Commission regulation (EC) No 607/2009 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission regulation (EC) No 607/2009 of 14 July 2009 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 as regards protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products (repealed)


TermsConditions of use
PART A — List of terms to be used for sparkling wine, aerated sparkling wine, quality sparkling wine or quality aromatic sparkling wine
brut nature, naturherb, bruto natural, pas dosé, dosage zéro, natūralusis briutas, īsts bruts, přírodně tvrdé, popolnoma suho, dosaggio zero, брют натюр, brut naturIf its sugar content is less than 3 grams per litre; these terms may be used only for products to which no sugar has been added after the secondary fermentation.
extra brut, extra herb, ekstra briutas, ekstra brut, ekstra bruts, zvláště tvrdé, extra bruto, izredno suho, ekstra wytrawne, екстра брютIf its sugar content is between 0 and 6 grams per litre.
brut, herb, briutas, bruts, tvrdé, bruto, zelo suho, bardzo wytrawne, брютIf its sugar content is less than 12 grams per litre.
extra dry, extra trocken, extra seco, labai sausas, ekstra kuiv, ekstra sausais, különlegesen száraz, wytrawne, suho, zvláště suché, extra suché, екстра сухо, extra sec, ekstra tørIf its sugar content is between 12 and 17 grams per litre.
sec, trocken, secco, asciutto, dry, tør, ξηρός, seco, torr, kuiva, sausas, kuiv, sausais, száraz, półwytrawne, polsuho, suché, сухоIf its sugar content is between 17 and 32 grams per litre.
demi-sec, halbtrocken, abboccato, medium dry, halvtør, ημίξηρος, semi seco, meio seco, halvtorr, puolikuiva, pusiau sausas, poolkuiv, pussausais, félszáraz, półsłodkie, polsladko, polosuché, polosladké, полусухоIf its sugar content is between 32 and 50 grams per litre.
doux, mild, dolce, sweet, sød, γλυκός, dulce, doce, söt, makea, saldus, magus, édes, ħelu, słodkie, sladko, sladké, сладко, dulce, saldaisIf its sugar content is greater than 50 grams per litre.
PART B — List of terms to be used for other products than those listed in Part A
сухо, seco, suché, tør, trocken, kuiv, ξηρός, dry, sec, secco, asciuttto, sausais, sausas, száraz, droog, wytrawne, seco, sec, suho, kuiva

If its sugar content does not exceed:

  • 4 grams per litre, or

  • 9 grams per litre, provided that the total acidity expressed as grams of tartaric acid per litre is not more than 2 grams below the residual sugar content.

полусухо, semiseco, polosuché, halvtør, halbtrocken, poolkuiv, ημίξηρος, medium dry, demi-sec, abboccato, pussausais, pusiau sausas, félszáraz, halfdroog, półwytrawne, meio seco, adamado, demisec, polsuho, puolikuiva, halvtorrt

If its sugar content exceeds the maximum set at above but not exceeds:

  • 12 grams per litre, or

  • 18 grams per litre, provided that the total acidity expressed as grams of tartaric acid per litre is not more than 10 grams below the residual sugar content.

полусладко, semidulce, polosladké, halvsød, lieblich, poolmagus, ημίγλυκος, medium, medium sweet, moelleux, amabile, pussaldais, pusiau saldus, félédes, halfzoet, półsłodkie, meio doce, demidulce, polsladko, puolimakea, halvsöttIf its sugar content is higher than the maximum set at above but not more than 45 grams per litre.
сладко, dulce, sladké, sød, süss, magus, γλυκός, sweet, doux, dolce, saldais, saldus, édes, ħelu, zoet, słodkie, doce, dulce, sladko, makea, sött.If its sugar content is of at least 45 grams per litre.