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ANNEX IU.K. Energy efficiency, cleaning performance and dust re-emission classes

1. Energy efficiency classes U.K.

The energy efficiency class of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with its annual energy consumption as set out in Table 1. The annual energy consumption of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with Annex VI.

Table 1

Energy efficiency classes

Energy Efficiency ClassAnnual energy consumption (AE) [kWh/yr]
Label 1Label 2
A+++n/a AE ≤ 10,0
A++n/a10,0 < AE ≤ 16,0
A+n/a16,0 < AE ≤ 22,0
A AE ≤ 28,022,0 < AE ≤ 28,0
B28,0 < AE ≤ 34,028,0 < AE ≤ 34,0
C34,0 < AE ≤ 40,034,0 < AE ≤ 40,0
D40,0 < AE ≤ 46,0 AE > 40,0
E46,0 < AE ≤ 52,0n/a
F52,0 < AE ≤ 58,0n/a
G AE > 58,0n/a

2. Cleaning performance classes U.K.

The cleaning performance class of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with its dust pick up (dpu) as set out in Table 2. The dust pick up of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with Annex VI.

Table 2

Cleaning performance classes

Cleaning performance classDust pick up on carpet (dpuc )Dust pick up on hard floor (dpuhf )
A dpuc ≥ 0,91 dpuhf ≥ 1,11
B0,87 ≤ dpuc < 0,911,08 ≤ dpuhf < 1,11
C0,83 ≤ dpuc < 0,871,05 ≤ dpuhf < 1,08
D0,79 ≤ dpuc < 0,831,02 ≤ dpuhf < 1,05
E0,75 ≤ dpuc < 0,790,99 ≤ dpuhf < 1,02
F0,71 ≤ dpuc < 0,750,96 ≤ dpuhf < 0,99
G dpuc < 0,71 dpuhf < 0,96

3. Dust re-emission U.K.

The dust re-emission class of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with its dust re-emission as set out in Table 3. The dust re-emission of a vacuum cleaner shall be determined in accordance with Annex VI.

Table 3

Dust re-emission classes

Dust re-emission classDust re-emission (dre)
A dre ≤ 0,02 %
B0,02 % < dre ≤ 0,08 %
C0,08 % < dre ≤ 0,20 %
D0,20 % < dre ≤ 0,35 %
E0,35 % < dre ≤ 0,60 %
F0,60 % < dre ≤ 1,00 %
G dre > 1,00 %

ANNEX IIU.K. The label


1.1. General purpose vacuum cleaners U.K.

The following information shall be included in the label:


Supplier’s name or trade mark;


Supplier’s model identifier, where ‘model identifier’ means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific vacuum cleaner model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier’s name;


The energy efficiency class as defined in Annex I; the head of the arrow containing the energy efficiency class of the vacuum cleaner shall be placed at the same height as the head of the arrow of the relevant energy efficiency class;


Average annual energy consumption, as defined in Annex VI;


Dust re-emission class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Carpet cleaning performance class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Hard floor cleaning performance class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Sound power level, as defined in Annex VI.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.1 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1), a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.

1.2. Hard floor vacuum cleaners U.K.

The following information shall be included in the label:


Supplier’s name or trade mark;


Supplier's model identifier, where ‘model identifier’ means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific vacuum cleaner model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier’s name;


The energy efficiency class as defined in Annex I; the head of the arrow containing the energy efficiency class of the vacuum cleaner shall be placed at the same height as the head of the arrow of the relevant energy efficiency class;


Average annual energy consumption, as defined in Annex VI;


Dust re-emission class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Exclusion sign;


Hard floor cleaning performance class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Sound power level, as defined in Annex VI.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.2 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.

1.3. Carpet vacuum cleaners U.K.

The following information shall be included in the label:


Supplier's name or trade mark;


Supplier's model identifier, where ‘model identifier’ means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific vacuum cleaner model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier’s name;


The energy efficiency class as defined in Annex I; the head of the arrow containing the energy efficiency class of the vacuum cleaner shall be placed at the same height as the head of the arrow of the relevant energy efficiency class;


Average annual energy consumption, as defined in Annex VI;


Dust re-emission class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


Carpet cleaning performance class, determined in accordance with Annex I.


