Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013 of 18 February 2013 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device (Text with EEA relevance)

ANNEX I Definitions applicable for Annexes II to VIII

For the purposes of Annexes II to VIII the following definitions shall apply:

  • Definitions related to heaters:


    ‘boiler space heater’, for the purposes of Figures 1 to 4 in Annex IV referred to as ‘boiler’, means a space heater that generates heat using the combustion of fossil fuels and/or biomass fuels, and/or using the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements;


    ‘boiler combination heater’, for the purposes of Figures 1 to 4 in Annex IV referred to as ‘boiler’, means a boiler space heater that is designed to also provide heat to deliver hot drinking or sanitary water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals, and is connected to an external supply of drinking or sanitary water;


    ‘heat pump space heater’, for the purposes of Figures 1 and 3 in Annex IV referred to as ‘heat pump’, means a space heater using ambient heat from an air source, water source or ground source, and/or waste heat for heat generation; a heat pump space heater may be equipped with one or more supplementary heaters using the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements or the combustion of fossil and/or biomass fuels;


    ‘heat pump combination heater’, for the purposes of Figures 1 and 3 in Annex IV referred to as ‘heat pump’, means a heat pump space heater that is designed to also provide heat to deliver hot drinking or sanitary water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals, and is connected to an external supply of drinking or sanitary water;


    ‘supplementary heater’ means a non-preferential heater that generates heat in cases where the heat demand is greater than the rated heat output of the preferential heater;


    ‘rated heat output of supplementary heater’ (Psup) means the declared heat output of the supplementary heater when providing space heating and, if applicable, water heating at standard rating conditions, expressed in kW; if the supplementary heater is a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater, the standard rating condition for establishing the rated heat output of supplementary heater is the outdoor temperature Tj = + 7 °C;


    ‘outdoor temperature’ (Tj ) means the dry bulb outdoor air temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius; the relative humidity may be indicated by a corresponding wet bulb temperature;


    ‘annual energy consumption’ (QHE ) means the annual energy consumption of a heater required for space heating to meet the reference annual heating demand for a designated heating season, expressed in kWh in terms of the final energy and/or in GJ in terms of GCV;


    ‘standby mode’ means a condition where the heater is connected to the mains power source, depends on energy input from the mains power source to work as intended and provides only the following functions, which may persist for an indefinite time: reactivation function, or reactivation function and only an indication of enabled reactivation function, and/or information or status display;


    ‘standby mode power consumption’ (PSB ) means the power consumption of a heater in standby mode, expressed in kW;


    ‘conversion coefficient’ (CC) means a coefficient reflecting the estimated 40 % average EU generation efficiency referred to in Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council(1); the value of the conversion coefficient is CC = 2,5;


    ‘gross calorific value’ (GCV) means the total amount of heat released by a unit quantity of fuel when it is burned completely with oxygen and when the products of combustion are returned to ambient temperature; this quantity includes the condensation heat of any water vapour contained in the fuel and of the water vapour formed by the combustion of any hydrogen contained in the fuel;

  • Definitions related to boiler space heaters, boiler combination heaters and cogeneration space heaters:


    ‘seasonal space heating energy efficiency in active mode’ (ηson ) means

    • for fuel boiler space heaters and fuel boiler combination heaters, a weighted average of the useful efficiency at rated heat output and the useful efficiency at 30 % of the rated heat output, expressed in %;

    • for electric boiler space heaters and electric boiler combination heaters, the useful efficiency at rated heat output, expressed in %;

    • for cogeneration space heaters not equipped with supplementary heaters, the useful efficiency at rated heat output, expressed in %;

    • for cogeneration space heaters equipped with supplementary heaters, a weighted average of the useful efficiency at rated heat output with supplementary heater disabled, and the useful efficiency at rated heat output with supplementary heater enabled, expressed in %;


    ‘useful efficiency’ (η) means the ratio of the useful heat output and the total energy input of a boiler space heater, boiler combination heater or cogeneration space heater, expressed in %, whereby the total energy input is expressed in terms of GCV and/or in terms of final energy multiplied by CC;


