1.A species shall be considered undersized if its dimensions are smaller than the minimum dimensions specified in Annex IV for the relevant species.
2.The dimensions set out in Annex IV may be modified pursuant to ICCAT recommendations which are binding on the Community and in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 30.
1.Undersized fish of the species listed in Annex IV which are captured in Area 1 shall not be retained on board or transshipped, landed, transported, stored, displayed or offered for sale, sold or marketed. These species shall be returned immediately to the sea.
2.The release for free circulation or marketing in the Community of undersized fish of the species listed in Annex IV originating in third countries and captured in Area 1 shall be prohibited.
1.All species with the exception of istiophoridae shall be measured fork length, that is to say the vertical distance drawn from the tip of the upper jaw to the extremity of the shortest caudal ray.
2.The size of istiophoridae shall be measured from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the caudal fin.
1.Each Member State shall establish a sampling procedure for estimating the number by size of bluefin tuna captured.
2.Sampling by size in cages shall be carried out on a sample of 100 specimens per 100 tonnes of live fish or on a sample of 10 % of the total number of fish placed in a cage. The size sample shall be taken during harvesting at the farm, in accordance with the method adopted by the ICCAT for notifying data as part of Task II.
3.Additional methods and samplings shall be developed for fish reared for more than one year.
4.Sampling shall be carried out during a harvest taken at random and shall cover all cages. The data shall be notified to the ICCAT by 31 July for sampling carried out the previous calendar year.