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CHAPTER I U.K. Support from the ESI Funds

Article 60U.K.Determination of co-financing rates

1.The Commission decision adopting a programme shall fix the co-financing rate or rates and the maximum amount of support from the ESI Funds in accordance with the Fund-specific rules.

2.Technical assistance measures implemented at the initiative of, or on behalf of, the Commission may be financed at the rate of 100 %.

Article 61U.K.Operations generating net revenue after completion

[F11. This Article shall apply to operations which generate net revenue after their completion. For the purposes of this Article, net revenue means cash in-flows directly paid by users for the goods or services provided by the operation, such as charges borne directly by users for the use of infrastructure, sale or rent of land or buildings, or payments for services less any operating costs and replacement costs of short-life equipment incurred during the corresponding period. Operating cost-savings generated by the operation, with the exception of cost-savings resulting from the implementation of energy efficiency measures, shall be treated as net revenue unless they are offset by an equal reduction in operating subsidies.]

Where not all the investment cost is eligible for co-financing, the net revenue shall be allocated pro rata to the eligible and non-eligible parts of the investment cost.

2.The eligible expenditure of the operation to be co-financed from the ESI Funds shall be reduced in advance taking into account the potential of the operation to generate net revenue over a specific reference period that covers both implementation of the operation and the period after its completion.

3.The potential net revenue of the operation shall be determined in advance by one of the following methods chosen by the managing authority for a sector, subsector or type of operation:

(a)application of a flat rate net revenue percentage for the sector or subsector applicable to the operation as defined in Annex V or in any of the delegated acts referred to in the second, third and fourth subparagraphs;

[F2(aa) application of a flat rate net revenue percentage established by a Member State for a sector or subsector not covered by point (a). Before the application of the flat rate the responsible audit authority shall verify that the flat rate has been established according to a fair, equitable and verifiable method based on historical data or objective criteria;]

(b)calculation of the discounted net revenue of the operation, taking into account the reference period appropriate to the sector or subsector applicable to the operation, the profitability normally expected of the category of investment concerned, the application of the polluter-pays principle and, if appropriate, considerations of equity linked to the relative prosperity of the Member State or region concerned.

The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 in duly justified cases to amend Annex V by adjusting the flat rates established therein taking into account historical data, the potential for cost recovery and the polluter-pays principle where applicable.

The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 establishing flat rates for sectors or subsectors within the fields of ICT, RDI and energy efficiency. The Commission shall notify the delegated acts to the European Parliament and the Council not later than 30 June 2015.

In addition, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 in duly justified cases with regard to adding sectors or subsectors, including subsectors for sectors in Annex V, falling under the thematic objectives defined in the first paragraph of Article 9 and supported by the ESI Funds.

Where the method referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph is applied, all the net revenue generated during implementation and after completion of the operation shall be considered to be taken into account by the application of the flat rate and shall therefore not be deducted subsequently from the eligible expenditure of the operation.

When a flat rate for a new sector or subsector has been established by the adoption of a delegated act in accordance with the third and fourth subparagraphs, a managing authority may choose to apply the method set out in point (a) of the first subparagraph for new operations in relation to the sector or subsector concerned.

The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts, in accordance with Article 149, laying down the method referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph. Where that method is applied, the net revenue generated during implementation of the operation, resulting from sources of revenue not taken into account in determining the potential net revenue of the operation, shall be deducted from the eligible expenditure of the operation, no later than in the final payment claim submitted by the beneficiary.

[X14. The method by which the net revenue is deducted from the expenditure of the operation included in the payment application submitted to the Commission shall be determined in accordance with national rules.]

[F15. As an alternative to the application of the methods laid down in paragraph 3 of this Article, the maximum co-financing rate referred to in Article 60(1) may, at the request of a Member State, be decreased for a priority or measure under which all supported operations could apply a uniform flat rate in accordance with point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 of this Article. The decrease shall be not less than the amount calculated by multiplying the maximum Union co-financing rate applicable under the Fund-specific rules by the relevant flat rate referred to in that point.]

