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CHAPTER I U.K. Authorities taking part in the procedures relating to applications

Article 4U.K.Authorities competent for taking part in the procedures relating to applications

1.Applications shall be examined and decided on by consulates.

[F11a. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may decide that applications are examined and decided on by central authorities. Member States shall ensure that those authorities have sufficient knowledge of local circumstances of the country where the application is lodged in order to assess the migratory and security risk, as well as sufficient knowledge of the language to analyse documents, and that consulates are involved, where necessary, to conduct additional examination and interviews.]

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, applications may be examined and decided on at the external borders of the Member States by the authorities responsible for checks on persons, in accordance with Articles 35 and 36.

3.In the non-European overseas territories of Member States, applications may be examined and decided on by the authorities designated by the Member State concerned.

4.A Member State may require the involvement of authorities other than the ones designated in paragraphs 1 and 2 in the examination of and decision on applications.

5.A Member State may require to be consulted or informed by another Member State in accordance with Articles 22 and 31.

Article 5U.K.Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application

1.The Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application for a uniform visa shall be:

(a)the Member State whose territory constitutes the sole destination of the visit(s);

[F2(b) if the visit includes more than one destination, or if several separate visits are to be carried out within a period of two months, the Member State whose territory constitutes the main destination of the visit(s) in terms of the length of stay, counted in days, or the purpose of stay; or]

(c)if no main destination can be determined, the Member State whose external border the applicant intends to cross in order to enter the territory of the Member States.

2.The Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application for a uniform visa for the purpose of transit shall be:

(a)in the case of transit through only one Member State, the Member State concerned; or

(b)in the case of transit through several Member States, the Member State whose external border the applicant intends to cross to start the transit.

3.The Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application for an airport transit visa shall be:

(a)in the case of a single airport transit, the Member State on whose territory the transit airport is situated; or

(b)in the case of double or multiple airport transit, the Member State on whose territory the first transit airport is situated.

4.Member States shall cooperate to prevent a situation in which an application cannot be examined and decided on because the Member State that is competent in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 3 is neither present nor represented in the third country where the applicant lodges the application in accordance with Article 6.

Article 6U.K.Consular territorial competence

1.An application shall be examined and decided on by the consulate of the competent Member State in whose jurisdiction the applicant legally resides.

2.A consulate of the competent Member State shall examine and decide on an application lodged by a third-country national legally present but not residing in its jurisdiction, if the applicant has provided justification for lodging the application at that consulate.

Article 7U.K.Competence to issue visas to third-country nationals legally present within the territory of a Member State

Third-country nationals who are legally present in the territory of a Member State and who are required to hold a visa to enter the territory of one or more other Member States shall apply for a visa at the consulate of the Member State that is competent in accordance with Article 5(1) or (2).

Article 8U.K.Representation arrangements

[F21. A Member State may agree to represent another Member State that is competent in accordance with Article 5 for the purpose of examining and deciding on applications on behalf of that Member State. A Member State may also represent another Member State in a limited manner solely for the collection of applications and the enrolment of biometric identifiers.]

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[F23. Where the representation is limited in accordance with the second sentence of paragraph 1, the collection and the transmission of data to the represented Member State shall be carried out in compliance with the relevant data protection and security rules.

4. A bilateral arrangement shall be established between the representing Member State and the represented Member State. That arrangement:

(a) shall specify the duration of the representation, if only temporary, and the procedures for its termination;

(b) may, in particular where the represented Member State has a consulate in the third country concerned, provide for the provision of premises, staff and payments by the represented Member State.]

5.Member States lacking their own consulate in a third country shall endeavour to conclude representation arrangements with Member States that have consulates in that country.

6.With a view to ensuring that a poor transport infrastructure or long distances in a specific region or geographical area does not require a disproportionate effort on the part of applicants to have access to a consulate, Member States lacking their own consulate in that region or area shall endeavour to conclude representation arrangements with Member States that have consulates in that region or area.

[F27. The represented Member State shall notify the Commission of the representation arrangements or the termination of those arrangements at the latest 20 calendar days before they enter into force or are terminated, except in cases of force majeure .

8. The consulate of the representing Member State shall, at the same time as the notification referred to in paragraph 7 takes place, inform both the consulates of other Member States and the Union delegation in the jurisdiction concerned about the representation arrangements or the termination of such arrangements.]

9.If the consulate of the representing Member State decides to cooperate with an external service provider in accordance with Article 43, or with accredited commercial intermediaries as provided for in Article 45, such cooperation shall include applications covered by representation arrangements. The central authorities of the represented Member State shall be informed in advance of the terms of such cooperation.

[F110. If a Member State is neither present nor represented in the third country where the applicant is to lodge the application, that Member State shall endeavour to cooperate with an external service provider, in accordance with Article 43, in that third country.

11. Where a consulate of a Member State in a given location experiences a prolonged technical force majeure , that Member State shall seek temporary representation by another Member State in that location for all or some categories of applicants.]

CHAPTER II U.K. Application

Article 9U.K.Practical modalities for lodging an application

[F21. Applications shall be lodged no more than six months, and for seafarers in the performance of their duties no more than nine months, before the start of the intended visit, and, as a rule, no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended visit. In justified individual cases of urgency, the consulate or the central authorities may allow the lodging of applications later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended visit.]

2.Applicants may be required to obtain an appointment for the lodging of an application. The appointment shall, as a rule, take place within a period of two weeks from the date when the appointment was requested.

