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Article 5U.K.Responsibilities of the Administrative Board

1.In particular, the Administrative Board shall be responsible for:

(a)adopting the ATM Master Plan endorsed by the Council as referred to in Article 1(2) of this Regulation and approving any proposal to modify it;

(b)giving guidelines and taking the decisions necessary for the implementation of the development phase of the Sesar project and exercising overall control over its implementation;

(c)approving the Joint Undertaking’s work programme and annual work programmes referred to in Article 16(1) as well as the annual budget, including the staff establishment plan;

(d)authorising negotiations and deciding on the accession of new members and on the relating agreements as referred to in Article 1(3);

(e)supervising the execution of the agreements between members and the Joint Undertaking;

(f)appointing and dismissing the Executive Director and approving the organisation chart;

(g)deciding on the amounts and procedures for the payment of members’ financial contributions and the assessment of contributions in kind;

(h)adopting the financial regulations of the Joint Undertaking;

(i)approving the annual accounts and balance-sheet;

(j)adopting the annual report on the progress of the development phase of the Sesar project and its financial situation referred to in Article 16(2);

(k)deciding on proposals to the Commission on the extension and the dissolution of the Joint Undertaking;

(l)establishing procedures for granting rights of access to tangible and intangible assets which are the property of the Joint Undertaking and the transfer of such assets;

(m)laying down the rules and procedures for awarding the contracts necessary to implement the ATM Master Plan, including specific procedures for conflicts of interest;

(n)deciding on proposals to the Commission to amend the Statutes in accordance with Article 24;

(o)exercising such other powers and performing such other functions, including the establishment of subsidiary bodies, as may be necessary for the purposes of the development phase of the Sesar project;

(p)adopting the arrangements for implementing Article 8.

2.The Administrative Board shall adopt its rules of procedure which shall ensure that its proceedings run in a smooth and efficient manner, particularly in the event of a significant expansion in membership. These rules shall also include the following provisions:

(a)the Administrative Board shall meet at least four times a year. Extraordinary meetings shall be convened either at the request of one-third of the members of the Administrative Board representing at least 30 % of the voting rights, at the request of the Community or of the Executive Director;

(b)the meetings shall normally take place at the seat of the Joint Undertaking;

(c)unless otherwise decided in particular cases, the Executive Director shall participate in the meetings;

(d)specific procedures for identifying and avoiding conflicts of interest.