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CHAPTER IVU.K.Aid schemes

Section I U.K. Aid for processing

F1 Subsection I U.K. [F1Dried fodder
F1Article 86U.K. Eligible undertakings

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F1Article 87U.K. Advance payment

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F1Article 88U.K. Aid rate

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F1Article 89U.K. Guaranteed quantity

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F1Article 90U.K. Implementing rules]

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[F2Subsection II U.K. Flax and hemp grown for fibre]
Article 91U.K.Eligibility

1.[F3Aid for processing the straw of long flax grown for fibre and the straw of short flax and hemp grown for fibre shall be granted for the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years to authorised primary processors on the basis of the quantity of fibre actually obtained from straw for which a contract of sale has been concluded with a farmer.]

However, in cases where farmers retain ownership of the straw which they are having processed under contract by an authorised primary processor and prove that they have placed the fibres obtained on the market, the aid shall be granted to the farmers.

In cases where the authorised primary processor and the farmer are one and the same person, the contract of sale shall be replaced by a commitment by the party concerned to carry out the processing itself.

[F22. For the purposes of this Subsection, authorised primary processor shall mean a natural or legal person or a group of natural or legal persons, irrespective of its legal status under national law, or that of its members, that has been authorised by the competent authority of the Member State in the territory of which are located its facilities for producing flax or hemp fibre.]

Article 92U.K.Aid rate

[F21. The amount of processing aid provided for in Article 91 shall be fixed:

(a) for long flax fibre:

[F3(b) at EUR 90 per tonne for the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 marketing years for short flax and hemp fibre containing not more than 7,5 % impurities and shives.]

However, the Member State may, with reference to traditional outlets, also decide to grant aid:

(a) for short flax fibre containing a percentage of impurities and shives of between 7,5 % and 15 %;

(b) for hemp fibre containing a percentage of impurities and shives of between 7,5 % and 25 %.

In the cases provided for in the second subparagraph, the Member State shall grant the aid in respect of a quantity which amounts to not more than the quantity produced, on the basis of 7,5 % of impurities and shives.]

2.The quantities of fibre eligible for aid shall be limited on the basis of the areas which were the subject of one of the contracts or commitments referred to in Article 91.

The limits referred to in the first subparagraph shall be fixed by the Member States so as to comply with the national guaranteed quantities referred to in Article 94.

Article 93U.K.Advance payment

At the request of authorised primary processors, an advance shall be paid on the aid referred to in Article 91 on the basis of the quantity of fibre obtained.

Article 94U.K.Guaranteed quantity

[F31. A maximum guaranteed quantity of 80 878 tonnes for each of the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years shall be established for long flax fibre in respect of which aid may be granted. That quantity shall be apportioned among certain Member States as national guaranteed quantities in accordance with point A.I. of Annex XI.]

[F31 a . A maximum guaranteed quantity of 147 265  tonnes for each of the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years shall be established for short flax fibre and hemp fibre in respect of which aid may be granted. That quantity shall be apportioned as national guaranteed quantities among certain Member States in accordance with point A.II. of Annex XI.]

2.In cases where the fibre obtained in one Member State originates from straw produced in another Member State, the quantities of fibre concerned shall be offset against the national guaranteed quantity of the Member State in which the straw was harvested. The aid shall be paid by the Member State against whose national guaranteed quantity such an offset is made.

[F43. Each Member State may transfer part of its national guaranteed quantity as referred to in paragraph 1 to its national guaranteed quantity as referred to in paragraph 1a and vice versa .

Transfers as referred to in the first subparagraph shall be carried out on the basis of an equivalence of one tonne of long flax fibre to 2,2 tonnes of short flax fibre and hemp fibre.

Processing aid shall be granted only in respect of the quantities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 1a, respectively, adjusted in accordance with the first two subparagraphs of this paragraph.]

[F4Article 94a U.K. Additional aid

During the 2008/2009 marketing year, additional aid shall be granted to the authorised primary processor in respect of areas under flax in zones I and II as described in point A.III. of Annex XI and the straw production of which has been the subject of:


a sale/purchase contract or a commitment as referred to in Article 91(1); and


aid for processing into long fibre.

The amount of additional aid shall be EUR 120 per hectare in zone I and EUR 50 per hectare in zone II.]

Article 95U.K.Implementing rules

The Commission shall adopt the detailed rules for the implementation of this Subsection which may, in particular, include rules concerning:


the conditions for authorisation of primary processors referred to in Article 91;


the conditions to be met by approved primary processors as regards the contracts of sale and commitments referred to in Article 91(1);


the requirements to be complied with by farmers in the case referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 91(1);


the criteria to be met by long flax fibre;


the conditions for the grant of aid and the advance payment, and in particular proof of the processing of straw;


the conditions to be met for fixing the limits referred to in Article 92(2).

[F5Subsection III U.K. Potato starch
Article 95a U.K. Potato starch premium

1. A premium of EUR 22,25 per tonne of starch produced shall be paid for the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 marketing years to potato starch manufacturers for the quantity of potato starch up to the quota limit referred to in Article 84 a (2), provided that they have paid to potato producers a minimum price for all the potatoes necessary to produce starch up to that quota limit.

2. The minimum price of potatoes intended for the manufacture of potato starch shall be set at EUR 178,31 per tonne for the marketing years concerned.

This price applies to the quantity of potatoes, delivered to the factory, which is needed to make one tonne of starch.

The minimum price shall be adjusted according to the starch content of the potatoes.

3. The Commission shall adopt the detailed rules for the implementation of this Subsection.]