Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 (repealed)

  1. Introductory Text


    1. CHAPTER I Scope and definitions

      1. Article 1.Subject matter

      2. Article 2.Definitions

    2. CHAPTER II Objectives and missions

      1. Article 3.Objectives

      2. Article 4.Instruments and missions

    3. CHAPTER III Geographical eligibility

      1. Article 5.Convergence

      2. Article 6.Regional competitiveness and employment

      3. Article 7.European Territorial Cooperation

      4. Article 8.Transitional support

    4. CHAPTER IV Principles of assistance

      1. Article 9.Complementarity, consistency, coordination and compliance

      2. Article 10.Programming

      3. Article 11.Partnership

      4. Article 12.Territorial level of implementation

      5. Article 13.Proportional intervention

      6. Article 14.Shared management

      7. Article 15.Additionality

      8. Article 16.Equality between men and women and non-discrimination

      9. Article 17.Sustainable development

    5. CHAPTER V Financial framework

      1. Article 18.Global resources

      2. Article 19.Resources for the Convergence objective

      3. Article 20.Resources for the Regional competitiveness and employment objective

      4. Article 21.Resources for the European territorial cooperation objective

      5. Article 22.Non transferability of resources

      6. Article 23.Resources for the performance reserve

      7. Article 24.Resources for technical assistance


    1. CHAPTER I Community strategic guidelines on cohesion

      1. Article 25.Content

      2. Article 26.Adoption and review

    2. CHAPTER II National strategic reference framework

      1. Article 27.Content

      2. Article 28.Preparation and adoption

    3. CHAPTER III Strategic follow-up

      1. Article 29.Strategic reporting by the Member States

      2. Article 30.Strategic reporting by the Commission and debate on cohesion policy

      3. Article 31.Cohesion report


    1. CHAPTER I General provisions on the structural funds and the cohesion fund

      1. Article 32.Preparation and approval of operational programmes

      2. Article 33.Revision of operational programmes

      3. Article 34.Specific character of the Funds

      4. Article 35.Geographical scope

      5. Article 36.Participation by the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund

      6. Article 36a. Risk-sharing instrument

    2. CHAPTER II Programming content

      1. Section 1 Operational programmes

        1. Article 37.Operational programmes for the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives

        2. Article 38.Operational programmes for the European territorial cooperation objective

      2. Section 2 Major projects

        1. Article 39. Content

        2. Article 40.Information submitted to the Commission

        3. Article 41.Decision of the Commission

      3. Section 3 Global grants

        1. Article 42.General provisions

        2. Article 43.Implementing rules

      4. Section 3A Repayable assistance

        1. Article 43a. Forms of repayable assistance

        2. Article 43b. Reuse of repayable assistance

      5. Section 4 Financial engineering

        1. Article 44.Financial engineering instruments

        2. Article 44a. Non-application of certain provisions

      6. Section 5 Technical assistance

        1. Article 45.Technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission

        2. Article 46.Technical assistance of the Member States


    1. CHAPTER I Evaluation

      1. Article 47.General provisions

      2. Article 48.Responsibility of Member States

      3. Article 49.Responsibility of the Commission

    2. CHAPTER II Reserves

      1. Article 50.National performance reserve

      2. Article 51.National contingency reserve


    1. CHAPTER I Contribution from the funds

      1. Article 52.Modulation of the contribution rates

      2. Article 53.Contribution from the Funds

      3. Article 54.Other provisions

    2. CHAPTER II Revenue-generating projects

      1. Article 55.Revenue-generating projects

    3. CHAPTER III Eligibility of expenditure

      1. Article 56.Eligibility of expenditure

    4. CHAPTER IV Durability of operations

      1. Article 57.Durability of operations


    1. CHAPTER I Management and control systems

      1. Article 58.General principles of the management and control systems

      2. Article 59.Designation of authorities

      3. Article 60.Functions of the managing authority

      4. Article 61.Functions of the certifying authority

      5. Article 62.Functions of the audit authority

    2. CHAPTER II Monitoring

      1. Article 63.Monitoring committee

      2. Article 64.Composition

      3. Article 65.Tasks

      4. Article 66.Arrangements for monitoring

      5. Article 67.Annual report and final report on implementation

      6. Article 68.Annual examination of programmes

    3. CHAPTER III Information and publicity

      1. Article 69.Information and publicity

    4. CHAPTER IV Responsibilities of Member States and of the Commission

      1. Section 1 Responsibilities of Member States

        1. Article 70.Management and control

        2. Article 71.Setting up of management and control systems

      2. Section 2 Responsibilities of the Commission

        1. Article 72.Responsibilities of the Commission

        2. Article 73.Cooperation with the audit authorities of the Member States

      3. Section 3 Proportionality in the control of operational programmes

        1. Article 74.Proportional control arrangements


    1. CHAPTER I Financial management

      1. Section 1 Budget commitments

        1. Article 75.Budget commitments

      2. Section 2 Common rules for payments

        1. Article 76.Common rules for payments

        2. Article 77. Common rules for calculating interim payments and payments of the final balance

        3. Article 78.Statement of expenditure

        4. Article 78a. Requirement to provide additional information in the statement of expenditure regarding financial engineering instruments and advances paid to the beneficiaries in the context of State aid