3.In justified cases of urgency, the consulate may allow applicants to lodge their applications either without appointment, or an appointment shall be given immediately.

[F24. Without prejudice to Article 13, applications may be lodged:

(a) by the applicant;

(b) by an accredited commercial intermediary;

(c) by a professional, cultural, sports or educational association or institution on behalf of its members.]

[F15. An applicant shall not be required to appear in person at more than one location in order to lodge an application.]

Article 10U.K.General rules for lodging an application

[F21. Applicants shall appear in person when lodging an application for the collection of fingerprints, in accordance with Article 13(2) and (3) and point (b) of Article 13(7). Without prejudice to the first sentence of this paragraph and to Article 45, applicants may lodge their applications electronically, where available.]

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3.When lodging the application, the applicant shall:

(a)present an application form in accordance with Article 11;

(b)present a travel document in accordance with Article 12;

(c)present a photograph in accordance with the standards set out in Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 or, where the VIS is operational pursuant to Article 48 of the VIS Regulation, in accordance with the standards set out in Article 13 of this Regulation;

(d)allow the collection of his fingerprints in accordance with Article 13, where applicable;

(e)pay the visa fee in accordance with Article 16;

(f)provide supporting documents in accordance with Article 14 and Annex II;

(g)where applicable, produce proof of possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance in accordance with Article 15.

Article 11U.K.Application form

[F21. Each applicant shall submit a manually or electronically completed application form, as set out in Annex I. The application form shall be signed. It may be signed manually or, where electronic signature is recognised by the Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application, electronically. Persons included in the applicant’s travel document shall submit a separate application form. Minors shall submit an application form signed by a person exercising permanent or temporary parental authority or legal guardianship.]

[F11a. Where the applicant signs the application form electronically, the electronic signature shall be a qualified electronic signature, within the meaning of point (12) of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.

1b. The content of the electronic version of the application form, if applicable, shall be as set out in Annex I.]

2.Consulates shall make the application form widely available and easily accessible to applicants free of charge.

[F23. The form shall, as a minimum, be available in the following languages:

(a) the official language(s) of the Member State for which a visa is requested or of the representing Member State; and

(b) the official language(s) of the host country.

In addition to the language(s) referred to in point (a), the form may be made available in any other official language(s) of the institutions of the Union.]

[F24. If the official language(s) of the host country is/are not integrated into the form, a translation into that/those language(s) shall be made available separately to applicants.]

5.A translation of the application form into the official language(s) of the host country shall be produced under local Schengen cooperation provided for in Article 48.

6.The consulate shall inform applicants of the language(s) which may be used when filling in the application form.

Article 12U.K.Travel document

The applicant shall present a valid travel document satisfying the following criteria:


its validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States or, in the case of several visits, after the last intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States. However, in a justified case of emergency, this obligation may be waived;


it shall contain at least two blank pages;


it shall have been issued within the previous 10 years.

Article 13U.K.Biometric identifiers

1.Member States shall collect biometric identifiers of the applicant comprising a photograph of him and his 10 fingerprints in accordance with the safeguards laid down in the Council of Europe’s Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2.At the time of submission of the first application, the applicant shall be required to appear in person. At that time, the following biometric identifiers of the applicant shall be collected:

3.Where fingerprints collected from the applicant as part of an earlier application were entered in the VIS for the first time less than 59 months before the date of the new application, they shall be copied to the subsequent application.

However, where there is reasonable doubt regarding the identity of the applicant, the consulate shall collect fingerprints within the period specified in the first subparagraph.

Furthermore, if at the time when the application is lodged, it cannot be immediately confirmed that the fingerprints were collected within the period specified in the first subparagraph, the applicant may request that they be collected.

4.In accordance with Article 9(5) of the VIS Regulation, the photograph attached to each application shall be entered in the VIS. The applicant shall not be required to appear in person for this purpose.

The technical requirements for the photograph shall be in accordance with the international standards as set out in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) document 9303 Part 1, 6th edition.

5.Fingerprints shall be taken in accordance with ICAO standards and Commission Decision 2006/648/EC of 22 September 2006 laying down the technical specifications on the standards for biometric features related to the development of the Visa Information System(1).

6.The biometric identifiers shall be collected by qualified and duly authorised staff of the authorities competent in accordance with Article 4(1), (2) and (3). Under the supervision of the consulates, the biometric identifiers may also be collected by qualified and duly authorised staff of an honorary consul as referred to in Article 42 or of an external service provider as referred to in Article 43. The Member State(s) concerned shall, where there is any doubt, provide for the possibility of verifying at the consulate fingerprints which have been taken by the external service provider.

7.The following applicants shall be exempt from the requirement to give fingerprints:

(a)children under the age of 12;

(b)persons for whom fingerprinting is physically impossible. If the fingerprinting of fewer than 10 fingers is possible, the maximum number of fingerprints shall be taken. However, should the impossibility be temporary, the applicant shall be required to give the fingerprints at the following application. The authorities competent in accordance with Article 4(1), (2) and (3) shall be entitled to ask for further clarification of the grounds for the temporary impossibility. Member States shall ensure that appropriate procedures guaranteeing the dignity of the applicant are in place in the event of there being difficulties in enrolling;

(c)heads of State or government and members of a national government with accompanying spouses, and the members of their official delegation when they are invited by Member States’ governments or by international organisations for an official purpose;

(d)sovereigns and other senior members of a royal family, when they are invited by Member States’ governments or by international organisations for an official purpose.

