Commission Regulation (EU) No 1086/2011Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EU) No 1086/2011 of 27 October 2011 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 as regards salmonella in fresh poultry meat (Text with EEA relevance)


Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 is amended as follows:


in Chapter 1, the following Row 1.28 and the corresponding footnotes 20 and 21 are added:


This criterion shall apply to fresh meat from breeding flocks of Gallus gallus, laying hens, broilers and breeding and fattening flocks of turkeys.


As regards monophasic Salmonella typhimurium only 1,4,[5],12:i:- is included.’

‘1.28Fresh poultry meata

Salmonella typhimurium b

Salmonella enteritidis

50Absence in 25 gEN/ISO 6579 (for detection) White-Kaufmann-Le Minor scheme (for serotyping)Products placed on the market during their shelf-life

in Chapter 2, Row 2.1.5 is replaced by the following and the corresponding footnote 10 is added:


Where Salmonella spp. is found, the isolates shall be further serotyped for Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis in order to verify compliance with the microbiological criterion set out in Row 1.28 of Chapter 1.’

‘2.1.5Poultry carcases of broilers and turkeys

Salmonella spp.a50 (5)

7 (6)

From 1.1.2012 c = 5 for broilers

From 1.1.2013 c = 5 for turkeys

Absence in 25 g of a pooled sample of neck skinEN/ISO 6579 (for detection)Carcases after chillingImprovement in slaughter hygiene and review of process controls, origin of animals and biosecurity measures in the farms of origin

in Chapter 3, Section 3.2 is replaced by the following:

3.2. Bacteriological sampling in slaughterhouses and at premises producing minced meat, meat preparations, mechanically separated meat and fresh meat

Sampling rules for carcases of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and horses

The destructive and non-destructive sampling methods, the selection of the sampling sites and the rules for storage and transport of samples to be used are set out in standard ISO 17604.

Five carcases shall be sampled at random during each sampling session. Sample sites must be selected taking into account the slaughter technology used in each plant.

When sampling for analyses of Enterobacteriaceae and aerobic colony counts, four sites of each carcase shall be sampled. Four tissue samples representing a total of 20 cm2 shall be obtained by the destructive method. When using the non-destructive method for this purpose, the sampling area shall cover a minimum of 100 cm2 (50 cm2 for small ruminant carcases) per sampling site.

When sampling for salmonella analyses, an abrasive sponge sampling method shall be used. Areas most likely to be contaminated shall be selected. The total sampling area shall cover a minimum of 400 cm2.

When samples are taken from the different sampling sites on the carcase, they shall be pooled before examination.

Sampling rules for poultry carcases and fresh poultry meat

Slaughterhouses shall sample whole poultry carcases with neck skin for salmonella analyses. Other establishments processing fresh poultry meat shall take samples for salmonella analysis giving priority to whole poultry carcases with neck skin, if available, but ensuring that also chicken portions with skin and/or chicken portions without skin or with only a small amount of skin are covered, and that choice shall be risk-based.

Slaughterhouses shall include in their sampling plans poultry carcases from flocks with an unknown salmonella status or with a status known to be positive for Salmonella enteritidis or Salmonella typhimurium.

When testing against the process hygiene criterion set out in Row 2.1.5 of Chapter 2 for salmonella in poultry carcases in slaughterhouses, neck skins from a minimum of 15 poultry carcases shall be sampled at random after chilling during each sampling session. A piece of approximately 10 g from neck skin shall be obtained from each poultry carcase. On each occasion the neck skin samples from three poultry carcases from the same flock of origin shall be pooled before examination in order to form 5 x 25 g final samples. These samples shall also be used to verify the compliance with the food safety criterion set out in Row 1.28 of Chapter 1.

For the salmonella analyses for fresh poultry meat other than poultry carcases, five samples of at least 25 g of the same batch shall be collected. The sample taken from chicken portions with skin shall contain skin and a thin surface muscle slice in case the amount of skin is not sufficient to form a sample unit. The sample taken from chicken portions without skin or with only a small amount of skin shall contain a thin surface muscle slice or slices added to any skin present to make a sufficient sample unit. The slices of meat shall be taken in a way that includes as much as possible of the surface of the meat.

Guidelines for sampling

More detailed guidelines on the sampling of carcases, in particular concerning the sampling sites, may be included in the guides to good practice referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004.

Sampling frequencies for carcases, minced meat, meat preparations, mechanically separated meat and fresh poultry meat

The food business operators of slaughterhouses or establishments producing minced meat, meat preparations, mechanically separated meat or fresh poultry meat shall take samples for microbiological analysis at least once a week. The day of sampling shall be changed each week to ensure that each day of the week is covered.

As regards the sampling of minced meat and meat preparations for E. coli and aerobic colony count analyses and the sampling of carcases for Enterobacteriaceae and aerobic colony count analyses, the frequency may be reduced to fortnightly testing if satisfactory results are obtained for six consecutive weeks.

In the case of sampling for salmonella analyses of minced meat, meat preparations, carcases and fresh poultry meat, the frequency may be reduced to fortnightly if satisfactory results have been obtained for 30 consecutive weeks. The salmonella sampling frequency may also be reduced if there is a national or regional salmonella control programme in place and if this programme includes testing that replaces the sampling laid down in this paragraph. The sampling frequency may be further reduced if the national or regional salmonella control programme demonstrates that the salmonella prevalence is low in animals purchased by the slaughterhouse.

However, when justified on the basis of a risk analysis and consequently authorised by the competent authority, small slaughterhouses and establishments producing minced meat, meat preparations and fresh poultry meat in small quantities may be exempted from these sampling frequencies.