6.Where it is objectively not possible to determine the revenue in advance based on any of the methods set out in paragraphs 3 or 5, the net revenue generated within three years of the completion of an operation, or by the deadline for the submission of documents for programme closure fixed in the Fund-specific rules, whichever is the earlier, shall be deducted from the expenditure declared to the Commission.

7.Paragraphs 1 to 6 shall not apply to:

(a)operations or parts of operations supported solely by the ESF;

(b)operations whose total eligible cost before application of paragraphs 1 to 6 does not exceed EUR 1 000 000;

(c)repayable assistance subject to an obligation for full repayment and prizes;

(d)technical assistance;

(e)support to or from financial instruments;

(f)operations for which public support takes the form of lump sums or standard scale unit costs;

(g)operations implemented under a joint action plan;

[F1(h) operations for which amounts or rates of support are defined in Annex II to the EAFRD Regulation or in the EMFF Regulation.]

Notwithstanding point (b) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, where a Member State applies paragraph 5, it may include in the relevant priority or measure operations whose total eligible cost before application of paragraphs 1 to 6 does not exceed EUR 1 000 000.

[F18. In addition, paragraphs 1 to 6 shall not apply to operations for which support under the programme constitutes State aid.]

Editorial Information

Textual Amendments

CHAPTER II U.K. Special rules on support from the ESI Funds to PPPs

Article 62U.K.PPPs

The ESI Funds may be used to support PPP operations. Such PPP operations shall comply with applicable law, in particular concerning State aid and public procurement.

Article 63U.K.Beneficiary under PPP operations

1.In relation to a PPP operation, and by way of derogation from point (10) of Article 2, a beneficiary may be either:

(a)the public law body initiating the operation; or

(b)a body governed by private law of a Member State (the "private partner") selected or to be selected for the implementation of the operation.

2.The public law body initiating the PPP operation may propose that the private partner, to be selected after approval of the operation, be the beneficiary for the purposes of support from the ESI Funds. In that event, the approval decision shall be conditional on the managing authority satisfying itself that the selected private partner fulfils and assumes all the corresponding obligations of a beneficiary under this Regulation.

3.The private partner selected to implement the operation may be replaced as beneficiary during implementation where this is required under the terms and conditions of the PPP or the financing agreement between the private partner and the financial institution co-financing the operation. In that event the replacement private partner or public law body shall become the beneficiary provided that the managing authority satisfies itself that the replacement partner fulfils and assumes all the corresponding obligations of a beneficiary under this Regulation.

4.The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 laying down additional rules on the replacement of a beneficiary and on the related responsibilities.

5.The replacement of a beneficiary shall not be considered a change in ownership within the meaning of point (b) of Article 71(1) if that replacement satisfies the applicable conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this Article and in a delegated act adopted pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article.

Article 64U.K.Support for PPP operations

[X11. In the case of a PPP operation where the beneficiary is a public law body, expenditure under a PPP operation which has been incurred and paid by the private partner may, by way of derogation from Article 65(2), be considered as incurred and paid by a beneficiary and included in a payment application to the Commission provided that the following conditions are met:]

(a)the beneficiary has entered into a PPP agreement with a private partner;

(b)the managing authority has verified that the expenditure declared by the beneficiary has been paid by the private partner and that the operation complies with applicable Union and national law, the programme and the conditions for support of the operation.

[X12. Payments to beneficiaries made in respect of expenditure included in a payment application in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be paid into an escrow account set up for that purpose in the name of the beneficiary.]

3.The funds paid into the escrow account referred to in paragraph 2 shall be used for payments in accordance with the PPP agreement, including any payments to be made in the event of termination of the PPP agreement.

4.The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 laying down the minimum requirements to be included in PPP agreements which are necessary for the application of the derogation laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article, including provisions related to termination of the PPP agreement and for the purpose of ensuring an adequate audit trail.

