Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 of 19 January 2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 247/2006, (EC) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (repealed)

Article 23Reduction of or exclusion from payments in the event of non-compliance with cross compliance rules

1.Where the statutory management requirements or good agricultural and environmental condition are not complied with at any time in a given calendar year (hereinafter referred to as ‘the calendar year concerned’), and the non-compliance in question is the result of an act or omission directly attributable to the farmer who submitted the aid application in the calendar year concerned, the total amount of direct payments granted or to be granted, following application of Articles 7, 10 and 11 to that farmer, shall be reduced or excluded in accordance with the detailed rules laid down in Article 24.

The first subparagraph shall also apply where the non-compliance in question is the result of an act or omission directly attributable to the person to whom or from whom the agricultural land was transferred.

For the purpose of this paragraph, ‘transfer’ shall mean any type of transaction whereby the agricultural land ceases to be at the disposal of the transferor.

By way of derogation from the second subparagraph, from 2010, where the person to whom the act or omission is directly attributable has submitted an aid application in the calendar year concerned, the reduction or exclusion shall be applied to the total amounts of direct payments granted or to be granted to that person.

2.Notwithstanding paragraph 1 and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the detailed rules referred to in Article 24(1) of this Regulation, Member States may decide not to apply a reduction or exclusion amounting to EUR 100 or less per farmer and per calendar year.

Where a Member State decides to make use of the option provided for in the first subparagraph, in the following year the competent authority shall take the actions required to ensure that the farmer remedies the findings of non-compliance concerned. The finding and the obligation to take remedial action shall be notified to the farmer.