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Council Regulation (EU) No 44/2012

of 17 January 2012

fixing for 2012 the fishing opportunities available in EU waters and, to EU vessels, in certain non-EU waters for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are subject to international negotiations or agreements


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 43(3) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


(1) Article 43(3) of the Treaty provides that the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, is to adopt measures on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities.

(2) Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy(1) requires that Union measures governing access to waters and resources and the sustainable pursuit of fishing activities be established taking into account available scientific, technical and economic advice and in particular reports drawn up by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), as well as in the light of any advice received from Regional Advisory Councils.

(3) It is incumbent upon the Council to adopt measures on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities by fishery or by group of fisheries, including certain conditions functionally linked thereto, as appropriate. Fishing opportunities should be distributed among Member States in such a way as to assure each Member State relative stability of fishing activities for each stock or fishery and having due regard to the objectives of the common fisheries policy established in Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.

(4) In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation relating to revising quotas for capelin available to the Union in Greenland waters of ICES subareas V and XIV under the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Greenland, powers should be conferred on the Commission.

(5) In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of catch limits for certain stocks of short-lived species, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission relating to revising the TAC in the light of scientific information collected during the first half of 2012. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by the Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers(2).

(6) The Commission should adopt immediately applicable implementing acts relating to revising the TAC of these stocks of short-lived species where, in duly justified cases relating to the need for the Union to comply with its international obligations, imperative grounds of urgency so require.

(7) Certain TACs allow Member States to grant additional allocations for vessels participating in trials on fully documented fisheries. The aim of those trials is to test a catch-quota system to avoid discards and the waste of otherwise usable fish resources it entails. Uncontrolled discards of fish are a threat to the long term sustainability of fish as a public good and thus to the common fisheries policy objectives. By contrast, catch-quota systems inherently present the fishers with an incentive to optimise the catch selectivity of their operations. In order to achieve a rational management of discards, a fully documented fishery should cover every operation at sea, rather than what is landed at port. The conditions for Member States to grant such additional allocations should therefore include an obligation to ensure the use of close circuit television cameras (CCTV) associated to a system of sensors. This should enable to record in detail all retained and discarded parts of catches. A system based on human observers operating in real time on board would be less efficient, more costly, and less reliable. Consequently, the use of CCTV is at this time a prerequisite for the achievement of discard reduction schemes such as fully documented fisheries, provided that the requirements of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data(3) are complied with.

(8) The TACs should be established on the basis of available scientific advice, taking into account biological and socio-economic aspects whilst ensuring fair treatment between fishing sectors, as well as in the light of the opinions expressed during the consultation of stakeholders, in particular at the meetings with the Advisory Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Regional Advisory Councils concerned.

(9) For stocks subject to specific multiannual plans, the TACs should be established in accordance with the rules laid down in those plans. Consequently, the TACs for stocks of sole in the North Sea, of plaice in the North Sea, of cod in the North Sea, Skagerrak and the eastern Channel, and of bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean should be established in accordance with the rules laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 676/2007 of 11 June 2007 establishing a multiannual plan for fisheries exploiting stocks of plaice and sole in the North Sea(4); Council Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 of 18 December 2008 establishing a long-term plan for cod stocks and the fisheries exploiting those stocks(5) (the ‘Cod Plan’); and Council Regulation (EC) No 302/2009 of 6 April 2009 concerning a multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean(6).

(10) For stocks for which there is no sufficient or reliable data in order to provide size estimates, management measures and TAC levels should follow the precautionary approach to fisheries management as defined in point (i) of Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, while taking into account stock-specific factors, including, in particular, available information on stock trends and mixed fisheries considerations.

(11) In accordance with Article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No 847/96 of 6 May 1996 introducing additional conditions for year-to-year management of TACs and quotas(7), the stocks that are subject to the various measures referred to therein should be identified.

(12) It is necessary to establish the fishing effort ceilings for 2012 in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008, Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 676/2007 and Articles 5 and 9 of Regulation (EC) No 302/2009, while taking into account Council Regulation (EC) No 754/2009 of 27 July 2009 excluding certain groups of vessels from the fishing effort regime laid down in Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008(8).

(13) It is appropriate, following advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), to maintain and revise a system to manage sandeel in EU waters of ICES divisions IIa and IIIa and ICES subarea IV.

(14) For certain species, such as certain species of sharks, even a limited fishing activity could result in a serious risk to their conservation. Fishing opportunities for such species should therefore be fully restricted through a general prohibition on fishing those species.

(15) Norway lobster is caught in mixed demersal fisheries together with various other species. In a zone to the west of Ireland, known as the Porcupine Bank, scientific advice has recommended that catches of this species do not increase in 2012. In order to help continue the recovery of the stock, it is appropriate to keep fishing opportunities confined, in a certain part of that zone and in certain periods, to the catching of pelagic species with which Norway lobster is not caught.

(16) In accordance with the procedure provided for in the agreements or protocols on fisheries relations with Norway(9), the Faroe Islands(10), Greenland(11) and Iceland(12), the Union has held consultations on fishing rights with those partners. The consultations with the Faroe Islands have not been finalised and the arrangements for 2012 with that partner are expected to be concluded in early 2012. Similarly, consultations with Iceland will continue in 2012. In order to avoid interruption of Union fishing activities whilst allowing for the necessary flexibility for the conclusion of those arrangements in 2012, it is appropriate for the Union to establish on a provisional basis the fishing opportunities for stocks subject to the agreements with Iceland and/or the Faroe Islands.

(17) In accordance with the consultations between coastal states on the management of mackerel, blue whiting, Atlanto-Scandian herring and North Sea haddock, the Union may authorise fishing by EU vessels of up to 10 % beyond the quota available to the Union, provided that any quantities fished beyond the quota available to the Union would be deducted from its quota in 2013. Similarly, the Union may use in 2013 any unused quantities up to 10 % of the quota available to it in 2012. It is appropriate to enable such flexibility in the management of those fishing opportunities to the Member States concerned, in particular by allowing the Member States concerned to opt for the use of a flexibility quota.

(18) The Union fisheries for cod in EU and international waters of ICES zones I and IIB have traditionally entailed by-catches of haddock. It is therefore necessary to fix haddock by-catch limits for those fisheries that are in line with historical levels.

(19) The Union is a contracting party to several fisheries organisations and participates in other organisations as a cooperating non-party. Moreover, by virtue of the 2003 Act of Accession, fisheries agreements previously concluded by the Republic of Poland, such as the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock resources in the central Bering Sea, are as from the date of accession of Poland managed by the Union. Those fisheries organisations have recommended the introduction for 2012 of a number of measures, including fishing opportunities for EU vessels. Those fishing opportunities should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(20) At its 33rd Annual Meeting in 2011, the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) adopted a number of fishing opportunities for 2012 of certain stocks in Subareas 1-4 of the NAFO Convention Area. Those fishing opportunities, which consist of certain TACs and, in the case of shrimp in fishery Division 3M, an effort allocation scheme, should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(21) At its 82nd Annual Meeting in 2011, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) adopted conservation measures for yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna and skipjack tuna. IATTC also adopted a resolution on the conservation of oceanic whitetip sharks. Those measures should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(22) At its Annual Meeting in 2011, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) adopted the compliance tables fixing the adjusted quotas and indicating the under-utilisation and over-utilisation of the fishing opportunities of the ICCAT contracting parties. In that context, ICCAT recognised that, during the year 2010, the Union had under-exploited its quota for Northern and Southern swordfish, bigeye tuna and Northern albacore. In order to respect the adjustments to the Union quotas established by ICCAT, it is necessary to carry out the distribution of the fishing opportunities arising from this under-utilisation on the basis of the respective contribution of each Member State towards the under-utilisation without any modification of the distribution key established in this Regulation concerning the annual allocation of TACs. Furthermore, as a result of the same annual meeting, the rebuilding plan for blue and white marlins was amended, the Union quota for blue marlin decreased, the Union quota for white marlin slightly increased, and an ICCAT recommendation was adopted on the conservation of silky sharks. Those measures should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(23) At its Annual Meeting in 2011, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) did not modify its measures regarding fishing opportunities as currently implemented in the law of the Union. The currently applicable measures adopted by the IOTC should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(24) During the Third International Meeting, held in May 2007, for the creation of a Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) in the high seas of the South Pacific (SPRFMO), the participants adopted interim measures, including fishing opportunities, in order to regulate pelagic fishing activities as well as bottom fisheries in that area until the establishment of such RFMO. Those interim measures were revised at the 2nd Preparatory Conference for the SPRFMO Commission held in January 2011 and will be revised again at the 3rd Preparatory Conference for the SPRFMO Commission to be held from 30 January to 3 February 2012. Those interim measures are voluntary and not legally binding under international law. It is however appropriate, in accordance with the cooperation and conservation obligations enshrined in the International Law of the Sea, to implement those measures in the law of the Union by establishing an overall quota for the Union and an allocation among the Member States concerned.

(25) At its Annual Meeting in 2011, the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) did not modify the total allowable catches for Patagonian toothfish, orange roughy, alfonsinos and deep-sea red crab agreed for 2011 and 2012 at its Annual Meeting in 2010. The currently applicable measures adopted by the SEAFO should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(26) In the light of the most recent scientific advice from ICES and in accordance with the international commitments in the context of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Convention (NEAFC), it is necessary to limit the fishing effort on certain deep-sea species.

(27) The 8th Annual Meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in 2011 has been postponed until 2012. However, it is appropriate that the currently applicable conservation and management measures remain in place until that Annual Meeting is held.

(28) At its Annual Meeting in 2011, the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock resources in the central Bering Sea did not modify its measures regarding fishing opportunities. The currently applicable measures should be implemented in the law of the Union.

(29) Certain international measures which create or restrict fishing opportunities for the Union are adopted by the relevant RFMOs at the end of the year and become applicable before the entry into force of this Regulation. It is therefore necessary for the provisions that implement such measures in the law of the Union to apply retroactively. In particular, since the fishing season in CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) Convention Area runs from 1 December to 30 November, and thus certain fishing opportunities or prohibitions in the CCAMLR Convention Area are laid down for a period of time starting from 1 December 2011, it is appropriate that the relevant provisions of this Regulation apply from that date. Such retroactive application will be without prejudice to the principle of legitimate expectations as CCAMLR members are forbidden to fish in the CCAMLR Convention Area without authorisation.

(30) On 16 December 2011 the Union made a declaration with respect to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (‘Venezuela’) on the granting of fishing opportunities in EU waters to fishing vessels flying the flag of Venezuela in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the coast of French Guyana. It is necessary to fix the fishing opportunities for snappers available to Venezuela in EU waters.

(31) The use of fishing opportunities available to EU vessels set out in this Regulation is subject to Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy(13), and in particular to Articles 33 and 34 thereof concerning the recording of catches and fishing effort and the notification of data on the exhaustion of fishing opportunities. It is therefore necessary to specify the codes to be used by Member States when sending data to the Commission relating to landings of stocks subject to this Regulation.

(32) In order to avoid the interruption of fishing activities and to ensure the livelihood of the fishermen of the Union, this Regulation should apply from 1 January 2012, except for the provisions concerning fishing effort limits, which should apply from 1 February 2012, and specific provisions in particular regions, which should have a specific date of application as indicated in recital 29. For reasons of urgency, this Regulation should enter into force immediately after its publication.

(33) Fishing opportunities should be used in full compliance with the applicable law of the Union,



Article 1U.K.Subject matter

1.This Regulation fixes fishing opportunities available in EU waters and, to EU vessels, in certain non-EU waters for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are subject to international negotiations or agreements.

2.The fishing opportunities referred to in paragraph 1 shall include:

(a)catch limits for the year 2012;

(b)fishing effort limits for the period from 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013;

(c)fishing opportunities for the period from 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012 for certain stocks in the CCAMLR Convention Area; and

(d)fishing opportunities for the periods set out in Article 27 for certain stocks in the IATTC Convention Area.

3.This Regulation also fixes provisional fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are subject to fisheries consultations with third countries. The definitive fishing opportunities shall be fixed upon conclusion of those consultations in accordance with the Treaty.

4.Certain fishing opportunities identified in Annex I remain unallocated and may not be fished by the Member States until definitive fishing opportunities have been established in accordance with paragraph 3.

Article 2U.K.Scope

This Regulation shall apply to:


EU vessels; and


third-country vessels in EU waters.

Article 3U.K.Definitions

For the purpose of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply:


‘EU vessel’ means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State and registered in the Union;


‘third-country vessel’ means a fishing vessel flying the flag of, and registered in, a third country;


‘EU waters’ means waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States with the exception of waters adjacent to the overseas countries and territories listed in Annex II to the Treaty;


‘total allowable catch’ (TAC) means the quantity that can be taken and landed from each fish stock each year;


‘quota’ means a proportion of the TAC allocated to the Union, a Member State or a third country;


‘international waters’ means waters falling outside the sovereignty or jurisdiction of any State;


‘mesh size’ means the mesh size of fishing nets as determined in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 517/2008(14).