Exclusion sign;


Sound power level, as defined in Annex VI.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.3 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.


2.1. General purpose vacuum cleaners U.K.

The information listed in point 1.1 shall be included in this label.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.1 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.

2.2. Hard floor vacuum cleaners U.K.

The information listed in point 1.2 shall be included in this label.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.2 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.

2.3. Carpet vacuum cleaners U.K.

The information listed in point 1.3 shall be included in this label.

The design of the labels shall be in accordance with point 4.3 of this Annex. By way of derogation, where a model has been awarded an ‘EU eco-label’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, a copy of the EU eco-label may be added.


3.1.The design of the labels for general purpose vacuum cleaners shall be the following:U.K.



The label shall be at least 75 mm wide and 150 mm high. Where the label is printed in a larger format, its content shall nevertheless remain proportionate to the specifications above.


The background shall be white.


Colours are coded as CMYK — cyan, magenta, yellow and black, following this example: 00-70-X-00: 0 % cyan, 70 % magenta, 100 % yellow, 0 % black.


The label shall fulfil all of the following requirements (numbers refer to the figure above):

EU label border stroke: 3,5 pt – colour: Cyan 100 % – round corners: 2,5 mm.

EU logo: Colours: X-80-00-00 and 00-00-X-00.

Energy logo: Colour: X-00-00-00. Pictogram as depicted: EU logo + energy logo: width: 62 mm, height: 12 mm.

Sub-logos border: 1 pt – colour: cyan 100 % – length: 62 mm.

A-G and A+++-D scales:

  • Arrow: height: 6 mm, gap: 1 mm – colours:

    • Highest class: X-00-X-00

    • Second class: 70-00-X-00,

    • Third class: 30-00-X-00,

    • Fourth class: 00-00-X-00,

    • Fifth class: 00-30-X-00,

    • Sixth class: 00-70-X-00,

    • Last class: 00-X-X-00,

  • Text: Calibri bold 13 pt, capitals, white.

Energy efficiency class

  • Arrow: width: 17 mm, height: 9 mm, 100% black;

  • Text: Calibri bold 18,5 pt, capitals, white; '+' symbols: Calibri bold 11 pt, white aligned on a single row.


  • Text: Calibri regular 6 pt, capitals, black.

Annual energy consumption in kWh/annum:

  • Value ‘YZ’: Calibri bold 20 pt, 100 % black;

  • ‘kWh/annum’: Calibri bold 12 pt, 100 % black.

Cleaning performance on carpet:

  • Border: 1,5 pt – colour: cyan 100 % – round corners: 2,5 mm;

  • Letters: Calibri regular 13,5 pt, 100 % black; and Calibri bold 18 pt, 100 % black.

Cleaning performance on hard floor:

  • Border: 1,5 pt – colour: cyan 100 % – round corners: 2,5 mm;

  • Letters: Calibri regular 13,5 pt, 100 % black; and Calibri bold 18 pt, 100 % black.

Dust re-emission

  • Border: 1,5 pt – colour: cyan 100 % – round corners: 2,5 mm;

  • Letters: Calibri regular 13,5 pt, 100 % black; and Calibri bold 18 pt, 100 % black.

Sound power level:

  • Border: 1,5 pt – colour: cyan 100 % – round corners: 2,5 mm;

  • Value: Calibri bold 16 pt, 100 % black;

  • ‘dB’: Calibri regular 11 pt, 100 % black.

Supplier’s name or trademark

Supplier’s model identifier

The suppliers’ name or trade mark and model identifier shall fit in a space of 62 × 10 mm

Numbering of the Regulation and label:

  • Text: Calibri bold 8.

3.2.The design of the labels for hard floor vacuum cleaners shall be the following:U.K.


The design description of the label shall be in accordance with point 4.1 of this Annex except for Number 9 where the following applies:

Cleaning performance on carpet:

  • Exclusion sign: border 3 pt – colour: 00-X-X-00 (100 % red) – diameter 16 mm.