8.In the cases referred to in paragraph 7, the entry ‘not applicable’ shall be introduced in the VIS in accordance with Article 8(5) of the VIS Regulation.

Article 14U.K.Supporting documents

1.When applying for a uniform visa, the applicant shall present:

(a)documents indicating the purpose of the journey;

(b)documents in relation to accommodation, or proof of sufficient means to cover his accommodation;

(c)documents indicating that the applicant possesses sufficient means of subsistence both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to his country of origin or residence, or for the transit to a third country into which he is certain to be admitted, or that he is in a position to acquire such means lawfully, in accordance with Article 5(1)(c) and (3) of the Schengen Borders Code;

(d)information enabling an assessment of the applicant’s intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for.

2.When applying for an airport transit visa, the applicant shall present:

(a)documents in relation to the onward journey to the final destination after the intended airport transit;

(b)information enabling an assessment of the applicant’s intention not to enter the territory of the Member States.

[F23. A non-exhaustive list of supporting documents which may be requested from the applicant in order to verify the fulfilment of the conditions listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 is set out in Annex II.

4. Member States may require applicants to present proof of sponsorship or of private accommodation, or of both, by completing a form drawn up by each Member State. That form shall indicate in particular:

(a) whether its purpose is proof of sponsorship or of private accommodation, or of both;

(b) whether the sponsor or inviting person is an individual, a company or an organisation;

(c) the identity and contact details of the sponsor or inviting person;

(d) the identity data (name and surname, date of birth, place of birth and nationality) of the applicant(s);

(e) the address of the accommodation;

(f) the length and purpose of the stay;

(g) possible family ties with the sponsor or inviting person;

(h) the information required pursuant to Article 37(1) of the VIS Regulation.

In addition to the Member State's official language(s), the form shall be drawn up in at least one other official language of the institutions of the Union. A specimen of the form shall be sent to the Commission.

5. Consulates shall, within local Schengen cooperation, assess the implementation of the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, to take account of local circumstances, and of migratory and security risks.]

[F15a. Where necessary in order to take account of local circumstances as referred to in Article 48, the Commission shall by means of implementing acts adopt a harmonised list of supporting documents to be used in each jurisdiction. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 52(2).]

[F26. The requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article may be waived in the case of an applicant known to the consulate or the central authorities for his integrity and reliability, in particular as regards the lawful use of previous visas, if there is no doubt that he will fulfil the requirements of Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) at the time of the crossing of the external borders of the Member States.]

Article 15U.K.Travel medical insurance

1.Applicants for a uniform visa for one or two entries shall prove that they are in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance to cover any expenses which might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention and/or emergency hospital treatment or death, during their stay(s) on the territory of the Member States.

[F22. Applicants for a multiple-entry visa shall prove that they are in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance covering the period of their first intended visit.]

In addition, such applicants shall sign the statement, set out in the application form, declaring that they are aware of the need to be in possession of travel medical insurance for subsequent stays.

3.The insurance shall be valid throughout the territory of the Member States and cover the entire period of the person’s intended stay or transit. The minimum coverage shall be EUR 30 000.

When a visa with limited territorial validity covering the territory of more than one Member State is issued, the insurance cover shall be valid at least in the Member States concerned.

4.Applicants shall, in principle, take out insurance in their country of residence. Where this is not possible, they shall seek to obtain insurance in any other country.

When another person takes out insurance in the name of the applicant, the conditions set out in paragraph 3 shall apply.

5.When assessing whether the insurance cover is adequate, consulates shall ascertain whether claims against the insurance company would be recoverable in a Member State.

6.The insurance requirement may be considered to have been met where it is established that an adequate level of insurance may be presumed in the light of the applicant’s professional situation. The exemption from presenting proof of travel medical insurance may concern particular professional groups, such as seafarers, who are already covered by travel medical insurance as a result of their professional activities.

7.Holders of diplomatic passports shall be exempt from the requirement to hold travel medical insurance.

Article 16U.K.Visa fee

[F21. Applicants shall pay a visa fee of EUR 80.

2. Children from the age of six years and below the age of 12 years shall pay a visa fee of EUR 40.]

[F12a. A visa fee of EUR 120 or EUR 160 shall apply if an implementing decision is adopted by the Council under point (b) of Article 25a(5). This provision shall not apply to children below the age of 12 years.]

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4.The visa fee shall be waived for applicants belonging to one of the following categories:

(a)children under six years;

(b)school pupils, students, postgraduate students and accompanying teachers who undertake stays for the purpose of study or educational training;

[F2(c) researchers, as defined in point (2) of Article 3 of Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) , travelling for the purpose of carrying out scientific research or participating in a scientific seminar or conference;]

(d)representatives of non-profit organisations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations.

[F25. The visa fee may be waived for:

(a) children from the age of six years and below the age of 18 years;

(b) holders of diplomatic and service passports;

(c) participants in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations, aged 25 years or less.]

[F26. In individual cases, the amount of the visa fee to be charged may be waived or reduced when to do so serves to promote cultural or sporting interests, interests in the field of foreign policy, development policy and other areas of vital public interest, or for humanitarian reasons or because of international obligations.]