Article 4U.K.Fishing zones

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following zone definitions shall apply:


ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) zones are the geographical areas specified in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 218/2009(15);


‘Skagerrak’ means the geographical area bounded on the west by a line drawn from the Hanstholm lighthouse to the Lindesnes lighthouse and on the south by a line drawn from the Skagen lighthouse to the Tistlarna lighthouse and from this point to the nearest point on the Swedish coast;


‘Kattegat’ means the geographical area bounded on the north by a line drawn from the Skagen lighthouse to the Tistlarna lighthouse and from this point to the nearest point on the Swedish coast and on the south by a line drawn from Hasenøre to Gnibens Spids, from Korshage to Spodsbjerg and from Gilbjerg Hoved to Kullen;


CECAF (Committee for Eastern Central Atlantic Fisheries) zones are the geographical areas specified in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 216/2009(16);


NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) zones are the geographical areas specified in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 217/2009(17);


‘SEAFO (South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South-East Atlantic Ocean(18);


‘ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas(19);


‘CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in point (a) of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 601/2004(20);


‘IATTC (Inter American Tropical Tuna Commission) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in the Convention for the Strengthening of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission established by the 1949 Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica(21);


‘IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in the Agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission(22);


‘SPRFMO (South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation) Convention Area’ is the high seas geographical area south of 10° N, north of the CCAMLR Convention Area, east of the SIOFA Convention Area as defined in the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement(23), and west of the areas of fisheries jurisdictions of South American States;


‘the WCPFC (Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission) Convention Area’ is the geographical area defined in the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean(24);


‘high seas of the Bering Sea’ is the geographical area of the high seas of the Bering Sea beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of the coastal States of the Bering Sea is measured.


CHAPTER I U.K. General provisions

Article 5U.K.TACs and allocations

1.The TACs for EU vessels in EU waters or in certain non-EU waters and the allocation of such TACs among Member States, and the conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate, are set out in Annex I.

2.EU vessels are authorised to make catches, within the TACs set out in Annex I, in waters falling within the fisheries jurisdiction of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Norway, and the fishing zone around Jan Mayen, subject to the condition set out in Article 14 of and Annex III to this Regulation and in Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008(25) and its implementing provisions.

3.The Commission shall revise quotas for capelin available to the Union in Greenland waters of ICES subareas V and XIV on the basis of the TAC and its allocation to the Union established by Greenland in accordance with the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Rule Government of Greenland, on the other hand, and the Protocol thereto.

4.In the light of scientific information collected during the first half of 2012, TACs set out in Annex I for the following stocks may be revised by the Commission by means of implementing acts adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 38(2):

(a)the stock of sandeel and associated by-catches in EU waters of ICES divisions IIa and IIIa and ICES subarea IV in accordance with Annex IIB to this Regulation;

(b)the stock of Norway pout and associated by-catches in ICES subarea IIIa and EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES subarea IV; and

(c)the stock of sprat and associated by-catches in EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES subarea IV.

5.On duly justified imperative grounds of urgency relating to the obligation of the Union to comply with its international obligations, the Commission shall revise the TACs set out in Annex I for the stocks referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article by means of immediately applicable implementing acts in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 38(3). Those acts shall remain in force for the period of application of this Regulation, and in any case not later than 31 December 2012.

Article 6U.K.Additional allocation for vessels participating in trials on fully documented fisheries

1.For certain stocks, a Member State may grant an additional allocation to vessels flying its flag participating in trials on fully documented fisheries. Those stocks are identified in Annex I. The additional allocation shall not exceed an overall limit set out in Annex I as a percentage of the quota allocated to that Member State.

2.The additional allocation referred to in paragraph 1 may be granted only in accordance with the following conditions:

(a)the vessel makes use of close circuit television cameras (CCTV) associated to a system of sensors to record all fishing and processing activities on board the vessels;

(b)the amount of the additional allocation granted to an individual vessel that participates in trials on fully documented fisheries shall be no more than 75 % of the discards estimated for the type of vessel to which it belongs, and in any case shall not represent more than a 30 % increase of the vessel's basic allocation; and

(c)all catches of the relevant stock subject to the additional allocation by that vessel shall be counted against its total allocation.

Notwithstanding point (b), a Member State may exceptionally grant to vessel flying its flag additional allocation that corresponds to more than 75 % of the estimated discards for the type of vessel to which the vessel concerned belongs, provided that:


the estimated discards for the type of vessel are less than 10 %;


it can be demonstrated that the inclusion of that type of vessel is important to evaluate the potential of the CCTV system for control purposes; and


an overall limit of 75 % of the estimated discards is not exceeded for all vessels participating in the trials.

3.Where a Member State detects that a vessel participating in trials on fully documented fisheries fails to comply with the conditions set out in paragraph 2, it shall immediately withdraw the additional allocation granted to that vessel and exclude it from participation in those trials for the remainder of the year 2012.

4.Prior to granting the additional allocation referred to in paragraph 1, a Member State shall submit to the Commission the following information:

(a)the list of vessels flying its flag participating in trials on fully documented fisheries,

(b)the specifications of the remote electronic monitoring equipment installed on board those vessels;

(c)the capacity, type and specification of gears used by those vessels;

(d)the estimated discards for each type of vessel participating in the trials; and

(e)the amount of catches of the stock subject to the relevant TAC made in 2011 by the vessels participating in the trials.

5.The Commission may request that the assessment of the estimated discards for the type of vessel referred to in point (b) of paragraph 2, be submitted to a scientific advisory body for review. In the absence of a confirming assessment, the Member State concerned shall inform the Commission, in writing, of the measures taken to ensure that the relevant vessels comply with the estimated discards condition established in point (b) of paragraph 2.

Article 7U.K.Flexibility in the management of certain stocks

1.For certain stocks identified in Annex I, a Member State may opt to increase its initial quota set in Annex I by 10 %. The Member State concerned shall notify its decision to the Commission. Upon such notification, the increased quota shall be considered the quota allocated to that Member State.

2.Any quantities fished in 2012 under such increased quota that exceed the initial quota shall be deducted for the purpose of calculating the quota of the Member State concerned for the relevant stock for 2013.

3.Any quantities not fished under the initial quota up to 10 % of that quota shall be added for the purpose of calculating the quota of the Member State concerned for the relevant stock for 2013.

Article 8U.K.Conditions for landing catches and by-catches

Fish from stocks for which TACs are established shall be retained on board or landed only if:


the catches have been taken by vessels flying the flag of a Member State having a quota and that quota is not exhausted; or


the catches consist of a share in a EU quota which has not been allocated by quota among Member States, and that EU quota has not been exhausted.

Article 9U.K.Fishing effort limits

From 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013, the fishing effort measures laid down in Annex IIA shall apply for the management of certain cod, plaice and sole stocks in:


the Skagerrak;


that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat;


ICES subarea IV;


EU waters of ICES division IIa; and


ICES division VIId.

Article 10U.K.Catch and effort limits for deep-sea fisheries

1.Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002(26) establishing the requirement of holding a deep-sea fishing permit shall apply to Greenland halibut. The catching, retaining on board, transhipping and landing of Greenland halibut shall be subject to the conditions referred to in that Article.

2.Member States shall ensure that for 2012 the fishing effort levels, measured in kilowatt days absent from port, by vessels holding deep-sea fishing permits referred to in Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 do not exceed 65 % of the average annual fishing effort deployed by the vessels of the Member State concerned in 2003 on trips when deep-sea fishing permits were held or deep-sea species, as listed in Annexes I and II to that Regulation, were caught. This paragraph shall apply only to fishing trips on which more than 100 kg of deep-sea species, other than greater silver smelt, were caught.

Article 11U.K.Special provisions on allocations of fishing opportunities

1.The allocation of fishing opportunities among Member States as set out in this Regulation shall be without prejudice to:

(a)exchanges made pursuant to Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002;

(b)reallocations made pursuant to Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 or pursuant to Article 10(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008;

(c)additional landings allowed under Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96;

(d)quantities withheld in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96;

(e)deductions made pursuant to Articles 37, 105, 106 and 107 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

2.Except where otherwise specified in Annex I to this Regulation, Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall apply to stocks subject to precautionary TAC and Article 3(2) and (3) and Article 4 of that Regulation shall apply to stocks subject to analytical TAC.

Article 12U.K.Closed fishing season

1.It shall be prohibited to fish or retain on board any of the following species in the Porcupine Bank during the period from 1 May to 31 July 2012: tusk, blue ling and ling.

2.For the purposes of this Article, the Porcupine Bank shall comprise the geographical area bounded by rhumb lines sequentially joining the following positions:

152° 27′ N12° 19′ W
252° 40′ N12° 30′ W
352° 47′ N12° 39,600′ W
452° 47′ N12° 56′ W
552° 13,5′ N13° 53,830′ W
651° 22′ N14° 24′ W
751° 22′ N14° 03′ W
852° 10′ N13° 25′ W
952° 32′ N13° 07,500′ W
1052° 43′ N12° 55′ W
1152° 43′ N12° 43′ W
1252° 38,800′ N12° 37′ W
1352° 27′ N12° 23′ W
1452° 27′ N12° 19′ W

3.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, transit through the Porcupine Bank, carrying on board the species referred to in that paragraph, shall be permitted in accordance with Article 50(3), (4) and (5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

Article 13U.K.Prohibitions

1.It shall be prohibited for EU vessels to fish for, to retain on board, to tranship or to land the following species:

(a)basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in EU and non-EU waters;

(b)porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in all waters, except where it is provided otherwise in Annex I, Part B to Regulation (EU) No 43/2012(27);

(c)angel shark (Squatina squatina) in EU waters;

(d)common skate (Dipturus batis) in EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES subareas III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X;

(e)undulate ray (Raja undulata) and white skate (Rostroraja alba) in EU waters of ICES subareas VI, VII, VIII, IX and X; and

(f)guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae) in EU waters of ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII.

2.When accidentally caught, species referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be harmed. They shall be promptly released.

Article 14U.K.Data transmission

When, pursuant to Articles 33 and 34 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, Member States submit to the Commission data relating to the landings of quantities of stocks caught, they shall use the stock codes set out in Annex I to this Regulation.

CHAPTER II U.K. Fishing authorisations in third-country waters

Article 15U.K.Fishing authorisations

1.The maximum number of fishing authorisations for EU vessels fishing in waters of a third country is set out in Annex III.

2.Where one Member State transfers quota to another Member State (‘swap’) in the fishing areas set out in Annex III on the basis of Article 20(5) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, the transfer shall include an appropriate transfer of fishing authorisations and shall be notified to the Commission. However, the total number of fishing authorisations for each fishing area, as set out in Annex III, shall not be exceeded.

CHAPTER III U.K. Fishing opportunities in waters of regional fisheries management organisations

Section 1 U.K. ICCAT Convention Area

Article 16U.K.Fishing, farming and fattening capacity limitations for bluefin tuna

1.The number of EU bait boats and trolling boats authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Eastern Atlantic shall be limited as set out in point 1 of Annex IV.

2.The number of EU coastal artisanal fishing vessels authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Mediterranean shall be limited as set out in point 2 of Annex IV.

3.The number of EU vessels fishing for bluefin tuna in the Adriatic Sea for farming purposes authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm shall be limited as set out in point 3 of Annex IV.

4.The number and total capacity in gross tonnage of fishing vessels authorised to fish for, retain on board, tranship, transport, or land bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean shall be limited as set out in point 4 of Annex IV.

5.The number of traps engaged in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishery shall be limited as set out in point 5 of Annex IV.

6.The bluefin tuna farming capacity, the fattening capacity and the maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna allocated to the farms in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean shall be limited as set out in point 6 of Annex IV.

Article 17U.K.Additional conditions to the bluefin tuna quota allocated in Annex ID

In addition to the prohibition period provided for in Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 302/2009, purse-seine fishing for bluefin tuna shall be prohibited in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean from 15 April to 15 May 2012.

Article 18U.K.Recreational and sport fisheries

Member States shall allocate a specific quota of bluefin tuna for recreational and sport fisheries from their quotas allocated in Annex ID.

Article 19U.K.Sharks

1.Retaining on board, transhipping or landing any part or whole carcass of bigeye thresher sharks (Alopias superciliosus) in any fishery shall be prohibited.

2.It shall be prohibited to undertake a directed fishery for species of thresher sharks of the genus Alopias.

3.Retaining on board, transhipping or landing any part or whole carcass of hammerhead sharks of the family Sphyrnidae (except for the Sphyrna tiburo) in association with fisheries in the ICCAT Convention Area shall be prohibited.

4.Retaining on board, transhipping or landing any part or whole carcass of oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) taken in any fishery shall be prohibited.

5.Retaining on board silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) taken in any fishery shall be prohibited.

Section 2 U.K. CCAMLR Convention Area

Article 20U.K.Prohibitions and catch limitations

1.Direct fishing of the species set out in Annex V, Part A, shall be prohibited in the zones and during the periods set out therein.

2.For exploratory fisheries, the TACs and by-catch limits set out in Annex V, Part B, shall apply in the subareas set out therein.

Article 21U.K.Exploratory fisheries

1.Only those Member States which are members of the CCAMLR Commission may participate in longline exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in FAO Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 as well as in Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3a outside areas of national jurisdiction in 2012. If such a Member State intends to participate in such fisheries, it shall notify the CCAMLR Secretariat in accordance with Articles 7 and 7a of Regulation (EC) No 601/2004 and in any case no later than 1 June 2012.

2.With regard to FAO Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 as well as Divisions 58.4.1,58.4.2 and 58.4.3a TACs and by-catch limits per subarea and division, and their distribution among Small Scale Research Units (SSRUs) within each of them, shall be as set out in Annex V, Part B. Fishing in any SSRU shall cease when the reported catch reaches the specified TAC, and the SSRU shall be closed to fishing for the remainder of the season.

