Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 of 23 April 2008 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products (Codified version) (repealed)

Article 34U.K.

1.On application by the titular holder, Member States may release the security by instalments in proportion to the quantities of products for which proof as referred to in Article 31 has been produced, provided that proof has been produced that a quantity equal to at least 5 % of that indicated in the licence or certificate has been imported or exported.

2.Subject to the application of Articles 39, 40 or 47, where the obligation to import or export has not been met the security shall be forfeit in an amount equal to the difference between:

(a)95 % of the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, and

(b)the quantity actually imported or exported.

If the licence is issued on a headage basis, the result of the 95 % calculation referred to above shall, where applicable, be rounded off to the next lesser whole number of head.

However, if the quantity imported or exported amounts to less than 5 % of the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, the whole of the security shall be forfeit.

In addition, if the total amount of the security which would be forfeit comes to EUR 100 or less for a given licence or certificate, the Member State concerned shall release the whole of the security.

Where all or part of the security has been incorrectly released, it shall be lodged anew in proportion to the quantities concerned with the body that issued the licence or certificate.

However, an instruction for the released security to be lodged anew may only be given within four years following its release, provided the operator acted in good faith.

3.With regard to export licences with advance fixing of the refund:

(a)where the licence or an extract from the licence is returned to the issuing body within the initial two thirds of its term of validity, the corresponding amount of security to be forfeited shall be reduced by 40 %. For this purpose, any part of a day counts as a whole day;

(b)where the licence or an extract from the licence is returned to the issuing body within a period corresponding to the last third of its term of validity or during the month following the expiry date, the corresponding amount of security to be forfeited shall be reduced by 25 %.

The first subparagraph shall apply only to licences and extracts thereof returned to the issuing body during the GATT year for which the licences have been issued and provided that they are returned more than 30 days before the end of that year.

The first subparagraph shall apply unless it is temporarily suspended. Where the refund for one or more products is increased, the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 or the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of the markets, may suspend the application of the first subparagraph for licences applied for before the refund is increased and not returned to the issuing body until the day before the increase.

Licences lodged under Article 24 of this Regulation shall be deemed to have been returned to the issuing body on the date on which the latter receives an application from the licence holder for the security to be released.

4.The proof referred to in Article 32(1) must be produced within two months of the expiry of the licence or certificate, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

5.Proof of departure from the customs territory or of delivery to a destination within the meaning of Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 or of the placing of products under the arrangements provided for in Article 40 of that Regulation, as referred to in Article 32(2) of this Regulation, must be produced within 12 months of the expiry of the licence or certificate, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

6.The amount to be forfeited in respect of quantities for which proof concerning the export licence with advance fixing of the refund has not been provided within the time limit set under paragraph 4 shall be reduced:

(a)by 90 % if the proof is provided in the third month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;

(b)by 50 % if the proof is provided in the fourth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;

(c)by 30 % if the proof is provided in the fifth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;

(d)by 20 % if the proof is provided in the sixth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate.

7.In cases other than those referred to in paragraph 6, the amount to be forfeited in respect of quantities for which proof is not provided within the time limit set in paragraphs 4 and 5, but is provided at the latest in the 24th month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate, shall be 15 % of the amount which would have been forfeited completely if the products had not been imported or exported. Where, for a given product, there are licences or certificates with different levels of security, the lowest rate applicable to imports or exports shall be used to calculate the amount to be forfeited.

8.The competent authorities may waive the obligation to provide the proof referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 if they are already in possession of the necessary information.

9.Where a Community provision specifies, by reference to this paragraph, that an obligation is fulfilled by producing proof that the product has reached a specified destination, that proof must be produced in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, failing which the security lodged for the licence or certificate shall be forfeited in proportion to the quantity concerned.

That proof shall also be produced within 12 months of the expiry of the licence or certificate. However, where the documents required under Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 cannot be submitted within the prescribed period although the exporter has acted with all due diligence to obtain them within that period, he may be granted an extension of time for the submission of those documents.

10.In the case of import licences for which a Community provision makes this paragraph applicable, paragraphs 4 to 8 notwithstanding, the proof of utilisation of the licence as referred to in Article 32(1)(a) must be produced within 45 days of expiry of the licence, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

Where the proof of utilisation of licences as specified in Article 32(1)(a) is provided after the prescribed time limit:

(a)where the licence has been used, taking account of the lower tolerance, within the term of validity, 15 % of the total amount of the security as indicated in the licence shall be forfeit by way of a flat-rate deduction;

(b)where the licence has been partly used within the term of validity, the security shall be forfeit in an amount equal to:


the difference between 95 % of the quantity indicated in the licence and the quantity actually imported, plus


15 % of the security remaining after the flat-rate deduction made under point (i), plus


3 % of the amount of the security remaining after the deduction made under points (i) and (ii), for each day by which the time limit for provision of proof is exceeded.