


CHAPTER IIProgramming

Article 184Programmes

1.Measures under the rural development component shall be the subject of a programme to be drawn up at national level for agriculture and rural development (hereinafter referred to as ‘the programme’) covering the entire period of IPA implementation. The programme shall be prepared by the relevant authorities designated by the beneficiary country and shall be submitted to the Commission after consulting the appropriated interested parties.

2.Each programme shall include:

(a)a quantified description of the current situation showing disparities, shortcomings and potential for development, the main results of previous operations undertaken with Community and other bilateral or multilateral assistance, the financial resources deployed and the evaluation of results available;

(b)a description of the national rural development strategy proposed, based on an analysis of the current situation in the rural areas and on an in-depth analysis of the sectors concerned, involving independent expertise. A description of the existing training strategy referred to under Article 181(2) should be presented. The national rural development strategy shall also include quantified objectives, indicating for each of the priority axis set out under Article 171(1) the appropriated monitoring and evaluation indicators;

(c)an explanation of how the overall strategic approach and sectoral strategies identified in the multi-annual indicative planning document of the beneficiary country are translated into specific actions within the rural development component;

(d)an indicative overall financial table summarizing the national, Community and, where appropriate, the private financial resources provided for and corresponding to each rural development measure, as well as the EU co-financing rate by axis;

(e)a description of the measures chosen from Article 171 including:

(f)a description of the operating structure for the implementation of the programme, including monitoring and evaluation;

(g)the names of the authorities and bodies responsible for carrying out the programme;

(h)the results of consultations and provisions adopted for associating the relevant authorities and bodies as well as appropriate economic, social and environmental partners;

(i)the results and recommendations of the ex ante evaluation of the programme, including the description of the follow-up undertaken by the beneficiary countries on recommendations.

3.In their programme, beneficiary countries shall ensure that priority is given to measures to implement the Community standards and to improve market efficiency, and measures to create new employment opportunities in rural areas.

4.In their programme, beneficiary countries shall ensure compliance with the provisions of the multi-annual indicative planning document.

5.Unless otherwise agreed with the Commission, beneficiary countries shall submit their programme proposals no later than six months after the entry into force of this Regulation.