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1.Annex IA to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is amended as follows:U.K.


the entry for sandeel and associated by-catches in EU waters of IIa, IIIa and IV is replaced by the following:


Excluding waters within six nautical miles of the UK baselines at Shetland, Fair Isle and Foula.


At least 98 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of sandeel. By-catches of dab, mackerel and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the quota (OT1/*2A3A4).

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following sandeel management areas, as defined in Annex IIB:

ZoneEU waters of sandeel management areas
Denmark190 63516 54937 7313 77303170
United Kingdom4 16736282582070
Sweden7 0006081 3861390120
Union202 09417 54440 0004 00003360
Norway22 450000000
Total224 54417 54440 0004 00003360"
"SpeciesSandeel and associated by-catchesAmmodytes spp.ZoneEU waters of IIa, IIIa and IVa
Denmark249 006b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom5 443b
Sweden9 144b
Union263 974
Norway22 450
TAC286 424

the entry for anglerfish in Norwegian waters of IV is replaced by the following:

SpeciesAnglerfishLophiidaeZoneNorwegian waters of IV(ANF/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark1 152
The Netherlands16
United Kingdom269
Union1 500
TACNot relevant

the entry for tusk in EU and international waters of V, VI and VII is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in EU waters of IIa, IV, Vb, VI and VII (USK/*24X7C).


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Vb, VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in Vb, VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes (OTH/*5B67-).


Including ling. The quotas for Norway are: ling 6 140 tonnes (LIN/*5B67-), and tusk 2 923 tonnes (USK/*5B67-) and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and shall only be fished with long-lines in Vb, VI and VII."

"SpeciesTuskBrosme brosmeZoneEU and international waters of V, VI and VII(USK/567EI.)

Analytical TAC

Article 11 of this Regulation applies.

United Kingdom264
Norway2 923b c d
TAC3 860

the entry for herring in IIIa is replaced by the following:


Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this amount may be fished in EU waters of IV (HER/*04-C.)."

"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIIIa(HER/03A.)
Denmark23 115b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Sweden24 180b
Union47 665b
TAC55 000

the entry for herring in EU and Norwegian waters of IV north of 53° 30'N is replaced by the following:


Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. Member States shall report separately their landings of herring in IVa (HER/04A.) and IVb (HER/04B.).


Up to 50 000 tonnes of which may be taken in EU waters of IVa and IVb (HER/*4AB-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:


Landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm. Member States shall report separately their landings of herring in IVa (HER/*4AN.) and IVb (HER/*4BN.)."

Norwegian waters southof 62°N (HER/*04N-)a
Union50 000
"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneEU and Norwegian waters of IV north of 53° 30′ N(HER/4AB.)
Denmark81 945

Analytical TAC.

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Germany50 632
France23 464
The Netherlands59 995
Sweden4 863
United Kingdom65 901
Union286 800
Norway138 620b
TAC478 000

the entry for herring in Norwegian waters south of 62°N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species."

"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HER/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TAC478 000

the entry for herring in IIIa is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for landings of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm."

"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIIIa(HER/03A-BC)
Denmark5 692

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Union6 659
TAC6 659

the entry for herring in IV, VIId and EU waters of IIa is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for landings of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm."

"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIV, VIId and EU waters of IIa(HER/2A47DX)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark13 787
The Netherlands71
United Kingdom262
Union14 400
TAC14 400

the entry for herring in IVc, VIId is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for landings of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Except Blackwater stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime region of the Thames estuary within a zone delimited by a rhumb line running due south from Landguard Point (51° 56′ N, 1° 19,1′ E) to latitude 51° 33′ N and hence due west to a point on the coast of the United Kingdom.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this quota may be taken in IVb (HER/*04B.)."

"SpeciesHerringa Clupea harengusZoneIVc, VIIdb(HER/4CXB7D)
Belgium9 285c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark1 187c
France13 035c
The Netherlands23 276c
United Kingdom5 064c
Union52 580
TAC478 000

the entry for cod in Skagerrak is replaced by the following:


In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation."

"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneSkagerrak(COD/03AN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark3 026a
The Netherlands19a
Union3 660
TAC3 783

the entry for cod in IV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by Skagerrak and Kattegat is replaced by the following:


In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation.


