Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013 of 18 February 2013 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device (Text with EEA relevance)

ANNEX VU.K. Technical documentation


For space heaters, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(1)(c) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the space heater model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters:

  • for boiler space heaters and cogeneration space heaters, the technical parameters set out in Table 7, measured and calculated in accordance with Annex VII;

  • for heat pump space heaters, the technical parameters set out in Table 8, measured and calculated in accordance with Annex VII;

  • for heat pump space heaters where the information relating to a specific model comprising a combination of indoor and outdoor units has been obtained by calculation on the basis of design and/or extrapolation from other combinations, the details of such calculations and/or extrapolations, and of any tests undertaken to verify the accuracy of the calculations, including details of the mathematical model for calculating the performance of such combinations and details of the measurements taken to verify this model;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the space heater is assembled, installed or maintained.


For combination heaters, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(2)(c) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the combination heater model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters:

  • for boiler combination heaters, the technical parameters set out in Table 7, measured and calculated in accordance with Annex VII;

  • for heat pump combination heaters, the technical parameters set out in Table 8, measured and calculated in accordance with Annex VII;

  • for heat pump combination heaters where the information relating to a specific model comprising a combination of indoor and outdoor units has been obtained by calculation on the basis of design and/or extrapolation from other combinations, the details of such calculations and/or extrapolations, and of any tests undertaken to verify the accuracy of the calculations, including details of the mathematical model for calculating the performance of such combinations and details of the measurements taken to verify this model;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the combination heater is assembled, installed or maintained.

Table 7

Technical parameters for boiler space heaters, boiler combination heaters and cogeneration space heaters


High-temperature regime means 60 °C return temperature at heater inlet and 80 °C feed temperature at heater outlet.


Low temperature means for condensing boilers 30 °C, for low-temperature boilers 37 °C and for other heaters 50 °C return temperature (at heater inlet).

Model(s): [information identifying the model(s) to which the information relates]
Condensing boiler: [yes/no]
Low-temperatureb boiler: [yes/no]
B11 boiler: [yes/no]
Cogeneration space heater: [yes/no]If yes, equipped with a supplementary heater: [yes/no]
Combination heater: [yes/no]
Item Symbol Value Unit Item Symbol Value Unit
Rated heat output PratedxkW Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs x%
For boiler space heaters and boiler combination heaters: Useful heat outputFor boiler space heaters and boiler combination heaters: Useful efficiency
At rated heat output and high-temperature regimea P4 x,xkWAt rated heat output and high-temperature regimea η4 x,x%
At 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature regimeb P1 x,xkWAt 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature regimeb η1 x,x%
For cogeneration space heaters: Useful heat outputFor cogeneration space heaters: Useful efficiency
At rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater disabled PCHP100+Sup0 x,xkWAt rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater disabled ηCHP100+Sup0 x,x%
At rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater enabled PCHP100+Sup100 x,xkWAt rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater enabled ηCHP100+Sup100 x,x%
For cogeneration space heaters: Electrical efficiencySupplementary heater
At rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater disabled ηel,CHP100+Sup0 x,x%Rated heat output Psupx,xkW
At rated heat output of cogeneration space heater with supplementary heater enabled ηel,CHP100+Sup100 x,x%Type of energy input
Auxiliary electricity consumptionOther items
At full load elmaxx,xkWStandby heat loss Pstby x,xkW
At part load elminx,xkWIgnition burner power consumption Pign x,xkW
In standby mode PSB x,xxxkWAnnual energy consumption QHE xkWh or GJ
Sound power level, indoors LWA xdB
For combination heaters:
Declared load profile Water heating energy efficiency ηwh x%
Daily electricity consumption Qelec x,xxxkWhDaily fuel consumption Qfuel x,xxxkWh
Annual electricity consumption AECxkWhAnnual fuel consumption AFCxGJ
Contact detailsName and address of the supplier.

Table 8

Technical parameters for heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters


For heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters, the rated heat output Prated is equal to the design load for heating Pdesignh, and the rated heat output of a supplementary heater Psup is equal to the supplementary capacity for heating sup(Tj).


If Cdh is not determined by measurement then the default degradation coefficient is Cdh = 0,9.