7.The visa fee shall be charged in euro, in the national currency of the third country or in the currency usually used in the third country where the application is lodged, and shall not be refundable except in the cases referred to in Articles 18(2) and 19(3).

[F2When charged in a currency other than the euro, the amount of the visa fee charged in that currency shall be determined and regularly reviewed in application of the euro foreign exchange reference rate set by the European Central Bank. The amount charged may be rounded up and it shall be ensured under local Schengen cooperation that similar fees are charged.]

8.The applicant shall be given a receipt for the visa fee paid.

[F19. The Commission shall assess the need to revise the amount of the visa fees set out in paragraphs 1, 2 and 2a of this Article every three years, taking into account objective criteria, such as the general Union-wide inflation rate as published by Eurostat, and the weighted average of the salaries of Member States' civil servants. On the basis of those assessments, the Commission shall adopt, where appropriate, delegated acts in accordance with Article 51a concerning the amendment of this Regulation as regards the amount of the visa fees.]

Article 17U.K.Service fee

[F21. A service fee may be charged by an external service provider referred to in Article 43. The service fee shall be proportionate to the costs incurred by the external service provider while performing one or more of the tasks referred to in Article 43(6).]

2.The service fee shall be specified in the legal instrument referred to in Article 43(2).

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4.The service fee shall not exceed half of the amount of the visa fee set out in Article 16(1), irrespective of the possible reductions in or exemptions from the visa fee as provided for in Article 16(2), (4), (5) and (6).

[F14a. By way of derogation from paragraph 4, the service fee shall, in principle, not exceed 80 EUR in third countries where the competent Member State has no consulate for the purpose of collecting applications and is not represented by another Member State.

4b. In exceptional circumstances where the amount referred to in paragraph 4a is not sufficient to provide a full service, a higher service fee of up to a maximum of 120 EUR may be charged. In such a case, the Member State concerned shall notify the Commission of its intention to allow for a higher service fee to be charged, at the latest three months before the start of its implementation. The notification shall specify the grounds for the determination of the level of the service fee, in particular the detailed costs leading to the determination of a higher amount.]

[F25. The Member State concerned may maintain the possibility for all applicants to lodge their applications directly at its consulates or at the consulate of a Member State with which it has a representation arrangement, in accordance with Article 8.]

CHAPTER III U.K. Examination of and decision on an application

Article 18U.K.Verification of consular competence

1.When an application has been lodged, the consulate shall verify whether it is competent to examine and decide on it in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6.

2.If the consulate is not competent, it shall, without delay, return the application form and any documents submitted by the applicant, reimburse the visa fee, and indicate which consulate is competent.

Article 19U.K.Admissibility

[F21. The competent consulate or the central authorities of the competent Member State shall verify whether:]

[F22. Where the competent consulate or the central authorities of the competent Member State find that the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 have been fulfilled, the application shall be admissible and the consulate or the central authorities shall:

[X1Data shall be entered in the VIS only by duly authorised consular staff in accordance with Article 6(1), Article 7 and points (5) and (6) of Article 9 of the VIS Regulation.]

[F23. Where the competent consulate or the central authorities of the competent Member State find that the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 have not been fulfilled, the application shall be inadmissible and the consulate or central authorities shall without delay:

[F24. By way of derogation from paragraph 3, an application that does not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 1 may be considered admissible on humanitarian grounds, for reasons of national interest or because of international obligations.]

Article 20U.K.Stamp indicating that an application is admissible

1.When an application is admissible, the competent consulate shall stamp the applicant’s travel document. The stamp shall be as set out in the model in Annex III and shall be affixed in accordance with the provisions of that Annex.

2.Diplomatic, service/official and special passports shall not be stamped.

3.The provisions of this Article shall apply to the consulates of the Member States until the date when the VIS becomes fully operational in all regions, in accordance with Article 48 of the VIS Regulation.

Article 21U.K.Verification of entry conditions and risk assessment

1.In the examination of an application for a uniform visa, it shall be ascertained whether the applicant fulfils the entry conditions set out in Article 5(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the Schengen Borders Code, and particular consideration shall be given to assessing whether the applicant presents a risk of illegal immigration or a risk to the security of the Member States and whether the applicant intends to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for.

2.In respect of each application, the VIS shall be consulted in accordance with Articles 8(2) and 15 of the VIS Regulation. Member States shall ensure that full use is made of all search criteria pursuant to Article 15 of the VIS Regulation in order to avoid false rejections and identifications.

[F23. While checking whether the applicant fulfils the entry conditions, the consulate or the central authorities shall verify:]

(a)that the travel document presented is not false, counterfeit or forged;

(b)the applicant’s justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay, and that he has sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to his country of origin or residence, or for the transit to a third country into which he is certain to be admitted, or is in a position to acquire such means lawfully;

(c)whether the applicant is a person for whom an alert has been issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS) for the purpose of refusing entry;

(d)that the applicant is not considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security or public health as defined in Article 2(19) of the Schengen Borders Code or to the international relations of any of the Member States, in particular where no alert has been issued in Member States’ national databases for the purpose of refusing entry on the same grounds;

[F2(e) that the applicant is in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance, where applicable, covering the period of the intended stay, or, if a multiple-entry visa is applied for, the period of the first intended visit.]

[F24. The consulate or the central authorities shall, where applicable, verify the length of previous and intended stays in order to verify that the applicant has not exceeded the maximum duration of authorised stay in the territory of the Member States, irrespective of possible stays authorised under a national long-stay visa or a residence permit.]

