Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDangos y teitl llawn

Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006


Allocation method for the less developed regions eligible under the Investment for growth and jobs goal, referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 90(2) U.K.

1.Each Member State's allocation shall be the sum of the allocations for its individual eligible NUTS level 2 regions, calculated in accordance with the following steps:U.K.


determination of an absolute amount (in EUR) obtained by multiplying the population of the region concerned by the difference between that region's GDP per capita, measured in PPS, and the EU-27 average GDP per capita (in PPS);


application of a percentage to the above absolute amount in order to determine that region's financial envelope; this percentage shall be graduated to reflect the relative prosperity, measured in PPS, as compared to the EU-27 average, of the Member State in which the eligible region is situated, i.e.:


for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is below 82 % of the EU-27 average: 3,15 %;


for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is between 82 % and 99 % of the EU-27 average: 2,70 %;


for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is over 99 % of the EU-27 average: 1,65 %;


to the amount obtained in accordance with point (b) is added, if applicable, an amount resulting from the allocation of a premium of EUR 1 300 per unemployed person per year, applied to the number of persons unemployed in that region exceeding the number that would be unemployed if the average unemployment rate of all the EU less developed regions applied.

Allocation method for transition regions eligible under the Investment for growth and jobs goal, referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 90(2) U.K.

2.Each Member State's allocation shall be the sum of the allocations for its individual eligible NUTS level 2 regions, calculated in accordance with the following steps:U.K.


determination of the minimum and maximum theoretical aid intensity for each eligible transition region. The minimum level of support is determined by the average per capita aid intensity per Member State before the application of the regional safety net, allocated to the more developed regions of that Member State. If the Member State has no more developed regions, the minimum level of support will correspond to the initial average per capita aid intensity of all more developed regions, i.e. EUR 19,80 per head and per year. The maximum level of support refers to a theoretical region with a GDP per head of 75 % of the EU-27 average and is calculated using the method defined in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1. Of the amount obtained by this method, 40 % is taken into account;


calculation of initial regional allocations, taking into account regional GDP per capita (in PPS) through a linear interpolation of the region's relative GDP per capita compared to EU-27;


to the amount obtained in accordance with point (b) is added, if applicable, an amount resulting from the allocation of a premium of EUR 1 100 per unemployed person per year, applied to the number of persons unemployed in that region exceeding the number that would be unemployed if the average unemployment rate of all the less developed regions applied.

Allocation method for the more developed regions eligible under the Investment for growth and jobs goal, referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 90(2) U.K.

3.The total initial theoretical financial envelope shall be obtained by multiplying an aid intensity per head and per year of EUR 19,80 by the eligible population.U.K.

4.The share of each Member State concerned shall be the sum of the shares of its eligible NUTS level 2 regions, which are determined on the basis of the following criteria, weighted as indicated:U.K.


total regional population (weighting 25 %);


number of unemployed people in NUTS level 2 regions with an unemployment rate above the average of all more developed regions (weighting 20 %);


employment to be added to reach the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth target for regional employment rate (ages 20 to 64) of 75 % (weighting 20 %);


number of persons aged 30 to 34 with tertiary educational attainment to be added to reach the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth target of 40 % (weighting 12,5 %);


number of early leavers from education and training (aged 18 to 24) to be subtracted to reach the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth target of 10 % (weighting 12,5 %);


difference between the observed GDP of the region (measured in PPS), and the theoretical regional GDP if the region were to have the same GDP per head as the most prosperous NUTS level 2 region (weighting 7,5 %);


population of NUTS level 3 regions with a population density below 12,5 inhabitants/km2 (weighting 2,5 %).

Allocation method for the Member States eligible for the Cohesion Fund under Article 90(3) U.K.

5.The total theoretical financial envelope shall be obtained by multiplying the average aid intensity per head and per year of EUR 48 by the eligible population. Each eligible Member State's a priori allocation of this theoretical financial envelope corresponds to a percentage based on its population, surface area and national prosperity, and shall be obtained by applying the following steps:U.K.


calculation of the arithmetical average of that Member State's population and surface area shares of the total population and surface area of all the eligible Member States. If, however, a Member State's share of total population exceeds its share of total surface area by a factor of five or more, reflecting an extremely high population density, only the share of total population will be used for this step;


adjustment of the percentage figures so obtained by a coefficient representing one third of the percentage by which that Member State's GNI per capita (measured in purchasing power parities) for the period 2008-2010 exceeds or falls below the average GNI per capita of all the eligible Member States (average expressed as 100 %).

6.In order to reflect the significant needs of Member States, which acceded to the Union on or after 1 May 2004, in terms of transport and environment, their share of the Cohesion Fund will be set at a minimum of one third of their total final financial allocation after capping as defined in paragraphs 10 to 13 received on average over the period.U.K.

7.The allocation from the Cohesion Fund for the Member States defined in the second subparagraph of Article 90(3) shall be digressive over seven years. This transitional support will be of EUR 48 per capita in 2014, applied to the total population of the Member State. The amounts in the following years will be expressed as a percentage of the amount defined for 2014, the percentages being 71 % in 2015, 42 % in 2016, 21 % in 2017, 17 % in 2018, 13 % in 2019 and 8 % in 2020.U.K.

Allocation method for the European territorial cooperation goal referred to in Article 4 of the ETC Regulation U.K.

8.The allocation of resources by Member State, covering cross-border and transnational cooperation, and including the contribution from the ERDF to the European Neighbourhood Instrument and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, is determined as the weighted sum of the share of the population of border regions and of the share of the total population of each Member State. The weight is determined by the respective shares of the cross-border and transnational strands. The shares of the cross border and transnational cooperation components are 77,9 % and 22,1 %.U.K.