3.3.The design of the labels for carpet floor vacuum cleaners shall be the following:U.K.


The design description of the label shall be in accordance with point 4.1 of this Annex except for Number 10 where the following applies:

Cleaning performance on hard floor:

  • Exclusion sign: border 3 pt – colour: 00-X-X-00 (100 % red) – diameter 16 mm.


1.The information in the product fiche of the vacuum cleaner shall be given in the following order and shall be included in the product brochure or other literature provided with the product:U.K.


supplier's name or trade mark;


supplier's model identifier which means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific vacuum cleaner model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier’s name;


the energy efficiency class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


the annual energy consumption in kWh/year, rounded to one decimal place, as defined in Annex VI; it shall be described as: ‘Indicative annual energy consumption (kWh per year), based on 50 cleaning tasks. Actual annual energy consumption will depend on how the appliance is used.’;


for general purpose vacuum cleaners and carpet vacuum cleaners, the carpet cleaning performance class determined in accordance with Annex I. For hard floor vacuum cleaners, the declaration ‘not suitable for use on carpets with the delivered nozzle’;


for general purpose vacuum cleaners and hard floor vacuum cleaners, the hard floor cleaning performance class determined in accordance with Annex I. For carpet vacuum cleaners, the declaration ‘not suitable for use on hard floors with the delivered nozzle’;


the dust re-emission class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


the sound power level, as defined in Annex VI;


the rated input power, as defined in Annex VI;


where the vacuum cleaner has been granted an ‘EU Eco-label award’ under Regulation (EC) No 66/2010, this information may be included.

2.One fiche may cover a number of vacuum cleaner models supplied by the same supplier.U.K.

3.The information contained in the fiche may be given in the form of a copy of the label, either in colour or in black and white. Where this is the case, the information listed in point 1 not already displayed on the label shall also be provided.U.K.

ANNEX IVU.K. Technical documentation

1.The technical documentation referred to in Article 3 shall include:U.K.


the name and address of the supplier;


a general description of the vacuum cleaner type and/or model and/or commercial code, sufficient for it to be unequivocally and easily identified;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters measured and calculated in accordance with Annex VI:


the specific energy consumption during carpet test, where applicable;


the specific energy consumption during hard floor test, where applicable;


the dust pick up on carpet and on hard floor as applicable;


the dust re-emission;


the sound power level;


the rated input power;


specific values as indicated in points 3 and 4 of Annex VI as applicable.


the results of calculations performed in accordance with Annex VI.

2.Where the information included in the technical documentation file for a particular vacuum cleaner model has been obtained by calculation on the basis of an equivalent vacuum cleaner, the technical documentation shall include details of such calculations and of tests undertaken by suppliers to verify the accuracy of the calculations undertaken. The technical information shall also include a list of all other equivalent vacuum cleaner models where the information was obtained on the same basis.U.K.

3.The information contained in this technical documentation may be merged with the technical documentation provided in accordance with measures under Directive 2009/125/EC.U.K.

ANNEX VU.K. Information to be provided where end-users cannot be expected to see the product displayed

1.The information referred to in Article 4(b) shall be provided in the following order:U.K.


the energy efficiency class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


the annual energy consumption, as defined in Annex VI;


for general purpose vacuum cleaners and carpet vacuum cleaners, the carpet cleaning performance class determined in accordance with Annex I. For hard floor vacuum cleaners, the declaration ‘not suitable for use on carpets’;


for general purpose vacuum cleaners and hard floor vacuum cleaners, the hard floor cleaning performance class determined in accordance with Annex I. For carpet vacuum cleaners, the declaration ‘not suitable for use on hard floors’;


the dust re-emission class, determined in accordance with Annex I;


the sound power level, as defined in Annex VI.

2.Where other information contained in the product information fiche is also provided, it shall be in the form and order specified in Annex III.U.K.

3.The size and font in which the information referred in this Annex is printed or shown shall be legible.U.K.