5.The means of subsistence for the intended stay shall be assessed in accordance with the duration and the purpose of the stay and by reference to average prices in the Member State(s) concerned for board and lodging in budget accommodation, multiplied by the number of days stayed, on the basis of the reference amounts set by the Member States in accordance with Article 34(1)(c) of the Schengen Borders Code. Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation may also constitute evidence of sufficient means of subsistence.

[F26. In the examination of an application for an airport transit visa, the consulate or the central authorities shall in particular verify:]

(a)that the travel document presented is not false, counterfeit or forged;

(b)the points of departure and destination of the third-country national concerned and the coherence of the intended itinerary and airport transit;

(c)proof of the onward journey to the final destination.

7.The examination of an application shall be based notably on the authenticity and reliability of the documents submitted and on the veracity and reliability of the statements made by the applicant.

[F28. During the examination of an application, consulates or the central authorities may in justified cases carry out an interview with the applicant and request additional documents.]

9.A previous visa refusal shall not lead to an automatic refusal of a new application. A new application shall be assessed on the basis of all available information.

Article 22U.K.Prior consultation of central authorities of other Member States

[F21. On the grounds of a threat to public policy, internal security, international relations or public health, a Member State may require the central authorities of other Member States to consult its central authorities during the examination of applications lodged by nationals of specific third countries or specific categories of such nationals. Such consultation shall not apply to applications for airport transit visas.

2. The central authorities consulted shall reply definitively as soon as possible, but not later than seven calendar days after being consulted. The absence of a reply within that deadline shall mean that they have no grounds for objecting to the issuing of the visa.

3. Member States shall notify the Commission of the introduction or withdrawal of the requirement for prior consultation, as a rule, at the latest 25 calendar days before it becomes applicable. That information shall also be given under local Schengen cooperation in the jurisdiction concerned.]

4.The Commission shall inform Member States of such notifications.

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Article 23U.K.Decision on the application

1.Applications shall be decided on within 15 calendar days of the date of the lodging of an application which is admissible in accordance with Article 19.

[F22. That period may be extended up to a maximum of 45 calendar days in individual cases, notably when further scrutiny of the application is needed.]

[F12a. Applications shall be decided on without delay in justified individual cases of urgency.]

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4.Unless the application has been withdrawn, a decision shall be taken to:

(a)issue a uniform visa in accordance with Article 24;

(b)issue a visa with limited territorial validity in accordance with Article 25;

[F1(ba) issue an airport transit visa in accordance with Article 26; or]

[F2(c) refuse a visa in accordance with Article 32.]

[F3(d) discontinue the examination of the application and transfer it to the relevant authorities of the represented Member State in accordance with Article 8(2).]

The fact that fingerprinting is physically impossible, in accordance with Article 13(7)(b), shall not influence the issuing or refusal of a visa.

CHAPTER IV U.K. Issuing of the visa

Article 24U.K.Issuing of a uniform visa

1.The period of validity of a visa and the length of the authorised stay shall be based on the examination conducted in accordance with Article 21.

A visa may be issued for one, two or multiple entries. The period of validity shall not exceed five years.

[ F3. . . . .]

[F2Without prejudice to point (a) of Article 12, the period of validity of a visa for one entry shall include a period of grace of 15 calendar days.]

Member States may decide not to grant such a period of grace for reasons of public policy or because of the international relations of any of the Member States.

[F22. Provided that the applicant fulfils the entry conditions set out in point (a) and points (c) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399, multiple-entry visas with a long validity shall be issued for the following validity periods, unless the validity of the visa would exceed that of the travel document:

(a) for a validity period of one year, provided that the applicant has obtained and lawfully used three visas within the previous two years;

(b) for a validity period of two years, provided that the applicant has obtained and lawfully used a previous multiple-entry visa valid for one year within the previous two years;

(c) for a validity period of five years, provided that the applicant has obtained and lawfully used a previous multiple-entry visa valid for two years within the previous three years.

Airport transit visas and visas with limited territorial validity issued in accordance with Article 25(1) shall not be taken into account for the issuing of multiple-entry visas.]

[F12a. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the validity period of the visa issued may be shortened in individual cases where there is reasonable doubt that the entry conditions will be met for the entire period.

2b. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, consulates shall, within local Schengen cooperation, assess whether the rules on the issuing of the multiple-entry visas set out in paragraph 2 need to be adapted to take account of local circumstances, and of migratory and security risks, in view of the adoption of more favourable or more restrictive rules in accordance with paragraph 2d.

2c. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, a multiple-entry visa valid for up to five years may be issued to applicants who prove the need or justify their intention to travel frequently or regularly, provided that they prove their integrity and reliability, in particular the lawful use of previous visas, their economic situation in the country of origin and their genuine intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa for which they have applied.

2d. Where necessary, on the basis of the assessment referred to in paragraph 2b of this Article, the Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, adopt the rules regarding the conditions for the issuing of multiple-entry visas laid down in paragraph 2 of this Article, to be applied in each jurisdiction in order to take account of local circumstances, of the migratory and security risks, and of the Union's overall relations with the third country in question. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 52(2).]

3.The data set out in Article 10(1) of the VIS Regulation shall be entered into the VIS when a decision on issuing such a visa has been taken.

