Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDangos y teitl llawn

Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2328/2003, (EC) No 861/2006, (EC) No 1198/2006 and (EC) No 791/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council



Type of operationsPercentage points
Operations related to small–scale coastal fisheries may benefit from an increase by30
Operations located in the remote Greek Islands and in the Croatian islands of Dugi Otok, Vis, Mljet and Lastovo may benefit from an increase by35
Operations located in the outermost regions may benefit from an increase by35
Operations implemented by organisations of fishermen or other collective beneficiaries outside Chapter III of Title V may benefit from an increase by10
Operations implemented by producer organisations, associations of producer organisations or interbranch organisations may benefit from an increase by25
Operations under Article 76 on control and enforcement may benefit from an increase by30
Operations under Article 76 on control and enforcement related to small–scale coastal fisheries may benefit from an increase by40
Operations under Article 41(2) concerning replacement or modernisation of main or ancillary engines shall be reduced by20
Operations implemented by enterprises that fall outside the definition of SMEs shall be reduced by20



EMFF shared management(2014-2020)788 060 689798 128 031805 423 852818 478 098837 523 233843 250 018858 467 6795 749 331 600


Objectives set out in Article 82:


Development and implementation of an integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs – 6 %


Development of cross-sectorial initiatives – 24 %


Support for sustainable economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies – 17 %


Promotion of the protection of the marine environment – 5 %

Objectives set out in Article 85:


Collection, management and dissemination of scientific advice under the CFP – 11 %


Specific control and enforcement measures under the CFP – 11 %


Voluntary contributions to international organisations – 13 %


Advisory Councils and communication activities under the CFP and the IMP – 7 %


Market intelligence, including the establishment of electronic markets – 6 %]



Specific objective under the Union priority for EMFF/thematic objective (TO)Ex ante conditionalityCriteria for fulfilment

EMFF priority:


Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge–based fisheries.

Specific objectives: (a) - (f).

TO 3: enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, of the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and of the fishery and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF);

TO 6: preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency;

TO 8: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility.

Report on fishing capacity has been submitted in accordance with Article 22(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013.

The report is made in accordance with common guidelines issued by the Commission

Fishing capacity does not exceed the fishing capacity ceiling set up in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013

EMFF priority:


Fostering environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge–based aquaculture.

Specific objectives: (a), (b) and (c).

TO 3: enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, of the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and of the fishery and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF);

TO 6: preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency;

TO 8: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility.

The establishment of a multiannual national strategic plan on aquaculture, as referred to in Article 34 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, by 2014.

A multiannual national strategic plan on aquaculture is transmitted to the Commission at the latest by the day of transmission of the operational programme

The operational programme includes information on the complementarities with the multiannual national strategic plan on aquaculture

EMFF priority:


Fostering the implementation of the CFP.

Specific objective (a).

TO 6: preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.

Administrative capacity: administrative capacity is available to comply with the data requirements for fisheries management set out in Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 and Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 199/2008.

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and apply a multiannual programme for data collection, to be reviewed by STECF and accepted by the Commission

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and implement work plans for data collection, to be reviewed by STECF and accepted by the Commission

A description of the capacity in human resources allocation to undertake bilateral or multilateral agreements with other Member States if the work to implement the data collection obligations is shared

EMFF priority:


Fostering the implementation of the CFP.

Specific objective (b).

TO 6: preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.

Administrative capacity: administrative capacity is available to comply with the implementation of a Union control, inspection and enforcement system as provided for in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 and further specified in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

The specific actions include:

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and implement the section of the operational programme pertaining to the 2014-2020 national control financing programme as referred to in point (o) of Article 18(1)

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and implement the national control action programme for multiannual plans, as provided for in Article 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and implement a common control programme that may be developed with other Member States, as provided for in Article 94 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009

A description of the administrative capacity to prepare and implement the specific control and inspection programmes, as provided for in Article 95 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009

A description of the administrative capacity to apply a system of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for serious infringements, as provided for in Article 90 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009

A description of the administrative capacity to apply the point system for serious infringements, as provided for in Article 92 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009


1.List of operationsU.K.

The list of operations referred to in Article 119 shall contain, in at least one of the official languages of the Member State, the following data fields:

  • beneficiary name (only legal entities and natural persons in accordance with national law);

  • Community fleet register (CFR) identification number as referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 26/2004 (to be completed only where the operation is linked to a fishing vessel);

  • operation name;

  • operation summary;

  • operation start date;

  • operation end date (expected date for physical completion or full implementation of the operation);

  • total eligible expenditure;

  • amount of Union contribution;

  • operation postcode;

  • country;

  • name of Union priority;

  • date of the last update of the list of operations.

2.Information and publicity measures for the publicU.K.

1.The Member State shall ensure that the information and publicity measures aim at the widest possible media coverage using various forms and methods of communication at the appropriate level.U.K.

2.The Member State shall be responsible for organising at least the following information and publicity measures:U.K.


a major information activity publicising the launch of the operational programme;


at least twice during the programming period major information activity which promotes the funding opportunities and the strategies pursued and presents the achievements of the operational programme;


displaying the flag or emblem, as appropriate, of the Union in front of, or at a place visible to the public, at the premises of each managing authority;


publishing electronically the list of operations in accordance with section 1;


giving examples of operations, by operational programme, on the single website or on the operational programme’s website that is accessible through the single website portal; the examples should be in a widely spoken official language of the Union other than the official language or languages of the Member State concerned;


ensuring that a specific section of the single website is dedicated to give a short summary of innovation and eco-innovation operations;


updating information about the operational programme’s implementation, including its main achievements, on the single website or on the operational programme’s website that is accessible through the single website portal;


ensuring that a summary of measures designed to ensure compliance with the CFP rules, including cases of non-compliance by Member States or beneficiaries, as well as of remedy actions such as financial corrections taken, is made publicly available.

3.The managing authority shall involve in information and publicity measures, in accordance with national laws and practices, the following bodies:U.K.


the partners referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013;


information centres on Europe, as well as Commission representation offices in Member States;


educational and research institutions.

Those bodies shall widely disseminate the information referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 119(1).

3.Information measures for potential beneficiaries and beneficiariesU.K.

3.1.Information measures for potential beneficiariesU.K.

1.The managing authority shall ensure that the operational programme’s objectives and funding opportunities offered by the EMFF are disseminated widely to potential beneficiaries and all interested parties.U.K.
2.The managing authority shall ensure that potential beneficiaries are informed of at least the following:U.K.

the conditions of eligibility of expenditure to be met in order to qualify for support under an operational programme;


a description of the admissibility conditions for applications, procedures for examining applications for funding and of the time periods involved;


the criteria for selecting the operations to be supported;


the contacts at national, regional or local level that are able to provide information on the operational programmes;


that applications should propose communication activities, proportionate to the size of the operation, in order to inform the public about the operation’s aims and the Union support to the operation.

3.2.Information measures for beneficiariesU.K.

The managing authority shall inform beneficiaries that acceptance of funding constitutes an acceptance of their inclusion in the list of operations published in accordance with Article 119(2).