

1.Where prices are shown in the principal display, and/or where a ranking based on prices is chosen, prices shall be inclusive of the fares and of all applicable taxes, charges, surcharges and fees to be paid to the air carrier or rail-transport operator, and which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time when shown on the display.

2.No discrimination on the basis of airports or rail stations serving the same city shall be exercised in constructing and selecting transport products for a given city-pair for inclusion in a principal display.

3.Flights other than scheduled air services must be clearly identified. A consumer shall be entitled to have, on request, a principal display limited to scheduled or non-scheduled services only.

4.Flights involving stops en route must be clearly identified.

5.Where flights are operated by an air carrier which is not the air carrier identified by the carrier designator code, the actual operator of the flight must be clearly identified. That requirement will apply in all cases, except for short-term ad hoc arrangements.

6.Information on bundled products shall not be featured in the principal display.

7.At the choice of the subscriber, travel options in the principal display shall be ranked either by fares or in the following order:


non-stop travel options ranked by departure time;


all other travel options ranked by elapsed journey time.

8.Except as provided in point 10, no travel option may be featured more than once in any principal display.

9.Where travel options are ranked in accordance with point 7(i) and (ii), and where train services for the same city-pair are offered on the CRS, at least the best ranked train service or air-rail service shall be featured on the first screen of the principal display.

10.Where air carriers operate under code-share arrangements, each of the air carriers concerned — not more than two — shall be allowed to have a separate display using its individual carrier-designator code. Where more than two air carriers are involved, the designation of the two carriers shall be a matter for the carrier actually operating the flight.


Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89This Regulation
Article 1Article 1
Article 2Article 2
Article 3(1) and (2)
Article 3(3)Article 3(1)
Article 3(4)Article 4(1)
Article 3aArticle 10(1) and (3)
Article 4(1)Article 9
Article 4(2)
Article 4(3)Article 3(2)
Article 4a(1) and (2)Article 4(1)
Article 4a(3)Article 4(2)
Article 4a(4)
Article 5Article 5
Article 6Articles 7 and 11
Article 7Article 8
Article 8Article 10(4) and (5)
Article 9Article 6
Article 9aArticles 5(2) and 11
Article 10
Article 11Article 13
Article 12Article 14
Article 13Article 14
Article 14Article 16(2)
Article 15Article 14
Article 16Article 15(1) to (4)
Article 17Article 15(5)
Article 18
Article 19Article 16(1) and (5)
Article 20
Article 21
Article 21a
Article 21b
Article 22Article 11
Article 23Article 18
Annex IAnnex I