

CHAPTER 2 Provisions applying to Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania

Article 16Gradual introduction of direct payments in Bulgaria and Romania

For Bulgaria and Romania, the ceilings fixed in accordance with Articles 42, 47, 49, 51, 53 and 65 shall, for 2015, be established on the basis of the amount set out in point A of Annex V.

Article 17Gradual introduction of direct payments in Croatia

In Croatia, direct payments shall be introduced in accordance with the following schedule of increments expressed as a percentage of the corresponding level of the direct payments as applied from 2022:

Article 18Complementary national direct payments and direct payments in Bulgaria and Romania

1.In 2015, Bulgaria and Romania may use national direct payments in order to complement payments granted under the basic payment scheme referred to in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter 1 of Title III. The total amount of those payments shall not exceed the relevant amount set out in point B of Annex V.

2.In 2015, Bulgaria may use national direct payments in order to complement payments granted under the crop-specific payment for cotton referred to in Chapter 2 of Title IV. The total amount of those payments shall not exceed the amount set out in point C of Annex V.

3.Complementary national direct payments shall be granted in accordance with objective criteria and in such a way as to ensure the equal treatment of farmers and to avoid distortions of the market and of competition.

Article 19Complementary national direct payments for Croatia

1.Subject to authorisation by the Commission, Croatia may complement any of the support schemes listed in Annex I, where relevant.

2.The amount of complementary national direct payments which may be granted in a given year and for a given support scheme shall be limited by a specific financial envelope. This envelope shall be established as the difference between:

(a)the amount of direct support available per support scheme concerned after the full introduction of direct payments in accordance with Article 17 for the calendar year 2022, and

(b)the amount of direct support available per support scheme concerned after the application of the schedule of increments in accordance with Article 17 for the calendar year concerned.

3.The total amount of complementary national direct payments granted shall not be higher than the ceiling set out in point B of Annex VI for a corresponding calendar year.

4.Croatia may decide, on the basis of objective criteria and after authorisation by the Commission, on the amounts of complementary national direct payments to be granted.

5.The Commission shall adopt implementing acts authorising the payments under this Article, specifying the relevant support schemes and defining the level up to which the complementary national direct payments may be paid.

As regards complementary national direct payments intended to complement the voluntary coupled support referred to in Chapter 1 of Title IV, the implementing acts shall also specify the specific types of farming or the specific agricultural sectors referred to in Article 52(3) to which the complementary national direct payments may relate.

Those implementing acts shall be adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 71(2) or (3).

6.The eligibility conditions for complementary national direct payments for Croatia shall be identical to those for support under corresponding support schemes as laid down in this Regulation.

7.Complementary national direct payments for Croatia shall be subject to any adjustments which may be rendered necessary by developments in the CAP. They shall be granted in accordance with objective criteria and in such a way as to ensure equal treatment between farmers and to avoid distortions of the market and of competition.

8.Croatia shall submit a report providing information on the measures for the implementation of the complementary national direct payments by 30 June of the year following their implementation. The report shall cover at least the following:

(a)any changes in the situation affecting the complementary national direct payments;

(b)for each complementary national direct payment, the numbers of beneficiaries and the total amount of complementary national direct payment granted, as well as the hectares and the number of animals or other units for which that complementary national direct payment has been granted;

(c)a report on control measures applied in relation to the complementary national direct payments granted.

Article 20Special national de-mining reserve for Croatia

1.From 2015 onwards, Croatia shall notify the Commission by 31 January of each year of the areas which have been identified in accordance with Article 57a(10) of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 and which were returned to use for agricultural activities in the previous calendar year.

Croatia shall also notify the Commission of the number of payment entitlements available to farmers on 31 December of the previous calendar year, as well as the amount remained unspent in the special national de-mining reserve on that same date.

Where applicable, the notifications provided in the first and second subparagraphs shall be made per region as defined in accordance with Article 23(1) of this Regulation.

2.When adapting Annex II pursuant to Article 6(3), the Commission shall calculate on a yearly basis the amount to be added to the amounts set for Croatia in that Annex in order to finance the support to be granted under the schemes listed in Annex I for the areas referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. This amount shall be calculated on the basis of the data notified by Croatia in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article and the estimated average direct payments per hectare in Croatia for the year concerned.

The maximum amount to be added in accordance with the first subparagraph, on the basis of all the areas notified by Croatia in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article until 2022, shall be EUR 9 600 000 and shall be subject to the schedule of introduction of direct payments in accordance with Article 17. The resulting maximum annual amounts are set out in Annex VII.

3.The Commission shall adopt implementing acts setting the share of the amount to be added in accordance with paragraph 2 which Croatia shall include in the special national de-mining reserve in order to allocate payment entitlements for the areas referred to in paragraph 1. That share shall be calculated on the basis of the ratio between the ceiling for the basic payment scheme and the national ceiling set out in Annex II before the national ceiling's increase in accordance with paragraph 2. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 71(2).

4.For the years 2015 to 2022, Croatia shall use the special national de-mining reserve to allocate payment entitlements to farmers on the basis of de-mined land declared by the farmers in the year in question where:

(a)such land consists of eligible hectares within the meaning of Article 32(2) to (5);

(b)the land in question was returned to use for agricultural activities during the previous calendar year; and

(c)the land has been notified to the Commission in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.

5.The value of the payment entitlements established under this Article shall be the national or regional average value of payment entitlements in the year of allocation within the limits of the amount available in the special national de-mining reserve.

6.In order to take account of the consequences of the return of de-mined land to use for agricultural activities as notified by Croatia in accordance with this Article, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 70 adapting the amounts set out in Annex VI.