


CHAPTER IIGeneral framework for implementation

Article 5Multi-annual indicative planning documents

1.The multi-annual indicative planning document shall ensure the necessary coherence and complementarity between the IPA components in a given beneficiary country. In particular, it shall reflect the principles set out in Article 9.

2.In accordance with the provisions of Article 20(3) of the IPA Regulation and in the context of the consultation laid down in Article 6(1) of that Regulation, the Commission shall endeavour to allow sufficient time for the relevant stakeholders, including Member States, to provide their comments on the document.

3.Multi-annual indicative planning documents shall include, for each country concerned:

(a)a general background, including a brief description of the consultation process with and within the beneficiary country;

(b)a description of the European Union cooperation objectives in the country concerned;

(c)a consolidated assessment of the challenges, needs and relative importance of the priorities for assistance;

(d)an overview of past and ongoing European Union cooperation, including an analysis of needs and absorption capacity and lessons learned, and the relevant activities of other donors, where this information is available;

(e)for each component, a description of how the consolidated assessment as referred to in point (c) above is translated into strategic choices and a description of the major areas selected for assistance in the country concerned, and of the results anticipated;

(f)indicative financial allocations for the major areas of intervention under each IPA component.

4.Regional and horizontal programmes may be covered by separate and specific multi-beneficiary multi-annual indicative planning documents.