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1.The capital requirement for health mortality risk shall be equal to the loss in basic own funds of insurance and reinsurance undertakings that would result from an instantaneous permanent increase of 15 % in the mortality rates used for the calculation of technical provisions.
2.The increase in mortality rates referred to in paragraph 1 shall only apply to those insurance policies for which an increase in mortality rates leads to an increase in technical provisions without the risk margin. The identification of insurance policies for which an increase in mortality rates leads to an increase in technical provisions without the risk margin may be based on the following:
(a)multiple insurance policies in respect of the same insured person may be treated as if they were one insurance policy;
(b)where the calculation of technical provisions is based on groups of policies as referred to in Article 35, the identification of the policies for which technical provisions increase under an increase of mortality rates may also be based on those groups of policies instead of single policies, provided that it yields a result which is not materially different.
3.With regard to reinsurance obligations, the identification of the policies for which technical provisions increase under an increase of mortality rates shall apply to the underlying insurance policies only and shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph 2.
Editorial Information
X1 Substituted by Corrigendum to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 of 10 October 2014 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) (Official Journal of the European Union L 12 of 17 January 2015).