1.The information referred to in Article 4(2)(b) shall be provided in the following order:
supplier’s name or trade mark;
supplier’s model identifier, i.e. the model identifier of the specific range hood to which the figures quoted below apply;
the energy efficiency class of the model as defined in Table 2 of Annex I; the declared class shall not be more favourable than the class reported in the technical documentation in Annex V;
the annual energy consumption of the model in kWh, as defined in point 2.1 of Annex II; the declared value shall not be lower than the value reported in the technical documentation in Annex V;
the fluid dynamic efficiency class of the model as defined in Table 3 of Annex I; the declared class shall not be more favourable than the class reported in the technical documentation in Annex V;
the lighting efficiency class of the model as defined in Table 4 of Annex I; the declared class shall not be more favourable than the class reported in the technical documentation in Annex V;
the grease filtering efficiency class of the model as defined in Table 5 of Annex I; the declared class shall not be more favourable than the class reported in the technical documentation in Annex V;
the airborne acoustical A-weighted sound power emissions (weighted average value – LWA) of a domestic range hood at minimum and maximum speed available in normal use, in dB rounded to the nearest integer; the declared value shall not be lower than the value reported in the technical documentation in Annex V.