Commission Regulation (EU) No 1230/2012Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Regulation (EU) No 1230/2012 of 12 December 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to type-approval requirements for masses and dimensions of motor vehicles and their trailers and amending Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

PART C Vehicles of category N2 and N3

1. Maximum authorised dimensions

1.1.The dimensions shall not exceed the following values:


Length: 12,00 m.




2,55 m for any vehicle;


2,60 m for vehicles fitted with a bodywork with insulated walls of at least 45 mm thick, as referred to in Appendix 2 to Annex II to Directive 2007/46/EC;


Height: 4,00 m

1.2.For the purposes of measurement of the length, width and height, the vehicle shall be at its mass in running order, placed on a horizontal and flat surface with tyres inflated at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer.

1.3.Only the devices and equipment referred to in Appendix 1 of this Annex shall not be taken into account for the determination of the length, width and height.

2. Mass distribution for vehicles fitted with bodywork

2.1.Calculation procedure



technically permissible maximum laden mass;


technically permissible maximum towable mass;


technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination;


the technically permissible maximum mass on the solo axle designated ‘i’, where i varies from 1 to the total number of axles of the vehicle;


technically permissible maximum mass at the coupling point;


the technically permissible maximum mass on the group of axles designated ‘j’, where j varies from 1 to the total number of groups of axles.

2.1.1.Suitable calculations shall be carried out in order to make sure that the requirements set out in points 2.2 and 2.3 are fulfilled for each technical configuration within the type.
2.1.2.In the case of vehicles fitted with loadable axles, the calculations required under points 2.2 and 2.3 shall be carried out with the suspension of loadable axles in the normal running configuration.
2.1.3.In the case of vehicles fitted with lift axles, the calculations required under points 2.2 and 2.3 shall be carried out with the axles lowered.

2.2.General requirements

2.2.1.The sum of the technically permissible maximum mass on the solo axles plus the sum of the technically permissible maximum mass on the groups of axles shall not be less than the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle.
2.2.2.For each group of axles designated ‘j’, the sum of the technically permissible maximum mass on its axles shall not be less than the technically permissible maximum mass on the group of axles.

In addition, each of the masses mi shall not be less than the part of μj applying on the axle ‘i’ as determined by the mass distribution for that group of axles.

2.3.Specific requirements

2.3.1.The mass of the vehicle in running order, plus the mass of the optional equipment plus the mass of the passengers, plus the mass of the coupling if not included in the mass in running order plus the technically permissible maximum mass at the coupling point shall not exceed the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle.
2.3.2.Where the vehicle is laden to its technically permissible maximum laden mass, the mass distributed on an axle ‘i’ shall not exceed the mass mi on that axle, and the mass on the group of axles ‘j’ shall not exceed the mass μj.
2.3.3.The requirements of point 2.3.2 shall be complied with in the following load configurations:

Uniform distribution of the pay-mass:

the vehicle shall be at its mass in running order plus the mass of the optional equipment plus the mass of the passengers located at the seating reference points, plus the mass of the coupling (if not included in the mass in running order), plus the maximum permissible mass at the coupling point, plus the pay-mass being distributed uniformly on the cargo area.

Non-uniform distribution of pay-mass:

the vehicle shall be at its mass in running order plus the mass of the optional equipment plus the mass of the passengers located at the seating reference points, plus the mass of the coupling (if not included in the mass in running order), plus the maximum permissible mass at the coupling point, plus the pay-mass located in accordance with the manufacturers specifications.

For such purposes the manufacturer shall state the extreme permissible possible positions of the centre of gravity of the pay-mass and/or body and/or equipment or interior fittings (for instance: from 0,50 m to 1,30 m in front of the first rear axle).

Combination of uniform and non-uniform distribution:

The requirements of points and shall be fulfilled simultaneously.

Example, a tipper lorry (distributed load) equipped with an additional crane (localised load).

