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This standard applies to the following fruit, classified as citrus fruit , to be supplied fresh to the consumer, citrus fruit for industrial processing being excluded:


The purpose of the standard is to define the quality requirements of the citrus fruit after preparation and packaging.

A. Minimum requirements U.K.

In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the citrus fruit must be:

The citrus fruit must have been carefully picked and have reached an appropriate degree of development and ripeness account being taken of criteria proper to the variety, the time of picking and the growing area.

The development and state of ripeness of the citrus fruit must be such as to enable them:

Citrus fruit meeting the ripeness requirements of this Annex may be degreened . This treatment is permitted only if the other natural organoleptic characteristics are not modified.

B. Maturity requirements U.K.

Maturity of citrus fruit is defined by the following parameters specified for each specie below:


Minimum juice content



The degree of colouring shall be such that, following normal development the citrus fruit reach the colour typical of the variety at their destination point.

(i) Lemons U.K.
(ii) Mandarins U.K.
(iii) Oranges U.K.

Colouring must be typical of the variety. Fruits with light green colour are allowed, provided it does not exceed one fifth of the total surface of the fruit. Fruits must show the following minimum juice content:

  • Blood oranges:

30 %
  • Navels group:

33 %
  • Other varieties:

35 %

However, oranges produced in areas with high air temperatures and high relative humidity conditions during the developing period can be of a green colour exceeding one fifth of the total surface area, provided they satisfy the following minimum juice content:

  • Varieties Mosambi, Sathgudi and Pacitan:

33 %
  • Other varieties:

45 %

C. Classification U.K.

Citrus fruit are classified in three classes defined below:

(i) Extra Class U.K.

Citrus fruit in this class must be of superior quality. In shape, external appearance, development and colouring they must be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type.

They must be free from defects with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package.

(ii) Class I U.K.

Citrus fruit in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type.

The following slight defects, however, may be allowed provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:

(iii) Class II U.K.

This class includes citrus fruit which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.

The following defects may be allowed, provided the citrus fruit retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:


Size is determined by the maximum diameter of the equatorial section of the fruit.

A. Minimum size U.K.

Fruits of less than the following minimum sizes are excluded:

Lemons: 45 mm
Mandarins, excluding clementines: 45 mm
Clementines: 35 mm
Oranges: 53 mm

B. Size scales U.K.

The scales of sizes are as follows:


Sizes below 45 mm refer only to clementines.

Oranges Lemons Mandarins
Size code Diameter (mm) Size code Diameter (mm) Size code Diameter (mm)
0 92-110 0 79-90 1-XXX 78 and above
1 87-100 1 72-83 1-XX 67-78
2 84-96 2 68-78 1 or 1-X 63-74
3 81-92 3 63-72 2 58-69
4 77-88 4 58-67 3 54-64
5 73-84 5 53-62 4 50-60
6 70-80 6 48-57 5 46-56
7 67-76 7 45-52 6 a 43-52
8 64-73 7 41-48
9 62-70 8 39-46
10 60-68 9 37-44
11 58-66 10 35-42
12 56-63
13 53-60

Citrus fruit may be packed by count. In this case, provided the size uniformity required in Title III, point C, is retained, the size range in the package may fall outside a single size code, but within two adjacent codes.

C. Uniformity U.K.

Uniformity in size is achieved by the abovementioned size scales, unless otherwise stated as follows:


for fruit arranged in regular layers, in packages or in unit consumer packages, the difference between the smallest and the largest fruit in the same package, within a single size code or, in the case of citrus fruit packed by count, within two adjacent codes, must not exceed the following maxima:

Size codes Maximum difference between fruit in the same package (in mm)
Lemons 0 to 7 7


5 to 6

7 to 10





0 to 2

3 to 6

7 to 13





for fruit not arranged in regular layers, in packages or in rigid unit consumer packages, the difference between the smallest and the largest fruit in the same package must not exceed the range of the appropriate size grade in the size scale, or, in the case of citrus fruit packed by count, the range in mm of one of the two adjacent codes concerned;


for fruit in bulk bins and fruit in non-rigid (nets, bags, etc.) unit consumer packages, the maximum size difference between the smallest and the largest fruit in the same lot or package must not exceed the range obtained by grouping three consecutive sizes in the size scale.


Tolerances in respect of quality and size shall be allowed in each package for produce not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated.

A. Quality tolerances U.K.

(i) Extra Class U.K.

5 % by number or weight of citrus fruit not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class I or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class.

(ii) Class I U.K.

10 % by number or weight of citrus fruit not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class II, or exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class.

(iii) Class II U.K.

10 % by number or weight of citrus fruit satisfying neither the requirements of the class, nor the minimum requirements, with the exception of produce affected by rotting or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption. Within this tolerance, a maximum of 5 % is allowed of fruit showing slight superficial unhealed damage, dry cuts or soft and shrivelled fruit.

B. Size tolerances U.K.

For all classes and types of presentation: 10 % by number or weight of citrus fruit corresponding to the size immediately below and/or above that (or those, in the case of the combination of three sizes) mentioned on the packages is allowed.

In any case, the tolerance of 10 % applies only to fruit not smaller than the following minima:

Lemons: 43 mm
Mandarins, excluding clementines: 43 mm
Clementines: 34 mm
Oranges: 50 mm


A. Uniformity U.K.

The contents of each package must be uniform and contain only citrus fruit of the same origin, variety or commercial type, quality, and size, and appreciably of the same degree of ripeness and development.

In addition, for the Extra Class, uniformity in colouring is required.

The visible part of the contents of the package must be representative of the entire contents.

B. Packaging U.K.

The citrus fruit must be packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly.

The materials used inside the package must be new, clean and of a quality such as to avoid causing any external or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials, particularly of paper or stamps bearing trade specifications is allowed provided the printing or labelling has been done with non-toxic ink or glue.

If the fruit are wrapped, thin, dry, new and odourless (1) paper must be used.

The use of any substance tending to modify the natural characteristics of the citrus fruit, especially its taste or smell (1) , is prohibited.

Packages must be free of all foreign matter. However, a presentation where a short (not wooden) twig with some green leaves adheres to the fruit is allowed.

Stickers individually affixed on product shall be such as, when removed, neither to leave visible traces of glue, nor to lead to skin defects.

C. Presentation U.K.

The citrus fruit may be presented:


arranged in regular layers in packages;


not arranged in regular layers in packages or in bulk bins. This presentation is only allowed for Classes I and II;


in individual packages for direct sale to the consumer of a weight less than 5 kg either

  • made up by number of fruit, or

  • made up by net weight of the package.


Each package must bear the following particulars, in letters grouped on the same side, legibly and indelibly marked, and visible from the outside.

A. Identification U.K.

The name and the address of the packer and/or the dispatcher

This mention may be replaced:

B. Nature of produce U.K.

C. Origin of produce U.K.

Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.

D. Commercial specifications U.K.

E. Official control mark (optional) U.K.

Packages need not to bear the particulars mentioned in the first subparagraph, when they contain sales packages, clearly visible from the outside, and all bearing these particulars. These packages shall be free from any indications such as could mislead. When these packages are palletised, the particulars shall be given on a notice placed in an obvious position on at least two sides of the pallet.]


[F1The use of preserving agents or any other chemical substance liable to leave a foreign smell on the skin of the fruit is permitted where it is compatible with the applicable Community provisions.]