3.Fishing shall take place over as large a geographical and bathymetric range as possible to obtain the information necessary to determine fishery potential and to avoid over-concentration of catch and fishing effort. However, fishing in FAO Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 as well as in Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3a shall be prohibited in depths less than 550 m.

Article 22U.K.Krill fishery during the 2012/2013 fishing season

1.Only those Member States which are members of the CCAMLR Commission may fish for krill (Euphausia superba) in the CCAMLR Convention Area during the 2012/2013 fishing season. If such a Member State intends to fish for krill in the CCAMLR Convention Area, it shall notify the CCAMLR Secretariat, in accordance with Article 5a of Regulation (EC) No 601/2004, and the Commission, and in any case no later than 1 June 2012:

(a)of its intention to fish for krill, using the format laid down in Annex V, Part C;

(b)of the net configuration form, using the format laid down in Annex V, Part D.

2.The notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the information provided for in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 601/2004 for each vessel to be authorised by the Member State to participate in the krill fishery.

3.A Member State intending to fish for krill in the CCAMLR Convention Area shall only notify its intention to do so in respect of authorised vessels either flying its flag at the time of the notification or flying the flag of another CCAMLR member that are expected, at the time the fishery takes place, to be flying the flag of that Member State.

4.Member States shall be entitled to authorise participation in a krill fishery by vessels other than those notified to CCAMLR Secretariat in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, if an authorised vessel is prevented from participation due to legitimate operational reasons or force majeure. In such circumstances the Member States concerned shall immediately inform the CCAMLR Secretariat and the Commission, providing:

(a)full details of the intended replacement vessel(s), including information provided for in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 601/2004;

(b)a comprehensive account of the reasons justifying the replacement and any relevant supporting evidence or references.

5.Member States shall not authorise a vessel on either of the CCAMLR illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) Vessel Lists to participate in krill fisheries.

Section 3 U.K. IOTC Convention Area

Article 23U.K.Limitation of fishing capacity of vessels fishing in the IOTC Convention Area

1.The maximum number of EU vessels fishing for tropical tunas in the IOTC Convention Area and the corresponding capacity in gross tonnage shall be as set out in point 1 of Annex VI.

2.The maximum number of EU vessels fishing for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the IOTC Convention Area and the corresponding capacity in gross tonnage shall be as set out in point 2 of Annex VI.

3.Member States may re-allocate vessels assigned to one of the two fisheries referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to the other fishery, provided that they can demonstrate to the Commission that this change does not lead to an increase of fishing effort on the fish stocks involved.

4.Member States shall ensure that, where there is a proposed transfer of capacity to their fleet, vessels to be transferred are on the IOTC Record of Vessels or on the record of vessels of other tuna regional fisheries organisations. Furthermore, no vessels featuring on the list of vessels engaged in IUU fishing activities (IUU vessels) of any RFMO may be transferred.

5.In order to take into account the implementation of the development plans submitted to the IOTC, Member States may only increase their fishing capacity beyond the ceilings referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 within the limits set out in those plans.

Article 24U.K.Sharks

1.Retaining on board, transhipping or landing any part or whole carcass of thresher sharks of all the species of the family Alopiidae in any fishery shall be prohibited.

2.When accidentally caught, species referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be harmed. They shall be promptly released.

Section 4 U.K. SPRFMO Convention Area

Article 25U.K.Pelagic fisheries — capacity limitation

Member States having actively exercised pelagic fisheries activities in the SPRFMO Convention Area in 2007, 2008 or 2009 shall limit the total level of gross tonnage of vessels flying their flag and fishing for pelagic stocks in 2012 to the levels of total 78 610 gross tonnage in that area in such manner that sustainable exploitation of the pelagic fishery resources in the South Pacific is ensured.

Article 26U.K.Pelagic fisheries — TACs

1.Only Member States having actively exercised pelagic fisheries activities in the SPRFMO Convention Area in 2007, 2008 or 2009, as specified in Article 25, may fish for pelagic stocks in that area in accordance with the TACs set out in Annex IJ.

2.Member States shall notify the Commission on a monthly basis of the names and characteristics, including gross tonnage, of vessels flying their flag engaged in the fishery referred to in this Article.

3.For the purpose of monitoring the fishery referred to in this Article, Member States shall send to the Commission, in order to communicate them to the SPRFMO Interim Secretariat, records from vessel monitoring systems (VMS), monthly catch reports and, where available, port calls at the latest by the 15th day of the following month.

Article 27U.K.Bottom fisheries

Member States with a track record in bottom fishing effort or catch in the SPRFMO Convention Area over the period from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2006 shall limit their effort or catch to:


the average level of catches or effort parameters over that period; and


only those parts of the SPRFMO Convention Area where bottom fisheries has occurred in any previous fishing season.

Section 5 U.K. IATTC Convention Area

Article 28U.K.Purse-seine fisheries

1.The fishing by purse-seine vessels for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) shall be prohibited:

(a)from 29 July to 28 September 2012 or from 18 November 2012 to 18 January 2013 in the area defined by the following limits:

(b)from 29 September to 29 October 2012 in the area defined by the following limits:

2.The Member States concerned shall notify the Commission of the selected period of closure referred to in paragraph 1 before 1 April 2012. All the purse-seine vessels of the Member States concerned shall stop purse-seine fishing in the areas defined in paragraph 1 during the selected period.

3.Purse-seine vessels fishing for tuna in the IATTC Convention Area shall retain on board and then land or tranship all yellowfin, bigeye and skipjack tuna caught.

4.Paragraph 3 shall not apply in the following cases:

(a)where the fish is considered unfit for human consumption for reasons other than size; or

(b)during the final set of a trip when there may be insufficient well space remaining to accommodate all the tuna caught in that set.

5.It shall be prohibited to fish for oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the IATTC Convention Area, and to retain on board, to tranship, to store, to offer to sell, to sell or to land any part or whole carcass of oceanic whitetip sharks in that area.

6.When accidentally caught, the species referred to in paragraph 5 shall not be harmed. It shall be promptly released by vessel operators, who shall also:

(a)record the number of releases with indication of status (dead or alive);

(b)report the information specified in paragraph (a) to the Member State of which they are nationals. Member States shall transmit this information to the Commission by 31 January 2013.

Section 6 U.K. SEAFO Convention Area

Article 29U.K.Prohibition of fishing for deep water sharks

Directed fishing for the following deep water sharks in the SEAFO Convention Area shall be prohibited:

Section 7 U.K. WCPFC Convention Area

Article 30U.K.Fishing effort limitations for bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna and south Pacific albacore

Member States shall ensure that the total fishing effort for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and south Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the WCPFC Convention Area is limited to the fishing effort provided for in fisheries partnership agreements between the Union and coastal States in that region.

Article 31U.K.Closed area for FAD fishing

1.In the part of the WCPFC Convention Area located between 20° N and 20° S, fishing activities of purse-seine vessels making use of fish aggregating devices (FADs) shall be prohibited between 00:00 hours of 1 July 2012 and 24:00 hours of 30 September 2012. During that period, a purse-seine vessel may only engage in fishing operations within that part of the WCPFC Convention Area if it carries onboard an observer to monitor that at no time does the vessel:

(a)deploy or service a FAD or associated electronic device;

(b)fish on schools in association with FADs.

2.All purse-seine vessels fishing in the part of the WCPFC Convention Area referred to in paragraph 1 shall retain onboard and land or tranship all bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna caught.

3.Paragraph 2 shall not apply in the following cases:

(a)in the final set of a trip, if the vessel has insufficient well space left to accommodate all fish;

(b)where the fish is unfit for human consumption for reasons other than size; or

(c)when a serious malfunction of freezer equipment occurs.

Article 32U.K.Closed areas for purse-seine fisheries

The fishing by purse-seine vessels for bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna shall be prohibited in the following high seas areas:


the international waters enclosed by the boundaries of the EEZ of Indonesia, Palau, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea;


the international waters enclosed by the boundaries of the EEZ of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Article 33U.K.Limitations to the number of EU vessels authorised to fish swordfish

The maximum number of EU vessels authorised to fish for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in areas south of 20° S of the WCPFC Convention Area shall be as indicated in Annex VII.

Section 8 U.K. Bering Sea

Article 34U.K.Prohibition on fishing in the high seas of the Bering Sea

Fishing for pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the high seas of the Bering Sea shall be prohibited.


Article 35U.K.TACs

Fishing vessels flying the flag of Norway and fishing vessels registered in the Faroe Islands shall be authorised to make catches in EU waters within the TACs set out in Annex I to this Regulation and subject to the conditions provided for in this Title and Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008.

Article 36U.K.Fishing authorisations

1.The maximum number of fishing authorisations for third-country vessels fishing in EU waters is laid down in Annex VIII.

2.Fish from stocks for which TACs are fixed shall not be retained on board or landed unless the catches have been taken by third-country vessels having a quota and that quota is not exhausted.

Article 37U.K.Prohibitions

1.It shall be prohibited for third-country vessels to fish for, to retain on board, to tranship or to land the following species:

(a)basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in all EU waters;

(b)angel shark (Squatina squatina) in all EU waters;

(c)common skate (Dipturus batis) in EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES subareas III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X;

(d)undulate ray (Raja undulata) and white skate (Rostroraja alba) in EU waters of ICES subareas VI, VII, VIII, IX and X;

(e)porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in all EU waters; and

(f)guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae) in EU waters of ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII.

2.When accidentally caught, species referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be harmed. They shall be promptly released.


Article 38U.K.Committee procedure

1.The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee for fisheries and aquaculture established by Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002. That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

2.Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.

3.Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011, in conjunction with Article 5 thereof, shall apply.

Article 39U.K.Entry into force and application

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 1 January 2012.

However, Article 9 shall apply from 1 February 2012.

The fishing opportunities or prohibitions for the CCAMLR Convention Area set out in Articles 20, 21 and 22 and Annexes IE and V shall apply with effect from the beginning of the respective periods of application specified for those fishing opportunities or prohibitions.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.




TACs applicable to EU vessels in areas where TACs exist by species and by area



Skagerrak, Kattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, EU waters of CECAF



North East Atlantic and Greenland, ICES subareas I, II, V, XII and XIV and Greenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1



North West Atlantic — NAFO Convention Area



Highly migratory fish — all areas



Antarctic — CCAMLR Convention Area



South-East Atlantic Ocean — SEAFO Convention Area



Southern bluefin tuna — all areas



WCPFC Convention Area



SPRFMO Convention Area



Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of certain cod, plaice and sole stocks in the Skagerrak, that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, ICES subarea IV, EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES division VIId



Fishing opportunities for vessels fishing for sandeel in ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV



Maximum number of fishing authorisations for EU vessels in third-country waters



ICCAT Convention Area



CCAMLR Convention Area



IOTC Convention Area



WCPFC Convention Area



Quantitative limitations of fishing authorisations for third-country vessels fishing in EU waters



The tables in Annexes IA, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF, IG, IH and IJ set out the TACs and quotas (in tonnes live weight, except where otherwise specified) by stock, and conditions functionally linked thereto, where appropriate. All fishing opportunities set out in this Annex shall be subject to the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, and in particular Articles 33 and 34 thereof.

The references to fishing zones are references to ICES zones, unless otherwise specified. Within each area, fish stocks are referred to following the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the species. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following comparative table of Latin names and common names is provided:

Scientific nameAlpha-3 codeCommon name
Amblyraja radiataRJRStarry ray
Ammodytes spp.SANSandeels
Argentina silusARUGreater silver smelt
Beryx spp.ALFAlfonsinos
Brosme brosmeUSKTusk
Centrophorus squamosusGUQLeafscale gulper shark
Centroscymnus coelolepisCYOPortuguese dogfish
Chaceon maritaeCGEDeep sea red crab
Champsocephalus gunnariANIAntarctic icefish
Chionoecetes spp.PCRSnow crab
Clupea harengusHERHerring
Coryphaenoides rupestrisRNGRoundnose grenadier
Dalatias lichaSCKKitefin shark
Deania calceaDCABirdbeak dogfish
Dipturus batisRJBCommon skate
Dissostichus eleginoidesTOPPatagonian toothfish
Dissostichus mawsoniTOAAntarctic toothfish
Engraulis encrasicolusANEAnchovy
Etmopterus princepsETRGreat lanternshark
Etmopterus pusillusETPSmooth lanternshark
Euphausia superbaKRIKrill
Gadus morhuaCODCod
Galeorhinus galeusGAGTope shark
Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWITWitch flounder
Hippoglossoides platessoidesPLAAmerican plaice
Hippoglossus hippoglossusHALAtlantic halibut
Hoplostethus atlanticusORYOrange roughy
Illex illecebrosusSQIShortfin squid
Lamna nasusPORPorbeagle
Lepidonotothen squamifronsNOSGrey rockcod
Lepidorhombus spp.LEZMegrims
Leucoraja circularisRJISandy ray
Leucoraja fullonicaRJFShagreen ray
Leucoraja naevusRJNCuckoo ray
Limanda ferrugineaYELYellowtail flounder
Limanda limandaDABDab
Macrourus spp.GRVGrenadiers
Makaira nigricansBUMBlue marlin
Mallotus villosusCAPCapelin
Martialia hyadesiSQSSquid
Melanogrammus aeglefinusHADHaddock
Merlangius merlangusWHGWhiting
Merluccius merlucciusHKEHake
Micromesistius poutassouWHBBlue whiting
Microstomus kittLEMLemon sole
Molva dypterygiaBLIBlue ling
Molva molvaLINLing
Nephrops norvegicusNEPNorway lobster
Pandalus borealisPRANorthern prawn
Paralomis spp.PAICrabs
Penaeus spp.PEN‘Penaeus’ shrimps
Platichthys flesusFLEFlounder
Pleuronectes platessaPLEPlaice
Pollachius pollachiusPOLPollack
Pollachius virensPOKSaithe
Psetta maximaTURTurbot
Raja brachyuraRJHBlonde ray
Raja clavataRJCThornback ray
Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensisJADNorwegian skate
Raja microocellataRJESmall-eyed ray
Raja montaguiRJMSpotted ray
Raja undulataRJUUndulate ray
RajiformesSRXSkates and rays
Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesGHLGreenland halibut
Rostroraja albaRJAWhite skate
Scomber scombrusMACMackerel
Scophthalmus rhombusBLLBrill
Sebastes spp.REDRedfish
Solea soleaSOLCommon sole
Solea spp.SOOSole
Sprattus sprattusSPRSprat
Squalus acanthiasDGSSpurdog/dogfish
Tetrapturus albidusWHMWhite marlin
Thunnus maccoyiiSBFSouthern bluefin tuna
Thunnus obesusBETBigeye tuna
Thunnus thynnusBFTBluefin tuna
Trachurus spp.JAXHorse mackerel
Trisopterus esmarkiiNOPNorway pout
Urophycis tenuisHKWWhite hake
Xiphias gladiusSWOSwordfish