Article 25U.K.Issuing of a visa with limited territorial validity

1.A visa with limited territorial validity shall be issued exceptionally, in the following cases:

(a)when the Member State concerned considers it necessary on humanitarian grounds, for reasons of national interest or because of international obligations,


to derogate from the principle that the entry conditions laid down in Article 5(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the Schengen Borders Code must be fulfilled;


to issue a visa despite an objection by the Member State consulted in accordance with Article 22 to the issuing of a uniform visa; or


to issue a visa for reasons of urgency, although the prior consultation in accordance with Article 22 has not been carried out;


[F4(b) when for reasons deemed justified by the consulate, a new visa is issued for a stay during the same 180-day period to an applicant who, over this 180-day period, has already used a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity allowing for a stay of 90 days.]

2.A visa with limited territorial validity shall be valid for the territory of the issuing Member State. It may exceptionally be valid for the territory of more than one Member State, subject to the consent of each such Member State.

3.If the applicant holds a travel document that is not recognised by one or more, but not all Member States, a visa valid for the territory of the Member States recognising the travel document shall be issued. If the issuing Member State does not recognise the applicant’s travel document, the visa issued shall only be valid for that Member State.

4.When a visa with limited territorial validity has been issued in the cases described in paragraph 1(a), the central authorities of the issuing Member State shall circulate the relevant information to the central authorities of the other Member States without delay, by means of the procedure referred to in Article 16(3) of the VIS Regulation.

5.The data set out in Article 10(1) of the VIS Regulation shall be entered into the VIS when a decision on issuing such a visa has been taken.

[F1Article 25a U.K. Cooperation on readmission

1. Depending on the level of cooperation of a third country with Member States on the readmission of irregular migrants, assessed on the basis of relevant and objective data, Article 14(6), Article 16(1), point (b) of Article 16(5), Article 23(1), and Article 24(2) and (2c) shall not apply to applicants or categories of applicants who are nationals of a third country that is considered not to be cooperating sufficiently, in accordance with this Article.

2. The Commission shall regularly assess, at least once a year, third countries' cooperation with regard to readmission, taking account, in particular, of the following indicators:

(a) the number of return decisions issued to persons from the third country in question, illegally staying on the territory of the Member States;

(b) the number of actual forced returns of persons issued with return decisions as a percentage of the number of return decisions issued to nationals of the third country in question including, where appropriate, on the basis of Union or bilateral readmission agreements, the number of third country nationals who have transited through the territory of the third country in question;

(c) the number of readmission requests per Member State accepted by the third country as a percentage of the number of such requests submitted to it;

(d) the level of practical cooperation with regard to return in the different stages of the return procedure, such as:


assistance provided in the identification of persons illegally staying on the territory of the Member States and in the timely issuance of travel documents;


acceptance of the European travel document for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals or laissez-passer;


acceptance of the readmission of persons who are to be legally returned to their country;


acceptance of return flights and operations.

Such an assessment shall be based on the use of reliable data provided by Member States, as well as by Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. The Commission shall regularly, at least once a year, report its assessment to the Council.

3. A Member State may also notify the Commission if it is confronted with substantial and persisting practical problems in the cooperation with a third country in the readmission of irregular migrants on the basis of the same indicators as those listed in paragraph 2. The Commission shall immediately inform the European Parliament and the Council of the notification.

4. The Commission shall examine any notification made pursuant to paragraph 3 within a period of one month. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council of the results of its examination.

5. Where, on the basis of the analysis referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4, and taking into account the steps taken by the Commission to improve the level of cooperation of the third country concerned in the field of readmission and the Union's overall relations with that third country, including in the field of migration, the Commission considers that a country is not cooperating sufficiently and that action is therefore needed, or where, within 12 months, a simple majority of Member States have notified the Commission in accordance with paragraph 3, the Commission, while continuing its efforts to improve the cooperation with the third country concerned, shall submit a proposal to the Council to adopt:

(a) an implementing decision temporarily suspending the application of any one or more of Article 14(6), point (b) of Article 16(5), Article 23(1), or Article 24(2) and (2c), to all nationals of the third country concerned or to certain categories thereof;

(b) where, following an assessment by the Commission, the measures applied in accordance with the implementing decision referred to in point (a) of this paragraph are considered ineffective, an implementing decision applying, on a gradual basis, one of the visa fees set out in Article 16(2a) to all nationals of the third country concerned or to certain categories thereof.

6. The Commission shall continuously assess and report on the basis of the indicators set out in paragraph 2 whether substantial and sustained improvement in the cooperation with the third country concerned on readmission of irregular migrants can be established and, taking also account of the Union's overall relations with that third country, may submit a proposal to the Council to repeal or amend the implementing decisions referred to in paragraph 5.

7. At the latest six months after the entry into force of the implementing decisions referred to in paragraph 5, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and to the Council on progress achieved in that third country's cooperation on readmission.

8. Where, on the basis of the analysis referred to in paragraph 2 and taking account of the Union's overall relations with the third country concerned, especially in cooperation in the field of readmission, the Commission considers that the third country concerned is cooperating sufficiently, it may submit a proposal to the Council to adopt an implementing decision concerning applicants or categories of applicants who are nationals of that third country and who apply for a visa on the territory of that third country, providing for one or more of the following:

(a) reduction of the visa fee referred to in Article 16(1) to EUR 60;

(b) reduction of the time within which decisions on an application referred to in Article 23(1) are to be made to 10 days;

(c) increase in the period of validity of multiple-entry visas under Article 24(2).