May be taken in EU waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(COD/*04N-)
Union19 099"
"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneIV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat(COD/2A3AX4)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark4 495a
Germany2 850a
The Netherlands2 540a
United Kingdom10 311a
Union21 974
Norway4 501b
TAC26 475

the entry for cod in Norwegian waters south of 62°N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species."

"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(COD/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for cod in VIId is replaced by the following:


In addition to this quota, a Member State may grant to vessels flying its flag and participating in trials on fully documented fisheries an additional allocation within an overall limit of 12 % of the quota allocated to that Member State, under the conditions set out in Article 6 of this Regulation."

"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneVIId(COD/07D.)

Analytical TAC

France1 295a
The Netherlands39a
United Kingdom143a
Union1 543
TAC1 543

the entry for haddock in IIIa, EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32 is replaced by the following:

SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneIIIa, EU waters of Subdivisions 22-32(HAD/3A/BCD)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark2 231
The Netherlands3
Union2 653
TAC2 770

the entry for haddock in IV; EU waters of IIa is replaced by the following:

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(HAD/*04N-)
Union25 798"
"SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneIV; EU waters of IIa(HAD/2AC4.)

Analytical TAC

Denmark1 770
Germany1 126
France1 963
The Netherlands193
United Kingdom29 194
Union34 681
Norway10 359
TAC45 040

the entry for haddock in Norwegian waters south of 62°N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species."

"SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(HAD/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for whiting in IIIa is replaced by the following:

SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangusZoneIIIa(WHG/03A.)

Precautionary TAC

The Netherlands3
Union1 031
TAC1 050

the entry for whiting in IV; EU waters of IIa is replaced by the following:


May be taken in EU waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(WHG/*04N-)
Union11 544"
"SpeciesWhitingMerlangius merlangusZoneIV; EU waters of IIa(WHG/2AC4.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark1 577
France2 370
The Netherlands912
United Kingdom11 402
Union17 039
Norway1 893a
TAC18 932

the entry for whiting and pollack in Norwegian waters south of 62°N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, haddock and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species."

"SpeciesWhiting and pollackMerlangius merlangus and Pollachius pollachiusZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(WHG/04-N.) for whiting;(POL/04-N.) for pollack

Precautionary TAC.

TACNot relevant

the entry for blue whiting in Norwegian waters of II and IV is replaced by the following:

SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneNorwegian waters of II and IV(WHB/24-N.)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom0
TAC643 000

the entry for blue whiting in EU and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV is replaced by the following:


Special condition: of which up to 64 % may be fished in Norwegian Economic Zone or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (WHB/*NZJM1).


Transfers of this quota may be effected to VIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1. However, such transfers must be notified in advance to the Commission."

"SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneEU and international waters of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId, VIIIe, XII and XIV(WHB/1X14)
Denmark17 715a

Analytical TAC

Germany6 888a
Spain15 018a b
France12 328a
Ireland13 718a
The Netherlands21 601a
Portugal1 395a b
Sweden4 382a
United Kingdom22 987a
Union116 032a
Norway45 000
TAC643 000

the entry for blue whiting in VIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1 is replaced by the following:


Special condition: of which up to 64 % may be fished in Norwegian EEZ or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (WHB/*NZJM2)."

"SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHB/8C3411)
Spain13 213

Analytical TAC

Portugal3 303
Union16 516a
TAC643 000

the entry for blue whiting in EU waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30'N and VII west of 12° W is replaced by the following:


To be counted against Norway's catch limits established under the Coastal States arrangement.


Special condition: the catch in IV shall be no more than 28 408 tonnes, i.e. 25 % of Norway's access quota."

"SpeciesBlue whitingMicromesistius poutassouZoneEU waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30′ N and VII west of 12° W(WHB/24A567)
Norway113 630a b

Analytical TAC

TAC643 000

the entry for blue ling in EU waters and international waters of Vb, VI, VII is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in EU waters of IIa, IV, Vb, VI and VII (BLI/*24X7C)."

"SpeciesBlue lingMolva dypterygiaZoneEU waters and international waters of Vb, VI, VII(BLI/5B67-)

Analytical TAC

Article 11 of this Regulation applies.