ANNEX VIU.K. Measurement and calculation methods

1.For the purposes of compliance and verification of compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, measurements and calculations shall be made using a reliable, accurate and reproducible methods that take into account the generally recognised state-of-the-art measurement and calculation methods, including harmonised standards the reference numbers of which have been published for the purpose in the Official Journal of the European Union. They shall meet the technical definitions, conditions, equations and parameters set out this Annex.U.K.

2. Technical definitions U.K.


‘hard floor test’ means a test of two cleaning cycles where the cleaning head of a vacuum cleaner operating at maximum suction setting passes over a wooden test plate test area with width equal to the cleaning head width and appropriate length, featuring a diagonally (45°) placed test crevice, where the time elapsed, electric power consumption and the relative position of the center of the cleaning head to the test area are continuously measured and recorded at an appropriate sample rate and where at the end of each cleaning cycle the mass decrease of the test crevice is appropriately assessed;


‘test crevice’ means a removable U-shaped insert with appropriate dimensions filled at the beginning of a cleaning cycle with appropriate artificial dust;


‘carpet test’ means a test with an appropriate number of cleaning cycles on a Wilton carpet test rig where the cleaning head of a vacuum cleaner operating at maximum suction setting passes over the test area with width equal to the cleaning head width and appropriate length, soiled with equally distributed and appropriately embedded test dust of appropriate composition, where the time elapsed, electric power consumption and the relative position of the center of the cleaning head to the test area are continuously measured and recorded at an appropriate sample rate and at the end of each cleaning cycle the mass increase of the appliance dust receptacle is appropriately assessed;


‘cleaning head width’ in m, at an accuracy of 3 decimal places, means the external maximum width of the cleaning head;


‘cleaning cycle’ means a sequence of 5 double strokes of the vacuum cleaner on a floor-specific test area (‘carpet’ or ‘hard floor’);


‘double stroke’ means one forward and one backward movement of the cleaning head in a parallel pattern, performed at a uniform test stroke speed and with a specified test stroke length;


‘test stroke speed’ in m/h means the appropriate cleaning head speed for testing, preferably realized with an electromechanical operator. Products with self-propelled cleaning heads shall try to come as close as possible to the appropriate speed, but a deviation is permitted when clearly stated in the technical documentation;


‘test stroke length’ in m means the length of the test area plus the cleaning head distance covered by the center of the cleaning head when moving over the appropriate acceleration zones before and after the test area;


‘dust pick up’ (dpu), at an accuracy of 3 decimal places, means the ratio of the mass of the artificial dust removed, determined for carpet through the mass increase of the appliance dust receptacle and for hard floor through the mass decrease of the test crevice, after a number of double strokes of the cleaning head, to the mass of artificial dust initially applied to a test area, for carpet corrected for the specific test conditions and for hard floor corrected for the length and positioning of the test crevice;


‘reference vacuum cleaner system’ means electrically operated laboratory equipment used to measure the calibrated and reference dust pick-up on carpets with given air related parameters to improve the reproducibility of test results;


‘rated input power’ in W means the electric input power declared by the manufacturer, whereby for appliances that are enabled to function also for other purposes than vacuum cleaning only the electric input power relevant to vacuum cleaning applies;


‘dust re-emission’ means the ratio, expressed as a percentage at an accuracy of 2 decimal places, of the number of all dust particles of a size from 0.3 to 10 μm emitted by a vacuum cleaner to the number of all dust particles of the same size range entering the suction inlet when fed with a specific amount of dust of that particle size range. The value includes not only dust measured at the vacuum cleaner outlet but also dust emitted elsewhere either from leaks, or generated by the vacuum cleaner;


‘sound power level’ means airborne acoustical noise emissions, expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and rounded to the nearest integer.

3. Annual energy consumption U.K.

The annual energy consumption AE is calculated, in kWh/year and rounded to one decimal place, as follows:


Average specific energy consumption (ASE) U.K.

