Article 47U.K.Verified emissions of an installation
1.Upon the verification as satisfactory of an operator's report in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 15 of Directive 2003/87/EC on the emissions from an installation during a previous year, the verifier, including those competent authorities acting as verifiers shall enter or approve the entry of the annual verified emissions for that installation for that year into the records of the registry using the verified emissions entry process.
2.The registry administrator may prohibit the entry of the annual verified emissions for an installation until the competent authority has received the verified emissions report submitted by operators pursuant to Article 14(3) of Directive 2003/87/EC for that installation, and enabled the registry to receive the annual verified emissions.
3.The competent authority may instruct the registry administrator to correct the annual verified emissions for an installation for a previous year to ensure compliance with the detailed requirements established by the Member State pursuant to Annex V to Directive 2003/87/EC, by entering the corrected annual verified emissions for that installation for that year into the records of the registry using the verified emissions update process.
4.If the competent authority instructs the registry administrator to correct the annual verified emissions for an installation for a previous year after the deadline specified in Article 6(2) of Directive 2003/87/EC for surrendering allowances equal to the emissions of that previous year, the Central Administrator shall only allow such a correction if it was informed of the competent authority's decision on the new compliance status applicable to the installation as a result of the correction of the verified emissions.