 March 2005, establish a data base containing for the North Sea and Skagerrak, for each of the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 and for each vessel flying its flag or registered within the Community which have been fishing with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gears with a mesh size of less than 16mm, the following information:U.K.


the name and internal registration number of the vessel;


the installed engine power of the vessel in kilowatts measured in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 2930/86;


the number of days absent from port when fishing with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gear with a mesh size of less than 16 mm;


the kilowatt-days as the product of the number of days absent from port and the installed engine power in kilowatts.

4.The following quantities shall be calculated by each Member State:U.K.


the total kilowatt-days for each year as the sum of the kilowatt-days calculated in paragraph 3(d);


the average kilowatt-days for the period 2002 to 2004.

5.Each Member State shall ensure that the number of kilowatt-days in 2005 for vessels flying its flag or registered in the Community does not exceed 40 % of the number in 2004 as calculated in point 4(a).U.K.

6.The maximum number of kilowatt-days referred to in point 5 shall be revised by the Commission as early as possible and not later than 15 May 2005, based on advice from the STECF on the size of the 2004 year class of North Sea sandeel, in accordance with the following rules:U.K.


where STECF estimates the size of the 2004 year class of North Sea sandeel to be at or above 500 000 million individuals at age 0, no restrictions in kilowatt-days shall apply for the remaining of 2005;


where STECF estimates the size of the 2004 year class of North Sea sandeel to be between 300 000 million and 500 000 million individuals at age 0, the number of kilowatt-days shall not exceed the level in 2003 as calculated in point 4(a);


where STECF estimates the size of the 2004 year class of North Sea sandeel to be below 300 000 million individuals at age 0, fishing with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gears with a mesh size of less than 16 mm shall be prohibited for the remaining of 2005. However, a limited fishery will be allowed in order to monitor the sandeel stocks in the North Sea and the Skagerrak and the effects of the closure. To this end the Member States concerned shall in cooperation with the Commission develop a plan for the monitoring fishery.




This allocation is valid for purse and trawl fisheries.


To be selected from the 11 licences for purse seine fishery for mackerel South of 62° 00' N.


Following the Agreed Record of 1999, the figures for the Directed fishing for cod and haddock are included in the figures for All trawl fisheries with vessels of not more than 180 feet in the zone between 12 and 21 miles from the Faroese baselines .


These figures refer to the maximum number of vessels present at any time.


These figures are included in the figures for Trawling outside 21 miles from the Faroese baselines .


Applies only to vessels flying the flag of Latvia.]

Area of fishing Fishery Number of licences Repartition of licences amongst Member States Maximum number of vessels present at any time
Norwegian waters and fishery zone around Jan Mayen Herring, North of 62° 00' N 75 DK: 26, DE: 5, FR: 1, IRL: 7, NL: 9, SW: 10, UK: 17 55
Demersal species, North of 62° 00' N 80 FR: 18, PT: 9, DE: 16, ES: 20, UK: 14, IRL: 1 50
Mackerel, South of 62° 00' N, purse seine fishery 11 DE: 1 a , DK: 26 a , FR: 2 a , NL: 1 a not relevant
Mackerel, South of 62° 00' N, trawl fishery 19 not relevant
Mackerel, North of 62° 00' N, purse seine fishery 11 b DK: 11 not relevant
Industrial species, South of 62° 00' N 480 DK: 450, UK: 30 150
Waters of the Faroe Islands All trawl fisheries with vessels of not more than 180 feet in the zone between 12 and 21 miles from the Faroese baselines 26 BE: 0, DE: 4, FR: 4, UK: 18 13
Directed fishing for cod and haddock with a minimum mesh of 135 mm, restricted to the area south of 62° 28' N and east of 6° 30' W 8 c 4
Trawling outside 21 miles from the Faroese baseline. In the periods 1 March to 31 May and 1 October to 31 December, these vessels may operate in the area between 61° 20' N and 62° 00' N and between 12 and 21 miles from the baselines. 70 BE: 0, DE: 10, FR: 40, UK: 20 26
Trawl fisheries for blue ling with a minimum mesh of 100 mm in the area south of 61° 30' N and west of 9° 00' W and in the area between 7° 00' W and 9° 00' W south of 60° 30' N and in the area south-west of a line between 60° 30' N, 7° 00' W and 60° 00' N, 6° 00' W. 70 DE: 8 d , FR: 12 d , UK: 0 d 20 e
Directed trawl fishery for saithe with a minimum mesh size of 120 mm and with the possibility to use round-straps around the codend. 70 22 e
Fisheries for blue whiting. The total number of licences may be increased by four vessels to form pairs, should the Faroese authorities introduce special rules of access to an area called main fishing area of blue whiting 34 DE: 3, DK: 19, FR: 2, UK: 5, NL: 5 20
Line fishing 10 UK: 10 6
Fishing for mackerel 12 DK: 12 12
Herring fisheries north of 62° N 21 DE: 1, DK: 7, FR: 0, UK: 5, IRL: 2, NL: 3, SW: 3 21
Iceland All fisheries 18 5
Waters of the Russian Federation All fisheries pm pm
Fisheries for cod 7 f pm
Fisheries for sprat pm pm



