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ANNEX IIU.K. Extract From the IMO Reservation and Guidelines for Implementation of THE ATHENS Convention, adopted by the Legal Committee of the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANISATION on 19 October 2006 IMO RESERVATION AND GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ATHENS CONVENTION

Reservation U.K.

1.The Athens Convention should be ratified with the following reservation or a declaration to the same effect:U.K.

[1.1.]Reservation in connection with the ratification by the Government of … of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002 (the Convention)
Limitation of liability of carriers, etc.
[1.2.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to limit liability under paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 3 of the Convention, if any, in respect of death of or personal injury to a passenger caused by any of the risks referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention to the lower of the following amounts:
[1.3.]Furthermore, the Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to apply the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention paragraphs 2.1.1 and 2.2.2 mutatis mutandis, to such liabilities.
[1.4.]The liability of the performing carrier pursuant to Article 4 of the Convention, the liability of the servants and agents of the carrier or the performing carrier pursuant to Article 11 of the Convention and the limit of the aggregate of the amounts recoverable pursuant to Article 12 of the Convention shall be limited in the same way.
[1.5.]The reservation and undertaking in paragraph 1.2 will apply regardless of the basis of liability under paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 3 and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Article 4 or 7 of the Convention; but this reservation and undertaking do not affect the operation of Articles 10 and 13.
Compulsory insurance and limitation of liability of insurers
[1.6.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to limit the requirement under paragraph 1 of Article 4bis to maintain insurance or other financial security for death or personal injury to a passenger caused by any of the risks referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention to the lower of the following amounts:
[1.7.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to limit the liability of the insurer or other person providing financial security under paragraph 10 of Article 4bis, for death or personal injury to a passenger caused by any of the risks referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention, to a maximum limit of the amount of insurance or other financial security which the carrier is required to maintain under paragraph 1.6 of this reservation.
[1.8.]The Government of … also reserves the right to and undertakes to apply the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention including the application of the clauses referred to in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 in the Guidelines in all compulsory insurance under the Convention.
[1.9.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to exempt the provider of insurance or other financial security under paragraph 1 of Article 4bis from any liability for which he has not undertaken to be liable.
[1.10.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to issue insurance certificates under paragraph 2 of Article 4bis of the Convention so as:
[1.11.]The Government of … reserves the right to and undertakes to accept insurance certificates issued by other States Parties issued pursuant to a similar reservation.
[1.12.]All such limitations, requirements and exemptions will be clearly reflected in the Certificate issued or certified under paragraph 2 of Article 4bis of the Convention.
Relationship between this Reservation and the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention
[1.13.]The rights retained by this reservation will be exercised with due regard to the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention, or to any amendments thereto, with an aim to ensure uniformity. If a proposal to amend the IMO Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention, including the limits, has been approved by the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organisation, those amendments will apply as from the time determined by the Committee. This is without prejudice to the rules of international law regarding the right of a State to withdraw or amend its reservation.

Guidelines U.K.

2.In the current state of the insurance market, State Parties should issue insurance certificates on the basis of one undertaking from an insurer covering war risks, and another insurer covering non war risks. Each insurer should only be liable for its part. The following rules should apply (the clauses referred to are set out in Appendix A):U.K.


Both war and non war insurance may be subject to the following clauses:


Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause (Institute clause No 370);


Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause (Institute clause No 380);


the defences and limitations of a provider of compulsory financial security under the Convention as modified by these guidelines, in particular the limit of 250 000 units of account per passenger on each distinct occasion;


the proviso that the insurance shall only cover liabilities subject to the Convention as modified by these guidelines; and


the proviso that any amounts settled under the Convention shall serve to reduce the outstanding liability of the carrier and/or its insurer under Article 4bis of the Convention even if they are not paid by or claimed from the respective war or non war insurers.


War insurance shall cover liability, if any; for the loss suffered as a result of death or personal injury to passenger caused by:

  • war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising there from, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power,

  • capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat,

  • derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war,

  • act of any terrorist or any person acting maliciously or from a political motive and any action taken to prevent or counter any such risk,

  • confiscation and expropriation,

and may be subject to the following exemptions, limitations and requirements:


War Automatic Termination and Exclusion Clause


In the event the claims of individual passengers exceed in the aggregate the sum of 340 million units of account overall per ship on any distinct occasion, the carrier shall be entitled to invoke limitation of his liability in the amount of 340 million units of account, always provided that:

  • this amount should be distributed amongst claimants in proportion to their established claims,

  • the distribution of this amount may be made in one or more portions to claimants known at the time of the distribution, and

  • the distribution of this amount may be made by the insurer, or by the Court or other competent authority seized by the insurer in any State Party in which legal proceedings are instituted in respect of claims allegedly covered by the insurance.


30 days notice clause in cases not covered by 2.2.1.


Non-war insurance should cover all perils subject to compulsory insurance other than those risks listed in 2.2, whether or not they are subject to exemptions, limitations or requirements in 2.1 and 2.2.

3.An example of a set of insurance undertakings (Blue Cards) and an insurance certificate, all reflecting these guidelines, are included in Appendix B.U.K.


Clauses referred to in guidelines 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.2.1 U.K.

Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-chemical and Electromagnetic Exclusion Clause (Cl. 370, 10/11/2003)U.K.

This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith

1.In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:U.K.

ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel;


the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;


any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter;


the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The exclusion in this sub clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful purposes;


any chemical, biological, bio chemical, or electromagnetic weapon.

Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause (Cl. 380, 10/11/03)U.K.
1.Subject only to clause 10.2 below, in no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from the use or operation, as a means for inflicting harm, of any computer, computer system, computer software programme, malicious code, computer virus or process or any other electronic system.U.K.
2.Where this clause is endorsed on policies covering risks of war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power, or terrorism or any person acting from a political motive, Clause 10.1 shall not operate to exclude losses (which would otherwise be covered) arising from the use of any computer, computer system or computer software programme or any other electronic system in the launch and/or guidance system and/or firing mechanism of any weapon or missile.U.K.
War Automatic Termination and Exclusion U.K.
1.1.Automatic Termination of CoverU.K.

Whether or not such notice of cancellation has been given cover hereunder shall TERMINATE AUTOMATICALLY

1.1.1.upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following: United Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China;U.K.
1.1.2.in respect of any vessel, in connection with which cover is granted hereunder, in the event of such vessel being requisitioned either for title or use.U.K.
1.2.Five Powers WarU.K.

This insurance excludes

1.2.1.loss damage liability or expense arising from the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following: United Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China;U.K.
1.2.2.requisition either for title or use.U.K.


I. Examples of insurance undertakings (Blue Cards) referred to in guideline 3 U.K.

Blue Card issued by War Insurer U.K.

Certificate furnished as evidence of insurance pursuant to Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002.

Name of Ship:

IMO Ship Identification Number:

Port of registry:

Name and Address of owner:

This is to certify that there is in force in respect of the above named ship while in the above ownership a policy of insurance satisfying the requirements of Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002, subject to all exceptions and limitations allowed for compulsory war insurance under the Convention and the implementation guidelines adopted by the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organisation in October 2006, including in particular the following clauses: [Here the text of the Convention and the guidelines with appendices can be inserted to the extent desirable]

Period of insurance from: 20 February 2007

to: 20 February 2008

Provided always that the insurer may cancel this certificate by giving 30 days written notice to the above Authority whereupon the liability of the insurer hereunder shall cease as from the date of the expiry of the said period of notice but only as regards incidents arising thereafter.


This certificate has been issued by:

War Risks, Inc


Signature of insurer

As agent only for War Risks, Inc.
Blue Card issued by Non-War Insurer U.K.

Certificate furnished as evidence of insurance pursuant to Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002

Name of Ship:

IMO Ship Identification Number:

Port of registry:

Name and Address of owner:

This is to certify that there is in force in respect of the above named ship while in the above ownership a policy of insurance satisfying the requirements of Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002, subject to all exceptions and limitations allowed for non-war insurers under the Convention and the implementation guidelines adopted by the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organisation in October 2006, including in particular the following clauses: [Here the text of the Convention and the guidelines with appendices can be inserted to the extent desirable]

Period of insurance from: 20 February 2007

to: 20 February 2008

Provided always that the insurer may cancel this certificate by giving three months written notice to the above Authority whereupon the liability of the insurer hereunder shall cease as from the date of the expiry of the said period of notice but only as regards incidents arising thereafter.


This certificate has been issued by:



Signature of insurer

As agent only for PANDI P&I

II. Model of certificate of insurance referred to in guideline 3 U.K.


Issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002

Name of shipDistinctive number or lettersIMO ship identification numberPort of registryName and full address of the principal place of business of the carrier who actually performs the carriage

This is to certify that there is in force in respect of the abovenamed ship a policy of insurance or other financial security satisfying the requirements of Article 4bis of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002.

Type of Security …

Duration of Security …

Name and address of the insurer(s) and/or guarantor(s)

The insurance cover hereby certified is split in one war insurance part and one non-war insurance part, pursuant to the implementation guidelines adopted by the Legal Committee of the International Maritime Organisation in October 2006. Each of these parts of the insurance cover is subject to all exceptions and limitations allowed under the Convention and the implementation guidelines. The insurers are not jointly and severally liable. The insurers are:

For war risks: War Risks, Inc., [address]

For non-war risks: Pandi P&I, [address]

This certificate is valid until …

Issued or certified by the Government of …

(Full designation of the State)


The following text should be used when a State Party avails itself of Article 4bis, paragraph 3:

The present certificate is issued under the authority of the Government of … (full designation of the State) by … (name of institution or organisation)

At …On …

(Signature and title of issuing or certifying official)

Explanatory notes:U.K.

1.If desired, the designation of the State may include a reference to the competent public authority of the country where the certificate is issued.U.K.
2.If the total amount of security has been furnished by more than one source, the amount of each of them should be indicated.U.K.
3.If security is furnished in several forms, these should be enumerated.U.K.
4.The entry ‘Duration of Security’ must stipulate the date on which such security takes effect.U.K.
5.The entry ‘Address’ of the insurer(s) and/or guarantor(s) must indicate the principal place of business of the insurer(s) and/or guarantor(s). If appropriate, the place of business where the insurance or other security is established shall be indicated.U.K.