CHAPTER III U.K. Eligibility of expenditure and durability

Article 65U.K.Eligibility

1.The eligibility of expenditure shall be determined on the basis of national rules, except where specific rules are laid down in, or on the basis of, this Regulation or the Fund-specific rules.

2.Expenditure shall be eligible for a contribution from the ESI Funds if it has been incurred by a beneficiary and paid between the date of submission of the programme to the Commission or from 1 January 2014, whichever is earlier, and 31 December 2023. In addition, expenditure shall only be eligible for a contribution from the EAFRD if the relevant aid is actually paid by the paying agency between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023.

3.By way of derogation from paragraph 2, expenditure under the YEI shall be eligible as of 1 September 2013.

4.In the case of costs reimbursed pursuant to points (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 67(1), the actions constituting the basis for reimbursement shall be carried out between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023.

5.By way of derogation from paragraph 4, the starting date in relation to costs reimbursed on the basis of (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 67(1) for actions under the YEI shall be 1 September 2013.

6.Operations shall not be selected for support by the ESI Funds where they have been physically completed or fully implemented before the application for funding under the programme is submitted by the beneficiary to the managing authority, irrespective of whether all related payments have been made by the beneficiary.

7.This Article shall be without prejudice to the rules on eligibility of technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission set out in Article 58.

8.This paragraph shall apply to operations which generate net revenue during their implementation and to which paragraphs 1 to 6 of Article 61 do not apply.

The eligible expenditure of the operation to be co-financed from the ESI Funds shall be reduced by the net revenue not taken into account at the time of approval of the operation directly generated only during its implementation, not later than at the final payment claim submitted by the beneficiary. Where not all the costs are eligible for co-financing, the net revenue shall be allocated pro rata to the eligible and non-eligible parts of the cost.

This paragraph shall not apply to:

(a)technical assistance;

(b)financial instruments;

(c)repayable assistance subject to an obligation for full repayment;


(e)operations subject to the State aid rules;

(f)operations for which public support takes the form of lump sums or standard scale unit costs provided that the net revenue has been taken into account ex ante;

(g)operations implemented under a joint action plan provided that the net revenue has been taken into account ex ante;

[F1(h) operations for which amounts or rates of support are defined in Annex II to the EAFRD Regulation or in the EMFF Regulation with the exception of those operations for which reference is made to this paragraph in the EMFF Regulation; or]

[F1(i) operations for which the total eligible cost does not exceed EUR 100 000 .]

For the purposes of this Article and Article 61, any payment received by the beneficiary arising from contractual penalties as a result of a breach of contract between the beneficiary and a third party or third parties or that has occurred as a result of the withdrawal of an offer by a third party chosen under public procurement rules (the 'deposit') shall not be considered as revenue and shall not be deducted from the eligible expenditure of the operation.

9.Expenditure that becomes eligible as a result of an amendment to a programme shall only be eligible from the date of submission to the Commission of the request for amendment or, in the event of application of Article 96(11), from the date of entry into force of the decision amending the programme.

The Fund-specific rules for the EMFF may derogate from the first subparagraph.

10.By way of derogation from paragraph 9, specific provisions on the starting date of eligibility may be established in the EAFRD Regulation.

[F3By way of derogation from paragraph 9, expenditure for operations for fostering crisis response capacities in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak shall be eligible as of 1 February 2020 .]

[F111. An operation may receive support from one or more ESI Funds or from one or more programmes and from other Union instruments, provided that the expenditure declared in a payment application for one of the ESI Funds is not declared for support from another Fund or Union instrument, or for support from the same Fund under another programme. The amount of expenditure to be entered into a payment application of an ESI Fund may be calculated for each ESI Fund and for the programme or programmes concerned on a pro rata basis in accordance with the document setting out the conditions for support.]

Article 66U.K.Forms of support

The ESI Funds shall be used to provide support in the form of grants, prizes, repayable assistance and financial instruments, or a combination thereof.

In the case of repayable assistance, the support repaid to the body that provided it, or to another competent authority of the Member State, shall be kept in a separate account or separated with accounting codes and reused for the same purpose or in accordance with the objectives of the programme.

