In Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, paragraph B(3) of Chapter II is replaced by the following:
be subjected to a heat treatment of at least 90 °C throughout the substance of the final product;
be subjected to a heat treatment to at least 90 °C of the ingredients of animal origin; or
be produced as regards ingredients of animal origin exclusively using:
meat or meat products which have been subject to a heat treatment of at least 90 °C throughout their substance;
the following animal by-products or processed products which have been processed in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation: milk and milk based products, gelatine, hydrolysed protein, egg products, collagen, blood products, processed animal protein including fishmeal, rendered fat, fish oils, dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate or flavouring innards.
After the heat treatment, every precaution must be taken to ensure that such processed petfood is not exposed to contamination.
The processed petfood must be packaged in new packaging.’