

PART 2Balance sheet (monthly stocks)

To compile the monetary aggregates and counterparts for the territory of the participating Member States, the ECB requires the data in Table 1 as follows:

1.Instrument categories


The relevant instrument categories are: currency in circulation, deposit liabilities, MMF shares/units issued, debt securities issued, capital and reserves and remaining liabilities. In order to separate monetary and non-monetary liabilities, deposit liabilities are also broken down into overnight deposits, deposits with agreed maturity, deposits redeemable at notice and repurchase agreements (repos). See definitions in Annex II.


The relevant instrument categories are: cash, loans, securities other than shares, MMF shares/units, shares and other equity, fixed assets and remaining assets. See definitions in Annex II.

2.Breakdown by maturity

Original maturity cut-offs provide a substitute for instrument detail where financial instruments are not fully comparable between markets.


The cut-off points for the maturity bands (or for periods of notice) are: for deposits with agreed maturity, at one year and two years' maturity at issue; and for deposits redeemable at notice, at three months' and two years' notice. Repos are not broken down by maturity as these are usually very short-term instruments (usually less than three months' maturity at issue). Debt securities issued by MFIs are broken down at one and two years. No maturity breakdown is required for shares/units issued by MMFs.


The cut-off points for the maturity bands are: for MFI loans to residents (other than MFIs and general government) of the participating Member States by subsector and further for MFI loans to households by purpose, at one and five year maturity bands; and for MFI holdings of debt securities issued by other MFIs located in the participating Member States, at one and two year maturity bands to enable the inter-MFI holdings of this instrument to be netted off in the calculation of the monetary aggregates.

3.Breakdown by purpose and separate identification of loans to sole proprietors/unincorporated partnerships

Loans to households and non-profit institutions serving households are further broken down by loan purpose (credit for consumption, lending for house purchase, other lending). Within the category ‘other lending’, loans granted to sole proprietors/unincorporated partnerships are to be identified separately (see definitions of instrument categories in Part 2 of Annex II and definitions of sectors in Part 3 of Annex II). NCBs may waive the requirement of separate identification of loans to sole proprietors/unincorporated partnerships if such loans constitute less than 5 % of the participating Member State's total lending to households.

4.Breakdown by currency

For balance sheet items that may be used in the compilation of monetary aggregates, balances in euro must be identified separately so that the ECB has the option of defining monetary aggregates in terms of balances denominated in all currencies combined or in euro alone.

5.Breakdown by counterparties sector and residency

5.1.The compilation of monetary aggregates and counterparts covering the participating Member States requires the identification of those counterparties located in the territory of the participating Member States that form the money-holding sector. For this purpose, non-MFI counterparties are divided, following ESA 95 (see Annex II, Part 3), into general government (S.13), with central government (S.1311) identified separately in total deposit liabilities, and other resident sectors. In order to calculate a monthly sector disaggregation of the monetary aggregates and credit counterparts, other resident sectors are further broken down by the following subsectors: other financial intermediaries + financial auxiliaries (S.123 + S.124), insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125), non-financial corporations (S.11) and households + non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15). For sole proprietors/unincorporated partnerships see Section 3. With respect to total deposit liabilities and the deposit categories ‘deposits over two years agreed maturity’, ‘deposits redeemable at notice over two years’ and ‘repos’, an additional distinction is made between credit institutions, other MFI counterparties and central government for the purposes of the ECB's minimum reserve system.

5.2.With respect to total deposit liabilities, deposit liabilities with maturity of up to two years and the asset category ‘securities other than shares’, an additional distinction is made for counterparties that are FVCs.

5.3.Certain deposits/loans arising from repos/reverse repos or analogous operations with ‘other financial intermediaries (S.123) + financial auxiliaries (S.124)’ may relate to transactions with a central counterparty. A central counterparty is an entity that legally interposes itself between counterparties to contracts traded in financial markets, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer. Because such transactions are often substitutes for bilateral business among MFIs, an additional distinction is made within the deposit category ‘repurchase agreements’ with respect to business with these counterparties. Similarly, an additional distinction is made within the asset category ‘loans’ with respect to reverse repurchase agreements with these counterparties.

5.4.Counterparties located in the domestic territory and in the other participating Member States are identified separately and treated in the same way in all statistical breakdowns. There is no requirement for a geographical breakdown of counterparties located outside the territory of the participating Member States. Counterparties located in the territory of the participating Member States are identified according to their domestic sector or institutional classification in accordance with the list of MFIs for statistical purposes and the ECB's Sector Manual(1), which follows classification principles that are consistent with the ESA 95 as far as possible.

5.5.In the case of MMF shares/units issued by MFIs of the participating Member States, reporting agents report as a minimum data on the residency of the holders according to a domestic/other participating Member States/rest of the world breakdown to allow the exclusion of holdings of non-residents of the participating Member States. As regards registered shares/units, issuing MMFs or the persons legally representing them report data on the residency breakdown of the holders of their shares/units issued in the monthly balance sheet. As regards bearer shares/units, reporting agents report data on the residency breakdown of the holders of MMF shares/units in accordance with the approach decided by the relevant NCB in agreement with the ECB. This requirement is limited to one or a combination of the following options, to be selected having regard to the organisation of the relevant markets and the national legal arrangements in the Member State in question. This requirement will be periodically monitored by the NCB.


Issuing MMFs:

Issuing MMFs or the persons legally representing them report data on the residency breakdown of the holders of their shares/units issued. Such information may come from the agent distributing the shares/units or from any other entity involved in the issue, buy-back or transfer of the shares/units.