    ‘useful heat output’ (P) means the heat output of a boiler space heater, boiler combination heater or cogeneration space heater transmitted to the heat carrier, expressed in kW;


    ‘electrical efficiency’ (ηel ) means the ratio of the electricity output and the total energy input of a cogeneration space heater, expressed in %, whereby the total energy input is expressed in terms of GCV and/or in terms of final energy multiplied by CC;


    ‘ignition burner power consumption’ (Pign ) means the power consumption of a burner intended to ignite the main burner, expressed in W in terms of GCV;


    ‘condensing boiler’ means a boiler space heater or boiler combination heater in which, under normal operating conditions and at given operating water temperatures, the water vapour in the combustion products is partially condensed, in order to make use of the latent heat of this water vapour for heating purposes;


    ‘auxiliary electricity consumption’ means the annual electricity required for the designated operation of a boiler space heater, boiler combination heater or cogeneration space heater, calculated from the electric power consumption at full load (elmax), at part load (elmin), in standby mode and default operating hours at each mode, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;


    ‘standby heat loss’ (Pstby ) means the heat loss of a boiler space heater, boiler combination heater or cogeneration space heater in operating modes without heat demand, expressed in kW;

  • Definitions related to heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters:


    ‘rated coefficient of performance’ (COPrated ) or ‘rated primary energy ratio’ (PERrated ) means the declared heat capacity, expressed in kW, divided by the energy input, expressed in kW in terms of GCV and/or in kW in terms of final energy multiplied by CC, for heating provided at standard rating conditions;


    ‘reference design conditions’ means the combination of the reference design temperature, the maximum bivalent temperature and the maximum operation limit temperature, as set out in Annex VII, Table 10;


    ‘reference design temperature’ (Tdesignh) means the outdoor temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius, as set out in Annex VII, Table 10, at which the part load ratio is equal to 1;


    ‘part load ratio’ (pl(Tj)) means the outdoor temperature minus 16 °C divided by the reference design temperature minus 16 °C;


    ‘heating season’ means a set of operating conditions for average, colder and warmer climate conditions, describing per bin the combination of outdoor temperatures and the number of hours these temperatures occur per season;


    ‘bin’ (binj ) means a combination of an outdoor temperature and bin hours, as set out in Annex VII, Table 12;


    ‘bin hours’ (Hj ) means the hours per heating season, expressed in hours per year, at which an outdoor temperature occurs for each bin, as set out in Annex VII, Table 12;


    ‘part load for heating’ (Ph(Tj)) means the heating load at a specific outdoor temperature, calculated as the design load multiplied by the part load ratio and expressed in kW;


    ‘seasonal coefficient of performance’ (SCOP) or ‘seasonal primary energy ratio’ (SPER) means the overall coefficient of performance of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using electricity or the overall primary energy ratio of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using fuels, representative of the designated heating season, calculated as the reference annual heating demand divided by the annual energy consumption;


    ‘reference annual heating demand’ (QH ) means the reference heating demand for a designated heating season, to be used as the basis for calculating SCOP or SPER and calculated as the product of the design load for heating and the annual equivalent active mode hours, expressed in kWh;


    ‘annual equivalent active mode hours’ (HHE ) means the assumed annual number of hours a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater has to provide the design load for heating to satisfy the reference annual heating demand, expressed in h;


    ‘active mode coefficient of performance’ (SCOPon ) or ‘active mode primary energy ratio’ (SPERon ) means the average coefficient of performance of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using electricity in active mode or the average primary energy ratio of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using fuels in active mode for the designated heating season;


    ‘supplementary capacity for heating’ (sup(Tj)) means the rated heat output Psup of a supplementary heater that supplements the declared capacity for heating to meet the part load for heating, if the declared capacity for heating is less than the part load for heating, expressed in kW;


    ‘bin-specific coefficient of performance’ (COPbin(Tj)) or ‘bin-specific primary energy ratio’ (PERbin(Tj)) means the coefficient of performance of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using electricity or primary energy ratio of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater using fuel specific for every bin in a season, derived from the part load for heating, declared capacity for heating and declared coefficient of performance for specified bins and calculated for other bins by interpolation or extrapolation, corrected where necessary by the degradation coefficient;


    ‘declared capacity for heating’ (Pdh(Tj)) means the heating capacity a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater is able to deliver, for an outdoor temperature, expressed in kW;


    ‘capacity control’ means the ability of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater to change its capacity by changing the volumetric flow rate of at least one of the fluids needed to operate the refrigeration cycle, to be indicated as ‘fixed’ if the volumetric flow rate cannot be changed or ‘variable’ if the volumetric flow rate is changed or varied in series of two or more steps;


    ‘design load for heating’ (Pdesignh) means the rated heat output (Prated) of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater at the reference design temperature, whereby the design load for heating is equal to the part load for heating with outdoor temperature equal to reference design temperature, expressed in kW;


    ‘declared coefficient of performance’ (COPd(Tj)) or ‘declared primary energy ratio’ (PERd(Tj)) means the coefficient of performance or primary energy ratio at a limited number of specified bins;


    ‘bivalent temperature’ (Tbiv ) means the outdoor temperature declared by the supplier for heating at which the declared capacity for heating equals the part load for heating and below which the declared capacity for heating requires supplementary capacity for heating to meet the part load for heating, expressed in degrees Celsius;


    ‘operation limit temperature’ (TOL) means the outdoor temperature declared by the supplier for heating, below which the air-to-water heat pump space heater or air-to-water heat pump combination heater will not be able to deliver any heating capacity and the declared capacity for heating is equal to zero, expressed in degrees Celsius;


    ‘heating water operation limit temperature’ (WTOL) means the outlet water temperature declared by the supplier for heating, above which the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater will not be able to deliver any heating capacity and the declared capacity heating is equal to zero, expressed in degrees Celsius;


    ‘cycling interval capacity for heating’ (Pcych) means the integrated heating capacity over the cycling test interval for heating, expressed in kW;


    ‘cycling interval efficiency’ (COPcyc or PERcyc) means the average coefficient of performance or average primary energy ratio over the cycling test interval, calculated as the integrated heating capacity over the interval, expressed in kWh, divided by the integrated energy input over that same interval, expressed in kWh in terms of GCV and/or in kWh in terms of final energy multiplied by CC;


    ‘degradation coefficient’ (Cdh) means the measure of efficiency loss due to cycling of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater; if Cdh is not determined by measurement then the default degradation coefficient is Cdh = 0,9;


    ‘active mode’ means the condition corresponding to the hours with a heating load for the enclosed space and activated heating function; this condition may involve cycling of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater to reach or maintain a required indoor air temperature;


    ‘off mode’ means a condition in which the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater is connected to the mains power source and is not providing any function, including conditions providing only an indication of off mode condition and conditions providing only functionalities intended to ensure electromagnetic compatibility pursuant to Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(2);


    ‘thermostat-off mode’ means the condition corresponding to the hours with no heating load and activated heating function, whereby the heating function is switched on but the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater is not operational; cycling in active mode is not considered as thermostat-off mode;


    ‘crankcase heater mode’ means the condition in which a heating device is activated to avoid the refrigerant migrating to the compressor so as to limit the refrigerant concentration in oil when the compressor is started;


    ‘off mode power consumption’ (POFF ) means the power consumption of a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater in off mode, expressed in kW;


    ‘thermostat-off mode power consumption’ (PTO ) means the power consumption of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater while in thermostat-off mode, expressed in kW;


    ‘crankcase heater mode power consumption’ (PCK ) means the power consumption of the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater while in crankcase heater mode, expressed in kW;


    ‘low-temperature heat pump’ means a heat pump space heater that is specifically designed for low-temperature application, and that cannot deliver heating water with an outlet temperature of 52 °C at an inlet dry (wet) bulb temperature of – 7 °C (– 8 °C) in the reference design conditions for average climate;


    ‘low-temperature application’ means an application where the heat pump space heater delivers its declared capacity for heating at an indoor heat exchanger outlet temperature of 35 °C;


    ‘medium-temperature application’ means an application where the heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater delivers its declared capacity for heating at an indoor heat exchanger outlet temperature of 55 °C;

  • Definitions related to water heating in combination heaters:


    ‘load profile’ means a given sequence of water draw-offs, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15; each combination heater meets at least one load profile;


    ‘water draw-off’ means a given combination of useful water flow rate, useful water temperature, useful energy content and peak temperature, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘useful water flow rate’ (f) means the minimum flow rate, expressed in litres per minute, for which hot water is contributing to the reference energy, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘useful water temperature’ (Tm ) means the water temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius, at which hot water starts contributing to the reference energy, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘useful energy content’ (Qtap ) means the energy content of hot water, expressed in kWh, provided at a temperature equal to, or above, the useful water temperature, and at water flow rates equal to, or above, the useful water flow rate, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘energy content of hot water’ means the product of the specific heat capacity of water, the average temperature difference between the hot water output and cold water input, and the total mass of the hot water delivered;


    ‘peak temperature’ (Tp ) means the minimum water temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius, to be achieved during water draw-off, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘reference energy’ (Qref ) means the sum of the useful energy content of water draw-offs, expressed in kWh, in a particular load profile, as specified in Annex VII, Table 15;


    ‘maximum load profile’ means the load profile with the greatest reference energy that a combination heater is able to provide while fulfilling the temperature and flow rate conditions of that load profile;


    ‘declared load profile’ means the load profile applied when determining water heating energy efficiency;


    ‘daily electricity consumption’ (Qelec ) means the consumption of electricity for water heating over 24 consecutive hours under the declared load profile, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;


    ‘daily fuel consumption’ (Qfuel ) means the consumption of fuels for water heating over 24 consecutive hours under the declared load profile, expressed in kWh in terms of GCV and, for the purposes of point 5(f) in Annex VII, expressed in GJ in terms of GCV;


    ‘annual electricity consumption’ (AEC) means the annual electricity consumption of a combination heater for water heating under the declared load profile and under given climate conditions, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;


    ‘annual fuel consumption’ (AFC) means the annual fossil fuel and/or biomass fuel consumption of a combination heater for water heating under the declared load profile and under given climate conditions, expressed in GJ in terms of GCV;

  • Definitions related to solar devices:


    ‘annual non-solar heat contribution’ (Qnonsol ), means the annual contribution of electricity (expressed in kWh in terms of primary energy) and/or fuels (expressed in kWh in terms of GCV) to the useful heat output of a package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device, taking into account the annual amount of heat captured by the solar collector and the heat losses of the solar hot water storage tank;


    ‘collector aperture area’ (Asol ), for the purposes of Figures 1 to 4 in Annex IV referred to as ‘collector size’, means the maximum projected area through which unconcentrated solar radiation enters the collector, expressed in m2;


    ‘collector efficiency’ (ηcol ) means the efficiency of the solar collector at a temperature difference between the solar collector and the surrounding air of 40 K and a global solar irradiance of 1 000 W/m2, expressed in %;


    ‘standing loss’ (S) means the heating power dissipated from a solar hot water storage tank at given water and ambient temperatures, expressed in W;


    ‘storage volume’ (V), for the purposes of Figures 1 to 4 in Annex IV referred to as ‘tank volume’, means the rated volume of a solar hot water storage tank, expressed in litres or m3;


    ‘auxiliary electricity consumption’ (Qaux ), for the purpose of Figure 5 in Annex IV referred to as ‘auxiliary electricity’, means the annual electricity consumption of a solar-only system that is due to the pump power consumption and the standby power consumption, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;


    ‘pump power consumption’ (solpump) means the rated electrical power consumption of the pump in the collector loop of a solar-only system, expressed in W;


    ‘standby power consumption’ (solstandby) means the rated electrical power consumption of a solar-only system when the pump and the heat generator are inactive, expressed in W;

  • Other definitions:


    ‘average climate conditions’, ‘colder climate conditions’ and ‘warmer climate conditions’ mean the temperature and global solar irradiance conditions characteristic for the cities of Strasbourg, Helsinki and Athens, respectively;


    ‘model identifier’ means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific space heater, combination heater, temperature control, solar device, package of space heater, temperature control and solar device, or package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device model from other models with the same trade mark, supplier’s name or dealer’s name.