That implementing decision shall apply for a maximum of one year. It may be renewed.]

Article 26U.K.Issuing of an airport transit visa

1.An airport transit visa shall be valid for transiting through the international transit areas of the airports situated on the territory of Member States.

2.Without prejudice to Article 12(a), the period of validity of the visa shall include an additional ‘period of grace’ of 15 days.

Member States may decide not to grant such a period of grace for reasons of public policy or because of the international relations of any of the Member States.

3.Without prejudice to Article 12(a), multiple airport transit visas may be issued with a period of validity of a maximum six months.

4.The following criteria in particular are relevant for taking the decision to issue multiple airport transit visas:

(a)the applicant’s need to transit frequently and/or regularly; and

(b)the integrity and reliability of the applicant, in particular the lawful use of previous uniform visas, visas with limited territorial validity or airport transit visas, his economic situation in his country of origin and his genuine intention to pursue his onward journey.

5.If the applicant is required to hold an airport transit visa in accordance with the provisions of Article 3(2), the airport transit visa shall be valid only for transiting through the international transit areas of the airports situated on the territory of the Member State(s) concerned.

6.The data set out in Article 10(1) of the VIS Regulation shall be entered into the VIS when a decision on issuing such a visa has been taken.

Article 27U.K.Filling in the visa sticker

[F21. The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, adopt the rules for filling in the visa sticker. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 52(2).

2. Member States may add national entries in the comments section of the visa sticker. Those entries shall not duplicate the mandatory entries established in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 1.]

3.All entries on the visa sticker shall be printed, and no manual changes shall be made to a printed visa sticker.

[F24. A visa sticker for a visa for one entry may be filled in manually only in the case of technical force majeure . No changes shall be made to a manually filled in visa sticker.]

5.When a visa sticker is filled in manually in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, this information shall be entered into the VIS in accordance with Article 10(1)(k) of the VIS Regulation.

Article 28U.K.Invalidation of a completed visa sticker

1.If an error is detected on a visa sticker which has not yet been affixed to the travel document, the visa sticker shall be invalidated.

2.If an error is detected after the visa sticker has been affixed to the travel document, the visa sticker shall be invalidated by drawing a cross with indelible ink on the visa sticker and a new visa sticker shall be affixed to a different page.

3.If an error is detected after the relevant data have been introduced into the VIS in accordance with Article 10(1) of the VIS Regulation, the error shall be corrected in accordance with Article 24(1) of that Regulation.

Article 29U.K.Affixing a visa sticker

[F21. The visa sticker shall be affixed to the travel document.]

[F11a. The Commission shall by means of implementing acts adopt the detailed rules for affixing the visa sticker. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 52(2).]

2.Where the issuing Member State does not recognise the applicant’s travel document, the separate sheet for affixing a visa shall be used.

3.When a visa sticker has been affixed to the separate sheet for affixing a visa, this information shall be entered into the VIS in accordance with Article 10(1)(j) of the VIS Regulation.

4.Individual visas issued to persons who are included in the travel document of the applicant shall be affixed to that travel document.

5.Where the travel document in which such persons are included is not recognised by the issuing Member State, the individual stickers shall be affixed to the separate sheets for affixing a visa.

Article 30U.K.Rights derived from an issued visa

Mere possession of a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity shall not confer an automatic right of entry.

Article 31U.K.Information of central authorities of other Member States

[F21. A Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except in the case of airport transit visas.

2. Member States shall notify the Commission of the introduction or withdrawal of the requirement for such information at the latest 25 calendar days before it becomes applicable. That information shall also be given under local Schengen cooperation in the jurisdiction concerned.]

3.The Commission shall inform Member States of such notifications.

F34.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Article 32U.K.Refusal of a visa

1.Without prejudice to Article 25(1), a visa shall be refused:

(a)if the applicant:


presents a travel document which is false, counterfeit or forged;


does not provide justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay;


[F1does not provide justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended airport transit;]


does not provide proof of sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to his country of origin or residence, or for the transit to a third country into which he is certain to be admitted, or is not in a position to acquire such means lawfully;


[F4has already stayed for 90 days during the current 180-day period on the territory of the Member States on the basis of a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity;]


is a person for whom an alert has been issued in the SIS for the purpose of refusing entry;


is considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security or public health as defined in Article 2(19) of the Schengen Borders Code or to the international relations of any of the Member States, in particular where an alert has been issued in Member States’ national databases for the purpose of refusing entry on the same grounds; or


does not provide proof of holding adequate and valid travel medical insurance, where applicable;


(b)if there are reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the supporting documents submitted by the applicant or the veracity of their contents, the reliability of the statements made by the applicant or his intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for.

[F22. A decision on refusal and the reasons on which it is based shall be notified to the applicant by means of the standard form set out in Annex VI in the language of the Member State that has taken the final decision on the application and another official language of the institutions of the Union.]

3.Applicants who have been refused a visa shall have the right to appeal. Appeals shall be conducted against the Member State that has taken the final decision on the application and in accordance with the national law of that Member State. Member States shall provide applicants with information regarding the procedure to be followed in the event of an appeal, as specified in Annex VI.

F34.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.Information on a refused visa shall be entered into the VIS in accordance with Article 12 of the VIS Regulation.