Article 67U.K.Forms of grants and repayable assistance

1.Grants and repayable assistance may take any of the following forms:

(a)reimbursement of eligible costs actually incurred and paid, together with, where applicable, contributions in kind and depreciation;

(b)standard scales of unit costs;

[F1(c) lump sums;]

(d)flat-rate financing, determined by the application of a percentage to one or more defined categories of costs[F1;]

[F2(e) financing which is not linked to costs of the relevant operations but is based on the fulfilment of conditions related to the realisation of progress in implementation or the achievement of objectives of programmes as set out in the delegated act adopted in accordance with paragraph 5a.]

Fund-specific rules may limit the forms of grants or repayable assistance applicable to certain operations.

[F2For the form of financing referred to in point (e) of the first subparagraph, the audit shall exclusively aim at verifying that the conditions for reimbursement have been fulfilled.]

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, additional forms of grants and methods of calculation may be established in the EMFF Regulation.

[F22a. For an operation or a project not covered by the first sentence of paragraph 4 and which receive support from the ERDF and the ESF, grants and repayable assistance for which the public support does not exceed EUR 100 000 shall take the form of standard scales of unit costs, lump sums or flat rates, except for operations receiving support within the framework of State aid that does not constitute de minimis aid.

Where flat-rate financing is used, the categories of costs to which the flat rate is applied may be reimbursed in accordance with point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1.

For operations supported by the EAFRD, ERDF or the ESF, where the flat rate referred to in Article 68b(1) is used, the allowances and the salaries paid to participants may be reimbursed in accordance with point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article.

This paragraph shall be subject to the transitional provisions set out in Article 152(7).]

3.The options referred to in paragraph 1 may be combined only where each option covers different categories of costs or where they are used for different projects forming a part of an operation or for successive phases of an operation.

[F14. Where an operation or a project forming a part of an operation is implemented exclusively through the public procurement of works, goods or services, only points (a) and (e) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall apply. Where the public procurement within an operation or project forming part of an operation is limited to certain categories of costs, all the options referred to in paragraph 1 may be applied for the whole operation or project forming a part of an operation.]

5.The amounts referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall be established in one of the following ways:

[F1(a) a fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method based on any of the following:


statistical data, other objective information or an expert judgement;


the verified historical data of individual beneficiaries;


the application of the usual cost accounting practices of individual beneficiaries;]

[F2(aa) a draft budget established on a case-by-case basis and agreed ex ante by the managing authority, or in the case of EAFRD the authority responsible for the selection of operations, where the public support does not exceed EUR 100 000 ;]

(b)in accordance with the rules for application of corresponding scales of unit costs, lump sums and flat rates applicable in Union policies for a similar type of operation and beneficiary;

(c)in accordance with the rules for application of corresponding scales of unit costs, lump sums and flat rates applied under schemes for grants funded entirely by the Member State for a similar type of operation and beneficiary;

(d)rates established by this Regulation or the Fund-specific rules;

(e)specific methods for determining amounts established in accordance with the Fund-specific rules.

[F25a. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 supplementing this Regulation with regard to the definition of the standard scales of unit costs or the flat-rate financing referred to in points (b) and (d) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article, the related methods referred to in point (a) of paragraph 5 of this Article and the form of support referred to in point (e) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article, by specifying detailed modalities concerning the financing conditions and their application.]

6.The document setting out the conditions for support for each operation shall set out the method to be applied for determining the costs of the operation and the conditions for payment of the grant.

[F1Article 68 U.K. Flat-rate financing for indirect costs concerning grants and repayable assistance

Where the implementation of an operation gives rise to indirect costs, they may be calculated at a flat rate in one of the following ways:


a flat rate of up to 25 % of eligible direct costs, provided that the rate is calculated on the basis of a fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method or a method applied under schemes for grants funded entirely by the Member State for a similar type of operation and beneficiary;


a flat rate of up to 15 % of eligible direct staff costs without there being a requirement for the Member State to perform a calculation to determine the applicable rate;


a flat rate applied to eligible direct costs based on existing methods and corresponding rates, applicable in Union policies for a similar type of operation and beneficiary.