Model(s): [information identifying the model(s) to which the information relates]
Air-to-water heat pump: [yes/no]
Water-to-water heat pump: [yes/no]
Brine-to-water heat pump: [yes/no]
Low-temperature heat pump: [yes/no]
Equipped with a supplementary heater: [yes/no]
Heat pump combination heater: [yes/no]
Parameters shall be declared for medium-temperature application, except for low-temperature heat pumps. For low-temperature heat pumps, parameters shall be declared for low-temperature application.
Parameters shall be declared for average, colder and warmer climate conditions.
Item Symbol Value Unit Item Symbol Value Unit
Rated heat output a PratedxkW Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs x%
Declared capacity for heating for part load at indoor temperature 20 °C and outdoor temperature Tj Declared coefficient of performance or primary energy ratio for part load at indoor temperature 20 °C and outdoor temperature Tj
Tj = – 7 °C Pdhx,xkW Tj = – 7 °C COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Tj = + 2 °C Pdhx,xkW Tj = + 2 °C COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Tj = + 7 °C Pdhx,xkW Tj = + 7 °C COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Tj = + 12 °C Pdhx,xkW Tj = + 12 °C COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Tj = bivalent temperature Pdhx,xkW Tj = bivalent temperature COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Tj = operation limit temperature Pdhx,xkW Tj = operation limit temperature COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
For air-to-water heat pumps: Tj = – 15 °C (if TOL < – 20 °C) Pdhx,xkWFor air-to-water heat pumps: Tj = – 15 °C (if TOL < – 20 °C) COPd or PERdx,xx or x,x– or %
Bivalent temperature Tbiv x°CFor air-to-water heat pumps: Operation limit temperature TOLx°C
Cycling interval capacity for heating Pcychx,xkWCycling interval efficiency COPcyc or PERcycx,xx or x,x– or %
Degradation co-efficientb Cdhx,xHeating water operating limit temperature WTOLx°C
Power consumption in modes other than active modeSupplementary heater
Off mode POFF x,xxxkWRated heat outputb Psupx,xkW
Thermostat-off mode PTO x,xxxkW
Standby mode PSB x,xxxkWType of energy input
Crankcase heater mode PCK x,xxxkW
Other items
Capacity controlfixed/variableFor air-to-water heat pumps: Rated air flow rate, outdoorsxm3/h
Sound power level, indoors/outdoors LWA x / xdBFor water- or brine-to-water heat pumps: Rated brine or water flow rate, outdoor heat exchangerxm3/h
Annual energy consumption QHE xkWh or GJ
For heat pump combination heater:
Declared load profilex Water heating energy efficiency ηwh x%
Daily electricity consumption Qelec x,xxxkWhDaily fuel consumption Qfuel x,xxxkWh
Annual electricity consumption AECxkWhAnnual fuel consumption AFCxGJ
Contact detailsName and address of the supplier.


For temperature controls, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(3)(b) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the temperature control model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters:

  • the class of the temperature control;

  • the contribution of the temperature control to seasonal space heating energy efficiency in %, rounded to one decimal place;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the temperature control is assembled, installed or maintained.


For solar devices, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(4)(b) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the solar device model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters (for pumps in the collector loop if applicable):

  • the collector aperture area Asol in m2, to two decimal places;

  • the collector efficiency ηcol in %, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the energy efficiency class of the solar hot water storage tank, determined in accordance with point 3 of Annex II;

  • the standing loss S of the solar hot water storage tank in W, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the storage volume V of the solar hot water storage tank in litres and m3;

  • the annual non-solar heat contribution Qnonsol in kWh in terms of primary energy for electricity and/or in kWh in terms of GCV for fuels, for the load profiles M, L, XL and XXL under average climate conditions, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the pump power consumption solpump in W, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the standby power consumption solstandby in W, to two decimal places;

  • the annual auxiliary electricity consumption Qaux in kWh in terms of final energy, rounded to the nearest integer;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the solar device is assembled, installed or maintained.


For packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(5)(c) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the package of space heater, temperature control and solar device model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters:

  • the seasonal space heating energy efficiency in %, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the technical parameters set out in points 1, 3 and 4 of this Annex;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the package of space heater, temperature control and solar device is assembled, installed or maintained.


For packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device, the technical documentation referred to in Article 3(6)(c) shall include:


the name and address of the supplier;


a description of the package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device model sufficient for its unambiguous identification;


where appropriate, the references of the harmonised standards applied;


where appropriate, the other technical standards and specifications used;


the identification and signature of the person empowered to bind the supplier;


technical parameters:

  • the seasonal space heating energy efficiency and water heating energy efficiency in %, rounded to the nearest integer;

  • the technical parameters set out in points 2, 3 and 4 of this Annex;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device is assembled, installed or maintained.