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7.1. General requirements U.K.
Measures to ensure conformity of production shall be taken in accordance with Article 12 of Directive 2007/46/EC. Conformity of production shall be checked on the basis of the description in the type-approval certificates set out in Appendix 4 to this Annex. In applying Appendices 1, 2 or 3, the measured emission of the gaseous and particulate pollutants from engines subject to checking for conformity of production shall be adjusted by application of the appropriate deterioration factors (DF’s) for that engine as recorded in the Addendum to the EC type-approval certificate granted in accordance with this Regulation.
The provisions of Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC shall be applicable where the approval authorities are not satisfied with the auditing procedure of the manufacturer.
All engines subject to tests shall be randomly taken from the series production.
7.2. Emissions of pollutants U.K.
7.2.1.If emissions of pollutants are to be measured and an engine type-approval has had one or more extensions, the tests shall be carried out on the engines described in the information package relating to the relevant extension.U.K.
7.2.2.Conformity of the engine subjected to a pollutant test:U.K.
After submission of the engine to the authorities, the manufacturer may not carry out any adjustment to the engines selected. engines shall be taken from the series production of the engines under consideration. Engines shall be subjected to testing on the WHTC, and on the WHSC if applicable, for the checking of the production conformity. The limit values shall be those set out in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 595/2009.U.K. the approval authority is satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 1 to this Annex.U.K.
Where the approval authority is not satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 2 to this Annex.
At the manufacturer’s request, the tests may be carried out in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Annex. the basis of tests of the engine by sampling as set out in point, the series production of the engines under consideration is regarded as conforming where a pass decision is reached for all the pollutants and as non-conforming where a fail decision is reached for one pollutant, in accordance with the test criteria applied in the appropriate Appendix.U.K.
When a pass decision has been reached for one pollutant, this decision may not be changed as a consequence of a result from any additional tests made in order to reach a decision for the other pollutants.
If a pass decision is not reached for all the pollutants and if no fail decision is reached for any pollutant, a test is carried out on another engine (see Figure 1).
If no decision is reached, the manufacturer may at any time decide to stop testing. In that case a fail decision is recorded.
Figure 1
Schematic of production conformity testing

7.2.3.The tests shall be carried out on newly manufactured engines.U.K. the request of the manufacturer, the tests may be carried out on engines which have been run-in up to a maximum of 125 hours. In this case, the running-in procedure shall be conducted by the manufacturer who shall undertake not to make any adjustments to those engines.U.K. the manufacturer requests to conduct a running-in procedure in accordance with point, it may be carried out on either of the following:U.K.
all the engines that are tested;
the first engine tested, with the determination of an evolution coefficient as follows:
the pollutant emissions shall be measured both on the newly manufactured engine and before the maximum of 125 hours set in point on the first engine tested;
the evolution coefficient of the emissions between the two tests shall be calculated for each pollutant:
The subsequent test engines shall not be subjected to the running-in procedure, but their emissions when newly manufactured shall be modified by the evolution coefficient.
In this case, the values to be taken shall be the following:
for the first engine, the values from the second test;
for the other engines, the values when newly manufactured multiplied by the evolution coefficient.
[ For diesel, ethanol (ED95), petrol, E85, LNG 20 , LNG and LPG fuelled engines, including dual-fuel engines, all those tests may be conducted with the applicable market fuels. However, at the manufacturer’s request, the reference fuels specified in Annex IX may be used. This implies tests, as described in Section 1 of this Annex, with at least two of the reference fuels for each LPG or LNG engine, including dual-fuel engines. U.K. For CNG engines, including dual-fuel engines, all those tests may be conducted with market fuel in the following way: U.K.
for H marked engines with a market fuel within the H-range (0,89 ≤ S λ ≤ 1,00);
for L marked engines with a market fuel within the L-range (1,00 ≤ S λ ≤ 1,19);
for HL marked engines with a market fuel within the extreme range of the λ-shift factor (0,89 ≤ S λ ≤ 1,19).
However, at the manufacturer’s request, the reference fuels specified in Annex IX may be used. This implies tests as described in Section 1 of this Annex. Non-compliance of gas and dual-fuel engines U.K.
In the case of a dispute caused by the non-compliance of gas fuelled engines, including dual-fuel engines, when using a market fuel, the tests shall be performed with each reference fuel on which the parent engine has been tested, and with the possible additional third fuel as referred to in points and on which the parent engine may have been tested. Where applicable, the result shall be converted by a calculation applying the relevant factors ‘r’, ‘r a ’ or ‘r b ’ as described in points 1.1.5, and If r, ra or rb are less than 1, no correction shall take place. The measured results and, where applicable, the calculated results shall demonstrate that the engine meets the limit values with all relevant fuels (for example, fuels 1, 2 and fuel 3 in the case of natural gas engines and fuels A and B in the case of LPG engines). Tests for conformity of production of a gas fuelled engine laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition in accordance with Section 1.2.2 of this Annex shall be performed on the fuel for which the engine has been calibrated.] U.K.
7.3. On-board diagnostics (OBD) U.K.
[7.3.1. When the approval authority determines that the quality of production seems unsatisfactory, it may request a verification of the conformity of production of the OBD system. Such verification shall be carried out in accordance with the following: U.K.
An engine shall be randomly taken from series production and subjected to the tests described in Annex 9B to UNECE Regulation No 49. A dual-fuel engine shall be operated in dual-fuel mode and, where applicable, in diesel mode. The tests may be carried out on an engine that has been run-in up to a maximum of 125 hours.
7.3.2. The production is deemed to be in conformity if this engine complies with the requirements of the tests prescribed in Annex 9B to UNECE Regulation No 49 and, in the case of dual-fuel engines, complies with the additional requirements set out in paragraph 7 of Annex 15 to UNECE Regulation No 49. U.K.
7.3.3. If the engine taken from the series production does not comply with the requirements set out in point 7.3.2, a further random sample of four engines shall be taken from the series production and subjected to the tests referred to in point 7.3.1.] U.K.
7.3.4.The production is deemed to conform if at least three engines out of the further random sample of four engines meet the requirements of the tests described in Annex 9B to UN/ECE Regulation No 49.U.K.
7.4. ECU information required for in-service testing U.K.
7.4.1.The availability of the data stream information requested in point 5.2.1 according to the requirements of point 5.2.2 shall be demonstrated by using an external OBD scan-tool as described in Annex X.U.K.
7.4.2.In the case where this information cannot be retrieved in a proper manner while the scan-tool is working properly according to Annex X, the engine shall be considered as non-compliant.U.K.
7.4.3.The conformity of the ECU torque signal with the requirements of points 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 shall be demonstrated by performing the WHSC test according to Annex III.U.K.
[7.4.4. In the case where the test equipment does not comply with the requirements specified in Annex XIV concerning auxiliaries, the measured torque shall be corrected in accordance with the correction method set out in Annex 4 to UNECE Regulation No 49.] U.K.
7.4.5.The conformity of the ECU torque signal shall be considered sufficient if the calculated torque remains within the tolerances specified in point 5.2.5.U.K.
7.4.6.The availability and conformity checks of the ECU information required for in-service testing shall be performed by the manufacturer on a regular basis on each produced engine type within each produced engine family.U.K.
7.4.7.The results of the manufacturer’s survey shall be made available to the approval authority at its request.U.K.
7.4.8.At the request of the approval authority, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the availability or the conformity of the ECU information in serial production by performing the appropriate testing referred to in points 7.4.1 to 7.4.4 on a sample of engines selected from the same engine type. The sampling rules including sampling size and statistical pass-fail criteria shall be those specified in this Annex for checking the conformity of emissions.U.K.