Appendix 5
Assessment of the in-use performance of the on-board diagnostic system during the phase-in period U.K.
1.1.This Appendix specifies the process to be followed for the in-use performance assessment of the OBD system as regards the provisions set out in Section 6 during the phase-in period set out in Article 4(7).U.K.
2.1.The in-use performance assessment during the phase-in period set out in Article 4(7) shall consist of a survey programme including at least two in-use performance surveys, each of 9 months duration. These two surveys shall be completed not later than by 1 July 2015.U.K.
2.2.Each manufacturer’s first survey shall start when the first complete or completed vehicle fitted with an engine produced by that manufacturer and type-approved according to this Regulation is put into service.U.K.
2.3.The surveys shall be organised and conducted by each manufacturer, in close cooperation with the approval authority that granted the type-approval of the vehicles or engines concerned.U.K.
2.4. Data Handling During the Phase-In Period set out in Article 4(7) U.K.
2.4.1.In order to achieve the aim of the phase-in period set out in Article 4(7) with respect to improvements in the assessment of the OBD in-use performance requirements set out in Appendix 4 of this Annex, manufacturers shall provide approval authorities and the Commission with following information:U.K.
the IUPR data that manufacturers are required to supply in accordance with Section 6 of this Appendix;
additional OBD information that manufacturers are required to supply by this Regulation and that may or may not be considered to be confidential;
additional data provided voluntarily by the manufacturer as an aid to achieving the aim of the phase-in period, and which may be considered to be commercially sensitive by the manufacturer.
2.4.2.The passing of information considered confidential or commercially sensitive under the terms of this Regulation falling into the category referred to in points (b) or (c) of Section 2.4.1 to third parties other than those mentioned in Section 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 shall be subject to the manufacturer’s agreement.U.K.
2.4.3.Examples of the kinds of aspects of the complementary data within the category defined in point (c) of Section 2.4.1 that might reasonably be thought to be commercially sensitive include the following:U.K.
information that would permit the identity of either the vehicle or engine manufacturer, or of the vehicle operator, to be determined or to be inferred with reasonable confidence;
information on measurement techniques that are under development.
2.5.Section 2.4 of Appendix 4 shall apply to the problems posed by faulty or non-conformant communication interfaces.U.K.
2.6.Engines or vehicles where the collection of in-use performance data influences the OBD monitoring performance shall be considered to be non-compliant.U.K.
3.1.The OBD in-use performance data to be considered for assessing the conformity of an OBD engine family shall be those recorded by the OBD system in accordance with Section 6 of Annex 9C to UN/ECE Regulation No 49, and made available in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of that Annex.U.K.
4.1. Engine selection U.K.
4.1.1.In each of the two surveys required by Section 2.1 only one engine family and one OBD engine family shall be considered.U.K.
4.1.2.If before 1 July 2015 a manufacturer has placed more than one engine family or OBD engine family on the market, the two surveys shall cover different engine families or OBD engine families, respectively.U.K.
4.1.3.One of the surveys undertaken shall be performed using vehicles equipped with engines belonging to the engine family with the highest sales volume reasonably expected after 31 December 2013, considering information provided by the manufacturer.U.K.
4.1.4.Engines of a single engine family or OBD engine family may continue to be included in the same survey even if the monitoring systems with which they are equipped are of different generations or modification states.U.K.
4.2. Vehicle selection U.K.
4.2.1.The vehicle selection rules shall be those defined in Section 4.2 of Appendix 4 to this Annex.U.K.
5.1. Collection of in-use performance data U.K.
5.1.1.The rules concerning the collection of in-use performance data shall be those specified in Section 5.1 of Appendix 4.U.K.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1.2 of Appendix 4, the results from the group of monitors under evaluation shall be disregarded if a minimum value of 25 for its denominator has not been reached unless disregarding the data would result in there being fewer than 10 vehicles considered for the sampling in the survey during the 9 month survey duration.
5.2. Assessment of the in-use performance U.K.
5.2.1.An assessment of the in-use performance shall be made for each group of monitors within the OBD engine family considered in a vehicle segment.U.K.
5.2.2.The actual performance ratio per group of monitors for an individual engine (IUPRg) shall be calculated from the numeratorg and denominatorg retrieved from the OBD system of the vehicle in which it is fitted.U.K.
5.2.3.The assessment of the in-use performance of the OBD engine family shall be made for each group of monitors within the OBD engine family considered in a vehicle segment in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.5.1 of this AnnexU.K.
5.2.4.If any of the conditions mentioned in Section 6.5.1 of this Annex is not met, this shall be reported to the approval authority together with the manufacturer’s assessment of the reason for this situation arising and, if applicable, a plan of the work that the manufacturer will undertake with the aim of correcting the issue at latest for all vehicles registered for the first time in the Union after the end of the phase-in period.U.K.
For each survey performed in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix, the manufacturer shall provide the approval authority and the Commission with a report on the in-use performance of the OBD engine family that contains the following information:
The list of the engine families and OBD engine families considered for the survey.
Information concerning the vehicles considered in the survey including the following:
the total number of vehicles considered in the survey;
the number and the type of vehicle segments;
the VIN, and a short description (type-variant-version) of each vehicle;
the segment to which an individual vehicle belongs;
the usual type of duty or mode of operation of each individual vehicle;
the accumulated mileage of each individual vehicle and/or the accumulated operating hours of its engine.
In-use performance information for each vehicle including the following:
the numeratorg, denominatorg, and in-use performance ratio (IUPRg) for each group of monitors;
the general denominator, the value of the ignition cycle counter, the total engine running hours.