Council Regulation (EU) 2015/2265Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EU) 2015/2265 of 7 December 2015 opening and providing for the management of autonomous Union tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the period 2016-2018

Council Regulation (EU) 2015/2265

of 7 December 2015

opening and providing for the management of autonomous Union tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the period 2016-2018


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 31 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


(1) Union supplies of certain fishery products currently depend on imports from third countries. In the last 18 years, the Union has become more dependent on imports to meet its consumption of fishery products. In order not to jeopardise the Union production of fishery products and to ensure an adequate supply to the Union processing industry, import duties should be reduced or suspended for a number of fishery products within tariff quotas of an appropriate volume. To guarantee a level playing field for the Union producers, the sensitivity of individual fishery products on the Union market should also be taken into consideration.

(2) Council Regulation (EU) No 1220/2012(1) opened and provided for the management of autonomous Union tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the period 2013-2015. Given that the period of application of that Regulation expires on 31 December 2015, it is important that the relevant rules contained therein be reflected in the period 2016-2018.

(3) Equal and uninterrupted access to the tariff quotas provided for in this Regulation should be ensured for all Union importers, and the rates laid down for the tariff quotas should be applied without interruption to all imports of the fishery products concerned into all Member States until the tariff quotas have been used up.

(4) Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93(2) provides for a system of tariff-quota management which follows the chronological order of the dates of acceptance of the declarations for release for free circulation. The tariff quotas opened by this Regulation should be managed by the Commission and the Member States in accordance with that system.

(5) The application of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada will alter the available preferential access to the Union market for shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis covered by a tariff quota provided for in this Regulation. That quota should therefore be adapted to ensure the same level of preferential supply to the Union market as before the entry into force or provisional application of that Agreement.

(6) The application of the additional protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway that was negotiated in parallel to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 will alter the available preferential access to the Union market for herrings covered by two tariff quotas provided for in this Regulation. Those quotas should therefore be adapted to ensure the same level of preferential supply to the Union market as before the entry into force or provisional application of that additional protocol.

(7) It is important to provide the fishery processing industry with security of supply of raw fishery materials to permit continued growth and investment, and, most importantly, to enable it to adapt to the replacement of suspensions by quotas without any disruption of supply. It is therefore appropriate to provide, in respect of certain fishery products to which suspensions have applied, for a system which triggers an automatic increase of the applicable tariff quotas under certain conditions.

(8) To ensure the efficiency of a common management of the tariff quotas, Member States should be permitted to draw from the tariff quota amount the necessary quantities corresponding to their actual imports. Since that method of management requires close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission, the Commission should be able to monitor the rate at which the tariff quotas are used up and should inform the Member States accordingly,


Article 1

Import duties on the products listed in the Annex shall be reduced or suspended within the tariff quotas at the rates, for the periods and up to the amounts indicated therein.

Article 2

The tariff quotas referred to in Article 1 of this Regulation shall be managed in accordance with Articles 308a and 308b and Article 308c(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.

Article 3

1.The tariff quota applicable under order number 09.2794 for shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis and Pandalus montagui, cooked and peeled, for processing, set in the Annex to this Regulation at 30 000 tonnes per year, shall be automatically reduced to 7 000 tonnes per year starting from 1 January of the year following that in which the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first.

2.The tariff quota applicable under order number 09.2788 for herrings, of a weight exceeding 100 g per piece or flaps of a weight exceeding 80 g per piece, for processing, set in the Annex to this Regulation at 17 500 tonnes per year, shall be automatically reduced to 12 000 tonnes per year starting two months after the additional protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway that was negotiated in parallel to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first. However, no automatic reduction shall apply where the available balance of that tariff quota at the relevant moment is lower than or equal to 12 000 tonnes.

3.The tariff quota applicable under order number 09.2792 for herrings, spiced and/or vinegar-cured, in brine, preserved in barrels of at least 70 kg net drained weight, for processing, set in the Annex to this Regulation at 15 000 tonnes per year, shall be automatically reduced to 7 500 tonnes per year starting two months after the additional protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway that was negotiated in parallel to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first. However, no automatic reduction shall apply where the available balance of that tariff quota at the relevant moment is lower than or equal to 7 500 tonnes.

