Rinderpest cattle plague
Sheep and goat plague
Swine vesicular disease
Teschen disease
Sheep pox or goat pox
Rift Valley fever
Lumpy skin disease
African horse sickness
Vesicular stomatitis
Venezuelan equine viral encephalomyelitis
Haemorrhagic disease of deer
Classical swine fever
African swine fever
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
Avian influenza
Newcastle disease
Foot-and-mouth disease
Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis in fish (EHN)
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish (EUS)
Infection with Bonamia exitiosa
Infection with Perkinsus marinus
Infection with Microcytos mackini
Taura syndrome in crustaceans
Yellowhead disease in crustaceans