CHAPTER V U.K. Modification of an issued visa

Article 33U.K.Extension

1.The period of validity and/or the duration of stay of an issued visa shall be extended where the competent authority of a Member State considers that a visa holder has provided proof of force majeure or humanitarian reasons preventing him from leaving the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the period of validity of or the duration of stay authorised by the visa. Such an extension shall be granted free of charge.

2.The period of validity and/or the duration of stay of an issued visa may be extended if the visa holder provides proof of serious personal reasons justifying the extension of the period of validity or the duration of stay. A fee of EUR 30 shall be charged for such an extension.

3.Unless otherwise decided by the authority extending the visa, the territorial validity of the extended visa shall remain the same as that of the original visa.

4.The authority competent to extend the visa shall be that of the Member State on whose territory the third-country national is present at the moment of applying for an extension.

5.Member States shall notify to the Commission the authorities competent for extending visas.

6.Extension of visas shall take the form of a visa sticker.

7.Information on an extended visa shall be entered into the VIS in accordance with Article 14 of the VIS Regulation.

Article 34U.K.Annulment and revocation

1.A visa shall be annulled where it becomes evident that the conditions for issuing it were not met at the time when it was issued, in particular if there are serious grounds for believing that the visa was fraudulently obtained. A visa shall in principle be annulled by the competent authorities of the Member State which issued it. A visa may be annulled by the competent authorities of another Member State, in which case the authorities of the Member State that issued the visa shall be informed of such annulment.

2.A visa shall be revoked where it becomes evident that the conditions for issuing it are no longer met. A visa shall in principle be revoked by the competent authorities of the Member State which issued it. A visa may be revoked by the competent authorities of another Member State, in which case the authorities of the Member State that issued the visa shall be informed of such revocation.

3.A visa may be revoked at the request of the visa holder. The competent authorities of the Member States that issued the visa shall be informed of such revocation.

4.Failure of the visa holder to produce, at the border, one or more of the supporting documents referred to in Article 14(3), shall not automatically lead to a decision to annul or revoke the visa.

5.If a visa is annulled or revoked, a stamp stating ‘ANNULLED’ or ‘REVOKED’ shall be affixed to it and the optically variable feature of the visa sticker, the security feature ‘latent image effect’ as well as the term ‘visa’ shall be invalidated by being crossed out.

6.A decision on annulment or revocation of a visa and the reasons on which it is based shall be notified to the applicant by means of the standard form set out in Annex VI.

7.A visa holder whose visa has been annulled or revoked shall have the right to appeal, unless the visa was revoked at his request in accordance with paragraph 3. Appeals shall be conducted against the Member State that has taken the decision on the annulment or revocation and in accordance with the national law of that Member State. Member States shall provide applicants with information regarding the procedure to be followed in the event of an appeal, as specified in Annex VI.

8.Information on an annulled or a revoked visa shall be entered into the VIS in accordance with Article 13 of the VIS Regulation.

CHAPTER VI U.K. Visas issued at the external borders

Article 35U.K.Visas applied for at the external border

1.In exceptional cases, visas may be issued at border crossing points if the following conditions are satisfied:

(a)the applicant fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 5(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the Schengen Borders Code;

(b)the applicant has not been in a position to apply for a visa in advance and submits, if required, supporting documents substantiating unforeseeable and imperative reasons for entry; and

(c)the applicant’s return to his country of origin or residence or transit through States other than Member States fully implementing the Schengen acquis is assessed as certain.

2.Where a visa is applied for at the external border, the requirement that the applicant be in possession of travel medical insurance may be waived when such travel medical insurance is not available at that border crossing point or for humanitarian reasons.

3.A visa issued at the external border shall be a uniform visa, entitling the holder to stay for a maximum duration of 15 days, depending on the purpose and conditions of the intended stay. In the case of transit, the length of the authorised stay shall correspond to the time necessary for the purpose of the transit.

4.Where the conditions laid down in Article 5(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the Schengen Borders Code are not fulfilled, the authorities responsible for issuing the visa at the border may issue a visa with limited territorial validity, in accordance with Article 25(1)(a) of this Regulation, for the territory of the issuing Member State only.

5.A third-country national falling within a category of persons for whom prior consultation is required in accordance with Article 22 shall, in principle, not be issued a visa at the external border.

However, a visa with limited territorial validity for the territory of the issuing Member State may be issued at the external border for such persons in exceptional cases, in accordance with Article 25(1)(a).

6.In addition to the reasons for refusing a visa as provided for in Article 32(1) a visa shall be refused at the border crossing point if the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(b) of this Article are not met.

7.The provisions on justification and notification of refusals and the right of appeal set out in Article 32(3) and Annex VI shall apply.

Article 36U.K.Visas issued to seafarers in transit at the external border

1.A seafarer who is required to be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of the Member States may be issued with a visa for the purpose of transit at the border where:

(a)he fulfils the conditions set out in Article 35(1); and

(b)he is crossing the border in question in order to embark on, re-embark on or disembark from a ship on which he will work or has worked as a seafarer.

F32.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[F12a. The Commission shall by means of implementing acts adopt operational instructions for issuing visas at the border to seafarers. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 52(2).]

3.This Article shall apply without prejudice to Article 35(3), (4) and (5).


[F2Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of  9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the Rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) ( OJ L 77, 23.3.2016, p. 1 ).]


[F2Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council of  11 May 2016 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au pairing ( OJ L 132, 21.5.2016, p. 21 ).]