Terms | Conditions of use |
PART A — List of terms to be used for sparkling wine, aerated sparkling wine, quality sparkling wine or quality aromatic sparkling wine | |
brut nature, naturherb, bruto natural, pas dosé, dosage zéro, natūralusis briutas, īsts bruts, přírodně tvrdé, popolnoma suho, dosaggio zero, брют натюр, brut natur | If its sugar content is less than 3 grams per litre; these terms may be used only for products to which no sugar has been added after the secondary fermentation. |
extra brut, extra herb, ekstra briutas, ekstra brut, ekstra bruts, zvláště tvrdé, extra bruto, izredno suho, ekstra wytrawne, екстра брют | If its sugar content is between 0 and 6 grams per litre. |
brut, herb, briutas, bruts, tvrdé, bruto, zelo suho, bardzo wytrawne, брют | If its sugar content is less than 12 grams per litre. |
extra dry, extra trocken, extra seco, labai sausas, ekstra kuiv, ekstra sausais, különlegesen száraz, wytrawne, suho, zvláště suché, extra suché, екстра сухо, extra sec, ekstra tør | If its sugar content is between 12 and 17 grams per litre. |
sec, trocken, secco, asciutto, dry, tør, ξηρός, seco, torr, kuiva, sausas, kuiv, sausais, száraz, półwytrawne, polsuho, suché, сухо | If its sugar content is between 17 and 32 grams per litre. |
demi-sec, halbtrocken, abboccato, medium dry, halvtør, ημίξηρος, semi seco, meio seco, halvtorr, puolikuiva, pusiau sausas, poolkuiv, pussausais, félszáraz, półsłodkie, polsladko, polosuché, polosladké, полусухо | If its sugar content is between 32 and 50 grams per litre. |
doux, mild, dolce, sweet, sød, γλυκός, dulce, doce, söt, makea, saldus, magus, édes, ħelu, słodkie, sladko, sladké, сладко, dulce, saldais | If its sugar content is greater than 50 grams per litre. |
PART B — List of terms to be used for other products than those listed in Part A | |
сухо, seco, suché, tør, trocken, kuiv, ξηρός, dry, sec, secco, asciuttto, sausais, sausas, száraz, droog, wytrawne, seco, sec, suho, kuiva | If its sugar content does not exceed:
полусухо, semiseco, polosuché, halvtør, halbtrocken, poolkuiv, ημίξηρος, medium dry, demi-sec, abboccato, pussausais, pusiau sausas, félszáraz, halfdroog, półwytrawne, meio seco, adamado, demisec, polsuho, puolikuiva, halvtorrt | If its sugar content exceeds the maximum set at above but not exceeds:
полусладко, semidulce, polosladké, halvsød, lieblich, poolmagus, ημίγλυκος, medium, medium sweet, moelleux, amabile, pussaldais, pusiau saldus, félédes, halfzoet, półsłodkie, meio doce, demidulce, polsladko, puolimakea, halvsött | If its sugar content is higher than the maximum set at above but not more than 45 grams per litre. |
сладко, dulce, sladké, sød, süss, magus, γλυκός, sweet, doux, dolce, saldais, saldus, édes, ħelu, zoet, słodkie, doce, dulce, sladko, makea, sött. | If its sugar content is of at least 45 grams per litre. |