Mass transferred by the fifth wheel coupling (tractor unit for semi-trailer):

the vehicle shall be at its mass in running order plus the mass of the optional equipment plus the mass of the passengers located at the seating reference points, plus the mass of the coupling if not included in the mass in running order, plus the maximum permissible mass at the fifth wheel coupling point located in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications (minimum and maximum fifth-wheel lead).

The requirements of points shall always be fulfilled where the vehicle is fitted with a flat cargo area.

2.3.4.Where the vehicle is laden to its technically permissible maximum laden mass, plus the mass of the coupling if not included in the mass in running order, plus the maximum permissible mass at the coupling point in such a way that the maximum permissible maximum mass on the rear group of axle (μ) or the maximum permissible maximum on the rear axle (m) is reached, the mass on the front steering axle(s) shall not be less than 20 % of the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle.
2.3.5.As regards special purposes vehicles of category N2 and N3, the technical service shall check compliance with the requirements of Section 2 in agreement with the manufacturer, taking into account the specific design of the vehicle (for example, mobile cranes).

3. Towing capacity

3.1.The technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination shall not exceed the sum of the technically permissible maximum laden mass plus the technically permissible maximum towable mass.

4. Hill-starting ability and gradeability

4.1.Vehicles designed to tow a trailer and laden to their technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination shall be capable of starting five times within five minutes at an up-hill gradient of at least 12 %.

4.2.As regard gradeability, off road vehicles shall be tested against the technical requirements of Annex II.

4.2.1.The requirements of Section 5 of Appendix 1 to Annex II to Directive 2007/46/EC shall also apply.

5. Engine power

5.1.Vehicles shall provide an engine power output of at least 5 kW per tonne of the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination.

5.1.1.In the case of a road tractor, or a tractor unit for semi-trailer intended for the transport of indivisible loads, the engine power shall be at least 2 kW per tonne of the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination.

5.2.The engine power shall be measured of in accordance with Directive 80/1269/EEC or UNECE Regulation No 85.

6. Manoeuvrability

6.1.The vehicle shall be capable of manoeuvring on either side of a complete trajectory of 360° as shown in Figure 1 of Appendix 3 to this Annex without any of the vehicle’s outermost points protruding beyond the outer circle or intruding inside the inner circle as the case may be.

6.1.1.The test shall be conducted with the vehicle in both the unladen conditions (i.e. at its mass in running order) and loaded to its technically maximum permissible laden mass.

6.1.2.For the purposes of point 6.1, the parts permitted to protrude beyond the vehicle width referred to in Appendix 1 to this Annex shall not be taken into account.

6.2.For vehicles fitted with axle-lift devices, the requirement of point 6.1 shall also apply with the lift axle(s) in the lifted position and where the loadable axle(s) is in service.

6.3.The requirements of point 6.1 shall be verified as follows


The vehicle shall manoeuvre inside an area defined by two concentric circles, the outer circle having a radius of 12,50 m and the inner circle having a radius of 5,30 m


The outermost front point of the motor vehicle shall be guided along the contour of the outer circle (see Figure 1 of Appendix 3 to this Annex)

7. Maximum rear swing-out

7.1.The vehicle shall be tested in accordance with the steady-state test method described in point 7.1.1.

7.1.1.Steady-state test method vehicle shall be stationary and shall have its front steered wheels so directed that if the vehicle moves, its outermost point would describe a circle of 12,50 m radius.

A vertical plane tangential to the side of the vehicle and facing outwards from the circle shall be established by marking a line on the ground.

The vehicle shall move forward such as the front outermost point follows the contour of the outer circle of 12,50 m radius.

7.2.The maximum rear swing-out shall not exceed: (see Figure 3 of Appendix 3 to this Annex)


0,80 m;


1,00 m where the vehicle if fitted with an axle-lift device and the axle is cleared off the ground;


1,00 m where the rearmost axle is a steered axle.