France1 806
United Kingdom459
Union2 390
TAC2 540

the entry for ling in EU and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV is replaced by the following:


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per ship, at any moment, is authorised in Vb, VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in VI and VII shall not exceed 3 000 tonnes (OTH/*6X14.).


Including tusk. The quotas for Norway are: ling 6 140 tonnes and tusk 2 923 tonnes and are interchangeable of up to 2 000 tonnes and may only be fished with long-lines in Vb, VI and VII."

"SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneEU and international waters of VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV(LIN/6X14.)

Analytical TAC

Article 11 of this Regulation applies.

Spain2 211
France2 357
United Kingdom2 716
Union8 024
Norway6 140a b
TAC14 164

the entry for ling in Norwegian waters of IV is replaced by the following:

SpeciesLingMolva molvaZoneNorwegian waters of IV(LIN/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

The Netherlands1
United Kingdom74
TACNot relevant

the entry for Norway lobster in Norwegian waters of IV is replaced by the following:

SpeciesNorway lobsterNephrops norvegicusZoneNorwegian waters of IV(NEP/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom53
Union1 000
TACNot relevant

the entry for Northern prawn in IIIa is replaced by the following:

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneIIIa(PRA/03A.)
Denmark2 308

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Sweden1 243
Union3 551
TAC6 650

the entry for Northern prawn in Norwegian waters south of 62°N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species."

"SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(PRA/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for plaice in Skagerrak is replaced by the following:

SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessaZoneSkagerrak(PLE/03AN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark7 117
The Netherlands1 369
Union8 959
TAC9 142

the entry for plaice in IV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat is replaced by the following:

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of IV(PLE/*04N-)
Union37 331"
"SpeciesPlaicePleuronectes platessaZoneIV; EU waters of IIa; that part of IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat(PLE/2A3AX4)
Belgium5 614

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark18 245
Germany5 263
France1 053
The Netherlands35 086
United Kingdom25 964
Union91 225
Norway5 845
TAC97 070

the entry for saithe in IIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32 is replaced by the following:


May only be taken in EU waters of IV and in IIIa (POK/*3A4-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC."

"SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneIIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(POK/2A34.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Denmark3 757
Germany9 487
France22 326
The Netherlands95
United Kingdom7 273
Union43 486
Norway47 734a
TAC91 220

the entry for saithe in VI; EU and international waters of Vb, XII and XIV is replaced by the following:


To be fished north of 56° 30′ N (POK/*5614N)."

"SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneVI; EU and international waters of Vb, XII and XIV(POK/56-14)

Analytical TAC

France4 805
United Kingdom3 254
Union8 964
TAC9 464

the entry for saithe in Norwegian waters south of 62° N is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting are to be counted against the quota for these species."

"SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneNorwegian waters south of 62° N(POK/04-N.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for Greenland halibut in EU waters of IIa and IV; EU and international waters of VB and VI is replaced by the following:


To be taken in EU waters of IIa and VI. In VI this quantity may only be fished with long-lines (GHL/*2A6-C)."

"SpeciesGreenland HalibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneEU waters of IIa and IV; EU and international waters of Vb and VI(GHL/2A-C46)

Analytical TAC

United Kingdom857
Union1 176
TAC2 000

the entry for mackerel in IIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32 is replaced by the following:


Special condition: including 242 tonnes to be taken in Norwegian waters south of 62° N (MAC/*04N-).


When fishing in Norwegian waters, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.


May also be taken in Norwegian waters of IVa (MAC/*4AN.).


To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC of the amount of 39 599 tonnes. This quota may be fished in IVa only (MAC/*04A.), except for 3 000 tonnes that may be fished in IIIa (MAC/*03A.).

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

IIIa(MAC/*03A.)IIIa and IVbc(MAC/*3A4BC)IVb(MAC/*04B.)IVc(MAC/*04C.)VI, international waters of IIa, from 1 January to 31 March 2013 and in December 2013(MAC/*2A6.)
Denmark04 130008 107
The Netherlands0490000
Sweden00390101 573
United Kingdom0490000
Norway3 0000000"
"SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneIIIa and IV; EU waters of IIa, IIIb, IIIc and Subdivisions 22-32(MAC/2A34.)