MFIs and OFIs as custodians of MMF shares/units:

As reporting agents, MFIs and OFIs acting as custodians of MMF shares/units report data on the residency breakdown of the holders of shares/units issued by resident MMFs and held in custody on behalf of the holder or of another intermediary also acting as a custodian. This option is applicable if (i) the custodian distinguishes MMF shares/units kept in custody on behalf of holders from those kept on behalf of other custodians; and (ii) most of the MMF shares/units are in the custody of domestic resident institutions that are classified as financial intermediaries (MFIs or OFIs).


MFIs and OFIs as reporters of transactions of residents with non-residents involving shares/units of a resident MMF:

As reporting agents, MFIs and OFIs acting as reporters of transactions of residents with non-residents involving shares/units of a resident MMF report data on the residency breakdown of the holders of shares/units issued by resident MMFs, which they trade on behalf of the holder or another intermediary also involved in the transaction. This option is applicable if (i) the reporting coverage is comprehensive, i.e. it covers substantially all of the transactions carried out by the reporting agents; (ii) accurate data on purchases and sales with non-residents of the participating Member States are provided; (iii) differences between issuing value and redemption value, excluding fees, of the same shares/units are minimal; and (iv) the amount of shares/units held by non-residents of the participating Member States issued by resident MMFs is low.


If options (a) to (c) do not apply, the reporting agents, including MFIs and OFIs, report the relevant data on the basis of available information.

Table 1

Monthly stocksa

BALANCE SHEET ITEMSA. DomesticB. Other participating Member StatesC. Rest of the worldD. Not allocated
MFIscNon-MFIsMFIscNon-MFIs Total Banks Non-Banks
Credit institutionsof which: credit institutions subject to RRs, ECB and NCBsGeneral government (S.13)Other resident sectorsCredit institutionsof which: credit institutions subject to RRs, ECB and NCBsGeneral government (S.13)Other resident sectors
Central Government (S.1311)Other general governmentTotalOther financial intermediaries + financial auxiliaries (S.123 + S.124)Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125)Non-financial corporations (S.11)Households + non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15)Central Government (S.1311)Other general governmentTotalOther financial intermediaries + financial auxiliaries (S.123 + S.124)Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125)Non-financial corporations (S.11)Households + non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15)
of which: CCPdof which: FVCsof which: CCPdof which: FVCs
8. Currency in circulation
9. Deposits
  • up to 1 year

  • over 1 year

of which Transferable deposits
of which up to 2 years
of which syndicated loans
9e. Euro
9.1e. Overnight
Of which Transferable deposits
9.2e. With agreed maturity
up to 1 year****
over 1 and up to 2 years****
over 2 years***********
9.3e. Redeemable at notice
up to 3 months****
over 3 months****
of which over 2 yearsb***********
9.4e. Repos
9x. Foreign currencies
9.1x. Overnight
9.2x. With agreed maturity
up to 1 year****
over 1 and up to 2 years****
over 2 years***********
9.3x. Redeemable at notice
up to 3 months****
over 3 months****
of which over 2 yearsb***********
9.4x. Repos
10. MMFs shares/units c
11. Debt securities issued
11e. Euro
  • up to 1 year

  • over 1 and up to 2 years

of which up to 2 years and nominal capital guarantee below 100 %
  • over 2 years

11x. Foreign currencies
  • up to 1 year

  • over 1 and up to 2 years

of which up to 2 years and nominal capital guarantee below 100 %
  • over 2 years

12. Capital and reserves
13. Remaining liabilities
Table 1. Liabilities

Cells marked with an * are used in the calculation of the reserve base. With respect to debt securities, credit institutions will either present proof of liabilities to be excluded from the reserve base or apply a standardised deduction of a fixed percentage specified by the ECB. Cells in thin print are reported solely by credit institutions subject to reserve requirements (RRs). See also special rules on the application of minimum reserves in Annex III.


The reporting of this item is voluntary until further notice.


Data under this item may be subject to different statistical collection procedures, as decided by an NCB in accordance with the rules contained in Annex I, Part 2.


Central counterparties.


Sole proprietors/unincorporated partnerships.

BALANCE SHEET ITEMSA. DomesticB. Other participating Member StatesC. Rest of the worldD. Not allocated
General government (S.13)Other resident sectorsGeneral government (S.13)Other resident sectors
TotalOther financial intermediaries + financial auxiliaries (S.123 + S.124)Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125)Non-financial corporations (S.11)Households + non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15)TotalOther financial intermediaries + financial auxiliaries (S.123 + S.124)Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125)Non-financial corporations (S.11)Households + non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15)
of which: CCPdof which: FVCsTotalCredit for consumptionLending for house purchaseOther lendingof which: CCPdof which: FVCsTotalCredit for consumptionLending for house purchaseOther lending
of which: SP/UPeof which: SP/UPe
1. Cash
1e. of which euro
2. Loans
  • up to 1 year

  • over 1 year and up to 5 years

  • over 5 years

of which: syndicated loans
of which: repos
2e of which euro
of which: revolving loans and overdrafts
of which convenience credit card credit
of which extended credit card credit
3. Securities other than shares
3e. Euro
up to 1 year
over 1 and up to 2 years
over 2 years
3x. Foreign currencies
up to 1 year
over 1 and up to 2 years
over 2 years
4. MMF shares/units
5. Shares and other equity
6. Fixed assets
7. Remaining assets
Table 1. Assets

Monetary, financial institutions and markets statistics sector manual. Guidance for the statistical classification of customers, March 2007, as amended.