Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 of 19 January 2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 247/2006, (EC) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (repealed)

Article 21Reductions and exclusions in the event of non-compliance with eligibility rules

1.Without prejudice to any reduction or exclusion provided for in Article 23, where it is found that a farmer does not comply with the eligibility conditions relating to the granting of the aid as provided for in this Regulation, the payment or part of the payment granted or to be granted for which the conditions of eligibility have been met shall be subject to the reductions and exclusions to be laid down in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 141(2).

2.The percentage of reduction shall be graduated according to the severity, extent, permanence and repetition of the non-compliance found and may go as far as total exclusion from one or several aid schemes for one or more calendar years.