        5. Article 79.Accumulation of pre-financing and of interim payments

        6. Article 80.Wholeness of payment to beneficiaries

        7. Article 81.Use of the euro

      3. Section 3 Pre-financing

        1. Article 82.Payment

        2. Article 83.Interest

        3. Article 84.Clearance

      4. Section 4 Interim payments

        1. Article 85.Interim payments

        2. Article 86.Acceptability of applications for payment

        3. Article 87.Date of presentation of applications for payment and payment delays

      5. Section 5 Programme closure and payment of final balance

        1. Article 88.Partial closure

        2. Article 89.Conditions for the payment of the final balance

        3. Article 90.Availability of documents

      6. Section 6 Interruption of the payment deadline and suspension of payments

        1. Article 91.Interruption of the payment deadline

        2. Article 92.Suspension of payments

      7. Section 7 Automatic decommitment

        1. Article 93.Principles

        2. Article 94. Period of interruption for major projects and aid schemes

        3. Article 95.Period of interruption for legal proceedings and administrative appeals

        4. Article 96.Exceptions to the automatic decommitment

        5. Article 97.Procedure

    2. CHAPTER II Financial corrections

      1. Section 1 Financial correction by Member States

        1. Article 98.Financial corrections by Member States

      2. Section 2 Financial corrections by the Commission

        1. Article 99.Criteria for the corrections

        2. Article 100.Procedure

        3. Article 101.Obligations of Member States

        4. Article 102.Repayment


    1. CHAPTER I Coordination committee of the funds

      1. Article 103.Committee procedure

    2. CHAPTER II Committee under Article 147 of the treaty

      1. Article 104.Committee under Article 147 of the Treaty


    1. Article 105.Transitional provisions

    2. Article 106.Review clause

    3. Article 107.Repeal

    4. Article 108.Entry into force

  11. Signature

    1. ANNEX I

      Annual breakdown of commitment appropriations for 2007 to 2013

    2. ANNEX II

      Financial framework

      1. Allocation method for the regions eligible under the Convergence objective...

        1. 1. Each Member State's allocation is the sum of the allocations...

      2. Allocation method for the Member States eligible for the Cohesion...

        1. 2. The total theoretical financial envelope for the Cohesion Fund is...

        2. 3. In order to reflect the significant needs in terms of...

      3. Allocation method for the Member States and regions eligible under...

        1. 4. The share of each Member State concerned is the sum...

      4. Allocation method for the European territorial cooperation objective referred to...

        1. 5. The allocation of resources among the beneficiary Member States (including...

      5. Allocation method for the Member States and regions eligible for...

        1. 6. The allocations under the transitional support referred to in Article...

      6. Maximum level of transfers from funds supporting cohesion

        1. 7. In order to contribute to the objectives of adequately concentrating...

        2. 8. The ceilings referred to in paragraph 7 above include the...

        3. 9. Calculations of GDP by the Commission will be based on...

        4. 10. If it is established in 2010 that any Member State's...

        5. 11. In order to reflect the value of the Polish zloty...

      7. Additional provisions

        1. 12. When in a given Member State the phasing-out regions defined...

        2. 13. As far as the transitional arrangements under paragraphs 6(a) and...

        3. 14. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, the Polish NUTS level 2 regions of...

        4. 15. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, the NUTS level 2 region of Közép-Magyarország...

        5. 16. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, the NUTS level 2 region of Prague...

        6. 17. Cyprus will benefit in 2007 to 2013 from the transitional...

        7. 18. The NUTS level 2 regions of Itä-Suomi and Madeira, while...

        8. 19. The NUTS level 2 region of the Canaries will benefit...

        9. 20. The outermost regions identified in Article 299 of the Treaty...

        10. 21. As far as allocations under the cross-border strand of the...

        11. 22. In recognition of the special effort for the peace process...

        12. 23. The Swedish regions falling under the Regional competitiveness and employment...

        13. 24. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which represent single...

        14. 25. The Austrian regions falling under the Regional competitiveness and employment...

        15. 26. Spain will benefit from an additional allocation of EUR 2,0...

        16. 27. Ceuta and Melilla will be allocated an additional ERDF envelope...

        17. 28. Italy will be allocated an additional envelope of EUR 1,4...

        18. 29. France will receive an additional allocation of EUR 100 million...

        19. 30. An additional allocation of EUR 167 million will be allocated...

        20. 31. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, an additional ERDF envelope of EUR 300...

    3. ANNEX III

    4. ANNEX IV

      Categories of expenditure

    5. ANNEX V

      Attachment to the statement of expenditure referred to in Article 78a

      1. Operational programme reference (CCI No): …

      2. Name of operational programme: …

      3. Date of provisional closure of accounts: …

      4. Date of submission to the Commission: …

      5. Financial engineering instruments (Article 78(6)) (cumulative amounts):

      6. Priority Axis Basis for calculating Community contribution (public or total)...

      7. Advances paid in the context of State aid (Article 78(2))...

      8. Priority Axis Basis for calculating Community contribution (public or total)...