The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 to supplement the provisions on the flat rate and the related methods referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph.]

[F2Article 68a U.K. Staff costs concerning grants and repayable assistance

1. Direct staff costs of an operation may be calculated at a flat rate of up to 20 % of the direct costs other than the staff costs of that operation. Member States shall not be required to perform a calculation to determine the applicable rate provided that the direct costs of the operation do not include public works contracts which exceed in value the threshold set out in point (a) of Article 4 of Directive 2014/24/EU.

2. For the purposes of determining staff costs, an hourly rate may be calculated by dividing the latest documented annual gross employment costs by 1 720 hours for persons working full time, or by a corresponding pro-rata of 1 720 hours, for persons working part-time.

3. When applying the hourly rate calculated in accordance with paragraph 2, the total number of hours declared per person for a given year shall not exceed the number of hours used for the calculations of that hourly rate.

The first subparagraph shall not apply to programmes under the European territorial cooperation goal for staff costs related to individuals who work on a part-time assignment on the operation.

4. Where annual gross employment costs are not available, they may be derived from the available documented gross employment costs or from the contract for employment, duly adjusted for a 12-month period.

5. Staff costs related to individuals who work on part-time assignment on the operation may be calculated as a fixed percentage of the gross employment costs, in line with a fixed percentage of time worked on the operation per month, with no obligation to establish a separate working time registration system. The employer shall issue a document for employees setting out that fixed percentage.

Article 68b U.K. Flat-rate financing for costs other than staff costs

1. A flat rate of up to 40 % of eligible direct staff costs may be used in order to cover the remaining eligible costs of an operation without a requirement for the Member State to execute any calculation to determine the applicable rate.

For operations supported by the ESF, the ERDF or the EAFRD, salaries and allowances paid to participants shall be considered additional eligible costs not included in the flat rate.

2. The flat rate referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be applied to staff costs calculated on the basis of a flat rate.]

Article 69U.K.Specific eligibility rules for grants and repayable assistance

1.Contributions in kind in the form of provision of works, goods, services, land and real estate for which no cash payment supported by invoices, or documents of equivalent probative value, has been made, may be eligible on condition that the eligibility rules of the ESI Funds and the programme so provide and that all the following criteria are fulfilled:

(a)the public support paid to the operation which includes contributions in kind does not exceed the total eligible expenditure, excluding contributions in kind, at the end of the operation;

(b)the value attributed to contributions in kind does not exceed the costs generally accepted on the market in question;

(c)the value and the delivery of the contribution can be independently assessed and verified;

(d)in the case of provision of land or real estate, a cash payment, for the purposes of a lease agreement of a nominal amount per annum not exceeding a single unit of the currency of the Member State, may be made;

(e)in the case of contributions in kind in the form of unpaid work, the value of that work is determined by taking into account the verified time spent and the rate of remuneration for equivalent work.

The value of the land or real estate referred to in point (d) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall be certified by an independent qualified expert or duly authorised official body and shall not exceed the limit laid down in point (b) of paragraph 3.

2.Depreciation costs may be considered as eligible where the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a)the eligibility rules of the programme allow for it;

(b)the amount of the expenditure is duly justified by supporting documents having equivalent probative value to invoices for eligible costs where reimbursed in the form referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 67(1);

(c)the costs relate exclusively to the period of support for the operation;

(d)public grants have not contributed towards the acquisition of the depreciated assets.

3.The following costs shall not be eligible for a contribution from the ESI Funds and from the amount of support transferred from the Cohesion Fund to the CEF as referred to in Article 92(6):

(a)interest on debt, except in relation to grants given in the form of an interest rate subsidy or guarantee fee subsidy;

(b)the purchase of land not built on and land built on in the amount exceeding 10 % of the total eligible expenditure for the operation concerned. For derelict sites and for those formerly in industrial use which comprise buildings, that limit shall be increased to 15 %. In exceptional and duly justified cases, the limit may be raised above the respective aforementioned percentages for operations concerning environmental conservation;

(c)value added tax except where it is non-recoverable under national VAT legislation.