Analytical TAC

Denmark15 072c
France1 387c
The Netherlands1 396c
Sweden4 174a b c
United Kingdom1 293c
Union24 221a c
Norway141 809d
TACNot relevant

the entry for mackerel in VI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV is replaced by the following:


May be fished in IIa, VIa north of 56° 30′ N, IVa, VIId, VIIe, VIIf and VIIh (MAC/*AX7H).


An additional 28 362 tonnes of access quota may be fished by Norway North of 56°30′ N and counted against its catch limit (MAC/*N6530).

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones and periods specified below:

EU and Norwegian waters of IVa(MAC/*4A-EN)During the periods from 1 January to 15 February 2013 and from 1 September to 31 December 2013Norwegian waters of IIa(MAC/*2AN-)
Germany6 971710
France4 648473
Ireland23 2372 366
The Netherlands10 1661 035
United Kingdom63 9056 507
Union108 92711 091"
"SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneVI, VII, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of IIa, XII and XIV(MAC/2CX14-)
Germany17 326

Analytical TAC

France11 552
Ireland57 753
The Netherlands25 267
Poland1 220
United Kingdom158 825
Union272 317
Norway11 788a b
TACNot relevant

the entry for mackerel in VIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1 is replaced by the following:


Special condition: quantities subject to exchanges with other Member States may be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId (MAC/*8ABD.). However, the quantities provided by Spain, Portugal or France for exchange purposes and to be taken in VIIIa, VIIIb and VIIId shall not exceed 25 % of the quotas of the donor Member State.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Spain2 157
"SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneVIIIc, IX and X; EU waters of CECAF 34.1.1(MAC/8C3411)
Spain25 682a

Analytical TAC

Portugal5 308a
Union31 160
TACNot relevant

the entry for mackerel in Norwegian waters of IIa and IVa is replaced by the following:


Catches taken in IIa (MAC/*02A.) and IVa (MAC/*4A.) shall be reported separately."

"SpeciesMackerelScomber scombrusZoneNorwegian waters of IIa and IVa(MAC/2A4A-N)
Denmark10 694a

Analytical TAC

Union10 694a
TACNot relevant

the entry for common sole in EU waters of II and IV is replaced by the following:


May be fished only in EU waters of IV (SOL/*04-C.)."

"SpeciesCommon soleSolea soleaZoneEU waters of II and IV(SOL/24-C.)
Belgium1 164

Analytical TAC

The Netherlands10 511
United Kingdom599
Union13 970
TAC14 000

the entry for sprat and associated by-catches in IIIa is replaced by the following:


At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota must be of sprat. By-catches of dab, whiting and haddock to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*03A.)."

"SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattusZoneIIIa(SPR/03A.)
Denmark27 875a

Precautionary TAC

Sweden10 547a
Union38 480
TAC41 600

the entry for sprat and associated by catches in EU waters of IIa and IV is replaced by the following:


Including sandeel.


At least 98 % of landings counted against this quota shall be of sprat. By-catches of dab and whiting to be counted against the remaining 2 % of the quota (OTH/*2AC4C)."

"SpeciesSprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattusZoneEU waters of IIa and IV(SPR/2AC4-C)
Belgium1 737b

Precautionary TAC

Denmark137 489b
Germany1 737b
France1 737b
The Netherlands1 737b
Sweden1 330a b
United Kingdom5 733b
Union151 500
Norway10 000
TAC161 500

the entry for horse mackerel and associated by-catches in EU waters of IVb, IVc and VIId is replaced by the following:


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in division VIId may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone: EU waters of IIa, IVa, VI, VIIa-c,VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV (JAX/*2A-14).


May only be fished in EU waters of IV (JAX/*04-C.).


At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota must be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*4BC7D)."

"SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp.ZoneEU waters of IVb, IVc and VIId(JAX/4BC7D)

Precautionary TAC

Denmark16 367c
Germany1 445a c
France1 358a c
Ireland1 029c
The Netherlands9 854a c
United Kingdom3 895a c
Union34 400
Norway3 550b
TAC37 950

the entry for horse mackerel and associated by-catches in EU waters of IIa, IVa; VI, VIIa-c, VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV is replaced by the following:


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in EU waters of IIa or IVa before 30 June 2013 may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone of EU waters of IVb, IVc and VIId (JAX/*4BC7D).