Applies only to the Latvian zone of EC waters.


The licences concerning fishing for shrimp in the waters of the French Department of Guyana shall be issued on the basis of a fishing plan submitted by the authorities of the third country concerned, approved by the Commission. The period of validity of each of these licences shall be limited to the fishing period provided for in the fishing plan on the basis of which the licence was issued.


The annual number of days at sea is limited to 200.


To be fished exclusively with long lines or traps (snappers) or long lines or mesh nets having a minimum mesh of 100 mm, at depths greater than 30 m (sharks). To issue these licences, proof must be produced that a valid contract exists between the ship owner applying for the licence and a processing undertaking situated in the French Department of Guyana, and that it includes and obligation to land at least 75 % of all snapper catches, or 50 % of all shark catches from the vessel concerned in that department so that they may be processed in that undertaking's plant.

The contract referred to above must be endorsed by the French authorities, which shall ensure that it is consistent both with the actual capacity of the contracting processing undertaking and with the objectives for the development of the Guyanese economy. A copy of the duly endorsed contract shall be appended to the licence application.

Where the endorsement referred to above is refused, the French authorities shall give notification of this refusal and state their reasons for it to the party concerned and to the Commission.


Applicable from 1 January to 30 April 2005.


Pending the conclusion of fisheries consultations with Norway for 2005.


The annual number of days at sea is limited to pm.


The annual number of days at sea is limited to 350.


To be fished exclusively with longlines.


Of which at any given time a maximum of 10 for vessels fishing cod with gillnets.

Flag StateFisheryNumber of licencesMaximum number of vessels present at any time
NorwayHerring, North of 62°00′N1818
Faroe IslandsMackerel, VIa (north of 56°30′N), VIIe,f,h, horse mackerel, IV, VIa (north of 56°30′N), VIIe,f,h; herring, VIa (north of 56°30′N)1414
Herring north of 62°00′N2121
Herring, IIIa44
Industrial fishing for Norway pout and sprat, IV, VIa (north of 56°30′N): sandeel, IV (including unavoidable by-catches of blue whiting)1515
Ling and tusk2010
Blue whiting, VIa (north of 56°30′N), VIb, VII (west of 12°00′W)2020
Blue ling1616
Porbeagle (all zones except NAFO 3PS)33
Russian FederationHerring, IIId (Swedish waters)pmpm
Herring, IIId (Swedish waters, non-fishing mother ships)pmpm
Barbados Penaeus shrimpsb (French Guyana waters)5pmc
Snappersd (French Guyana waters)5pm
Guyana Penaeus shrimpse (French Guyana waters)pmpmf
Surinam Penaeus shrimpse (French Guyana waters)5pmg
Trinidad and Tobago Penaeus shrimpse (French Guyana waters)8pmh
JapanTunai (French Guyana waters)pm
KoreaTunaj (French Guyana waters)pmpme
VenezuelaSnapperse (French Guyana waters)41pm
Sharkse (French Guyana waters)4pm




When fishing is carried out within the 200-nautical-mile zone off the coasts of the Member States of the Community which is covered by Community rules on fisheries, the following details are to be entered in the log-book immediately after the following events:

After each haul:U.K.

1.1.the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught;U.K.

1.2.the date and the time of the haul;U.K.

1.3.the geographical position in which the catches were made;U.K.

1.4.the fishing method used.U.K.

After each trans-shipment to or from another vessel:U.K.

2.1.the indication ‘received from’ or ‘transferred to’;U.K.

2.2.the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species trans-shipped;U.K.

2.3.the name, external identifications letters and numbers of the vessel to or from which the trans-shipment occurred;U.K.

2.4.trans-shipment of cod is not allowed.U.K.

After each landing in a port of the Community:U.K.

3.1.name of the port;U.K.

3.2.the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species landed.U.K.

After each transmission of information to the Commission of the European Communities:U.K.

4.1.date and time of the transmission;U.K.

4.2.type of message: IN, OUT, ICES, WKL or 2 WKL;U.K.

4.3.in the case of radio transmission: name of the radio station.U.K.



The information to be transmitted to the Commission of the European Communities and the timetable for its transmission are as follows:U.K.

1.1.On each occasion the vessel enters the 200-nautical-mile zone off the coasts of the Member States of the Community which is covered by Community rules on fisheries:U.K.


the information specified under 1.5;


the quantity (in kilograms) of each species of fish in the hold;


the date and ICES division within which the master intends to commence fishing.

Where the fishing operations necessitate more than one entry into these zones on a given day, one communication shall suffice on first entry.

1.2.On each occasion the vessel leaves the zone referred to under 1.1:U.K.


the information specified under 1.5;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species of fish in the hold;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission;


the ICES division in which the catches were taken;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species transferred to and/or from other vessels since the vessel entered the zone and the identification of the vessel to which the transfer was made;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species landed in a port of the Community since the vessel entered the zone.

Where the fishing operations necessitate more than one entry into the zones referred to under 1.1 on a given day, one single communication on the last exit will be sufficient.

1.3.At three-day intervals, commencing on the third day after the vessel first enters the zones referred to under 1.1 when fishing for herring and mackerel, and at weekly intervals, commencing on the seventh day after the vessel first enters the zones referred to under 1.1 when fishing for all species other than herring and mackerel:U.K.


the information specified under 1.5;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission;


the ICES division in which the catches were made.

1.4.On each occasion the vessel moves from one ICES division to another:U.K.


the information specified under 1.5;


the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission;


the ICES division in which the catches have been taken.



the name, call sign, external identification letters and numbers of the vessel and the name of its master;


the licence number if the vessel is under licence;


the serial number of the message for the voyage concerned;


identification of the type of message;


the date, the time and the geographical position of the vessel.

2.1.The information specified under point 1 shall be transmitted to the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels by telex (SAT COM C 420599543 FISH), electronic mail (FISHERIES-telecom@cec.eu.int) or via one of the radio stations listed under point 3 below and in the form specified under point 4.U.K.

2.2.If it is impossible for reasons of force majeure for the message to be transmitted by the vessel, it may be transmitted on the vessel's behalf by another vessel.U.K.


Name of radio station Call sign of radio station
Land's EndGLD
Malin HeadEJM

4.Form of the communicationsU.K.

The information specified under point 1 shall contain the following particulars, which shall be given in the following order:

5.Code to be used to indicate the species on board as mentioned in 1.4 above:U.K.