The average specific energy consumption during carpet test (ASEc ) and during hard floor test (ASEhf ) shall be determined as an average of the specific energy consumption (SE) of the number of cleaning cycles that constitute the carpet and hard floor test respectively. The general equation for the specific energy consumption SE in Wh/m2 test area, at an accuracy of 3 decimal places, applicable for carpet, hard floor and general purpose vacuum cleaners with the appropriate suffixes, is:


For the hard floor tests the suffix hf and parameter names SEhf, Phf, NPhf, thf and Ahf shall be used in the above equation. For the carpet tests the suffix c and parameter names SEc, Pc, NPc, tc and Ac shall be used in the above equation. For each of the cleaning cycles, values of SEhf, Phf, NPhf, thf , Ahf and/or SEc, Pc, NPc, tc , Ac , as applicable, shall be included in the technical documentation.

Power equivalent of battery operated active nozzles (NP) U.K.

The general equation for the average power equivalent of battery operated active nozzles NP in W, applicable for carpet, hard floor and general purpose vacuum cleaners with the appropriate suffixes, is:


In case the vacuum cleaner is not equipped with a battery operated active nozzle the value of NP equals zero.

For the hard floor tests the suffix hf and parameter names NPhf, Ehf, tbathf shall be used in the above equation. For the carpet tests the suffix c and parameter names NPc, Ec, tbatc shall be used in the above equation. For each of the cleaning cycles, values of Ehf, tbathf and/or Ec, tbatc , as applicable, shall be included in the technical documentation.

4. Dust pick-up U.K.

The dust pick-up on hard floor (dpuhf ) shall be the determined as the average of the results of the two cleaning cycles in a hard floor test.

The dust pick-up on carpet (dpuc ) shall be the determined as the average of the results of the cleaning cycles in a carpet test. To correct for deviations from a test carpet’s original properties, the dust pick-up on carpet (dpuc ) shall be the calculated as follows:


Values of dpum for each of the cleaning cycles, dpuc, dpucal and dpuref shall be included in the technical documentation.

5. Dust re-emission U.K.

The dust re-emission shall be determined while the vacuum cleaner is operating at its maximum air flow.

6. Sound power level U.K.

Sound power level shall be determined on carpet.

7. Hybrid vacuum cleaners U.K.

For hybrid vacuum cleaners all measurements shall be executed with the vacuum cleaner powered by the electric mains and any battery operated active nozzle only.

ANNEX VIIU.K. Verification procedure for market surveillance purposes

For the purposes of assessing conformity with the requirements laid down in Articles 3 and 4, the authorities of the Member States shall apply the following verification procedure:


The Member State authorities shall test one single unit per model.


The vacuum cleaner model shall be considered to comply with the applicable requirements if the values and classes on the label and in the product fiche correspond to the values in the technical documentation and if testing of the relevant model parameters listed in Table 4 shows compliance for all of those parameters.


If the result referred to in point 2 is not achieved, the Member State authorities shall randomly select three additional units of the same model for testing. As an alternative, the three additional units selected may be of one or more different models which have been listed as equivalent vacuum cleaner in the manufacturer's technical documentation.


The vacuum cleaner model shall be considered to comply with the applicable requirements if testing of the relevant model parameters listed in Table 4 shows compliance for all of those parameters.


If the results referred to in point 4 are not achieved, the model and all equivalent vacuum cleaner models shall be considered not to comply with this Regulation.

Member State authorities shall use the measurement and calculation methods set out in Annex VI.

The verification tolerances defined in this Annex relate only to the verification of the measured parameters by Member State authorities and shall not be used by the supplier as an allowed tolerance to establish the values in the technical documentation. The values and classes on the label or in the product fiche shall not be more favourable for the supplier than the values reported in the technical documentation.

Table 4


the arithmetic average of the values determined in the case of three additional units tested as prescribed in point 3.

ParameterVerification tolerances
Annual energy consumptionThe determined valuea is not more than 10 % higher than the declared value.
Dust pick up on carpetThe determined valuea is not more than 0,03 lower than the declared value.
Dust pick up on hard floorThe determined valuea is not more than 0,03 lower than the declared value.
Dust re-emissionThe determined valuea is not more than 15 % higher than the declared value.
Sound power levelThe determined valuea is not greater than the declared value.