Rows |
010 | BANKING ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO BASIC INDICATOR APPROACH (BIA) This row shall present the amounts corresponding to activities subject to the BIA to calculate the own funds requirement for operational risk (Articles 315 and 316 of CRR).
020 | BANKING ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO STANDARISED (TSA)/ALTERNATIVE STANDARDISED (ASA) APPROACHES The own funds requirement calculated according to the TSA and ASA (Articles 317 to 319 of CRR) shall be reported.
030-100 | SUBJECT TO TSA In the case of using the TSA, relevant indicator for each respective year shall be distributed in rows 030 to 100 amongst the business lines defined in Article 317, Table 2 of CRR. The mapping of activities into business lines shall follow the principles described in Article 318 of CRR.
110-120 | SUBJECT TO ASA Institutions using the ASA (Article 319 of CRR) shall report for the respective years the relevant indicator separately for each business line in the rows 030 to 050 and 080 to 100 and in the rows 110 and 120 for business lines ‘ Commercial banking ’ and ‘ Retail banking ’ .
Rows 110 and 120 shall present the amount of relevant indicator of activities subject to ASA distinguishing between those corresponding to the business line ‘ Commercial banking ’ and those corresponding to the business line ‘ Retail banking ’ (Article 319 of CRR). There can be amounts for the rows corresponding to ‘ Commercial banking ’ and ‘ Retail banking ’ under the TSA (rows 060 and 070) as well as under the ASA rows 110 and 120 (e.g. if a subsidiary is subject to TSA whereas the parent entity is subject to ASA).
130 | BANKING ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO ADVANCED MEASUREMENT APPROACHES AMA The relevant data for AMA institutions (Article 312 point 2 and Article 321 to 323 of CRR) shall be reported.
In the case of combined use of different approaches as indicated in Article 314 of CRR, information on relevant indicator for activities subject to AMA shall be reported. It is also the case for all other AMA banks.] ]