Alfonsinos (Beryx spp.)ALF
American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides)PLA
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)ANE
Angler/Monk (Lophius spp.)MNZ
Argentine (Argentina silus)ARG
Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama)POA
Basking shark (Cetorinhus maximus)BSK
Black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo)BSF
Blue ling (Molva dypterygia)BLI
Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)WHB
Bob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri)BOB
Cod (Gadus morhua)COD
Common shrimp (Crangon crangon)CSH
Common squid (Loligo spp.)SQC
Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)DGS
Forkbeards (Phycis spp.)FOR
Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)GHL
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)HAD
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)HKE
Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)HAL
Herring (Clupea harengus)HER
Horse-mackerel (Trachurus trachurus)HOM
Ling (Molva molva)LIN
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)MAC
Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.)LEZ
Northern deep-water prawn (Pandalus borealis)PRA
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)NEP
Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii)NOP
Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)ORY
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)PLE
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)POL
Porbeagle (Lamma nasus)POR
Redfish (Sebastes spp.)RED
Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo)SBR
Roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris)RNG
Saithe (Pollachius virens)POK
Salmon (Salmo salar)SAL
Sandeel (Ammodytes spp.)SAN
Sardine (Sardina pilchardus)PIL
Shark (Selachii, Pleurotremata)SKH
Shrimp (Penaeidae)PEZ
Sprat (Sprattus sprattus)SPR
Squid (Illex spp.)SQX
Tuna (Thunnidae)TUN
Tusk (Brosme brosme)USK
Whiting (Merlangus merlangus)WHG
Yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)YEL



In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Subareas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, reagardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (c) Except as noted in (b), other hake of the Genus Urophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake, Urophycis chuss.