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in VIId (JAX/*07D.).


At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota must be of horse mackerel. By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel are to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OTH/*2A-14)."

"SpeciesHorse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp.ZoneEU waters of IIa, IVa; VI, VIIa-c,VIIe-k, VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIId and VIIIe; EU and international waters of Vb; international waters of XII and XIV(JAX/2A-14)
Denmark15 702a c

Analytical TAC

Germany12 251a b c
Spain16 711c
France6 306a b c
Ireland40 803a c
The Netherlands49 156a b c
Portugal1 610c
Sweden675a c
United Kingdom14 775a b c
Union157 989
TAC157 989

the entry for Norway pout and associated by-catches in IIIa; EU waters of IIa and IV is replaced by the following:


At least 95 % of landings counted against this quota must be of Norway pout. By-catches of haddock and whiting to be counted against the remaining 5 % of the quota (OT2/*2A3A4).


Quota may be fished in EU waters of ICES zones IIa, IIIa and IV only."

"SpeciesNorway pout and associated by-catchesTrisopterus esmarkiZoneIIIa; EU waters of IIa and IV(NOP/2A3A4.)
Denmark167 345a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Germany32a b
The Netherlands123a b
Union167 500a
Norway20 000
TAC187 500

the entry for industrial fish in Norwegian waters of IV is replaced by the following:


By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe to be counted against the quotas for these species.


Special condition: of which no more than 400 tonnes of horse mackerel (JAX/*04-N.)."

"SpeciesIndustrial fishZoneNorwegian waters of IV(I/F/04-N.)
Sweden800a b

Precautionary TAC

TACNot relevant

the entry for other species in EU waters of Vb, VI and VII is replaced by the following:


Taken with long-lines only."

"SpeciesOther speciesZoneEU waters of Vb, VI and VII(OTH/5B67-C)
UnionNot relevant

Precautionary TAC

TACNot relevant

the entry for other species in Norwegian waters of IV is replaced by the following:


Quota allocated by Norway to Sweden of "other species" at a traditional level.


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate."

"SpeciesOther speciesZoneNorwegian waters of IV(OTH/04-N.)

Precautionary TAC

Denmark3 250
The Netherlands260
SwedenNot relevanta
United Kingdom2 438
Union6 500b
TACNot relevant

the entry for other species in EU waters of IIa, IV and VIa north of 56° 30'N is replaced by the following:


Limited to IIa and IV (OTH/*2A4-C).


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate."

"SpeciesOther speciesZoneEU waters of IIa, IV and VIa north of 56° 30′ N(OTH/2A46AN)
UnionNot relevant

Precautionary TAC

Norway3 250a b
TACNot relevant

2.Annex IB to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is amended as follows:U.K.


the entry for herring in EU, Norwegian and international waters of I and II is replaced by the following:


When reporting catches to the Commission the quantities fished in each of the following areas shall also be reported: NEAFC Regulatory Area, EU waters, Faroese waters, Norwegian waters, the fishery zone around Jan Mayen, the fishery protection zone around Svalbard.


Catches taken against this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This quota may be fished in EU waters north of 62° N.

Special condition:

Within the limits of the abovementioned Union share of the TAC, no more than 34 695 tonnes may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters north of 62° N and the fishery zone around Jan Mayen


"SpeciesHerringClupea harengusZoneEU, Norwegian and international waters of I and II(HER/1/2-)

Analytical TAC

Denmark13 806a
Germany2 418a
Ireland3 574a
The Netherlands4 941a
Sweden5 116a
United Kingdom8 827a
Union40 297a
Norway34 695b
TAC619 000

the entry for cod in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:

SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(COD/1N2AB.)
Germany2 413

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Spain2 691
France2 215
Portugal2 691
United Kingdom9 363
Union19 971
TACNot relevant

the entry for cod in Greenland waters of NAFO 1 and Greenland waters of XIV is replaced by the following:


The area in East Greenland called the 'Kleine Banke' is closed for all fisheries. This area is bounded by the following coordinates:

  • 64°40' N 37°30′ W

  • 64°40' N 36°30′ W

  • 64°15' N 36°30′ W, and

  • 64°15' N 37°30′ W


May be fished in East or West Greenland. However, in East Greenland the fishery shall only be permitted:

  • by trawlers from 1 July to 31 December 2013.

  • by longliners from 1 April to 31 December 2013.


The fishery shall be conducted with 100 % observer coverage and with Vessels Monitoring Systems (VMS). A maximum of 80 % of the quota can be taken in one of the areas below. In addition, a minimum effort of 10 hauls per vessel shall be conducted in each area:

1. East Greenland (COD/N65E44)
North of 65° N East of 44°W
2. East Greenland (COD/645E44)
Between 64°N and 65°N East of 44°W
3. East Greenland (COD/624E44)
Between 62°N and 64°N East of 44°W
4. East Greenland (COD/S62E44)
South of 62°N East of 44°W
5. West Greenland (COD/S62W44)
South of 62°N West of 44°W
6. West Greenland (COD/N62W44)
North of 62°N West of 44°W"
"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1 and Greenland waters of XIV(COD/N1GL14)
Germany1 391a b c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom309a b c
Union1 700a b c
TACNot relevant

The entry for cod in I and IIb is replaced by the following:


Except Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.


The allocation of the share of the cod stock available to the Union in the zone Spitzbergen and Bear Island and the associated by-catches of haddock are entirely without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the 1920 Treaty of Paris.


By-catches of haddock may represent up to 15 % per haul. The by-catch quantities of haddock are in addition to the quota for cod."

"SpeciesCodGadus morhuaZoneI and IIb(COD/1/2B.)
Germany7 739c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Spain14 329c
France3 758c
Poland3 057c
Portugal2 816c
United Kingdom5 223c
Other Member States250a c
Union37 172b
TAC986 000

the entry for Atlantic halibut in Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:


To be fished with long-lines (HAL/*514GN)."

"SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossusZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(HAL/514GRN)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for Atlantic halibut in Greenland waters of NAFO 1 is replaced by the following:


To be fished with long-lines (HAL/*N1GRN)."

"SpeciesAtlantic halibutHippoglossus hippoglossusZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(HAL/N1GRN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevant

the entry for grenadiers in Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:


Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514GRN) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514GRN) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


A total of 120 tonnes is allocated to Norway and can be fished in either this TAC zone or Greenland waters of NAFO 1 (GRV/514N1G). Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514N1G) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514N1G) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately."

"SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp.ZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(GRV/514GRN)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevantb

the entry for grenadiers in Greenland waters of NAFO 1 is replaced by the following:


Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/N1GRN.) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/N1GRN.) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


A total of 120 tonnes is allocated to Norway and can be fished in either this TAC zone or Greenland waters of V and XIV (GRV/514N1G). Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514N1G) and rough-head grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514N1G) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately."

"SpeciesGrenadiersMacrourus spp.ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(GRV/N1GRN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

TACNot relevantb

the entry for capelin in Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:


Except Member States with more than 10 % of the Union quota.


Member States with an assigned quota may access the "All Member States" quota only once they have exhausted their own quota.


To be fished from 1 January until 30 April 2013. If a catch level of 70 % of this initial Union quota is attained by 15 April 2013, this Union quota shall automatically be increased by an additional amount of 5 775 tonnes, to be fished within the same period. That additional Union quota shall be considered to be allocated according to the same distribution key."

"SpeciesCapelinMallotus villosusZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(CAP/514GRN)
Denmark4 909

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom46
All Member States254a b
Union5 775c
TACNot relevant

the entry for haddock in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:

SpeciesHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(HAD/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom973
Union1 481
TACNot relevant

the entry for Northern prawn in Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:

SpeciesNorthern prawnPandalus borealisZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(PRA/514GRN)
Denmark2 400

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

France2 400
Union4 800
Norway2 700
TACNot relevant

the entry for saithe in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:

SpeciesSaithePollachius virensZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(POK/1N2AB.)
Germany2 040

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom182
Union2 550
TACNot relevant

the entry for Greenland halibut in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota."

"SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(GHL/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom25a
TACNot relevant

the entry for Greenland halibut in Greenland waters of NAFO 1 is replaced by the following:


To be fished South of 68° N."

"SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1(GHL/N1GRN.)
Germany2 075

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Union2 075a
TACNot relevant

the entry for Greenland halibut in Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:


To be fished by no more than 6 vessels at the same time."

"SpeciesGreenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoidesZoneGreenland waters of V and XIV(GHL/514GRN)
Germany3 695

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom195
Union3 890a
TACNot relevant

the entry for redfish in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota."

"SpeciesRedfishSebastes spp.ZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(RED/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom150a
Union1 500a
TACNot relevant

the entry for redfish (pelagic) in Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of V and XIV is replaced by the following:


May only be fished by trawl.


Special condition: the quotas may be fished in the NEAFC Regulatory Area on the condition that the part of the quotas fished therein are reported separately (RED/*5-14P). When fished in the NEAFC Regulatory Area, it may only be taken as of 10 May 2013 as deep pelagic redfish, and only within the area (the "NEAFC box") bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
164° 45′28° 30′
262° 50′25° 45′
361° 55′26° 45′
461° 00′26° 30′
559° 00′30° 00′
659° 00′34° 00′
761° 30′34° 00′
862° 50′36° 00′
964° 45′28° 30′

To be fished in the NEAFC box defined in footnote 2 only (RED/*5-14N)."

"SpeciesRedfish (pelagic)Sebastes spp.ZoneGreenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of V and XIV(RED/N1G14P)
Germany2 173a b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

France11a b
United Kingdom16a b
Union2 200a b
TACNot relevant

the entry for other species in Norwegian waters of I and II is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota."

"SpeciesOther speciesZoneNorwegian waters of I and II(OTH/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

United Kingdom186a
TACNot relevant

3.Annex ID to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is amended as follows:U.K.


the entry for swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N, is replaced by the following:


Special condition: up to 2,39 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N (SWO/*AS05N).


Except Spain and Portugal, and exclusively as by-catch."

"SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladiusZoneAtlantic Ocean, North of 5° N(SWO/AN05N)
Spain6 949a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Portugal1 263a
Other Member States135,5a b
Union8 347,5
TAC13 700

the entry for swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N, is replaced by the following:


Special condition: up to 3,86 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N (SWO/*AN05N)."

"SpeciesSwordfishXiphias gladiusZoneAtlantic Ocean, South of 5° N(SWO/AS05N)
Spain4 818,18a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply.

Union5 180
TAC15 000

4.Annex IJ to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is replaced by the following:U.K.


SpeciesJack mackerelTrachurus murphyiZoneSPRFMO Convention Area(CJM/SPRFMO)
Germany7 808,07

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

The Netherlands8 463,14
Lithuania5 433,05
Poland9 341,74
Union31 046

5.Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is replaced by the following:U.K.


Maximum number of fishing authorisations for eu vessels fishing in third-country waters

Without prejudice to additional licences granted to Sweden by Norway in accordance with established practice."

Area of fishingFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsAllocation of fishing authorisations amongst Member StatesMaximum number of vessels present at any time
Norwegian waters and fishery zone around Jan MayenHerring, north of 62° 00′ N77

DK: 25

DE: 5

FR: 1

IE: 8

NL: 9

PL: 1

SV: 10

UK: 18

Demersal species, north of 62° 00′ N80

DE: 16

IE: 1

ES: 20

FR: 18

PT: 9

UK: 14

Unallocated: 2

MackerelNot relevantNot relevant70a
Industrial species, south of 62° 00′ N480

DK: 450

UK: 30


6.Annex VIII to Regulation (EU) No 40/2013 is replaced by the following:U.K.



To issue those fishing authorisations, proof must be produced that a valid contract exists between the ship owner applying for the fishing authorisation and a processing undertaking situated in the Department of French Guiana, and that it includes an obligation to land at least 75 % of all snapper catches from the vessel concerned in that department so that they may be processed in that undertaking's plant. Such a contract must be endorsed by the French authorities, which shall ensure that it is consistent both with the actual capacity of the contracting processing undertaking and with the objectives for the development of the Guianese economy. A copy of the duly endorsed contract shall be appended to the fishing authorisation application. Where such an endorsement is refused, the French authorities shall give notification of this refusal and state their reasons for it to the party concerned and to the Commission."

Flag StateFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsMaximum number of vessels present at any time
NorwayHerring, north of 62° 00′ N2020
VenezuelaaSnappers (French Guiana waters)4545