The following comparative table of common names and Latin names is provided exclusively for explanatory purposes:

AlfonsinosALF Beryx spp.
American plaicePLA Hippoglossoides platessoides
AnchovyANE Engraulis encrasicolus
AnglerfishANF Lophiidae
Antarctic icefishANI Champsocephalus gunnari
Antarctic toothfishTOA Dissostichus mawsoni
Atlantic halibutHAL Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Bigeye tunaBET Thunnus obesus
Birdbeak dogfishDCA Deania calcea
Blonde rayRJH Raja brachyura
Blue lingBLI Molva dypterygia
Blue marlinBUM Makaira nigricans
Blue whitingWHB Micromesistius poutassou
Bluefin tunaBFT Thunnus thynnus
BoarfishBOR Caproidae
BrillBLL Scophthalmus rhombus
CapelinCAP Mallotus villosus
CodCOD Gadus morhua
Common skateRJB Dipturus batis
Common soleSOL Solea solea
CrabsPAI Paralomis spp.
Cuckoo rayRJN Leucoraja naevus
DabDAB Limanda limanda
Deep sea red crabCGE Chaceon maritae
FlatfishFLX Pleuronectiformes
FlounderFLE Platichthys flesus
Great lanternsharkETR Etmopterus princeps
Greater silver smeltARU Argentina silus
Greenland halibutGHL Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
GrenadiersGRV Macrourus spp.
Grey rockcodNOS Lepidonotothen squamifrons
HaddockHAD Melanogrammus aeglefinus
HakeHKE Merluccius merluccius
HerringHER Clupea harengus
Horse mackerelJAX Trachurus spp.
Kitefin sharkSCK Dalatias licha
KrillKRI Euphausia superba
Leafscale gulper sharkGUQ Centrophorus squamosus
Lemon soleLEM Microstomus kitt
LingLIN Molva molva
MackerelMAC Scomber scombrus
MegrimsLEZ Lepidorhombus spp.
Northern prawnPRA Pandalus borealis
Norway lobsterNEP Nephrops norvegicus
Norway poutNOP Trisopterus esmarkii
Norwegian skateJAD Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis
Orange roughyORY Hoplostethus atlanticus
Patagonian toothfishTOP Dissostichus eleginoides
‘Penaeus’ shrimpsPEN Penaeus spp.
PlaicePLE Pleuronectes platessa
PollackPOL Pollachius pollachius
PorbeaglePOR Lamna nasus
Portuguese dogfishCYO Centroscymnus coelolepis
RedfishRED Sebastes spp.
Roundnose grenadierRNG Coryphaenoides rupestris
SaithePOK Pollachius virens
SandeelsSAN Ammodytes spp.
Sandy rayRJI Leucoraja circularis
Shagreen rayRJF Leucoraja fullonica
Shortfin squidSQI Illex illecebrosus
Skates and raysSRX Rajiformes
Small-eyed rayRJE Raja microocellata
Smooth lanternsharkETP Etmopterus pusillus
Snow crabPCR Chionoecetes spp.
SoleSOO Solea spp.
Southern bluefin tunaSBF Thunnus maccoyii
Spotted rayRJM Raja montagui
SpratSPR Sprattus sprattus
Spurdog/dogfishDGS Squalus acanthias
SquidSQS Martialia hyadesi
Starry rayRJR Amblyraja radiata
SwordfishSWO Xiphias gladius
Thornback rayRJC Raja clavata
Tope sharkGAG Galeorhinus galeus
TurbotTUR Psetta maxima
TuskUSK Brosme brosme
Undulate rayRJU Raja undulata
White hakeHKW Urophycis tenuis
White marlinWHM Tetrapturus albidus
White skateRJA Rostroraja alba
WhitingWHG Merlangius merlangus
Witch flounderWIT Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Yellowtail flounderYEL Limanda ferruginea


Skagerrak, Kattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, EU waters of CECAF

SpeciesSandeelAmmodytes spp.ZoneNorwegian waters of IV(SAN/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0
TACNot relevant

Excluding waters within six nautical miles of UK baselines at Shetland, Fair Isle and Foula.


At least 98 % of landings counted against the TAC must be of sandeel. By-catches of dab, mackerel and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the TAC.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following sandeel management areas, as defined in Annex IIB:


May be revised in accordance with Article 5(4) of this Regulation.

ZoneEU waters of sandeel management areasa
Denmark167 436000000
United Kingdom3 660000000
Sweden6 148000000
Union177 500000000
Norway20 000000000
Total197 500000000
SpeciesSandeel and associated by-catchesAmmodytes spp.ZoneEU waters of IIa, IIIa and IVa(SAN/2A3A4.)
Denmark167 436b c

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom3 660b c
Germany256b c
Sweden6 148b c
Not allocated2 500d
Union180 000c
Norway20 000
TAC200 000

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

SpeciesTuskBrosme brosmeZoneEU and international waters of I, II and XIV(USK/1214EI)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom6a

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

SpeciesTuskBrosme brosmeZoneEU waters of IV(USK/04-C.)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom80

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in EU waters of IIa, IV, Vb, VI and VII (USK/*24X7C).


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Vb, VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in Vb, VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes (OTH/*5B67-).


Including ling. The quotas for Norway are: ling 6 490 tonnes (LIN/*5B67-), and tusk 2 923 tonnes (USK/*5B67-) and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and may only be fished with long-lines in Vb, VI and VII.

SpeciesTuskBrosme brosmeZoneEU and international waters of V, VI and VII(USK/567EI.)

Analytical TAC

Article 12 of this Regulation applies.

United Kingdom83
Norway2 923b c d
TAC3 217
SpeciesTuskBrosme brosmeZoneNorwegian waters of IV(USK/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands0
United Kingdom4
TACNot relevant

Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this amount may be fished in EU waters of IV (HER/*04-C.).

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIIIa(HER/03A.)
Denmark18 912b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Sweden19 783b
Union38 998b
TAC45 000

Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. Member States must inform the Commission of their landings of herring distinguishing between IVa (HER/04A.) and IVb (HER/04B.).


Up to 50 000 tonnes of which may be taken in EU waters of IVa and IVb (HER/*4AB-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters southof 62° N (HER/*04N-)
Union50 000
SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneEU and Norwegian waters of IV north of 53° 30′ N(HER/4AB.)
Denmark64 369

Analytical TAC.

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Germany41 852
France21 286
The Netherlands53 537
Sweden4 120
United Kingdom57 836
Union243 000
Norway117 450b
TAC405 000

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HER/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TAC405 000

Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneBy-catches in IIIa(HER/03A-BC)
Denmark5 692

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Union6 659
TAC6 659

Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm.

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneBy-catches in IV, VIId and in EU waters of IIa(HER/2A47DX)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark17 134
The Netherlands89
United Kingdom326
Union17 900
TAC17 900

Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Except Blackwater stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime region of the Thames estuary within a zone delimited by a rhumb line running due south from Landguard Point (51° 56′ N, 1° 19,1′ E) to latitude 51° 33′ N and hence due west to a point on the coast of the United Kingdom.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this quota may be taken in IVb. However, the use of this special condition must be notified in advance to the Commission (HER/*04B.).

SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIVc, VIIdb(HER/4CXB7D)
Belgium8 774c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

France10 871c
The Netherlands19 261c
United Kingdom4 189c
Union44 550
TAC405 000

Reference is to the herring stock in VIa, north of 56° 00′ N and in that part of VIa which is situated east of 07°00′ W and north of 55° 00′ N, excluding the Clyde.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesHerringClupea harengusZoneEU and international waters of Vb, VIb and VIaNa(HER/5B6ANB)
Germany2 486b

Analytical TAC

Ireland3 360b
The Netherlands2 486b
United Kingdom13 438b
Not allocated660c
Union22 900b
TAC22 900

In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag participating in trials on fully documented fisheries additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation.

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneSkagerrak(COD/03AN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark3 026a
The Netherlands19a
Union3 660
TAC3 783

In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag participating in trials on fully documented fisheries additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation.


May be taken in EU waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(COD/*04N-)
Union19 099
SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneIV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat(COD/2A3AX4)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark4 495a
Germany2 850a
The Netherlands2 540a
United Kingdom10 311a
Union21 974
Norway4 501b
TAC26 475

By-catches of haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(COD/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant

In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag participating in trials on fully documented fisheries additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation.

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneVIId(COD/07D.)

Analytical TAC

France1 295a
The Netherlands39a
United Kingdom143a
Union1 543
TAC1 543
SpeciesDab and flounderLimanda limanda and Platichthys flesusZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(D/F/2AC4-C)

Precautionary TAC

Denmark1 888
Germany2 832
The Netherlands11 421
United Kingdom1 588
Union18 434
TAC18 434

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: VI; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV (ANF/*56-14).

SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidaeZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(ANF/2AC4-C)

Analytical TAC

The Netherlands245a
United Kingdom7 455a
Union9 161a
TAC9 161
SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidaeZoneNorwegian waters of IV(ANF/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark1 152
The Netherlands16
United Kingdom269
Union1 500
TACNot relevant
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneIIIa, EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(HAD/3A/BCD)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark1 943
The Netherlands2
Union2 308
TAC2 409

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(HAD/*04N-)
Union22 433
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneIV; EU waters of IIa(HAD/2AC4.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

Denmark1 539
France1 707
The Netherlands168
United Kingdom25 386
Union30 158
Norway9 008
TAC39 166

By-catches of cod, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HAD/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneEU and international waters VIb, XII and XIV(HAD/6B1214)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom2 660
Union3 300
TAC3 300
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangusZoneIIIa(WHG/03A.)

Precautionary TAC

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands3
Union1 031
TAC1 050

May be taken in EU waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(WHG/*04N-)
Union10 671
SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangusZoneIV; EU waters of IIa(WHG/2AC4.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark1 458
France2 191
The Netherlands843
United Kingdom10 539
Union15 750
Norway1 306a
TAC17 056

By-catches of cod, haddock and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesWhiting and PollackMerlangius merlangus and Pollachius pollachiusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(W/P/04-N.)

Precautionary TAC.

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant
SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneNorwegian waters of II and IV(WHB/24-N.)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom0
TAC391 000

Special condition: of which up to 68 % may be fished in Norwegian Economic Zone or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (WHB/*NZJM1).


Transfers of this quota may be effected to VIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1. However, such transfers must be notified in advance to the Commission.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneEU and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV (WHB/1X14)
Denmark9 683a c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

Germany3 765a c
Spain8 209a b c
France6 738a c
Ireland7 498a c
The Netherlands11 807a c
Portugal763a b c
Sweden2 395a c
United Kingdom12 563a c
Not allocated4 500d
Union63 421a c
Norway30 000
TAC391 000

Special condition: of which up to 68 % may be fished in Norwegian EEZ or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (WHB/*NZJM2).

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHB/8C3411)
Spain8 034

Analytical TAC

Portugal2 009
Union10 043a
TAC391 000

To be counted against Norway's catch limits established under the Coastal States arrangement.


Special condition: the catch in IV shall be no more than 20 581 tonnes, i.e. 25 % of Norway's access quota.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneEU waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30′ N and VII west of 12° W(WHB/24A567)
Norway64 226a b

Analytical TAC

TAC391 000
SpeciesLemon sole and witchMicrostomus kitt and Glyptocephalus cynoglossusZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(L/W/2AC4-C)

Precautionary TAC

The Netherlands793
United Kingdom3 905
Union6 391
TAC6 391

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in EU waters of IIa, IV, Vb, VI and VII (BLI/*24X7C).