Common English NameScientific Name3-Alpha Code
Atlantic Cod Gadus morhuaCOD
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusHAD
Atlantic redfishes Sebastes sp.RED
Golden redfish Sebastes marinusREG
Beaked redfish (deepwater) Sebastes mentellaREB
Acadian redfish Sebastes fasciatusREN
Silver hake Merluccius bilinearisHKS
Red hakea Urophycis chussHKR
Pollock (=Saithe) Pollachius virensPOK
American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoidesPLA
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWIT
Yellowtail flounder Limanda ferrugineaYEL
Greenland halibut Reinharditius hippoglossoidesGHL
Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossusHAL
Winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanusFLW
Summer flounder Paralichthys dentatusFLS
Windowpane flounder Scophthalmus aquosusFLD
Flatfishes (NS) PleuronectiformesFLX
American angler (=Goosefish) Lophius americanusANG
Atlantic searobins Prionotus sp.SRA
Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcodTOM
Blue antimora Antimora rostrataANT
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouWHB
Cunner Tautogolabrus adspersusCUN
Cusk (=Tusk) Brosme brosmeUSK
Greenland cod Gadus ogacGRC
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaBLI
Ling Molva molvaLIN
Lumpfish (=Lumpsucker) Cyclopterus lumpusLUM
Northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilisKGF
Northern puffer Sphoeroides maculatusPUF
Eelpouts (NS) Lycodes sp.ELZ
Ocean pout Macrozoarces americanusOPT
Polar cod Boreogadus saidaPOC
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisRNG
Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglaxRHG
Sandeels (=Sand Lances) Ammodytes sp.SAN
Sculpins Myoxocephalus sp.SCU
Scup Stenotomus chrysopsSCP
Tautog Tautoga onitisTAU
Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticepsTIL
White hakea Urophycis tenuisHKW
Wolffishes (NS) Anarhicas sp.CAT
Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupusCAA
Spotted wolffish Anarhichas minorCAS
Groundfish (NS)GRO
Atlantic herring Clupea harengusHER
Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrusMAC
Atlantic butterfish Peprilus triacanthusBUT
Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannusMHA
Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurusSAU
Bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilliANB
Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrixBLU
Crevalle jack Caranx hipposCVJ
Frigate tuna Auxis thazardFRI
King mackerel Scomberomourus cavallaKGM
Atlantic Spanish mackerel Scomberomourus maculatusSSM
Sailfish Istiophorus platypterusSAI
White marlin Tetrapturus albidusWHM
Blue marlin Makaira nigricansBUM
Swordfish Xiphias gladiusSWO
Albacore tuna Thunnus alalungaALB
Atlantic bonito Sarda sardaBON
Little tunny Euthynnus alletteratusLTA
Bigeye tunny Thunnus obesusBET
Northern bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnusBFT
Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamisSKJ
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacaresYFT
Tunas (NS) ScombridaeTUN
Pelagic fish (NS)PEL
Long-finned squid (Loligo) Loligo pealeiSQL
Short-finned squid (Illex) Illex illecebrosusSQI
Squids (NS) Loliginidae, OmmastrephidaeSQU
Atlantic razor clam Ensis directusCLR
Hard clam Mercenaria mercenariaCLH
Ocean quahog Arctica islandicaCLQ
Soft clam Mya arenariaCLS
Surf clam Spisula solidissimaCLB
Stimpson's surf clam Spisula polynymaCLT
Clams (NS) Prionodesmacea, TeleodesmaceaCLX
Bay scallop Argopecten irradiansSCB
Calico scallop Argopecten gibbusSCC
Iceland scallop Chylamys islandicaISC
Sea scallop Placopecten magellanicusSCA
Scallops (NS) PectinidaeSCX
American cupped oyster Crassostrea virginicaOYA
Blue mussel Mytilus edulisMUS
Whelks (NS) Busycon sp.WHX
Periwinkles (NS) Littorina sp.PER
Marine molluscs (NS) MolluscaMOL
Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratusCRK
Blue crab Callinectes sapidusCRB
Green crab Carcinus maenasCRG
Jonah crab Cancer borealisCRJ
Queen crab Chionoecetes opilioCRQ
Red crab Geryon quinquedensCRR
Stone king crab Lithodes maiaKCT
Marine crabs (NS) ReptantiaCRA
American lobster Homarus americanusLBA
Northern prawn Pandalus borealisPRA
Aesop shrimp Pandalus montaguiAES
Penaeus shrimps (NS) Penaeus sp.PEN
Pink (=Pandalid) shrimps Pandalus sp.PAN
Marine crustaceans (NS) CrustaceaCRU
Sea-urchin Strongylocentrotus sp.URC
Marine worms (NS) PolycheataWOR
Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemusHSC
Marine invertebrates (NS) InvertebrataINV
Other Fish
Alewife Alosa pseudoharengusALE
Amberjacks Seriola sp.AMX
American conger Conger oceanicusCOA
American eel Anguilla rostrataELA
Atlantic hagfish Myxine glutinosaMYG
American shad Alosa sapidissimaSHA
Argentines (NS) Argentina sp.ARG
Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatusCKA
Atlantic needlefish Strongylura marinaNFA
Atlantic salmon Salmo salarSAL
Atlantic silverside Menidia menidiaSSA
Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema oglinumTHA
Barid's slickhead Alepocephalus bairdiiALC
Black drum Pogonias cromisBDM
Black seabass Centropristis striataBSB
Blueback herring Alosa aestivalisBBH
Capelin Mallotus villosusCAP
Chars (NS) Salvelinus sp.CHR
Cobia Rachycentron canadumCBA
Common (Florida) pompano Trachinotus carolinusPOM
Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianumSHG
Grunts (NS) PomadasyidaeGRX
Hickory shad Alosa mediocrisSHH
Lanternfish Notoscopelus sp.LAX
Mullets (NS) MugilidaeMUL
North atlantic harvestfish Peprilus alepidotus (=paru)HVF
Pigfish Orthopristis chrysopteraPIG
Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordaxSMR
Red drum Sciaenops ocellatusRDM
Red porgy Pagrus pagrusRPG
Rough scad Trachurus lathamiRSC
Sand perch Diplectrum formosumPES
Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalusSPH
Spot croaker Leiostomus xanthurusSPT
Spotted weakfish Cynoscion nebulosusSWF
Squeteague (Gray Weakfish) Cynoscion regalisSTG
Striped bass Morone saxatilisSTB
Sturgeons (NS) AcipenseridaeSTU
Tarpon Tarpon (=megalops) atlanticusTAR
Trouts (NS) Salmo sp.TRO
White perch Morone americanaPEW
Alfonsinos (NS) Beryx sp.ALF
Spiny (=picked) dogfish Squalus acantiasDGS
Dogfishes (NS) SqualidaeDGX
Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis taurusCCT
Porbeagle Lamna nasusPOR
Shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchusSMA
Dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurusDUS
Great Blue shark Prionace glaucaBSH
Large sharks (NS) SqualiformesSHX
Atlantic Sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovaRHT
Black Dogfish Centroscyllium fabriciiCFB
Boreal (Greenland) shark Somniosus microcephalusGSK
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusBSK
Skates (NS) Raja sp.SKA
Little skate Leucoraja erinaceaRJD
Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperboreaRJG
Barndoor skate Dipturus laevisRJL
Winter skate Leucoraja ocellataRJT
Thorny skate (Starry Ray) Amblyraja radiataRJR
Smooth skate Malcoraja sentaRJS
Spinytail skate (Spinetail Ray) Bathyraja spinicaudaRJO
Finfishes (NS)FIN