4.The Commission shall without undue delay inform Member States that the conditions established in paragraphs 1 to 3 have been fulfilled and shall publish information on the newly applicable tariff quota in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 4

1.Without undue delay, the Commission shall ascertain whether, as of 30 September of the relevant calendar year, 80 % of the annual tariff quota in respect of a fishery product to which this Article applies in accordance with the Annex has been used. If that is the case, the annual tariff quota set in the Annex shall be deemed to be automatically increased by 20 %. The increased annual tariff quota shall be the applicable tariff quota in respect of that fishery product for the relevant calendar year.

2.At the request of at least one Member State and without prejudice to paragraph 1, the Commission shall ascertain whether 80 % of the annual tariff quota in respect of a fishery product to which this Article applies in accordance with the Annex has been used prior to 30 September of the relevant calendar year. If that is the case, paragraph 1 shall apply.

3.The Commission shall without undue delay inform Member States that the conditions established in paragraphs 1 or 2 have been fulfilled and shall publish information on the newly applicable tariff quota in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.

4.No further increase may apply for the relevant calendar year to a tariff quota increased according to paragraph 1.

Article 5

The Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States shall cooperate closely to ensure the proper management and control of the application of this Regulation.

Article 6

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 7 December 2015.

For the Council

The President

C. Cahen



Expressed in net weight, unless otherwise stated.


The tariff quota is subject to the conditions laid down in Articles 291 to 300 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.


The tariff quota is not available for products intended solely for one or more of the following operations:

  • cleaning, gutting, tailing, heading,

  • cutting,

  • repacking of frozen IQF (individually quick frozen) fillets,

  • sampling, sorting,

  • labelling,

  • packing,

  • chilling,

  • freezing,

  • deep freezing,

  • glazing,

  • thawing,

  • separation.

The tariff quota is not available for products intended, in addition, to undergo treatment or operations which give quota entitlement, where such treatment or operations are carried out at retail or catering level. The reduction of import duties shall apply only for products intended for human consumption.

The tariff quota is, however, available for materials intended for one or more of the following operations:

  • dicing,

  • cutting into rings, cutting into strips for materials under CN codes 0307 49 59, 0307 99 11, 0307 99 17,

  • filleting,

  • production of flaps,

  • cutting of frozen blocks,

  • splitting of frozen interleaved fillet blocks.


Products under CN codes 0306 16 99 (TARIC subdivisions 20 and 30), 0306 26 90 (TARIC subdivisions 12, 14, 92 and 93), 1605 21 90 (TARIC subdivisions 45 and 62), 1605 29 00 (TARIC subdivisions 50 and 55), 0306 17 92 (TARIC subdivision 20), 0306 27 99 (TARIC subdivision 30), 0306 17 99 (TARIC subdivision 10) and 0306 27 99 (TARIC subdivision 20) shall, notwithstanding footnote (2), qualify for the quota if they undergo the operation of subjecting the shrimps and prawns to processing treatment by packaging gases as defined in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 16).


Tariff quota 09.2794 is automatically reduced to 7 000 tonnes per year starting from 1 January of the year following that in which the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first.


Tariff quota 09.2788 is automatically reduced to 12 000 tonnes per year starting two months after the additional protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway that was negotiated in parallel to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first.


Tariff quota 09.2792 is automatically reduced to 7 500 tonnes per year starting two months after the additional protocol to the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway that was negotiated in parallel to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 enters into force or is applied provisionally, whichever occurs first.


Expressed in net drained weight.


Body of cephalopod or the squid headless and without tentacle, with skin and fins.


Article 4 applies.

Order NoCN codeTARIC subdivisionDescriptionAnnual amount of quota (tonnes)aQuota dutyQuota period
09.2759ex 0302 51 1020Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and fish of the species Boreogadus saida, excluding livers and roes, fresh, chilled or frozen, for processingb c75 000j0 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0302 51 9010
ex 0302 59 1010
ex 0303 63 1010
ex 0303 63 3010
ex 0303 63 9010
ex 0303 69 1010
09.2765ex 0305 62 0020Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and fish of the species Boreogadus saida, salted or in brine, but not dried or smoked, for processingb c4 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0305 69 1010
09.2776ex 0304 71 1010Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus macrocephalus), frozen fillets and frozen meat, for processingb c38 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 71 9010
ex 0304 95 2110
ex 0304 95 2510
09.2761ex 0304 79 5010Blue grenadier (Macruronus Novaezelandiae), frozen fillets and other frozen meat, for processingb c17 5000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 95 9011
09.2798ex 0306 16 9920Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis and Pandalus montagui, in shells, fresh, chilled or frozen, for processingb c d10 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0306 26 9012
09.2794ex 1605 21 9045Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis and Pandalus montagui, cooked and peeled, for processingb c d30 000e0 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 1605 29 0050
09.2800ex 1605 21 9055Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus jordani, cooked and peeled, for processingb c d3 5000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 1605 29 0060
09.2802ex 0306 17 9220Shrimps and prawns of the species Penaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon, whether in shell or not, fresh, chilled or frozen, not cooked, for processingb c d40 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2016
ex 0306 27 993030 000



09.2760ex 0303 66 1110Hake (Merluccius spp. excluding Merluccius merluccius, Urophycis spp.) and pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes and Genypterus capensis), frozen, for processingb c15 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0303 66 1210
ex 0303 66 1310
ex 0303 66 1911
ex 0303 89 7091
ex 0303 89 9030
09.2774ex 0304 74 1910North Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), frozen fillets and other meat, for processingb c15 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 95 5010
09.2770ex 0305 63 0010Anchovies (Engraulis anchoita), salted or in brine, but not dried or smoked, for processingb c2 5000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
09.2754ex 0303 89 4510Anchovies (Engraulis anchoita and Engraulis capensis), frozen, for processingb c1 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
09.2788ex 0302 41 0010Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), of a weight exceeding 100 g per piece or flaps of a weight exceeding 80 g per piece, excluding livers and roes, for processingb c17 500f0 %




ex 0303 51 0010
ex 0304 59 5010
ex 0304 99 2310
09.2792ex 1604 12 9911Herrings, spiced and/or vinegar-cured, in brine, preserved in barrels of at least 70 kg net drained weight, for processingb c15 000g h5 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
09.2790ex 1604 14 2610Fillets known as ‘loins’ of tunas and skipjack, for processingb c25 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 1604 14 3610
ex 1604 14 4611
09.2785ex 0307 49 5910Podi of squid (Ommastrephes spp. — excluding Todarodes sagittatus (synonym Ommastrephes sagittatus) — Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) and Illex spp., frozen, with skin and fins, for processingb c40 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0307 99 1110
ex 0307 99 1721
09.2786ex 0307 49 5920Squid (Ommastrephes spp., Todarodes spp. — excluding Todarodes sagittatus (synonym Ommastrephes sagittatus) — Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.) and Illex spp., frozen, whole or tentacles and fins, for processingb c1 5000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0307 99 1120
09.2777ex 0303 67 0010Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), frozen, frozen fillets and other frozen meat, for processingb c300 000j0 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 75 0010
ex 0304 94 9010
09.2772ex 0304 93 1010Surimi, frozen, for processingb c60 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 94 1010
ex 0304 95 1010
ex 0304 99 1010
09.2746ex 0302 89 9030Southern red snapper (Lutjanus purpureus), fresh, chilled, for processingb c1 5000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
09.2748ex 0302 90 0095Hard fish roes, fresh, chilled or frozen, salted or in brine, for processingb c7 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0303 90 9091
ex 0305 20 0030
09.2750ex 1604 32 0020Hard fish roes, washed, cleaned of adherent organs and simply salted or in brine, for processing of caviar substitutesb c3 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
09.2778ex 0304 83 9021Flatfish, frozen fillets and other fish meat (Limanda aspera, Lepidopsetta bilineata, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, Limanda ferruginea, Lepidopsetta polyxystra), for processingb c5 0000 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0304 99 9965
09.2824ex 0302 52 0010Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), fresh, chilled or frozen with heads off, gilled and gutted, for processingb c5 0002,6 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0303 64 0010
09.2826ex 0306 17 9910Shrimps and prawns of the species Pleoticus muelleri, whether in shell or not, fresh, chilled or frozen, for processingb c d10 0004,2 %1.1.2016-31.12.2018
ex 0306 27 9920

Council Regulation (EU) No 1220/2012 of 3 December 2012 on trade related measures to guarantee the supply of certain fishery products to Union processors from 2013 to 2015, amending Regulations (EC) No 104/2000 and (EU) No 1344/2011 (OJ L 349, 19.12.2012, p. 4).


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code (OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1).