Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 of 23 April 2008 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products (Codified version) (repealed)

Article 35U.K.

1.This Article shall apply where an export refund greater than zero has been fixed in advance and the relevant licence or certificate or extract therefrom is lost.

2.The body issuing the licence or certificate shall issue at the request of the holder, or of the transferee in cases where the licence, certificate or extract has been transferred, a replacement licence or certificate or a replacement extract, subject to the second subparagraph.

The competent authorities in the Member States may refuse to issue a replacement licence or certificate or a replacement extract if:

(a)the character of the applicant is not such as to guarantee that the aims of this Article will be respected; in each Member State this power shall be exercised in accordance with the principles currently applicable in that State governing non-discrimination between applicants and the freedom of trade and industry;

(b)the applicant has failed to show that he has taken reasonable precautions to prevent the loss of the licence, certificate or extract.

3.A refund determined in the context of a tendering procedure shall be considered a refund fixed in advance.

4.A replacement licence, certificate or extract shall contain the information and entries appearing on the document which it replaces. It shall be issued for a quantity of goods which, with the addition of the tolerance margin, is equal to the available quantity as shown on the lost document. Applicants shall specify that quantity in writing. Where information held by the issuing body shows that the quantity indicated by the applicant is too high, it shall be reduced accordingly without prejudice to the second subparagraph of paragraph 2.

One of the entries listed in Annex III, Part E, underlined in red, shall be entered in Section 22 of replacement licences, certificates or extracts.

5.Where the replacement licence or certificate or replacement extract is lost, no further replacement licence or certificate or extract shall be issued.

6.The issue of a replacement licence, certificate or extract shall be subject to the lodging of a security. The amount of this security shall be calculated by multiplying:

(a)the rate of the refund fixed in advance or, where applicable, the highest rate of refund for the destinations covered, plus 20 %; by

(b)the quantity for which the replacement licence, certificate or extract is to be issued, plus the tolerance margin.

The amount by which the security is increased shall not be less than EUR 3 per 100 kilograms net weight. The security shall be lodged with the body which issued the original licence or certificate.

7.Where the quantity of products exported under a licence or certificate and the replacement licence or certificate, or under an extract and the replacement extract, is greater than that which could have been exported under the original licence, certificate or extract, the security referred to in paragraph 6 corresponding to the excess quantity shall be forfeit, the refund being treated thereby as recovered.

8.In addition, in cases where paragraph 7 applies and where an export levy applies on the date of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) for the excess quantity, the export levy applicable on that day shall be collected.

The excess quantity:

(a)shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 7;

(b)shall be that for which the most recent declaration was accepted under the original licence or certificate, an extract of the original licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate, or a replacement extract. In cases where the quantity of the last export is less than the excess quantity, the export or exports immediately preceding shall be taken into account until the depletion of the excess quantity.

Article 3(1) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 120/89(1) shall not apply to the cases covered in this paragraph.

9.Insofar as the security referred to in paragraph 6 has not become forfeit by virtue of paragraph 7, it shall be released 15 months after expiry of the period of validity of the licence or certificate.

10.Where the lost licence, certificate or extract is found, it may not be used and must be returned to the body which issued the replacement licence, certificate or extract. If in such a case the quantity available shown on the original licence, certificate or extract is equal to or larger than the quantity for which the replacement licence, certificate or extract was issued, plus the tolerance margin, the security referred to in paragraph 6 shall be released immediately.

However, if the available quantity is larger, the party concerned may request issue of an extract for a quantity, including the tolerance margin, equalling the remaining available quantity.

11.The competent authorities of the Member States shall provide each other with the information needed to apply this Article.

Where the authorities provide this information by means of a control copy T5 as referred to in Article 912a of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 and issued for the purpose of obtaining proof of departure from the Community's customs territory, the number of the original licence or certificate shall be inserted in Section 105 of the control copy T5. Where an extract of a licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate, or a replacement extract is used, the number of the original licence or certificate shall be inserted in section 106 of the control copy T5.