Special rules apply in accordance with Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1288/2009d and point 7 of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 43/2009e.


Council Regulation (EC) No 1288/2009 of 27 November 2009 establishing transitional technical measures from 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011 (OJ L 347, 24.12.2009, p. 6).


Council Regulation (EC) No 43/2009 of 16 January 2009 fixing for 2009 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required (OJ L 22, 26.1.2009, p. 1).


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygiaZoneEU waters and international waters of Vb, VI, VII(BLI/5B67-)c

Analytical TAC

Article 12 of this Regulation applies.

France1 423f
United Kingdom362f
Others5a f
Not allocated150g
Union1 882f
TAC2 032

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneEU and international waters of I and II(LIN/1/2.)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom8
SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneEU waters of IV(LIN/04-C.)

Analytical TAC

The Netherlands5
United Kingdom1 869
Union2 428
TAC2 428
SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneEU and international waters of V(LIN/05.)

Precautionary TAC

United Kingdom6

Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Vb, VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes.


Including tusk. The quotas for Norway are: ling 6 140 tonnes and tusk 2 923 tonnes and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and may only be fished with long-lines in Vb, VI and VII.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneEU and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV (LIN/6X14.)

Analytical TAC

Article 12 of this Regulation applies.

Spain2 156c
France2 299c
United Kingdom2 647c
Not allocated200d
Union7 824c
Norway6 140a b
TAC14 164
SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneNorwegian waters of IV(LIN/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands1
United Kingdom67
TACNot relevant
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicusZoneIIIa; EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(NEP/3A/BCD)
Denmark4 409

Analytical TAC

Sweden1 578
Union6 000
TAC6 000
SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicusZoneNorwegian waters of IV(NEP/04-N.)
Denmark1 135

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom64
Union1 200
TACNot relevant
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneIIIa(PRA/03A.)
Denmark2 457

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Sweden1 323
Union3 780
TAC7 080
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(PRA/2AC4-C)
Denmark2 273

Analytical TAC

The Netherlands21
United Kingdom673
Union3 058
TAC3 058

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(PRA/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessaZoneSkagerrak(PLE/03AN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark6 189
The Netherlands1 190
Union7 791
TAC7 950
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessaZoneKattegat(PLE/03AS.)
Denmark1 769

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Union1 988
TAC1 988

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(PLE/*04N-)
Union32 500
SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessaZoneIV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat(PLE/2A3AX4)
Belgium4 874

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark15 840
Germany4 569
The Netherlands30 462
United Kingdom22 542
Union79 201
Norway5 209
TAC84 410

May only be taken in EU waters of IV and in IIIa (POK/*3A4-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneIIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(POK/2A34.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark3 263
Germany8 241
France19 395
The Netherlands82
United Kingdom6 318
Union37 774
Norway41 546a
TAC79 320

To be fished north of 56° 30′ N.

SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb, XII and XIV(POK/56-14)

Analytical TAC

France3 878
United Kingdom3 154
Union7 830
TAC8 230

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting are to be counted against the quota for these species.

SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(POK/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

TACNot relevant
SpeciesTurbot and brillPsetta maxima and Scopthalmus rhombusZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(T/B/2AC4-C)

Precautionary TAC

The Netherlands2 579
United Kingdom717
Union4 642
TAC4 642

Of which 350 tonnes are allocated to Norway and are to be taken in the EU waters of IIa and VI. In VI this quantity may only be fished with long-lines (GHL/*2A6-C).

SpeciesGreenland HalibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneEU waters of IIa and IV; EU and international waters of Vb and VI(GHL/2A-C46)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom123

Special condition: including 242 tonnes to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62° N (MAC/*04N-).


When fishing in Norwegian waters, by-catches of cod (COD/*2134.), haddock (HAD/*2134.), pollack (POL/*2134.) and whiting (WHG/*2134.) and saithe (POK/*2134.) are to be counted against the quotas for these species.


May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).


To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC of the amount of 35 145 tonnes. This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for 3 000 tonnes that may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.).


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones. These are provisional quotas in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation:

IIIa(MAC/*03A.)IIIa and IVbc(MAC/*3A4BC)IVb(MAC/*04B.)IVc(MAC/*04C.)VI, international waters of IIa, from 1 January to 31 March 2012 and in December 2012 (MAC/*2A6.)
Denmark04 130007 735
The Netherlands0490000
Sweden00390101 503
United Kingdom0490000
Norway3 0000000
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneIIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and IIId(MAC/2A34.)
Belgium421c e

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

Denmark11 097c e
Germany439c e
France1 326c e
The Netherlands1 335c e
Sweden4 001a b c e
United Kingdom1 236c e
Union19 855a c e
Norway89 537d
TACNot relevant

May be fished in IIa, VIa north of 56° 30′ N, IVa, VIId, VIIe, VIIf and VIIh (MAC/*AX7H).


An additional 17 907 tonnes of access quota may be fished by Norway North of 56°30′ N and counted against its catch limit (MAC/*N6530).


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones and periods specified below. These are provisional quotas in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

EU and Norwegian waters of IVa(MAC/*04A-EN)During the periods from 1 January to 15 February 2012 and from 1 September to 31 December 2012Norwegian waters of IIa(MAC/*2AN-)
Germany6 633675
France4 423450
Ireland22 1122 252
The Netherlands9 674985
United Kingdom60 8106 192
Union103 65210 554
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneVI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV(MAC/2CX14-)
Germany16 487c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

France10 993c
Ireland54 956c
The Netherlands24 043c
Poland1 161c
United Kingdom151 132c
Union259 129c
Norway10 463a b
TACNot relevant

Special condition: quantities subject to exchanges with other Member States may be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId (MAC/*8ABD.). However, the quantities provided by Spain, Portugal or France for exchange purposes and to be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId shall not exceed 25 % of the quotas of the donor Member State.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone. These are provisional quotas in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

Spain2 052
SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(MAC/8C3411)
Spain24 438a b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

France162a b
Portugal5 051a b
Union29 651b
TACNot relevant

Catches taken in IIa (MAC/*02A.) and IVa (MAC/*4A.) to be reported separately.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneNorwegian waters of IIa and IVa(MAC/2A4A-N.)
Denmark10 176a b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

Union10 176a b
TACNot relevant

May be fished only in EU waters of IV (SOL/*04-C.).

SpeciesCommon soleSolea soleaZoneEU waters of II and IV(SOL/24-C.)
Belgium1 346

Analytical TAC

Germany1 077
The Netherlands12 151
United Kingdom692
Union16 150
TAC16 200

At least 95 % of landings counted against the TAC must be of sprat. By-catches of dab, whiting and haddock to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the TAC.

SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattusZoneIIIa(SPR/03A.)
Denmark34 843a

Precautionary TAC

Sweden13 184a
Union48 100
TAC52 000

Including sandeel.


May only be fished in EU waters of IV (SPR/*04-C.).


May be revised in accordance with Article 5(4) of this Regulation.


At least 98 % of landings counted against the TAC must be of sprat. By-catches of dab and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the TAC (OTH/*2AC4C).


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattusZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(SPR/2AC4-C)
Belgium1 631d e

Precautionary TAC

Denmark129 103d e
Germany1 631d e
France1 631d e
The Netherlands1 631d e
Sweden1 330a d e
United Kingdom5 383d e
Not allocated9 160f
Union151 500e
Norway10 000b
TAC161 500c

Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in division VIId may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone: EU waters of IIa, IVa, VI, VIIa-c,VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV. However, the use of this special condition must be notified in advance to the Commission (JAX/*2A-14).


May only be fished in EU waters of IV (JAX/*04-C.).


At least 95 % of landings counted against the TAC must be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the TAC (OTH/*4BC7D).

SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp.ZoneEU waters of IVb, IVc and VIId(JAX/4BC7D)

Precautionary TAC

Denmark19 339c
Germany1 708a c
France1 604a c
Ireland1 216c
The Netherlands11 642a c
United Kingdom4 602a c
Union40 630
Norway3 550b
TAC44 180

Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in EU waters of IIa or IVa before 30 June 2012 may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone of EU waters of IVb, IVc and VIId. However, the use of this special condition must be notified in advance to the Commission (JAX/*4BC7D).


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in VIId. However, the use of this special condition must be notified in advance to the Commission (JAX/*07D.).


At least 95 % of landings counted against the TAC must be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the TAC (OTH/*2A-14).


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp.ZoneEU waters of IIa, IVa; VI, VIIa-c,VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(JAX/2A-14)
Denmark15 502a c d

Analytical TAC

Germany12 096a b c d
Spain16 498c d
France6 226a b c d
Ireland40 284a c d
The Netherlands48 532a b c
Portugal1 589c d
Sweden675a c d
United Kingdom14 587a b c d
Not allocated2 000d e
Union157 989d
TAC157 989
SpeciesNorway pout and associated by-catchesTrisopterus esmarkiZoneIIIa; EU waters of IIa and IV(NOP/2A3A4.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands0
SpeciesNorway poutTrisopterus esmarkiZoneNorwegian waters of IV(NOP/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0
TACNot relevant

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe to be counted against the quotas for these species.


Special condition: of which no more than 400 tonnes of horse mackerel (JAX/*04-N.).

SpeciesIndustrial fishZoneNorwegian waters of IV(I/F/04-N.)
Sweden800a b

Precautionary TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant

Taken with long-lines only, including grenadiers, rat tails, common mora and greater fork beard.

SpeciesCombined quotaZoneEU waters of Vb, VI and VII(R/G/5B67-C)
UnionNot relevant

Precautionary TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TACNot relevant

Quota allocated by Norway to Sweden of ‘other species’ at a traditional level.


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate.

SpeciesOther speciesZoneNorwegian waters of IV(OTH/04-N.)

Precautionary TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Denmark2 500
The Netherlands200
SwedenNot relevanta
United Kingdom1 875
Union5 000b
TACNot relevant

Limited to IIa and IV (OTH/*2A4-C).


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate.

SpeciesOther speciesZoneEU waters of IIa, IV and VIa north of 56° 30′ N(OTH/2A46AN)
UnionNot relevant

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Norway2 720a b
TACNot relevant



SpeciesSnow crabChionoecetes spp.ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1(PCR/N01GRN)
TACNot relevant

When reporting catches to the Commission the quantities fished in each of the following areas shall also be reported: NEAFC Regulatory Area, EU waters, Faroese waters, Norwegian waters, the fishery zone around Jan Mayen, the fishery protection zone around Svalbard.


Catches taken against this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This quota may be fished in EU waters north of 62° N.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned Union share of the TAC, no more than 48 805 tonnes may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters north of 62° N and the fishery zone around Jan Mayen


SpeciesHerringClupea harengusZoneEU, Norwegian and international waters of I and II(HER/1/2.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 7 of this Regulation applies.

Denmark18 580a
Germany3 254a
Ireland4 810a
The Netherlands6 649a
Sweden6 885a
United Kingdom11 879a
Union54 228a
Norway508 130b
TAC833 000
SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(COD/1N2AB.)
Germany1 971

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Spain2 198
France1 809
Portugal2 198
United Kingdom7 645
Union16 309
TACNot relevant

The area in East Greenland called ‘the Kleine Banke’ is closed for all fisheries. That area is delimited by:

  • 64°40′ N 37°30′ W,

  • 64°40′ N 36°30′ W,

  • 64°15′ N 36°30′ W, and

  • 64°15′ N 37°30′ W.


May be fished East or West. In East Greenland the fishery is permitted only from 1 July to 31 December 2012.


The fishery shall be conducted with 100 % observer coverage and with VMS. A maximum of 80 % of the quota must be taken in one of the areas below. In addition, a minimum effort of 20 hauls per vessel shall be conducted in each area:


1.East Greenland (COD/N64E44)

North of 64° N East of 44° W

2.East Greenland (COD/S64E44)

South of 64° N East of 44° W

3.West Greenland (COD/GRLW44)

West of 44° W
SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1; Greenland waters of V and XIV(COD/N01514)
Germany1 636a b c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom364a b c
Union2 000a b c
TACNot relevant

Except Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.


The allocation of the share of the cod stock available to the Union in the zone Spitzbergen and Bear Island and the associated by-catches of haddock are entirely without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the 1920 Treaty of Paris.


[X1By-catches of haddock may represent up to 19 % per haul. The by-catch quantities of haddock are in addition to the quota for cod.]

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneI and IIb(COD/1/2B.)
Germany5 195c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Spain11 870c
France2 339c
Poland2 285c
Portugal2 449c
United Kingdom3 397c
Other Member States250a
Union27 785b
TAC737 000

Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesCod and haddockGadus morhua and Melanogrammus aeglefinusZoneFaroese waters of Vb(C/H/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0a
TACNot relevant

To be fished by no more than six EU demersal long-liners targeting Atlantic halibut. Catches of associated species to be counted against this quota.


Of which 75 tonnes to be fished only with long-lines, are allocated to Norway (HAL/*514GN).

SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossusZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(HAL/514GRN)
Portugal1 000a
Union1 075b
TACNot relevant

Of which 75 tonnes to be fished with long-lines, are allocated to Norway (HAL/*N01GN).

SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossusZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1(HAL/N01GRN)
TACNot relevant
SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosusZoneIIb(CAP/02B.)

Of which 7 965 tonnes are allocated to Norway.


To be fished until 30 April 2012.

SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosusZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(CAP/514GRN)
Union56 364a b
TACNot relevant
SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(HAD/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom887
Union1 350
TACNot relevant

TAC set in accordance with consultations among the Union, Faroe Islands, Norway and Iceland.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneFaroese waters(WHB/2A4AXF)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands0b
United Kingdom0b

Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesLing and blue lingMolva molva and Molva dypterygiaZoneFaroese waters of Vb(B/L/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0a
TACNot relevant

Of which 2 900 tonnes are allocated to Norway.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.


Unallocated quota in accordance with Article 1(4) of this Regulation.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(PRA/514GRN)
Denmark1 883b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

France1 883b
Not allocated1 334c
Union8 000a b
TACNot relevant
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1(PRA/N01GRN)
Denmark2 000

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

France2 000
Union4 000
TACNot relevant
SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(POK/1N2AB.)
Germany2 040

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom182
Union2 550
TACNot relevant
SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneInternational waters of I and II(POK/1/2INT)
TACNot relevant

Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneFaroese waters of Vb(POK/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands0a
United Kingdom0a
TACNot relevant

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(GHL/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom25a
TACNot relevant
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneInternational waters of I and II(GHL/1/2INT)
TACNot relevant

Of which 800 tonnes are allocated to Norway to be fished in NAFO 1 only.

SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1(GHL/N01GRN)
Germany1 850

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Union2 650a
TACNot relevant

Of which 824 tonnes are allocated to Norway.

SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(GHL/514GRN)
Germany5 221

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom275
Union6 320a
TACNot relevant

May not be fished from 1 January to 9 May 2012.

SpeciesRedfish (shallow pelagic)Sebastes spp.ZoneEU and international waters of V; international waters of XII and XIV(RED/51214S)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

The Netherlands0a
United Kingdom0a

May only be taken within the area bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
164° 45′28° 30′
262° 50′25° 45′
361° 55′26° 45′
461° 00′26° 30′
559° 00′30° 00′
659° 00′34° 00′
761° 30′34° 00′
862° 50′36° 00′
964° 45′28° 30′

May not be fished from 1 January to 9 May 2012.

SpeciesRedfish (deep pelagic)Sebastes spp.ZoneEU and international waters of V; international waters of XII and XIV(RED/51214D)
Estonia149a b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Germany3 005a b
Spain533a b
France283a b
Ireland1a b
Latvia54a b
The Netherlands2a b
Poland273a b
Portugal637a b
United Kingdom7a b
Union4 944a b
TAC32 000a b

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(RED/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom150a
Union1 500a
TACNot relevant

The fishery may only take place within the period from 15 August to 30 November 2012. The fishery will be closed when the TAC is fully utilised by NEAFC Contracting Parties. The Commission shall inform Member States of the date on which the Secretariat of NEAFC has notified NEAFC Contracting Parties that the TAC has been fully utilised. From that date Member States shall prohibit directed fishery for redfish by vessels flying their flag.


Vessels shall limit their by-catches of redfish in other fisheries to a maximum of 1 % of the total catch retained on board.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneInternational waters of I and II(RED/1/2INT)
UnionNot relevanta b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TAC7 500

May only be fished by pelagic trawl. May be fished East or West.


Special condition: the quotas may be fished in the NEAFC Regulatory Area on the condition that reporting conditions established by Greenland are fulfilled (RED/*51214). When fished in the NEAFC Regulatory Area, it may only be taken as of 10 May 2012 as deep pelagic redfish, and only within the area (the ‘NEAFC box’) bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates (RED/*5-14):

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
164° 45′28° 30′
262° 50′25° 45′
361° 55′26° 45′
461° 00′26° 30′
559° 00′30° 00′
659° 00′34° 00′
761° 30′34° 00′
862° 50′36° 00′
964° 45′28° 30′

Special condition: of which 1 800 tonnes shall be fished in association with demersal components outside the NEAFC box defined in footnote 2 (RED/*5-14X).


Of which 1 500 tonnes are allocated to Norway to be fished in the NEAFC box defined in footnote 2 only (RED/*5-14N).

SpeciesRedfish (pelagic)Sebastes spp.ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(RED/514GRN)
Germany4 446a b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

France22a b
United Kingdom31a b
Union6 000a b c d
TACNot relevant

Including unavoidable by-catches (cod not allowed).


May only be fished between July and December 2012.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneIcelandic waters of Va(RED/05A-IS)
Belgium0a b c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Germany0a b c
France0a b c
United Kingdom0a b c
Union0a b c
TACNot relevant

Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneFaroese waters Vb(RED/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0a
TACNot relevant

By-catches are defined as any catches of species not covered by the vessel's target species indicated on the fishing authorisation. May be fished East or West.


Of which 120 tonnes of roundnose grenadier are allocated to Norway to be fished in V, XIV and NAFO 1 only (RNG/*514N1).

SpeciesBy-catchesZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1(XBC/N01GRN)
Union2 300a
TACNot relevant

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesOther speciesaZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(OTH/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom186a
TACNot relevant

Excluding fish species of no commercial value.


Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesOther speciesaZoneFaroese waters of Vb(OTH/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0b
TACNot relevant

Provisional quota in accordance with Article 1(3) of this Regulation.

SpeciesFlatfishZoneFaroese waters of Vb(FLX/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

United Kingdom0a
TACNot relevant



All TACs and associated conditions are adopted in the framework of NAFO.


No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007b.


Council Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007 of 22 October 2007 laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (OJ L 318, 5.12.2007, p. 1).

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNAFO 2J3KL(COD/N2J3KL)

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits of a maximum of 1 000 kg or 4 %, whichever is greater.

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNAFO 3NO(COD/N3NO.)
SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNAFO 3M(COD/N3M.)
Spain1 328
Portugal1 821
United Kingdom865
Union5 292
TAC9 280

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossusZoneNAFO 2J3KL(WIT/N2J3KL)

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesWitch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossusZoneNAFO 3NO(WIT/N3NO.)

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoidesZoneNAFO 3M(PLA/N3M.)

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesAmerican plaiceHippoglossoides platessoidesZoneNAFO 3LNO(PLA/N3LNO.)

To be fished between 1 July and 31 December 2012.


No specified Union's share. An amount of 29 458 tonnes is available to Canada and the Member States of the Union except Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

SpeciesShortfin squidIllex illecebrosusZoneNAFO sub-zones 3 and 4(SQI/N34.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

UnionNot relevanta b
TAC34 000

Despite having access to a shared quota of 85 tonnes for the Union, it is decided to set this amount to 0. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesYellowtail flounderLimanda ferrugineaZoneNAFO 3LNO(YEL/N3LNO.)
TAC17 000

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosusZoneNAFO 3NO(CAP/N3NO.)

Not including the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 20′ 046° 40′ 0
247° 20′ 046° 30′ 0
346° 00′ 046° 30′ 0
446° 00′ 046° 40′ 0
SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneNAFO 3La(PRA/N3L.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

TAC12 000

Vessels may also fish this stock in Division 3L in the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 20′ 046° 40′ 0
247° 20′ 046° 30′ 0
346° 00′ 046° 30′ 0
446° 00′ 046° 40′ 0

Moreover, fishing for shrimp is prohibited from 1 June to 31 December 2012 in the area bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 55′ 045° 00′ 0
247° 30′ 044° 15′ 0
346° 55′ 044° 15′ 0
446° 35′ 044° 30′ 0
546° 35′ 045° 40′ 0
647° 30′ 045° 40′ 0
747° 55′ 045° 00′ 0

Not relevant. Fishery managed by limitations in fishing effort. The Member States concerned shall issue fishing authorisations for their fishing vessels engaging in this fishery and shall notify those authorisations to the Commission prior to the commencement of the vessel's activity, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsMaximum number of fishing days

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneNAFO 3Ma(PRA/*N3M.)
TACNot relevantb c
SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneNAFO 3LMNO(GHL/N3LMNO)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Spain4 486
Portugal1 875
Union7 093
TAC12 098
SpeciesSkateRajidaeZoneNAFO 3LNO(SKA/N3LNO.)
Spain4 132

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Union5 352
TAC8 500
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNAFO 3LN(RED/N3LN.)
Union1 094
TAC6 000

This quota is subject to compliance with the TAC of 6 500 tonnes established for this stock for all NAFO Contracting Parties. Upon exhaustion of the TAC, the directed fishery for this stock must be stopped irrespective of the level of catches.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNAFO 3M(RED/N3M.)
Estonia1 571a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Latvia1 571a
Lithuania1 571a
Portugal2 354a
Union7 813a
TAC6 500a
SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNAFO 3O(RED/N3O.)
Spain1 771

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Portugal5 229
Union7 000
TAC20 000

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species may be caught only as by-catch within the limits specified in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007.

SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNAFO Subarea 2, Divisions 1F and 3K(RED/N1F3K.)
SpeciesWhite hakeUrophycis tenuisZoneNAFO 3NO(HKW/N3NO.)
Spain1 273

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Portugal1 668
Union2 941
TAC5 000



TACs in these areas are adopted in the framework of international fisheries organisations on tuna fisheries, such as ICCAT.


Except Cyprus, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Malta and Portugal, and only as by-catch.


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex IV (BFT/*8301):


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna weighing no less than 6,4 kg or measuring no less than 70 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex IV (BFT/*641):


This quantity may be revised by the Commission upon request from France, up to an amount of 100 tonnes as indicated by ICCAT Recommendation 08-05.


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between and 8 kg and 30 kg by the vessels referred to in point 2 of Annex IV (BFT/*8302):


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between and 8 kg and 30 kg by the vessels referred to in point 3 of Annex IV (BFT/*643):

SpeciesBluefin tunaThunnus thynnusZoneNorwegian waters of IV Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean(BFT/AE045WM)
Spain2 411,01b d
France958,52b c d
Italy1 787,91d e
Other Member States26,9a
Union5 756,41b c d e
TAC12 900

Except Spain and Portugal, and only as by-catch.

SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladiusZoneAtlantic Ocean, North of 5° N(SWO/AN05N)
Spain6 949
Portugal1 263
Other Member States145,6a
Union8 357,6
TAC13 700
SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladiusZoneAtlantic Ocean, South of 5° N(SWO/AS05N)
Spain5 024,9
Union5 379,1
TAC15 000

The number of EU vessels fishing for northern albacore as a target species is fixed to 1 253 in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007b.


Council Regulation (EC) No 520/2007 of 7 May 2007 laying down technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species (OJ L 123, 12.5.2007, p. 3).


The distribution between the Member States of the maximum number of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State authorised to fish for northern albacore as a target species in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007:

Member StateMaximum number of vessels
United Kingdom12
SpeciesNorthern albacoreThunnus alalungaZoneAtlantic Ocean, north of 5° N(ALB/AN05N)
Ireland3 896,0c
Spain14 076,4c
France6 119,1c
United Kingdom232,9c
Portugal2 534,7c
Union26 939,1a
TAC28 000
SpeciesSouthern albacoreThunnus alalungaZoneAtlantic Ocean, south of 5° N(ALB/AS05N)
Union1 540
TAC24 000
SpeciesBigeye tunaThunnus obesusZoneAtlantic Ocean(BET/ATLANT)
Spain15 758,7
France7 951,8
Portugal6 156,5
Union29 867
TAC85 000
SpeciesBlue marlinMakaira nigricansZoneAtlantic Ocean(BUM/ATLANT)
TACNot relevant
SpeciesWhite marlinTetrapturus albidusZoneAtlantic Ocean(WHM/ATLANT)
TACNot relevant



These TACs, adopted by CCAMLR, are not allocated to the members of CCAMLR and hence the Union's share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the Secretariat of CCAMLR, which will communicate when fishing must cease due to TAC exhaustion.

Unless specified otherwise, these TACs are applicable for the period from 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012.

SpeciesAntarctic icefishChampsocephalus gunnariZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(ANI/F483.)
TAC3 072

For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is specified as that portion of FAO statistical division 58.5.2 that lies within the area enclosed by a line:

  • starting at the point where the meridian of longitude 72° 15′ E intersects the Australia-France Maritime Delimitation Agreement Boundary then south along the meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 53° 25′ S,

  • then east along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 74° E,

  • then northeasterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the parallel of latitude 52° 40′ S and the meridian of longitude 76° E,

  • then north along the meridian to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 52° S,

  • then northwesterly along the geodesic to the intersection of the parallel of latitude 51° S with the meridian of longitude 74° 30′ E, and

  • then southwesterly along the geodesic to the point of commencement.


With the exception of no more than 30 tonnes for research purposes or as by-catch.

SpeciesAntarctic icefishChampsocephalus gunnariZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctica(ANI/F5852.)

This TAC is applicable for longline fishery for the period from 1 May to 31 August 2012 and for pot fishery for the period from 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012.

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the Subareas specified:

Management Area A: 48° W to 43° 30′ W – 52° 30′ S to 56° S



Management Area B: 43° 30′ W to 40° W – 52° 30′ S to 56° S



Management Area C: 40° W to 33° 30′ W – 52° 30′ S to 56° S


1 820
SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoidesZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(TOP/F483.)
TAC2 600a

This TAC is applicable within the area bounded by latitudes 55° 30′ S and 57° 20′ S and by longitudes 25° 30′ W and 29° 30′ W.

SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoidesZoneFAO 48.4 Antarctic North(TOP/F484N.)