[F1Article 70 U.K. Eligibility of operations depending on location

1. Subject to the derogations referred to in paragraph 2 and the Fund-specific rules, operations supported by the ESI Funds shall be located in the programme area.

Operations concerning the provision of services to citizens or businesses which cover the whole territory of a Member State shall be considered as being located in all programme areas within a Member State. In such cases, expenditure shall be allocated to the concerned programme areas on a pro-rata basis, based on objective criteria.

The second subparagraph of this paragraph does not apply to the national programme referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 or to the specific programme for the establishment and the operation of the national rural network referred to in Article 54(1) of that Regulation.

2. The managing authority may accept that an operation is implemented outside the programme area but within the Union, provided that all the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) the operation is for the benefit of the programme area;

(b) the total amount from the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD or EMFF allocated under the programme to operations located outside the programme area does not exceed 15 % of the support from the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD or EMFF at the level of the priority at the time of adoption of the programme;

(c) the monitoring committee has given its agreement to the operation or types of operations concerned;

(d) the obligations of the authorities for the programme in relation to management, control and audit concerning the operation are fulfilled by the authorities responsible for the programme under which that operation is supported or they enter into agreements with authorities in the area in which the operation is implemented.

Where operations financed from the Funds and the EMFF are implemented outside the programme area in accordance with this paragraph and have benefits both outside and within the programme area, such expenditure shall be allocated to those areas on a pro rata basis based on objective criteria.

Where operations concern the thematic objective referred to in point (1) of the first paragraph of Article 9 and are implemented outside the Member State but within the Union, only points (b) and (d) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall apply.

3. For operations concerning technical assistance or information, communication and visibility measures and promotional activities, and for operations concerning the thematic objective referred to in point (1) of the first paragraph of Article 9, expenditure may be incurred outside the Union provided that the expenditure is necessary for the satisfactory implementation of the operation.

4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to programmes under the European territorial cooperation goal. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not apply to operations supported by the ESF.]

Article 71U.K.Durability of operations

1.An operation comprising investment in infrastructure or productive investment shall repay the contribution from the ESI Funds if within five years of the final payment to the beneficiary or within the period of time set out in State aid rules, where applicable, it is subject to any of the following:

(a)a cessation or relocation of a productive activity outside the programme area;

(b)a change in ownership of an item of infrastructure which gives to a firm or a public body an undue advantage;

(c)a substantial change affecting its nature, objectives or implementation conditions which would result in undermining its original objectives.

Sums unduly paid in respect of the operation shall be recovered by the Member State in proportion to the period for which the requirements have not been fulfilled.

Member States may reduce the time limit set out in the first subparagraph to three years in cases concerning the maintenance of investments or jobs created by SMEs.

2.An operation comprising investment in infrastructure or productive investment shall repay the contribution from the ESI Funds if within 10 years of the final payment to the beneficiary the productive activity is subject to relocation outside the Union, except where the beneficiary is an SME. Where the contribution from the ESI Funds takes the form of State aid, the period of 10 years shall be replaced by the deadline applicable under State aid rules.

3.Operations supported by the ESF and operations supported by the other ESI Funds that are not investments in infrastructure or productive investments shall repay the contribution from the Fund only where they are subject to an obligation for maintenance of investment under the applicable State aid rules and where they undergo a cessation or relocation of a productive activity within the period laid down in those rules.

[F14. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article shall not apply to contributions to or by financial instruments or for lease purchase under point (b) of Article 45(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 nor to any operation which undergoes cessation of a productive activity due to a non-fraudulent bankruptcy.]

5.Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to natural persons who are beneficiaries of investment support and, after the completion of the investment operation, become eligible for and receive support under Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council where the investment concerned is directly linked to the type of activity identified as eligible for support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund.