| References | Current period |
Parent and entities withjoint control orsignificant influence | Subsidiaries and otherentities of the same group | Associates and joint ventures | Key management ofthe institution or its parent | Other related parties |
IAS 24.19(a),(b) | IAS 24.19(c) | IAS 24.19(d),(e) | IAS 24.19(f) | IAS 24.19(g) |
Annex V.Part 2.120 | 010 | 020 | 030 | 040 | 050 |
010 | Interest income | IAS 24.18(a); IAS 18.35(b)(iii); Annex V.Part 2.21 | | | | | |
020 | Interest expenses | IAS 24.18(a); IAS 1.97; Annex V.Part 2.21 | | | | | |
030 | Dividend income | IAS 24.18(a); IAS 18.35(b)(v); Annex V.Part 2.28 | | | | | |
040 | Fee and commission income | IAS 24.18(a); IFRS 7.20(c) | | | | | |
050 | Fee and commission expenses | IAS 24.18(a); IFRS 7.20(c) | | | | | |
060 | Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss | IAS 24.18(a) | | | | | |
070 | Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non-financial assets | IAS 24.18(a); Annex V.Part 2.122 | | | | | |
080 | Increase or (-) decrease during the period in impairment and provisions for impaired debt instruments, defaulted guarantees and defaulted commitments | IAS 24.18(d) | | | | | |