This TAC is applicable within the area bounded by latitudes 57° 20′ S and 60° 00′ S and by longitudes 24° 30′ W and 29° 00′ W.

SpeciesToothfishDissostichus spp.ZoneFAO 48.4 Antarctic South(TOP/F484S.)

This TAC is applicable for west of 79° 20′ E only. Fishing east of this meridian within this zone is prohibited.

SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoidesZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(TOP/F5852.)
TAC2 730a

Special conditions:

Within the limit of a total combined catch of 620 000 tonnes, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:

Division 48.1 (KRI/*F481.)155 000
Division 48.2 (KRI/*F482.)279 000
Division 48.3 (KRI/*F483.)279 000
Division 48.4 (KRI/*F484.)93 000
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superbaZoneFAO 48(KRI/F48.)
TAC5 610 000

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:

Division 58.4.1 west of 115° E


277 000

Division 58.4.1 east of 115° E


163 000
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superbaZoneFAO 58.4.1 Antarctic(KRI/F5841.)
TAC440 000

Special conditions:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quota, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the subareas specified:

Division 58.4.2 west of 55° E


260 000

Division 58.4.2 east of 55° E


192 000
SpeciesKrillEuphausia superbaZoneFAO 58.4.2 Antarctic(KRI/F5842.)
TAC2 645 000

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesGrey rockcodLepidonotothen squamifronsZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(NOS/F5852.)
SpeciesCrabsParalomis spp.ZoneFAO 48.3 Antarctic(PAI/F483.)

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp.ZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(GRV/F5852.)

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesOther speciesZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(OTH/F5852.)

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesSkates and raysRajiformesZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(SRX/F5852.)

Only as by-catch.

SpeciesUnicorn icefishChannichthys rhinoceratusZoneFAO 58.5.2 Antarctic(LIC/F5852.)



These TACs are not allocated to the members of SEAFO and hence the Union's share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the Secretariat of SEAFO, who will communicate when fishing must cease due to TAC exhaustion.

SpeciesAlfonsinosBeryx spp.ZoneSEAFO(ALF/SEAFO)

Analytical TAC


For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:

  • its western boundary on the longitude 0° E,

  • its northern boundary on the latitude 20° S,

  • its southern boundary on the latitude 28° S, and

  • the eastern boundary outer limits of the Namibian EEZ.

SpeciesDeep-sea red crabChaceon maritaeZoneSEAFO Sub-Division B1a(CGE/F47NAM)

Analytical TAC

SpeciesDeep-sea red crabChaceon maritaeZoneSEAFO, excluding Sub-Division B1(CGE/F47X)

Analytical TAC

SpeciesPatagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoidesZoneSEAFO(TOP/SEAFO)

Analytical TAC


For the purpose of this Annex, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:

  • its western boundary on the longitude 0° E,

  • its northern boundary on the latitude 20° S,

  • its southern boundary on the latitude 28° S, and

  • the eastern boundary outer limits of the Namibian EEZ.

SpeciesOrange roughyHoplostethus atlanticusZoneSEAFO Sub-Division B1a(ORY/F47NAM)

Analytical TAC

SpeciesOrange roughyHoplostethus atlanticusZoneSEAFO, excluding Sub-Division B1(ORY/F47X)

Analytical TAC




Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

SpeciesSouthern bluefin tunaThunnus maccoyiiZoneAll areas(SBF/F41-81)

Analytical TAC

TAC10 449



SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladiusZoneWCPFC Convention Area south of 20° S(SWO/F7120S)
Union3 170,36

Analytical TAC

TACNot relevant




Quotas to be established following the outcome of the 3rd Preparatory Conference for the SPRFMO Commission scheduled on 30 January-2 February 2012.

SpeciesJack mackerelTrachurus murphyiZoneSPRFMO Convention Area(CJM/SPRFMO)
GermanyTo be establisheda
The NetherlandsTo be establisheda
LithuaniaTo be establisheda
PolandTo be establisheda
UnionTo be establisheda


Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of certain cod, plaice and sole stocks in the Skagerrak, that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, ICES subarea IV, EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES division VIId U.K.

1. Scope U.K.

1.1.This Annex shall apply to EU vessels carrying on board or deploying any of the gears specified in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 and present in any of the geographical areas specified in point 2 of that Annex.U.K.

1.2.This Annex shall not apply to vessels of less than 10 metres' length overall. Those vessels shall not be required to carry fishing authorisations issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Member States concerned shall assess the fishing effort of those vessels by effort groups to which they belong, using appropriate sampling methods. During 2012, the Commission shall seek scientific advice for evaluating the effort deployment of those vessels, with a view to their future inclusion into the effort regime.U.K.

2. Regulated gears and geographical areas U.K.

For the purposes of this Annex, the gear groupings specified in point 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 (‘regulated gear’) and the groupings of geographical areas referred to in point 2(b) of that Annex shall apply.

3. Authorisations U.K.

If a Member State deems so appropriate in order to reinforce the sustainable implementation of this effort regime, it may introduce a prohibition to fish with a regulated gear in any of the geographical areas to which this Annex applies by any of vessels flying its flag which has no record of such fishing activity, unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in that area.

4. Maximum allowable fishing effort U.K.

4.1.The maximum allowable effort referred to in Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 and in Article 9(2) of Regulation (EC) No 676/2007 for the 2012 management period, from 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013, for each of the effort groups of each Member State is set out in Appendix 1 to this Annex.U.K.

4.2.The maximum levels of annual fishing effort set in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003(28) shall not affect the maximum allowable fishing effort set in this Annex.U.K.

5. Management U.K.

5.1.Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 676/2007, Article 4 and Articles 13 to 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 and Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.U.K.

5.2.A Member State may establish management periods for allocating all or parts of the maximum allowable effort to individual vessels or groups of vessels. In such case, the number of days or hours for which a vessel may be present within the area during a management period shall be fixed at the discretion of the Member State concerned. During any such management periods, the Member State may reallocate effort between individual vessels or groups of vessels.U.K.

5.3.If a Member State authorises vessels to be present within an area by hours, it shall continue measuring the consumption of days in accordance with the conditions referred to in point 5.1. Upon request by the Commission, the Member State shall demonstrate its precautionary measures taken to avoid an excessive consumption of effort within the area due to a vessel terminating presences in the area before the end of a 24-hour period.U.K.

6. Fishing effort report U.K.

Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood, for the purpose of cod management, as each of the geographical areas referred to in point 2 of this Annex.

7. Communication of relevant data U.K.

Member States shall transmit to the Commission the data on fishing effort deployed by their fishing vessels in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Those data shall be transmitted via the Fisheries Data Exchange System or any future data collection system implemented by the Commission.

Appendix 1 to Annex IIA


Geographical area: Skagerrak, that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat; ICES subarea IV and EU waters of ICES division IIa; ICES division VIId

TR18953 385 928954 3901 4091 505 354157257 266172 0646 185 460
TR2193 6762 841 906357 19306 496 81110 976748 027604 0715 127 906
TR302 545 0092570101 316036 6171 0248 482
BT11 427 5741 157 26529 271000999 80801 739 759
BT25 401 39579 2121 375 40001 202 818028 307 87606 116 437
GN163 5312 307 977224 4840342 5790438 66474 925546 303
GT0224 12446704 338 3150048 96814 004
LL056 3120245125 14100110 468134 880


Fishing opportunities for vessels fishing for sandeel in ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV U.K.

1.The conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to EU vessels fishing in EU waters of ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gears with a mesh size of less than 16 mm.U.K.

2.The conditions laid down in this Annex shall apply to third-country vessels authorised to fish for sandeel in EU waters of ICES subarea IV unless otherwise specified, or as a consequence of consultations between the Union and Norway as set out in the Agreed Record of conclusions between the Union and Norway.U.K.

3.For the purposes of this Annex, sandeel management areas shall be as shown below and in the Appendix to this Annex:U.K.

Sandeel management areaICES statistical rectangles
131-34 E9-F2; 35 E9- F3; 36 E9-F4; 37 E9-F5; 38-40 F0-F5; 41 F5-F6
231-34 F3-F4; 35 F4-F6; 36 F5-F8; 37-40 F6-F8; 41 F7-F8
341 F1-F4; 42-43 F1-F9; 44 F1-G0; 45-46 F1-G1; 47 G0
438-40 E7-E9; 41-46 E6-F0
547-51 E6 + F0-F5; 52 E6-F5
641-43 G0-G3; 44 G1
747-51 E7-E9

4.Based on advice from ICES and the STECF on the fishing opportunities for sandeel in each of the sandeel management areas specified in point 3, the Commission shall endeavour to revise, by 1 March 2012, the TACs and quotas and the special conditions for sandeel in EU waters of ICES divisions IIa and IIIa and ICES subarea IV, as laid down in Annex I.U.K.

5.Commercial fishing with demersal trawl, seine or similar towed gears with a mesh size of less than 16 mm shall be prohibited from 1 January to 31 March 2012 and from 1 August to 31 December 2012.U.K.

Appendix 1 to Annex IIB



Maximum number of fishing authorisations for EU vessels fishing in third-country waters


Without prejudice to additional licences granted to Sweden by Norway in accordance with established practice.

Area of fishingFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsAllocation of fishing authorisations amongst Member StatesMaximum number of vessels present at any time
Norwegian waters and fishery zone around Jan MayenHerring, north of 62° 00′ N77

DK: 25

DE: 5

FR: 1

IE: 8

NL: 9

PL: 1

SV: 10

UK: 18

Demersal species, north of 62° 00′ N80

DE: 16

IE: 1

ES: 20

FR: 18

PT: 9

UK: 14

MackerelNot relevant70a
Industrial species, south of 62° 00′ N480

DK: 450

UK: 30




1.Maximum number of EU bait boats and trolling boats authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Eastern AtlanticU.K.


2.Maximum number of EU coastal artisanal fishing vessels authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the MediterraneanU.K.


3.Maximum number of EU vessels authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Adriatic Sea for farming purposesU.K.


4.Maximum number and total capacity in gross tonnage of fishing vessels of each Member State that may be authorised to fish for, retain on board, tranship, transport, or land bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and MediterraneanU.K.

Table A

One medium size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels.


Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment.


Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment (longline, handline, trolling line).

Number of fishing vessels
Purse Seiners11121761
Other artisanalc035087320
Table B

One medium size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels.

Total capacity in gross tonnage
Purse SeinersTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established
LonglinersTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established
BaitboatsTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established
HandlinesTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established
TrawlersTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established
Other artisanalTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be establishedTo be established

5.Maximum number of traps engaged in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishery authorised by each Member StateU.K.


This number may be further increased, provided that the international obligations of the Union are complied with.

Number of traps

6.Maximum bluefin tuna farming capacity and fattening capacity for each Member State and maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna that each Member State may allocate to its farms in the eastern Atlantic and MediterraneanU.K.

Table A
Maximum tuna farming capacity and fattening capacity
Number of farmsCapacity (in tonnes)
Spain1411 852
Italy1513 000
Greece22 100
Cyprus33 000
Malta812 300
Table B
Maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna (in tonnes)
Spain5 855
Italy3 764
Cyprus2 195
Malta8 768





Except for scientific research purposes.


Excluding waters subject to national jurisdiction (EEZs).

Target speciesZonePeriod of prohibition
Sharks (all species)Convention AreaFrom 1 January to 31 December 2012
Notothenia rossii

FAO 48.1. Antarctic, in the Peninsula Area

FAO 48.2. Antarctic, around the South Orkneys

FAO 48.3. Antarctic, around South Georgia

From 1 January to 31 December 2012

FAO 48.1. Antarctica

FAO 48.2. Antarctica

From 1 January to 31 December 2012

Gobionotothen gibberifrons

Chaenocephalus aceratus

Pseudochaenichthys georgianus

Lepidonotothen squamifrons

Patagonotothen guntheri

Electrona carlsbergi a

FAO 48.3.From 1 January to 31 December 2012
Dissostichus spp.FAO 48.5. AntarcticFrom 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012
Dissostichus spp.

FAO 88.3. Antarctica

FAO 58.5.1. Antarctica b

FAO 58.5.2. Antarctic east of 79° 20′ E and outside the EEZ to the west of 79° 20′ Ea

FAO 58.4.4. Antarctica b

FAO 58.6. Antarctica

FAO 58.7. Antarctica

From 1 January to 31 December 2012
Lepidonotothen squamifronsFAO 58.4.4.a bFrom 1 January to 31 December 2012
All species except Champsocephalus gunnari and Dissostichus eleginoidesFAO 58.5.2. AntarcticFrom 1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012
Dissostichus mawsoniFAO 48.4. Antarctica within the area bounded by latitudes 55° 30′ S and 57° 20′ S and by longitudes 25° 30′ W and 29° 30′ WFrom 1 January to 31 December 2012



Rules for catch limits for by-catch species per SSRU, applicable within total by-catch limits per Subarea:

  • skates and rays: 5 % of the catch limit for Dissostichus spp. or 50 tonnes, whichever is greater;

  • Macrourus spp.: 16 % of the catch limit for Dissostichus spp. or 20 tonnes, whichever is greater, except in Statistical Division 58.4.3a and Statistical Subarea 88.1;

  • other species: 20 tonnes per SSRU.

