Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 of 20 February 2006 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (repealed)


Article 3U.K.Reference prices

1.For white sugar, the reference price shall be:

(a)EUR 631,9 per tonne for each of the marketing years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008;

(b)EUR 541,5 per tonne for the marketing year 2008/2009;

(c)EUR 404,4 per tonne as from the marketing year 2009/2010.

2.For raw sugar, the reference price shall be:

(a)EUR 496,8 per tonne for each of the marketing years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008;

(b)EUR 448,8 per tonne for the marketing year 2008/2009;

(c)EUR 335,2 per tonne as from marketing year 2009/2010.

3.The reference prices referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply to unpacked sugar, ex factory. They shall apply to white sugar and raw sugar of the standard quality described in Annex I.

Article 4U.K.Price reporting

The Commission shall set up an information system on prices in the sugar market, including a system for the publication of price levels for the sugar market.

The system shall be based on information submitted by undertakings producing white sugar or by other operators involved in the sugar trade. This information shall be treated with confidentiality. The Commission shall ensure that the information published shall not permit to identify the prices of individual undertakings or operators.

Article 5U.K.Minimum beet price

1.The minimum price for quota beet shall be:

(a)EUR 32,86 per tonne for the marketing year 2006/2007;

(b)EUR 29,78 per tonne for the marketing year 2007/2008;

(c)EUR 27,83 per tonne for the marketing year 2008/2009;

(d)EUR 26,29 per tonne as from the marketing year 2009/2010.

2.The minimum price referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to sugar beet of the standard quality described in Annex I.

3.Sugar undertakings buying quota beet suitable for processing into sugar and intended for processing into quota sugar shall be required to pay at least the minimum price, adjusted by price increases or reductions to allow for deviations from the standard quality.

4.For the quantities of sugar beet corresponding to the quantities of industrial sugar or surplus sugar that are subject to the surplus amount provided for in Article 15, the sugar undertaking concerned shall adjust the purchase price so that it is at least equal to the minimum price for quota beet.

Article 6U.K.Interprofessional agreements

1.Agreements within the trade and delivery contracts shall conform to paragraph 3 and to purchase terms laid down in Annex II, in particular as regards the conditions governing the purchase, delivery, taking over and payment of beet.

2.The terms for buying sugar beet and sugar cane shall be governed by agreements within the trade concluded between Community growers of these raw materials and Community sugar undertakings.

3.In delivery contracts, a distinction shall be made according to whether the quantities of sugar to be manufactured from sugar beet will be:

  • quota sugar,

  • out-of-quota sugar.

4.Each sugar undertaking shall provide the Member State in which it produces sugar with the following information:

(a)the quantities of beet referred to in the first indent of paragraph 3, for which they have concluded pre-sowing delivery contracts and the sugar content on which those contracts are based;

(b)the corresponding estimated yield.

Member States may require additional information.

5.Sugar undertakings which have not signed pre-sowing delivery contracts at the minimum price for quota beet for a quantity of beet equivalent to their quota sugar shall be required to pay at least the minimum price for quota beet for all the sugar beet they process into sugar.

6.Subject to the approval of the Member State concerned, agreements within the trade may derogate from paragraphs 3 and 4.

7.If no agreements within the trade exist, the Member State concerned shall take the necessary steps under this Regulation to protect the interests of the parties concerned.