Allocation method of the additional funding for regions referred to in point (e) of Article 92(1) U.K.

9.An additional special allocation corresponding to an aid intensity of EUR 30 per inhabitant per year will be allocated to the outermost NUTS level 2 regions and the northern sparsely populated NUTS level 2 regions. That allocation will be distributed per region and Member State in a manner proportional to the total population of those regions.U.K.

Maximum level of transfers from funds supporting cohesion U.K.

10.In order to contribute to achieving adequate concentration of cohesion funding on the least developed regions and Member States and to the reduction of disparities in average per capita aid intensities, the maximum level of transfer (capping) from the Funds to each individual Member State will be 2,35 % of the GDP of the Member State. The capping will be applied on an annual basis, subject to adjustments necessary to accommodate the frontloading of the YEI, and will - if applicable - proportionally reduce all transfers (except for the more developed regions and European territorial cooperation goal) to the Member State concerned in order to obtain the maximum level of transfer. For Member States which acceded to the Union before 2013 and whose average real GDP growth 2008-2010 was lower than -1 %, the maximum level of transfer will be 2,59 %.U.K.

11.The ceilings referred to in paragraph 10 above include the contributions from the ERDF to the financing of the cross-border strand of the European Neighbourhood Instrument and of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. Those ceilings do not include the specific allocation of EUR 3 000 000 000 for the YEI.U.K.

12.Calculations of GDP by the Commission will be based on the statistics available in May 2012. Individual national growth rates of GDP for 2014 to 2020, as projected by the Commission in May 2012, will be applied for each Member State separately.U.K.

13.The rules described in paragraph 10 shall not result in allocations per Member State higher than 110 % of their level in real terms for the 2007-2013 programming period.U.K.

Additional provisions U.K.

14.For all regions whose GDP per capita (in PPS) was used as an eligibility criterion for the 2007-2013 programming period and was less than 75 % of the EU-25 average, but whose GDP per capita is above 75 % of the EU-27 average, the minimum level of support in 2014-2020 under the Investment for growth and jobs goal will correspond every year to 60 % of their former indicative average annual allocation under the Convergence allocation, calculated by the Commission within the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013.U.K.

15.No transition region shall receive less than what it would have received if it had been a more developed region. In order to determine the level of this minimum allocation, the allocation distribution method for more developed regions will be applied to all regions having a GDP per capita of at least 75 % of the EU-27 average.U.K.

16.The minimum total allocation from the Funds for a Member State shall correspond to 55 % of its individual 2007-2013 total allocation. The adjustments needed to fulfil this requirement shall be applied proportionally to the allocations from the Funds, excluding the allocations under the European territorial cooperation goal.U.K.

17.To address the effects of the economic crisis on Member States within the euro area on their level of prosperity, and in order to boost growth and job creation in these Member States, the Structural Funds will provide the following additional allocations:U.K.


EUR 1 375 000 000 for the more developed regions of Greece;


EUR 1 000 000 000 for Portugal, distributed as follows: EUR 450 000 000 for more developed regions, of which EU 150 000 000 for Madeira, EUR 75 000 000 for the transition region and EUR 475 000 000 for the less developed regions;


EUR 100 000 000 for the Border, Midland and Western region of Ireland;


EUR 1 824 000 000 for Spain, of which EUR 500 000 000 for Extremadura, EUR 1 051 000 000 for the transition regions and EUR 273 000 000 for the more developed regions;


EUR 1 500 000 000 for the less developed regions of Italy, out of which EUR 500 000 000 for non-urban areas.

18.In order to recognise the challenges posed by the situation of island Member States and the remoteness of certain parts of the Union, Malta and Cyprus shall receive, after applying the method of calculation referred to in paragraph 16, an additional envelope of EUR 200 000 000 and EUR 150 000 000 respectively under the Investment for growth and jobs goal and distributed as follows: one third for the Cohesion Fund and two thirds for the Structural Funds.U.K.

The Spanish regions of Ceuta and Melilla shall be allocated an additional total envelope of EUR 50 000 000 under the Structural Funds.

The outermost region of Mayotte shall be allocated a total envelope of EUR 200 000 000 under the Structural Funds.

19.To facilitate the adjustment of certain regions either to changes in their eligibility status or to the long-lasting effects of recent developments in their economy the following additional allocations are made:U.K.


for Belgium EUR 133 000 000, out of which EUR 66 500 000 for Limburg and EUR 66 500 000 for the transition regions of the Region of Wallonia;


for Germany EUR 710 000 000, out of which EUR 510 000 000 for the former Convergence regions in the transition regions' category and EUR 200 000 000 for the Leipzig region;


notwithstanding paragraph 10, the less developed regions of Hungary will be allocated an additional envelope of EUR 1 560 000 000, the less developed regions of the Czech Republic an additional envelope of EUR 900 000 000 and the less developed region of Slovenia an additional envelope of EUR 75 000 000, under the Structural Funds.

20.A total of EUR 150 000 000 will be allocated for the PEACE programme, of which EUR 106 500 000 for the United Kingdom and EUR 43 500 000 for Ireland. That programme will be implemented as a cross-border cooperation programme involving Northern Ireland and Ireland.U.K.

Additional adjustments in accordance with Article 92(2) U.K.

21.In addition to the amounts set out in Articles 91 and 92, Cyprus shall benefit from an additional allocation of EUR 94 200 000 in 2014 and EUR 92 400 000 in 2015 to be added to its Structural Funds allocation.U.K.