Subarea/DivisionRegionSeasonSSRU Dissostichus spp. catch limit (in tonnes)By-catch catch limit (in tonnes)a
Skates and rays Macrourus spp.Other species
58.4.1.Whole Division1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012

SSRU A, B, D, F and H: 0

SSRU C: 100

SSRU E: 50

SSRU G: 60

Total 210All Division: 50All Division: 33All Division: 20
58.4.2.Whole Division1 December 2011 to 30 November 2012

SSRU A: 30

SSRU B, C and D: 0

SSRU E: 40

Total 70All Division: 50All Division: 20All Division: 20
58.4.3a.Whole Division1 May to 31 August 2012Total 86All Division: 50All Division: 26All Division: 20
88.1.Whole Subarea1 December 2011 to 31 August 2012


SSRUs B, C and G: 428

SSRUs D, E and F: 0

SSRUs H, I and K: 2 423

SSRUs J and L: 351


Total 3 282



SSRU B, C and G: 50

SSRU D, E and F: 0

SSRU H, I and K: 121

SSRU J and L: 50




SSRU B, C and G: 40

SSRU D, E and F: 0

SSRU H, I and K: 320

SSRU J and L: 70




SSRU B, C and G: 60

SSRU D, E and F: 0

SSRU H, I and K: 60

SSRU J and L: 40


88.2.South of 65° S1 December 2011 to 31 August 2012


SSRUs C, D, E, F and G: 124

SSRU H: 406


Total 530


SSRU A and B: 0

SSRU C, D, E, F and G: 50

SSRU i: 0



SSRU A and B: 0

SSRU C, D, E, F and G: 20

SSRU H: 40



SSRU A and B: 0

SSRU C, D, E, F and G: 100

SSRU H: 20


Appendix to Annex V, Part BU.K.

RegionSSRUBoundary line
48.6AFrom 50° S 20° W, due east to 1° 30′ E, due south to 60° S, due west to 20° W, due north to 50° S.
BFrom 60° S 20° W, due east to 10° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 20° W, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 60° S 10° W, due east to 0° longitude, due south to coast, westward along coast to 10° W, due north to 60° S.
DFrom 60° S 0° longitude, due east to 10° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 0° longitude, due north to 60° S.
EFrom 60° S 10° E, due east to 20° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 10° E, due north to 60° S.
FFrom 60° S 20° E, due east to 30° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 20° E, due north to 60° S.
GFrom 50° S 1° 30′ E, due east to 30° E, due south to 60° S, due west to 1° 30′ E, due north to 50° S.
58.4.1AFrom 55° S 86° E, due east to 150° E, due south to 60° S, due west to 86° E, due north to 55° S.
BFrom 60° S 86° E, due east to 90° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 80° E, due north to 64° S, due east to 86° E, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 60° S 90° E, due east to 100° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 90° E, due north to 60° S.
DFrom 60° S 100° E, due east to 110° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 100° E, due north to 60° S.
EFrom 60° S 110° E, due east to 120° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 110° E, due north to 60° S.
FFrom 60° S 120° E, due east to 130° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 120° E, due north to 60° S.
GFrom 60° S 130° E, due east to 140° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 130° E, due north to 60° S.
HFrom 60° S 140° E, due east to 150° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 140° E, due north to 60° S.
58.4.2AFrom 62° S 30° E, due east to 40° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 30° E, due north to 62° S.
BFrom 62° S 40° E, due east to 50° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 40° E, due north to 62° S.
CFrom 62° S 50° E, due east to 60° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 50° E, due north to 62° S.
DFrom 62° S 60° E, due east to 70° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 60° E, due north to 62° S.
EFrom 62° S 70° E, due east to 73° 10′ E, due south to 64° S, due east to 80° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 70° E, due north to 62° S.
58.4.3aAWhole division, from 56° S 60° E, due east to 73° 10′ E, due south to 62° S, due west to 60° E, due north to 56° S.
58.4.3bAFrom 56° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 79° E, south to 59° S, due west to 73° 10′ E, due north to 56° S.
BFrom 60° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 86° E, south to 64° S, due west to 73° 10′ E, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 59° S 73° 10′ E, due east to 79° E, south to 60° S, due west to 73° 10′ E, due north to 59° S.
DFrom 59° S 79° E, due east to 86° E, south to 60° S, due west to 79° E, due north to 59° S.
EFrom 56° S 79° E, due east to 80° E, due north to 55° S, due east to 86° E, south to 59° S, due west to 79° E, due north to 56° S.
58.4.4AFrom 51° S 40° E, due east to 42° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 40° E, due north to 51° S.
BFrom 51° S 42° E, due east to 46° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 42° E, due north to 51° S.
CFrom 51° S 46° E, due east to 50° E, due south to 54° S, due west to 46° E, due north to 51° S.
DWhole division excluding SSRUs A, B, C, and with outer boundary from 50° S 30° E, due east to 60° E, due south to 62° S, due west to 30° E, due north to 50° S.
58.6AFrom 45° S 40° E, due east to 44° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 40° E, due north to 45° S.
BFrom 45° S 44° E, due east to 48° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 44° E, due north to 45° S.
CFrom 45° S 48° E, due east to 51° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 48° E, due north to 45° S.
DFrom 45° S 51° E, due east to 54° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 51° E, due north to 45° S.
58.7AFrom 45° S 37° E, due east to 40° E, due south to 48° S, due west to 37° E, due north to 45° S.
88.1AFrom 60° S 150° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 65° S, due west to 150° E, due north to 60° S.
BFrom 60° S 170° E, due east to 179° E, due south to 66° 40′ S, due west to 170° E, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 60° S 179° E, due east to 170° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° W, due north to 66° 40′ S, due west to 179° E, due north to 60° S.
DFrom 65° S 150° E, due east to 160° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 150° E, due north to 65° S.
EFrom 65° S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 68° 30′ S, due west to 160° E, due north to 65° S.
FFrom 68° 30′ S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 160° E, due north to 68° 30′ S.
GFrom 66° 40′ S 170° E, due east to 178° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due south to 70° 50′ S, due west to 170° E, due north to 66° 40′ S.
HFrom 70° 50′ S 170° E, due east to 178° 50′ E, due south to 73° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 170° E, due north to 70° 50′ S.
IFrom 70° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 73° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 70° S.
JFrom 73° S at coast near 170° E, due east to 178° 50′ E, due south to 80° S, due west to 170° E, northward along coast to 73° S.
KFrom 73° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 76° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 73° S.
LFrom 76° S 178° 50′ E, due east to 170° W, due south to 80° S, due west to 178° 50′ E, due north to 76° S.
MFrom 73° S at coast near 169° 30′ E, due east to 170° E, due south to 80° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 73° S.
88.2AFrom 60° S 170° W, due east to 160° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 170° W, due north to 60° S.
BFrom 60° S 160° W, due east to 150° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 160° W, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 70° 50′ S 150° W, due east to 140° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 150° W, due north to 70° 50′ S.
DFrom 70° 50′ S 140° W, due east to 130° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 140° W, due north to 70° 50′ S.
EFrom 70° 50′ S 130° W, due east to 120° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 130° W, due north to 70° 50′ S.
FFrom 70° 50′ S 120° W, due east to 110° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 120° W, due north to 70° 50′ S.
GFrom 70° 50′ S 110° W, due east to 105° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 110° W, due north to 70° 50′ S.
HFrom 65° S 150° W, due east to 105° W, due south to 70° 50′ S, due west to 150° W, due north to 65° S.
IFrom 60° S 150° W, due east to 105° W, due south to 65° S, due west to 150° W, due north to 60° S.
88.3AFrom 60° S 105° W, due east to 95° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 105° W, due north to 60° S.
BFrom 60° S 95° W, due east to 85° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 95° W, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 60° S 85° W, due east to 75° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 85° W, due north to 60° S.
DFrom 60° S 75° W, due east to 70° W, due south to coast, westward along coast to 75° W, due north to 60° S.


Contracting Party:

Fishing season:

Name of vessel:

Expected level of catch (in tonnes):

Fishing technique:Conventional trawl
Continuous fishing system
Pumping to clear codend
Other approved methods: Please specify

Methods used for direct estimate of green weight of krill caughta:

Products to be derived from the catch and their conversion factorsb:


The notification shall include a description of the exact detailed method of estimation of green weight of krill caught and, if conversion factors are applied, the exact detailed method of how each conversion factor was derived. Member States are not required to re-submit such a description in the following seasons, unless change in the method of green weight estimation occurred.


Information to be provided to the extent possible.


Conversion factor = whole weight/processed weight.

Product type% of catchConversion factorc

Tick boxes where and when you are most likely to operate

Precautionary catch limits not set, therefore considered as exploratory fisheries

Note that the details you provide here are for information only and do not preclude you from operating in areas or times which you did not specify.


Net opening (mouth) circumference (m)Vertical opening (m)Horizontal opening (m)

Net panel length and mesh size

PanelLength (m)Mesh size (mm)
1st panel
2nd panel
3rd panel
Final panel (Codend)

Provide diagram of each net configuration used

Use of multiple fishing technique(30): Yes No

Fishing techniqueExpected proportion of time to be used (%)
Total 100 %

Presence of marine mammal exclusion device(31): Yes No

Provide explanation of fishing techniques, gear configuration and characteristics and fishing patterns:



1.Maximum number of EU vessels authorised to fish for tropical tunas in the IOTC Convention AreaU.K.

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsCapacity (gross tonnage)
Spain2261 364
France2233 604
Portugal51 627
Union4996 595

2.Maximum number of EU vessels authorised to fish for swordfish and albacore in the IOTC Convention AreaU.K.

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsCapacity (gross tonnage)
Spain2711 590
France415 382
Portugal156 925
United Kingdom41 400
Union7221 922

3.The vessels referred to in point 1 shall also be authorised to fish for swordfish and albacore in the IOTC Convention Area.U.K.

4.The vessels referred to in point 2 shall also be authorised to fish for tropical tunas in the IOTC Convention Area.U.K.



Maximum number of EU vessels authorised to fish for swordfish in areas south of 20° S of the WCPFC Convention Area





To issue those fishing authorisations, proof must be produced that a valid contract exists between the ship owner applying for the fishing authorisation and a processing undertaking situated in the Department of French Guiana, and that it includes an obligation to land at least 75 % of all snapper catches from the vessel concerned in that department so that they may be processed in that undertaking's plant. Such a contract must be endorsed by the French authorities, which shall ensure that it is consistent both with the actual capacity of the contracting processing undertaking and with the objectives for the development of the Guianese economy. A copy of the duly endorsed contract shall be appended to the fishing authorisation application. Where such an endorsement is refused, the French authorities shall give notification of this refusal and state their reasons for it to the party concerned and to the Commission.

Flag StateFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsMaximum number of vessels present at any time
NorwayHerring, north of 62° 00′ N2020
VenezuelaaSnappers (French Guiana waters)4545

Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway (OJ L 226, 29.8.1980, p. 48).


Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community, of the one part, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faeroe Islands, of the other part (OJ L 226, 29.8.1980, p. 12).


Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Rule Government of Greenland, on the other hand (OJ L 172, 30.6.2007, p. 4) and Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in that Agreement (OJ L 172, 30.6.2007, p. 9).


Agreement on fisheries and the marine environment between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland (OJ L 161, 2.7.1993, p. 2).


Commission Regulation (EC) No 517/2008 of 10 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 as regards the determination of the mesh size and assessing the thickness of twine of fishing nets (OJ L 151, 11.6.2008, p. 5).


Regulation (EC) No 218/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the north-east Atlantic (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 70).


Regulation (EC) No 216/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in certain areas other than those of the North Atlantic (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 1).


Regulation (EC) No 217/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on the submission of catch and activity statistics by Member States fishing in the north-west Atlantic (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 42).


Concluded by Council Decision 2002/738/EC (OJ L 234, 31.8.2002, p. 39).


The Union acceded by Council Decision 86/238/EEC (OJ L 162, 18.6.1986, p. 33).


Council Regulation (EC) No 601/2004 of 22 March 2004 laying down certain control measures applicable to fishing activities in the area covered by the Convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources (OJ L 97, 1.4.2004, p. 16).


Concluded by Council Decision 2006/539/EC (OJ L 224, 16.8.2006, p. 22).


The Union acceded by Council Decision 95/399/EC (OJ L 236, 5.10.1995, p. 24).


Concluded by Council Decision 2008/780/EC (OJ L 268, 9.10.2008, p. 27).


The Union acceded by Council Decision 2005/75/EC (OJ L 32, 4.2.2005, p. 1).


Council Regulation (EC) No 1006/2008 of 29 September 2009 concerning authorisations for fishing activities of Community fishing vessels outside Community waters and the access of third country vessels to Community waters (OJ L 286, 29.10.2008, p. 33).


Council Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 of 16 December 2002 establishing specific access requirements and associated conditions applicable to fishing for deep-sea stocks (OJ L 351, 28.12.2002, p. 6).


Council Regulation (EU) No 43/2012 of 18 January 2012 fixing for 2012 the fishing opportunities available to EU vessels for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks which are not subject to international negotiations or agreements (see page 1 of this Official Journal).


Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003 of 4 November 2003 on the management of the fishing effort relating to certain Community fishing areas and resources (OJ L 289, 7.11.2003, p. 1).


The numbers shown in sections 1, 2 and 3 may decrease in order to comply with international obligations of the Union.


If yes, frequency of switch between fishing techniques:


If yes, provide design of the device: