Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata (Text with EEA relevance)

PART CU.K.Instructions on multiplicity and conditions of the metadata elements

The metadata describing a resource shall comprise, as regards a spatial data set or a spatial data set series, the metadata elements or groups of metadata elements listed in Table 1 and, as regards a spatial data set service, the metadata elements or groups of metadata elements listed in Table 2.

Those metadata elements or groups of metadata elements shall be in accordance with the expected multiplicity and the related conditions set out in Tables 1 and 2.

When no condition is expressed in relation to a particular metadata element, that element shall be mandatory.

The tables present the following information:

  • the first column contains the reference to the paragraph in Part B of [F1this Annex ] defining the metadata element or group of metadata elements,

  • the second column contains the name of the metadata element or group of metadata elements,

  • the third column specifies the multiplicity of a metadata element. The expression of the multiplicity follows the unified modelling language (UML) notation for multiplicity, in which:

    • 1 means that there shall be only one instance of this metadata element in a result set,

    • 1..* means that there shall be at least one instance of this element in a result set,

    • 0..1 indicates that the presence of the metadata element in a result set is conditional but can occur only once,

    • 0..* indicates that the presence of the metadata element in a result set is conditional but the metadata element may occur once or more,

    • when the multiplicity is 0..1 or 0..*, the condition defines when the metadata elements is mandated,

  • the fourth column contains a conditional statement if the multiplicity of the element does not apply to all types of resources. All elements are mandatory in other circumstances.

Table 1

Metadata for spatial data sets and spatial data set series

ReferenceMetadata elementsMultiplicityCondition
1.1Resource title1
1.2Resource abstract1
1.3Resource type1
1.4Resource locator0..*Mandatory if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resource, and/or access related services.
1.5Unique resource identifier1..*
1.7Resource language0..*Mandatory if the resource includes textual information.
2.1Topic category1..*
4.1Geographic bounding box1..*
5Temporal reference1..*
6.2Spatial resolution0..*Mandatory for data sets and data set series if an equivalent scale or a resolution distance can be specified.
8.1Conditions for access and use1..*
8.2Limitations on public access1..*
9Responsible organisation1..*
10.1Metadata point of contact1..*
10.2Metadata date1
10.3Metadata language1

Table 2

Metadata for spatial data services

ReferenceMetadata elementMultiplicityCondition
1.1Resource title1
1.2Resource abstract1
1.3Resource type1
1.4Resource locator0..*Mandatory if linkage to the service is available.
1.6Coupled resource0..*Mandatory if linkage to data sets on which the service operates are available.
2.2Spatial data service type1
4.1Geographic bounding box0…*Mandatory for services with an explicit geographic extent.
5Temporal reference1..*
6.2Spatial resolution0..*Mandatory when there is a restriction on the spatial resolution for this service.
8.1Conditions for access and use1..*
8.2Limitations on public access1..*
9Responsible organisation1..*
10.1Metadata point of contact1..*
10.2Metadata date1
10.3Metadata language1