1.ICNAF-type topside chaferU.K.

The ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions:


this netting shall have a mesh size not less than that specified for the codend in Article 10;


this netting may be fastened to the codend only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strap no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; where a splitting strap is not used, the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the codend measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh;


the width of this netting shall be at least one and a half times the width of the area of the codend which is covered, such widths to be measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend.

2.Multiple flap-type topside chaferU.K.

The multiple flap-type topside chafer is defined as pieces of netting having in all their parts meshes the size of which, whether the pieces of netting are wet or dry, is not less than that of the codend, provided that:


each piece of netting


is fastened by its forward edge only across the codened at right angles to its long axis;


is of a width of at least the width of the codend (such width being measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend at the point of attachment); and


is not more than ten meshes long; and


the aggregate length of all the pieces of netting so attached does not exceed two-thirds of the length of the codend.


3.Large-mesh (modified Polish-type) topside chaferU.K.

The large-mesh topside chafer consists of a rectangular piece of netting made of the same twine material as the codend, or of a single, thick, knotless twine material, attached to the rear portion of the upper side of the codend and extending over all or any part of the upper side of the codend and having in all its parts a mesh size twice that of the codend when measured wet and fastened to the codend along the forward, lateral and rear edges only of the netting in such a way that each mesh of the netting coincides with four meshes of the codend.




Fish size refers to fork length for Atlantic cod; whole length for other species.


Lower size for green salted fish.

SpeciesGilled and gutted fish whether or not skinned; fresh or chilled, frozen, or salted
WholeHead offHead and Tail OffHead Off and Split
Atlantic Cod41 cm27 cm22 cm27/25 cmb
Greenland halibut30 cmN/AN/AN/A
American plaice25 cm19 cm15 cmN/A
Yellowtail flounder25 cm19 cm15 cmN/A




When two or more types of gear are used in the same 24-hour period, records should be separate for the different types.

Item of informationStandard code
Vessel name01
Vessel nationality02
Vessel registration number03
Registration port04
Types of gear used (separate record for different gear types)10
Type of gear
— day20
— month21
— year22
— latitude31
— longitude32
— statistical area33
Number of hauls during the 24-hour perioda40
Number of hours gear fished during the 24-hour perioda41
Species names (Annex II)
Daily catch of each species (metric tons round fresh weight)50
Daily catch of each species for human consumption in the form of fish61
Daily catch of each species for reduction62
Daily discard of each species63
Place(s) of transshipment70
Date(s) of transshipment71
Master's signature80



Fisheries agencies may indicate side and stern bottom and side and stern midwater trawls, as OTB-1 and OTB-2, and OTM-1 and OTM-2, respectively.


Including jigging lines.


Code LDV for dory operated line gears will be maintained for historical data purposes.


This item includes: hand and landing nets, drive-in-nets, gathering by hand with simple hand implements with or without diving equipment, poisons and explosives, trained animals, electrical fishing.

Gear categoriesStandard abbreviation code
Surrounding nets
With purse lines (purse seines)PS
— One boat operated purse seinesPS1
— Two boat operated purse seinesPS2
Without purse lines (lampara)LA
Seine nets
Boat or vessel seinesSB/SV
— Danish seinesSDN
— Scottish seinesSSC
— Pair seinesSPR
Seine nets (not specifed)SX
Bottom trawls
— Beam trawlsTBB
— Otter trawlsaOTB
— Pair trawlsPTB
— Nephrops trawlsTBN
— Shrimp trawlsTBS
— Bottom trawls (not specified)TB
Midwater trawls
— Otter trawlsOTM
— Pair trawlsPTM
— Shrimp trawlsTMS
— Midwater trawls (not specified)TM
Otter twin trawlsOTT
Otter trawls (not specified)OT
Pair trawls (not specified)PT
Other trawls (not specified)TX
Boat dredgesDRB
Hand dredgesDRH
Lift nets
Portable lift netsLNP
Boat operated lift netsLNB
Shore operated stationary lift netsLNS
Lift nets (not specified)LN
Falling gear
Cast netsFCN
Falling Gear (not specified)FG
Gillnets and entangling nets
Set gillnets (anchored)GNS
Drift netsGND
Encircling gillnetsGNC
Fixed gillnets (on stakes)GNF
Trammel netsGTR
Combined gillnets-Trammel netsGTN
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)GEN
Gillnets (not specified)GN
Stationary uncovered pound-netsFPN
Fyke netsFYK
Stow netsFSN
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.FWR
Aerial trapsFAR
Traps (not specified)FIX
Hooks and lines
Hand-lines and pole-lines (hand operated)bLHP
Hand-lines and pole-lines (mechanized)bLHM
Set lines (longlines set)LLS
Drifting longlinesLLD
Longlines (not specified)LL
Trolling linesLTL
Hooks and lines (not specified)cLX
Grappling and wounding
Harvesting machines
Mechanized dredgesHMD
Harvesting machines (not specified)HMX
Miscellaneous gear dMIS
Recreational fishing gearRG
Gear not known or not specifiedNK


A.Main Vessel TypesU.K.

NEI = Not Elsewhere Identified

FAO codeType of vessel
BOProtection vessel
COFish training vessel
DBDredger non continuous
DMDredger continuous
DOXDredger NEI
FOFish carrier
FXFishing vessel NEI
GOGill netter
HOXMother ship NEI
HSFFactory mother ship
KOHospital ship
LHHand liner
LLLong liner
LPPole and line vessel
MOMultipurpose vessels
MSNSeiner hand liner
MTGTrawler drifter
MTSTrawler purse seiner
NBLift netter tender
NOLift netter
NOXLift netter NEI
POVessel using pumps
SNSeine netter
SPPurse seiner
SPEPurse seiner european
SPTTuna purse seiner
TOXTrawlers NEI
TSSide trawler
TSFSide trawler freezer
TSWSide trawler wetfish
TTStern trawler
TTFStern trawler freezer
TTPStern trawler factory
TUOutrigger trawlers
WOTrap setter
WOPPot vessels
WOXTrap setters NEI
ZOFish research vessel

B.Main vessel activitiesU.K.

Alfa codeCategory
TRXTrans-shipping on or off loading
OTHOthers — to be specified


The list that follows is a partial list of stocks that needs to be reported in accordance with Article 31(2).

ANG/N3NO Lophius americanusAmerican angler
CAA/N3LMN Anarhichas lupusAtlantic wolffish
CAP/N3LM Mallotus villosusCapelin
CAT/N3LMN Anarhichas spp.Catfishes (Wolffishes) nei
HAD/N3LNO Melanogrammus aeglefinusHaddock
HAL/N23KL Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HAL/N3M Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HAL/N3NO Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HER/N3L Clupea harengusHerring
HKR/N2J3KL Urophycis chussRed hake
HKR/N3MNO Urophycis chussRed hake
HKS/N3NLMO Merlucius bilinearisSilver hake
RNG/N23 Coryphaenoides rupestrisRoundnose grenadier
HKW/N2J3KL Urophycis tenuisWhite hake
POK/N3O Pollachius virensPollock (=Saithe)
RHG/N23 Macrourus berglaxRoughhead grenadier
SKA/N2J3KL Raja spp.Skates
SKA/N3M Raja spp.Skates
SQI/N56 Illex illecebrosusShort fin squid
VFF/N3LMNFishes unsorted, unidentified
WIT/N3M Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWitch flounder
YEL/N3M Limanda ferrugineaYellow tail flounder



Except for scientific research purposes.


Excluding waters subject to national jurisdiction (EEZs).

Target speciesZonePeriod of prohibition
Notothenia rossiiFAO 48.1 Antarctic, in the Peninsula AreaAll year
FAO 48.2 Antarctic, around the South Orkneys
FAO 48.3 Antarctic, around South Georgia
FinfishFAO 48.1 AntarcticaAll year
FAO 48.2 Antarctica
Gobionotothen gibberifronsFAO 48.3All year
Chaenocephalus aceratus
Pseudochaenichthys georgianus
Lepidonotothen squamifrons
Patagonotothen guntheri
Dissostichus spp.FAO 48.5 Antarctic1.12.2004 to 30.11.2005
Dissostichus spp.FAO 88.3 AntarcticaAll year
FAO 58.5.1 Antarctica b
FAO 58.5.2 Antarctic east of 79°20′E and outside the EEZ to the west of 79°20′Ea
FAO 88.2 Antarctic north of 65° Sa
FAO 58.4.4 Antarctica
FAO 58.6 Antarctica
FAO 58.7 Antarctica
Lepidonotothen squamifronsFAO 58.4.4aAll year
All species except Champsocephalus gunnari and Dissostichus eleginoidesFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic1.12.2004 to 30.11.2005
Dissostichus mawsoniFAO 48.4 AntarcticaAll year



Rules for catch limits for by-catch species per SSRU, applicable within total by-catch limits per Sub-area:

— Skates and rays

5 % of the catch limit for Dissostichus spp. or 50 tonnes, whichever is greatest.

Macrourus spp.

16 % of the catch limit for Dissostichus spp.

— Other species

20 tonnes per SSRU.

Sub-area/divisionRegionSeasonSSRU Dissostichus spp. Catch Limit(tonnes)By-catch Catch Limit(tonnes)
Skates and rays Macrourus spp.Other species
58.4.1All Division1.12.2004 to 30.11.2005A0

All Division:


All Division:


All Division:


Total Subarea600
58.4.2All Division1.12.2004 to 30.11.2005A260

All Division:


All Division:


All Division:


Total Subarea780
58.4.3a)All Division outside Areas of National Jurisdiction1.5 to 31.8.2005N/A250

All Division:


All Division:


All Division:


58.4.3b)All Division outside Areas of National Jurisdiction1.5 to 31.8.2005N/A300

All Division:


All Division:


All Division:


88.1All Subarea1.12.2004 to 31.8.2005A0 a a0
B80 a a20
C223 a a20
D0 a a0
E57 a a20
F0 a a0
G83 a a20
H786 a a20
I776 a a20
J316 a a20
K749 a a20
L180 a a20
Total Subarea3 250163520

In Annex I, page 57, after the table for ‘Species: Common sole/Solea solea’, ‘Zone: VIIb,c’, the following two tables shall be inserted:

SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIdSOL/07D.
Belgium1 535
France3 069
United Kingdom1 096
EC5 700
TAC5 700Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.
SpeciesCommon soleSolea solea ZoneVIIeSOL/07E.
United Kingdom508
TAC865Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 apply.

[F2 OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1 . Directive as last amended by Directive 2004/66/EC ( OJ L 168, 1.5.2004, p. 35 ).]


For fish farmed more than 1 year, other additional sampling methods should be established.